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Corrected data. Not identified → Diasemia reticularis / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
1. Copyright is already now beginning to be put in a, and on 2. When the page is loaded with the type or photo will fly glitch with hyphens (earlier if the name of the species contained a hyphen (Polygonia c-album, etc.), the Fota could not attached to the form. Now all the rules. 3.Increased the size of the maximum size of the photos (those that pop up when you ...
1). Feed. As stated in the article cottagers do not have to take up the sprayer. All the work for them, make them one APANTELES, while vegetables are environmentally friendly. 2). Knowing who they are. People stop to remove the same, these yellow cabbage pupa, stops them considered as pests.Someone maybe curiosity will move more ...
To a person who stubbornly refuses to read and understand my elementary simple phrases, I am powerless to answer.Brrr..Somehow it does not look like an elementary simple phrase "To a person who stubbornly refuses to read" ))) How many crickets have I caught? Nah, so how many crickets did you catch with a cricket??
Dear colleagues, good afternoon!Maybe someone can help with the question described below?We need beetles of the genus Phymata-from any place, especially everything between the Caspian Sea and China I am ready to help forward the material to Austria.Thank you in advance!DM---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Rabitsch Wolfgang <>Date: 2015-08-03 ...
All, thank you, number five in this picture, in my opinion, revealed the topic. I'll go get a fly swatter and put Valerian with Corvalol in its place...I calmed my wife down with a"whisper", I didn't find a photo similar to the picture, everything is a la maggots, smooth worms, but it doesn't matter)) She treats insects with "trepidation"...Choose for every taste ...
Igor, please indicate precisely the geography, which is understandable to you, is not always clear to others. :)
Corrected data. Elophila interruptalis / Tentatively identified / Igor Sakhno → Elophila nymphaeata / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Oh, it's good that we have neither the laws of the Russian Federation nor the laws of Ukraine do not apply, but we don't have our own CC yet. So you can safely dig whatever you want, as long as the army patrol does not flood the Ukrainian sabotage. So if I see any burrows this year and don't see any warriors around, I'll dig them up.
It got so bad, apparently frayed, and after one fotovystrela fall .. But similar to those Ph other butterflies, the Portuguese, who would like to put more, not yet. Is there still tolstogolovka. But it is not in the bill. Main European butterfly (Charaxes jasius), the biggest, has failed to see .. What a pity.But he saw another, no less ...
Colleagues, please help us with information on the current distribution of the imported Anobiidae species - Ozognathus cornutus - in Europe. Preferably with links to publications from the last 2-3 years.Thank you in advance, and photos of the bug are attached. Pictures:Gen._sp_1.jpg — (556.05к) Gen._sp2.jpg — (364.65к)
Corrected data. Not identified → Scotopteryx chenopodiata / Confidently identified / Basil Sergienko.
Do not infa flies in these columns ever. Sometimes flies determining if the transfer at a time when the author is not over the time limit for independent editing LK :)
Krupnoglazka Egeria in the Moscow region is really prevalent locally. And in the eastern region on personal observations and at all rare.So, yesterday, having gone for mushrooms, just to the east of Defense unexpectedly I found another location where it is plentiful and fairly and clearly in the second generation, which is the species It was passed the route with a total length of about 14 ...
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Melanargia russiae / Confidently identified / Female / Alexander Belousov.