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I think unfairly here pared down to one person pervoopisatelya name :) In my opinion it is necessary to correct the name of the species in the Eupithecia conterminata (Lienig & Zeller, 1846) .
Pheosia rimosa fusiformis Matsumura, 1921- Now correctly so, but I can not add a sub-species, and to reduce the synonyms for Pheosia rimosa Packard, 1864 This is not right :) island subspecies described from Japan.
Types of delivery and Rhodocleptria Chazaria currently include the genus Heliothis (private message Alexei matte).
This name is not valid in general, generic combination is now Cephimallota colonella (Erschoff, 1874) Online (a synonym, and a typo, in the "Catalogue" Sineva)
Peter, here it is necessary to change the first source for № [137] on the № [36] Natural History Museum (, 2011 Entangled in them trite when creating views. I tried to identify the problem a separate topic.
Add to spread the list of regions of the Russian Federation in accordance Sinev. And in spreading confusion in Russia, the only species in the genus some)))
I recommend all the same in Butterflies use our catalog (Korb, Bolshakov, 2011), it is much more accurate Sinevskogo (especially proliferation)
According to the latest revision of the world Notodontidae & Oenosandridae (Lepidoptera) A.Schintlmeister, 2013, World Catalogue of Insects. Vo1. 11, there is podseystvo. There is a lot of mess in the taxonomy, it is necessary to create a new caution. :))
Only site Clossiana tritonia (Bober, 1812), in turn, is also synonymous with Boloria tritonia. Link Boloria tritonia (Bober, 1812) / Total online 3 types Clossiana elatus (Staudinger, 1892); Clossiana tritonia and Boloria trifonia Somehow it is not clear which of them synonymous, and who is not.
Yuri, born Damophila very valid, That I suffered representatives of this kind of precast kind Coleophora. It was a glitch. Something Peter did not complete. :))
Of the 6 species of this genus for the 37 and 40 region, only 6 species, of which only looks like this :) But is only 40 region. It is desirable to clarify.