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Photo #23064: Stigmatophora flava


Stigmatophora flava

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-08-03 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok

Comments on this image

25.08.2013 22:34, Peter Khramov


11.08.2013 8:47, Alex Dumchus

Thank you, Basil. I, for his dark, not guessed. Schazz go over everything.

10.08.2013 21:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov

08.10.2013 21:07 Alexander Dumchus:
And in what particular place hangs a sign "Indeterminate" ??
The gallery and the hanging: in the "accuracy of determining" need to select the degree of accuracy and click "Print".

10.08.2013 21:07, Alex Dumchus

And in what particular place hangs a sign "Indeterminate" ?? I somehow did not find, in addition to pop-up windows sometimes. She would hang somewhere in the classification or the Gallery. And again, I think it is right to give to the author at least, would bind to the old (well, at worst family) if the form does not know. For example: Automeris sp, and output Classification foty on race.Then, the ascent ph already way, the process will go faster determination. IMHO.

10.08.2013 20:48, Lev Bely

Yuri, as far as I know, the shop takes a lot of time now Peter. Well, live and when it is necessary, too. A push - a little, not a roller coaster down :)

10.08.2013 19:57, Yuri Semejkin

What Peter push it and so informed. Apparently there is some reason (perhaps technical) to suspend the process.

10.08.2013 19:19, Shamil Murtazin

Clean Statistics -1000 uncertain and controversial ~ 700 out of nearly 17,000 pictures.
If you do not mind dear moderators of the established system - why not leave it.In my understanding when moving in the direction of increasing need moderators feature backups in case of sabotage actions (sort of version control) to back the above actions on a specific photo. Probably something like that already.

In general, the flag is "inaccurate" on a site is not very clear for me.Photos still displayed along with tochnoopredelёnnymi, there is no clear indication of the inaccuracy (postscript in dopdannyh not read very well).Maybe in the upper right corner of the photo thumbnail to put an exclamation mark on a yellow background? :)
Well, in the derivation of the photos on the right type of the panels inaccurately defined separate from the group with a clear indication of? ..
(ideas-so many, but not the fact that they are all useful and following them will be better)

10.08.2013 19:11, Lev Bely

To what it advanced, I was just writing articles at times :) Maybe on Plantarium there is some technical foolproof, or cancellation of incorrect movements performed competently. Let's push Peter to quickly made it possible for at least a moderating, indeed, it will go.And there can be and to think about ordinary users, more precisely, a well-designed system, but think about it - is already taken for certain positions "with a salary and staffing", as used to say Comrade Novosel :) Same Wikipedia, which is written by people from around the world as In practice, a rough informational flaws,Although the system provides for verification of the content, but there is a verifiable arms reach ... So here, a lot of butterflies, the same amount will be transferred, someone needs to keep track of the correctness of movements, correct mistakes ... In general, while a carte blanche moderators: )

10.08.2013 18:51, Yuri Semejkin

I will not argue. You probably an advanced user. You know better . I just do not understand. Why Plantarium admin with this modernization are not afraid. Something was not seen abuse. Each renaming, moving fixed whom it is performed

10.08.2013 17:56, Lev Bely

All this is too much, of course. In good faith, you can naperenosit that years of accumulated material per day will turn into a pile of debris. I have here a site in the half put :)

10.08.2013 17:45, Yuri Semejkin

Basil, it is not clear what bad pictures of butterflies in nature. If only that sometimes absent or underside or the top one and the same individual (which is not true of the collector with material), and then you can argue. In nature, enough facilities where visual assessment is sufficient, without any further clarification.
With regard to the transfer. Yes, everything will be adjusted.I would do the right transfer provided to all participants, as is done, for example, Plantarium, blocking only the right to delete. Sighed and moderators have more room. I think you have and so leaves enough time to control the accuracy of determination

10.08.2013 16:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well then, can be accurate. All the same from a photo in nature no updates are not removed.
Suffered, he would. Only still do not have that right. Migrates only Peter: I do not know why a good idea stalled

10.08.2013 12:53, Yuri Semejkin

Along with a file # 23172 threw to view Matov AY He believes that the definition is done right. Ie these 2 pictures really Stigmatophora flava. So, gentlemen moderators decide: Wrap-not to transfer

06.08.2013 20:36, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Very conditionally (put in inaccurate):Stigmatophora flava

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