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Well no. With standard subtitles all the rules. But when the movie subtitle is not complete, but there are some thread somewhere in the vast web, then they can be out of sync. If you absolutely do not sync, pause, and so different - Then it is all right, God bless him. But often the situation when during the whole movie the subtitles are lagging behind, say, for a couple of seconds.Usually it is ...
It's just a pity that not so recent revisions on Aphthona and Longitarsus are not openly posted they exist? give a link to the name, and then maybe to the address
я точно рехнусь с этими бабочками. вроде, всё отсортировал, но пока вчера фотографировал ещё 3! вида обнаружил 36 ? Eupseudosoma ? aberrans37 ? Eupseudosoma sp может просто самка того же вида Сообщение было отредактировано AGG - 07.01.2014 11:31
The photo Pasiphila debiliata, as an illustration of this type of error remained. Thanks for the tip.
Please make a note about who exactly said that on molbiol as many of the molbiol folks (including your humble servant) also author here. Will be easier to move :)
I want to make an offer to the poster that you should write the exact species names when uploading photos to the site. For example: Hypomecis punctinalis is written that way, and not punctialis ; Chloroclystis v-ata is written with a hyphen, and not v ata .Compliance with these rules you will greatly facilitate the work of the moderators so as photos with the misspelled Latin names are ...
Peter, it is necessary to correct the name of the species Daddala brevicauda Wileman & South; Holloway, 1976 to Daddala brevicauda (Wileman & South, 1921) some confusion in the network with it, that's messed up.
Following external caracteristics, there is no possibility to make a difference between variata and britannica. For the males, there is a difference in the antennae, only visible after enlargement. Otherwise, only genital examination can give a definite answer.