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The Lepidopterists' Society annual meeting will be held on July 23—29, in Denver, CO

Community and ForumBlogThe Lepidopterists' Society annual meeting will be held on July 23—29, in Denver, CO

Lev Bely, 24.01.2012 21:25

The Lepidopterists' Society was created in 1947 by students Charles L. Remington and Harry K. Clench in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They announced to their colleagues the intention to create a society which would be aimed at popularizing the studying of Lepidoptera. They decided to publish on a regular basis a thematic bulletin and also promote everyway the exchange of butterflies/moths and ideas between both lepidopterists and amateurs. Initially named The Lepidopterists' Union it was afterwards changed to The Lepidopterists' Society as it's known nowadays.

The first annual society meeting was held on December, 1950, and today there are members from over than 60 countries. This year meeting is organized together with SEL, The Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica, it will take place on July 23—29 at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Colorado. The info about registration, accomodation, time-line is available on the museum website http://www.dmns.org/lepidopterists-annual-meeting. The meeting agenda: http://www.dmns.org/media/466859/lepidopterists2012-15oct11.pdf. Online check-in is now open: $150 entrance fee early check-in till April, 30, $165 regular, $135 for students.

The Lepidopterists' Society, http://www.lepsoc.org/, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, http://www.dmns.org/.

The Lepidopterists' Society 2010 meeting in Leavenworth, Washington:

All the rest posts on: event, The Lepidopterists' Society, USA


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