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H. filigrama.
Well then, so be it)) Just light it you have some) That's what affinis in Moscow: On both sides darker. Therefore the question has arisen)
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Appias olferna / Confidently identified / Female / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Appias olferna / Confidently identified / Female / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Diarsia rubi / Tentatively identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Xestia baja / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
friends!WE ARE GLAD TO INFORM YOU ABOUT THE REPLENISHMENT of the types that are ALREADY on SALE! SO:Goliathus goliatus L2/1шт - 2000рMecynorrhina polyphemus L1/1шт - 700рWrite to your emailaddress filinpro@bk.ruThis post was edited by FILLIN - 13.08.2015 18: 22 Pictures:IMG_114833333_______.jpg — (428.23к) IMG_1190.jpg — (730.99к)
Update as of mats. Yuri, ideally need to catch this species and to investigate. In the instance depicted Kononenko strigula of Primorye, but on the map of areas for Primorye points for strigula not drawn only shaded area west of the Urals, which is suggestive. It is quite possible that this is closely related species, which differ only in the genitals.Other nolid its tables differ in appearance ...
With regard to color shifts. Only the author of the image, and then only with a fresh mind can say what shade a butterfly. Place this file on purpose, in order to compare with .. On both images no color shift, those. shades are what were at the time of the shooting.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Papilio memnon / Confidently identified / Female / Alex Dumchus.
Not necessarily blueberries. She did polyphage. It is simply a list of kormovuhi was cut very much. Expand it)))
Leon, on the future - because Comment refers to the mind, not the pictures, it is best to post it on the page type There you can wait for an answer and quickly ...
Carabus (Lipaster) stjernvalli s. str. Mannerheim, 1830Georgia, Ajara-Imereti region, Ozurgeti settlement, h=2200 m. VI-2015 Pictures:Gomi_mix.jpg — (123.45к)
Yeah, I figured. Forgotten, that is old-school forum. Here you can not just copy the link, you must first click on it =)
The Insect will have a good section of ants with a competent curator. So don't worry about zoning:--)
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 21—25 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → May, June, July, August.
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 20—28 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → May, June, July, August.
Corrected data. Not identified → Xanthorhoe spadicearia / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Ornithoptera priamus / Confidently identified / Male / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Goodness! Simple and Research in quotes .. Okay. I can perefotat German determinant table, no question. Something to translate if necessary. But of course, these tables can not be exhibited here, and it is necessary to make your own. And with improvements. If you need to give the address of Internet - shop where the determinant of the day butterflies there.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Lexias pardalis / Confidently identified / Male / Alex Dumchus.
Corrected data. Not identified → Coenonympha pamphilus / Confidently identified / Alexander Belousov.