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OK! .. need somewhere to store the logic of behavior in similar situations of question ... I think somewhere it is written =)
FAQ or something.
And ideally to opredelitelstva that they also cook? ..
and here...
here somehow not defined ...
pretty caterpillar =)
Peter, I think this is due to the time period in the picture and erased after pouring an hour about ...
and what it is not fotkali in nature and did not catch? .. Case consists one :))
Got photos of Tachinidae from this caterpillar. Share?
with a house, yes, it did not happen immediately)
I agree. rear wings when raspravke very beautiful. sorry then they lose it all somehow.
he is just going with the spirit of cooking :)
and a person's profile says that he is working at the institute. it is entirely possible collection samples.
Dichrorampha petiverella
Tr ... top wings :)
It must be a new tag!
I have so a rotary screen))
and the story of the shooting was that the object was a tall ... standing on tiptoe.
in a toga, when he wanted to move - a butterfly flew away.
I know ... no :(
This not mastered = (
there are also doubts ... some it is whitish or something ...
Please see the definition of ...
spot in the middle cell is not like
pussy like that ... it's a camouflage for mold or fungus? ))
Good luck! =)
crop would be more tightly ...
That's what kind of tired ... read do not like something, and the "neck" ... :))) It is necessary to go to sleep)
Here at a butterfly wing with the letter T must be taken for the alphabet :)
Yuri, in our catalog on page copy of the form is almost white.
It's a sexual dimorphism, or a copy of polёtanny?
Malinellus - yes ... I do not even doubt. Forces did not have to write :)
But with photo gusyanok - deceived. It turns out did not do photos for the city. Fotkal only chalet copies. And I lay them separately.
I like it :) coloring their pupae
Victor, any underside pics?.. can be even not clear (just give a link).
Wow ... these "palps" once-a mustache for antennki work or is it a purely "mouthparts"?
I assumeChiasmia clathrata
Please see the definition.
For quality sorry. What was, and the shot: D
Frightened, I did not write.
But wrote Ranetka-wildings. The fine was. All the trees are eaten to the state "stems instead of leaves."
Lay necessarily gusyanok pictures. This pack has laid out so as not to forget.
of course have. I lay out today or tomorrow.
house is :)
plus more straightened.
in my view only one qualifier specified. but it seems it is not. I will not point to avoid confusion.
this is a Case consists gusyanka or herself that? ..
new tag - two males and one female =)
Cupido minimus
Loxostege sticticalis?
And now the place to identify? =)
Ostrinia nubilalis
Chrysoteuchia culmella
Platyptilia gonodactyla
Thyatira batis
Stauropus fagi
Timandra comae
Timandra comae
Epirrhoe hastulata?
Chiasmia clathrata
I suppose more poisonous? ..)
Agapeta hamana?
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