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Photo #29879: Ornithospila submonstrans


Ornithospila submonstrans

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Svetlana Shchavelina. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Irina Nikulina

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-05-24 00:00:00, Sabah, Borneo

Comments on this image

10.12.2014 14:28, Dmitriy Pozhogin

So are Thalassodes and Orothalassodes

10.12.2014 12:03, Irina Nikulina

Well, yes, in Pelagodes only cooking it is all about. And this is the 8th segment "of the male abdomen" appears as a major diagnostic feature on all kinds of photo Pelagodes after cooking. For example - any http://www.mothsofborneo.com/part-9/geometrini/geometrini_37_7.php.

10.12.2014 8:46, Dmitriy Pozhogin

8-th segment in the sense of the abdomen? There's all kind of almost all types of genital.

09.12.2014 17:00, Irina Nikulina

I am also very "love" species of these genera, Dmitry :))) particularly because it does not exist anywhere on the prescribed key is good :).Pelagodes - and can not be (there is still the 8th segment decides?) But there is in the description of types of Thalassodes and Orothalassodes and Diagnosis any defining characteristics and features that it is possible to collect all in one place, but the job of work that ...! (( And yet it is necessary to master, perhaps it will be useful)

09.12.2014 9:22, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Irina! Maybe even on maternity Pelagodes, Thalassodes and Orothalassodes Keys show, and then I broke the brain with them. By Ornithospila- great - and I cooked them.

09.12.2014 0:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Irina, thank you for Keys :) I think they will be useful for the future.
In fact, everything is relatively simple and straightforward with distinction "similar" species.

08.12.2014 18:57, Irina Nikulina

To comply with requests to paint the details Basil Identification signs. On mothsofborneo there is an indication that all six species are easily distinguishable on these grounds. I must say that not agree with Basil that "color fringing is not the first and last base and should be more signs." Sometimes the color fringe is the first and the last, that is,the only feature of closely related species.Just divide the 6 species on the 2 groups : a wavy bands - avicularia, submonstrans,
bipunctata and straight - sundaensis, cincta, succincta
1st group:
avicularia - discal spot on the LC V-shaped (chevron-shaped / chevron), red, and red fringe entirely
submonstrans - discal spot on the LC V-shaped, red and white fringe, a fringe of dark line in front of her,usually Fringe cross red marks in places where the veins.
bipunctata - discal spot on the LC small dot, red, white fringe, a fringe of dark line in front of her, red marks in places where the veins are rare.2nd group:
sundaensis - discal spot red
cincta - discal spot green, fringe and marginal line in front of it (the widest of all kinds), magenta, ZOC with uniformly colored underside. succincta - discal spot green, fringe whiter, crosses the red-coated, marginal line in front of the narrow fringe, red underside ZK - with a dark wide area at the apex.
I should add that the color "red" to all kinds of pointed, as in mothsofborneo - everywhere there is «red», but in fact he would rather varies from light brown to brick red.The key here http://www.mothsofborneo.com/part-9/geometrini/geometrini_22.php
A correlate symptoms with pictures here http://jpmoth.org/~dmoth/Digital_Moths_of_Asia/85_GEOMETROIDEA/04_GEOMETRIDAE/07_Geometrinae/framepage_geometrinae.html There's all of these species, not only avicularia Qual. It is better to look here https://www.flickr.com/photos/mothlady/8187890600/ I do not like to link to Flickr, but in this case is justified - a typical fringe is clearly visible)

08.12.2014 18:38, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I cut her and get exactly this kind of

08.12.2014 11:29, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Dmitry, I think that you are hasty transfer. It asked not to carry it anywhere yet. These are the butterflies, which is necessary to drive on the keys. Although I agreed with the suggestion, but still, in my opinion the color fringing is not the first and last base and should be more signs.

08.12.2014 8:12, Dmitriy Pozhogin Corrected data.

Not identified Ornithospila submonstrans / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

08.12.2014 0:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Judging by the colors of fringe, then I agree with the conclusion that it submonstrans.
But in spite of this it is important to get rid of its keys.
Irina, if you're really not difficult, the sign for, please do everything in detail.
Well, a reference to the Keys would like to have :) This is really important.

08.12.2014 0:33, Irina Nikulina

Yes, all the 6 types (she already looked and read) is well-defined features. By combining color / shape discal spots, fringe, the bond of all 6 clearly distinguishable. Tomorrow I will try to write everything, if necessary. Almost sure that the photoOrnithospila submonstrans

08.12.2014 0:25, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Irina, thanks for the timely issue. Unfortunately determined only by the notorious "habit." And he doubts is exactly my definition. Of course there are some differences, but I can not understand them yet. We need to find the keys and get rid of them to make an accurate verdict :)
I ask is will not tolerate. We must deal with them until the end.

07.12.2014 23:12, Irina Nikulina

Basil, as the definition is not the issue, then you know how to safely externally 5-6 all similar types of Borneo differ. That there was no doubt, if not difficult to write as this kind of, for example, to distinguish submonstrans http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/Digital_Moths_of_Asia/85_GEOMETROIDEA/04_GEOMETRIDAE/07_Geometrinae/22_Ornithospila/Ornithospila%20submonstrans/Ornithospila%20submonstrans.htm

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