Posts from the Blog. Please, write to the editor if you want to post your text about insects in the blog.
The Faculty of Biology was the first faculty of the university as it was opened in 1916. Today it consists of 9 departments which are the Department of Botany, Department of Zoology, Department of Ecology, Department of Biochemistry and Plant ...
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Next few days and no more in the Perm city Butterfly Park you can see the alive Atlas moth (@@Attacus atlas@@) which is one of the biggest world's moths both by its total wing surface area and wingspan. The wingspan can reach 25cm and even more, ...
There are two giraffes at the video thumbnail.
The American Museum of Natural History in New York published a well-done book set 'The Exquisite Butterfly Companion: The Science and Beauty of 100 Butterflies' which includes a field guide to identify 100 butterfly and moth species plus 100 ...
The American Museum of Natural History in New York published a well-done book set 'The Exquisite Butterfly Companion: The Science and Beauty of 100 ...
Every year since 2003 The Association for the Environment and Nature Protection of Germany (Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland) chooses a butterfly or moth and announces it The Butterfly of the Year (Schmetterling des Jahres). This status ...
Every year since 2003 The Association for the Environment and Nature Protection of Germany (Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland) chooses a ...
The Lepidopterists' Society was created in 1947 by students Charles L. Remington and Harry K. Clench in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They announced to their colleagues the intention to create a society which would be aimed at popularizing the studying ...
The Lepidopterists' Society was created in 1947 by students Charles L. Remington and Harry K. Clench in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They announced to ...
According to a survey made by Butterfly Conservation and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) nearly three-quarters of all UK butterflies and moths have shown its reducing over the last decade when even rather common Lepidoptera have ...
According to a survey made by Butterfly Conservation and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) nearly three-quarters of all UK butterflies and ...