Posts from the Blog. Please, write to the editor if you want to post your text about insects in the blog.
On October, 8th at 18:00 the North Indian River County Library in Sebastian, Florida (US), hosts a Pelican Island Audubon Society meeting 'Florida’s Endangered Butterflies: Agency Actions and In-Actions', to discuss how the U.S. Fish and ...
On October, 8th at 18:00 the North Indian River County Library in Sebastian, Florida (US), hosts a Pelican Island Audubon Society meeting ...
Caterpillars also hang out, go to gigs and dance as all decent people. Say, to listen to Canadian brothers The Moffatts, which demonstrate how should a good caterpillar properly crawl. The sure thing! The Moffatts, Caterpillar Crawl (The Moffatts, ...
Caterpillars also hang out, go to gigs and dance as all decent people. Say, to listen to Canadian brothers The Moffatts, which demonstrate how should ...
Butterflies are fairly nice and even wonderful, however shall we not forget that they all used to be caterpillars once, which were munching leaves, scaring kids, being scared themselves, hanging, crawling, stinging, snoozing and falling down, and ...
Butterflies are fairly nice and even wonderful, however shall we not forget that they all used to be caterpillars once, which were munching leaves, ...
Every autumn when trees are ablaze with red, and early in the morning you can smell in the air the forthcoming winter, about billion of monarch butterflies (@@Danaus plexippus@@) go off on a long trip of about 3500 km from America and Canada to ...
Every autumn when trees are ablaze with red, and early in the morning you can smell in the air the forthcoming winter, about billion of monarch ...
La Mariposa is a song from an American trio The Powder Kegs based in Philadelphia, PA (US). They play indie, folk and pop rock music occasionally enlivened with a trombone section by Dylan Hume. This song, as well as their whole EP 'Empty Side', is ...
La Mariposa is a song from an American trio The Powder Kegs based in Philadelphia, PA (US). They play indie, folk and pop rock music occasionally ...
According to a new research, plants can “call for help” to spare themselves from the butterfly offspring as when the latter are just about to lay eggs. It's found out that plants start evolving scents and other volatile chemicals as a ...
Updated with BBC News video on how plants warn each other of danger. The embed code is sadly not available, so you may watch the video right on the ...
Plain but really fascinating song 'Vicky's Butterfly' from a Belgian band The Tritones, which you can also hear in a rather adult Koen Mortier's film 'Ex Drummer' (2007). The film is quite kinky, and to assume this rubric was about movies, the 'Ex ...
Plain but really fascinating song 'Vicky's Butterfly' from a Belgian band The Tritones, which you can also hear in a rather adult Koen Mortier's film ...
While some of us spend workdays playing busy bees, a group of kids, namely 20, together with their parents next-to-last Thursday all went over the Oxbow Eco-Center what's in Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida (US). There they were greeted ...
While some of us spend workdays playing busy bees, a group of kids, namely 20, together with their parents next-to-last Thursday all went over the ...
Anna Maria Sofia Cecilia Kalogeropoulou, or simply Maria Callas, known worldwide for her greatest soprano voice, excellently performed the aria of Cio-Cio San from the Puccini's opera “Madama Butterfly”. It sounds as powerful as tragical their ...
Goes well. Would be better though with headphones or good loudspeakers...
Guantanamo is curiously not only a butterfly hotspot, but also the birthplace of Leyanis Lopez and, later, of her song 'Como La Mariposa'. She has the sort of voice that prompts you to surrender immediately, and with no resistance. If there could be ...
Guantanamo is curiously not only a butterfly hotspot, but also the birthplace of Leyanis Lopez and, later, of her song 'Como La Mariposa'. She has ...
Winged Tapestries: Moths at Large travelling exhibition from the Canadian Museum of Nature is now at the Royal Alberta Museum (Edmonton) until September 3rd. The fantastic beauty and amazing biodiversity of moths in the Ottawa region captured Jim ...
Jim des Rivières' 'Winged Tapestries: Moths at Large' travelling exhibition opens September 29th at the American Museum of Natural History, New York ...
Researchers from the Florida Museum of Natural History documented 51 butterfly species at the Guantanamo bay US naval base, Cuba. The local wildlife surprisingly turned to be rather rich and abundant with different species. The naval base, which ...
Researchers from the Florida Museum of Natural History documented 51 butterfly species at the Guantanamo bay US naval base, Cuba. The local ...
Another punk rock band, British also, chanting 'The Butterfly Song'. Splodgenessabounds, The Butterfly Song (Two Little Boys, 1980)
Another punk rock band, British also, chanting 'The Butterfly Song'. Splodgenessabounds, The Butterfly Song (Two Little Boys, 1980)
Once upon a time Malcolm McLaren presented to Britain a punk rock band Sex Pistols, and himself either performed rather provocative for England as he was especially well-known for being pretty progressive and innovative as to the music or art in ...
Once upon a time Malcolm McLaren presented to Britain a punk rock band Sex Pistols, and himself either performed rather provocative for England as he ...
One more butterfly hunting season is nearly over and it gradually turnes into home sessions with sorting the stuff, repairing nets and studying identification guides. But also this is the perfect time for visiting museums where the season is open ...
One more butterfly hunting season is nearly over and it gradually turnes into home sessions with sorting the stuff, repairing nets and studying ...
Philippine (supposedly) band Tambok and the Papilion song, kind of those that stick in your head once heard. Tak ma bok bok! Tambok, Papilion
Philippine (supposedly) band Tambok and the Papilion song, kind of those that stick in your head once heard. Tak ma bok bok! Tambok, Papilion
Federal inspectors in Halifax, Canada, search 2—3 ships a week checking for signs of invasive Asian gipsy moth (@@Lymantria dispar@@). This supposedly can do serious damage to Maritime forests. The checking procedure may take place only at the ...
Federal inspectors in Halifax, Canada, search 2—3 ships a week checking for signs of invasive Asian gipsy moth (Lymantria dispar). This ...
Irish musical ensemble Celtic Woman and fiddler Máiréad Nesbitt performing “The Butterfly” (Celtic Woman, 2005). Celtic Woman, The Butterfly
Irish musical ensemble Celtic Woman and fiddler Máiréad Nesbitt performing “The Butterfly” (Celtic Woman, 2005). Celtic Woman, The Butterfly
“The Magic of Butterfly Reinvention at MGM” is the first butterfly exhibition on Macau, China, to open on May, 16th in a new “Butterfly Pavilion” built at the MGM Macau resort. During the next six months the exhibition will be displaying ...
Over 200,000 people visited “The Magic of Butterfly Reinvention at MGM” exhibition since its opening in May, The Macau Daily Times reports ...
Cultivating pomegranate in India is a quite profitable business. In recent years this has been rapidly developing and being intensified with considerable irrigation entailed increase in pests. One of the most harmful is a gossamer-winged ...
Cultivating pomegranate in India is a quite profitable business. In recent years this has been rapidly developing and being intensified with ...
Beside that this ace song “Butterfly” by an American comedian and songwriter Clarence Reid (Blowfly) will surely rock an entomologist's day as well as one of any other 'ist, it also mentions animals and by that gives us all infinite pleasure. ...
Splendid. Even better considering that was in 1973.
Let's start the weekend with a song 'Poison Planet' by a Brazilian electronic band Blue Butterfly, playing cyberpunk, gothic, dark and industrial music. Blue Butterfly, Poison Planet (Poison Planet, 2008)
Let's start the weekend with a song 'Poison Planet' by a Brazilian electronic band Blue Butterfly, playing cyberpunk, gothic, dark and industrial ...
This Saturday, August 25th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Upper Schuylkill Valley Park in Royersford, Pennsylvania (US), hosts an annual butterfly celebration to come all the family. Come here to know more about lepidoptera life cycle and plants they're ...
This Saturday, August 25th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Upper Schuylkill Valley Park in Royersford, Pennsylvania (US), hosts an annual butterfly celebration ...
Today we've got another trio, also performing butterflies. Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexandr Zhiltsov and Nikolai Konstantinov singing “Butterflies” from the good movie Rozygrysh (Vladimir Menshov, 1976). “Butterflies” from the movie Rozygrysh
Today we've got another trio, also performing butterflies. Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexandr Zhiltsov and Nikolai Konstantinov singing “Butterflies” ...
The Fukushima 2011 nuclear disaster caused abnormalities in butterfly species on site, reporting a group of Japanese researches. “We conclude that artificial radionuclides from the Fukushima (No. 1) nuclear power plant caused physiological and ...
Whipped away from tests to Vladivostok.
Italian band Papillon Swing Trio performs music from the movie Latcho drom (Tony Gatlif, 1993). Papillon Swing Trio, Tchavolo Swing
Italian band Papillon Swing Trio performs music from the movie Latcho drom (Tony Gatlif, 1993). Papillon Swing Trio, Tchavolo Swing
Norwegian band a-ha and Butterfly, Butterfly (The Last Hurrah), 2010. a-ha, Butterfly, Butterfly (The Last Hurrah)
Norwegian band a-ha and Butterfly, Butterfly (The Last Hurrah), 2010. a-ha, Butterfly, Butterfly (The Last Hurrah)
Butterflies were sung of quite a few times, and some pieces made fairly well. Loads of beautiful music all around, of which good share honours butterflies. The new website rubric tagged music will feature musicians and bands that named themselves, ...
More! More!
Dogs are known to be rather brainy. Seems not that much to beat the samurai resurrected of the dead (see part 6). So this Irish terrier fails to catch... an idea. Argh.
Dogs are known to be rather brainy. Seems not that much to beat the samurai resurrected of the dead (see part 6). So this Irish terrier fails to ...
Biologist, tropical greenhouse Fitness House Group of Companies (Russia, Saint Petersburg) has an opening for a biologist to keep a tropical greenhouse. Duties include care for greenhouse butterflies and plants, leading excursions for visitors, ...
Biologist, tropical greenhouse Fitness House Group of Companies (Russia, Saint Petersburg) has an opening for a biologist to keep a tropical ...
A video from the Smithsonian Institution on how to wash and dry small and large insects of different species using fractionator. This might be useful for preparing insects caught in Malaise traps and pan traps. Subtitles added (the CC button).
A video from the Smithsonian Institution on how to wash and dry small and large insects of different species using fractionator. This might be useful ...
Those who do love to work in the garden or grow plants on a balcony, for to enjoy seasonally with a cheery, vivid greenery, sooner or later have to deal with some kind of a pest. The latter, as a rule, vexatiously damages the best and abundantly ...
Jaws (1975).
This Saturday, July 28th, Prairie Wetlands Learning Center arranges a short learning class named Moths at Midnight. This will take place in Minnesota (US), near Fergus Falls, from 10 to 11:30 p.m. Apparently, moths are not as popular as their ...
America is ahead of the rest, again.
Phuket Butterfly Garden Once during our trip in Phuket we got an idea to go see Phuket Butterfly Garden being allured by an advertisement which read it was a world's best one with over 40 species of butterfly mated there. Yet before we asked a ...
Few days ago the post was updated with photos.
Tweed River Art Gallery (Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia) presents a new exhibition for insect lovers named Beauty and Nature: Art of the Scott sisters. There you can see butterflies and moths, caterpillars and plants depicted in paintings and ...
Tweed River Art Gallery (Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia) presents a new exhibition for insect lovers named Beauty and Nature: Art of the Scott ...
So when it's the best time to slack off? Summer, obviously. The thing is that how to do it featly, even making some use of it. Butterfly walk might be the best activity of the kind. Southborough Open Land Foundation arranges Butterfly Walk this ...
Not here again...
Garden designer David Snow from Thousand Oaks, Southern California, US, insisted that monarch caterpillar (@@Danaus plexippus@@) would be removed from a pesticide label. David Snow considered it wrong that the chemical company Ortho put the ...
Caterpillars actually can be rather harmful, not too much though. Last year I've got a colony of large tortoiseshell caterpillars (Nymphalis ...
On Friday the 13th evil shall triumph, so does it, and the hero is to die, alas. However, no one can win all the time, like in the previous part 5, if it's fair and square. This Australian emerald-spotted tree frog was quite fast and sure-handed, no ...
Nice to watch before bed.
Supposedly, the smallest moth in the world is now at Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis. The other day senior museum scientist Steve Heydon was sorting insects collected during his expedition to the Democratic Republic of ...
Supposedly, the smallest moth in the world is now at Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis. The other day senior museum ...
The British company Oxitec “updated” diamondback moths (@@Plutella xylostella@@) by sterilizing males to reduce crop loss. Oxitec researchers made genetically modified sterile males which are to mate with non-laboratory, “wild” females of ...
The British company Oxitec “updated” diamondback moths (Plutella xylostella) by sterilizing males to reduce crop loss. Oxitec researchers made ...
Bombs and other explosives leave around an invisible chemical trace. In airports and other common places these microparticles, which dangling in the air, are detected by security dogs which has a special, trained nose. Yet such dogs are rather ...
Perfect male!
There is an amazing place near Nairobi, the capital of Kenya — Karura forest recently opened to visitors. Kenyan photographer Karue Wachira made pictures of the forest butterflies, which can be seen today at The Butterflies of Karura Forest 2012 ...
There is an amazing place near Nairobi, the capital of Kenya — Karura forest recently opened to visitors. Kenyan photographer Karue Wachira made ...
Unlike the preceding part 4, today's even fight one on one nearly ended in victory, save suddenly the near-winner got disloyally attacked from the rear. Confidence lost and the strong, powerful opponent has helplessly run off. If perpetual dominance ...
Unlike the preceding part 4, today's even fight one on one nearly ended in victory, save suddenly the near-winner got disloyally attacked from the ...
Moths are as marvelously diverse as wrongly misattended. They get rare minutes of fame when we enjoy our tea outside in summer accompanied by their shadows fluttering around lights. In fact, in the animal world those slight shadows play a role way ...
Senior Supporter Officer for Butterfly Conservation, Dorset Butterfly Conservation’s Head Office in Dorset (UK) has an opening for a Senior Supporter Officer. Butterfly Conservation is a leading wildlife charity working to conserve ...
Senior Supporter Officer for Butterfly Conservation, Dorset Butterfly Conservation’s Head Office in Dorset (UK) has an opening for a Senior ...
In Cumberland House Natural History Museum things go normally just as butterflies keep emerging from their cocoons. This process will last May to September in the museum butterfly house where a permanent high temperature kept. Other museum joys ...
In Cumberland House Natural History Museum things go normally just as butterflies keep emerging from their cocoons. This process will last May to ...
Moths, like many other insects, are led by smells when they seek for food, egg-laying site and, certainly, a mate. University of Utah recent research reveals how moth males prepare themselves to take a flight towards females that effuse ...
Moths, like many other insects, are led by smells when they seek for food, egg-laying site and, certainly, a mate. University of Utah recent ...
Fail again! Swanky penguins literally lost their balance trying to catch a butterfly. Tailcoats off, hairdos ruined, someone had to take an unplanned dive, another got a dangerous peck from its neighbour. Guys just should've have checked up ...
Looking forward to the next series :--)
Ted Edwards was so earnest in studying taxonomy that eventually appeared to be a honorary fellow of the Australian National Insect Collection and was also named on the Queen's Birthday Honours list for the services to taxonomy. Over 50 years Ted ...
Ted Edwards was so earnest in studying taxonomy that eventually appeared to be a honorary fellow of the Australian National Insect Collection and ...
Below you may find the list of Russian universities which offer education in the field of entomology. If you feel like a certain Russian uni (college, academy) should be put in this list and you're sure it lacks such, please mention its name and ...
Both added.