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Photo #34282: Operophtera relegata


Operophtera relegata

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Irina Nikulina

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-10-20 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok

Comments on this image

21.10.2014 12:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yeah, okay, Alexander: what could be there. We work. No offense :)

21.10.2014 12:56, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, again we are going in a circle, some 99.9% - 50 to 50, once again read the last post of Yuri is kind of twins, but for some small differences, the author of his own kind is not recognized. :)) And he wants to believe. Now, if O. elegans train different from relegata, then we could talk about a higher percentage :)))

21.10.2014 12:46, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, I bring the apologies that you yap nerves, but concerns please quietly to the cavils, and he finds fault please, if you see someone else's mistakes. We all only benefit from this, the site will win. Tougher requirements and quality will grow in all. :))

21.10.2014 12:35, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, it was her last I checked thoroughly. Why I was sure. Very upset all this, honestly admit. Let vorzderzhimsya from mutual nitpicking, eh?
P.S. Especially as we have already proved that in the transfer of this butterfly, I was right initially, at 99, 9% (this is because the genitals of a picture in nature do not get it).

21.10.2014 12:23, Alexandr Zhakov

Very sorry, Basil, do not you see, the dispute was correct, the actions taken to identify the species of the best. Everybody is happy, all thanks. :) That would be so for other species, without haste and thoroughly. I understand that a utopia, but really want :)

21.10.2014 12:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov

And she is in the exact, since yesterday. And I do not see the point in this zatevanii, yesterday's debate.

21.10.2014 11:51, Irina Nikulina

Only now with a clear conscience can be put into precise. Eugene A. Thank you.

21.10.2014 11:41, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Heartily. Thank you, Yuri. It's like just what we wanted to prove :) At least now I have a clear conscience .......

21.10.2014 11:33, Yuri Semejkin

Answer Belyaev. Butterfly Ira picked correctly, ie the picture really Operophtera relegata. Regarding O. elegans, it is highly visually similar to O. relegata, determined only by the genitalia. There are some minor differences, but on a picture of them say, the view is very rare

21.10.2014 1:44, Yuri Semejkin

The file is transferred to Belyaev.

20.10.2014 19:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Add: moderator should trust such trusted users like you, Irina. Whereupon, otklanivayus of debate: the more I do here, obviously nothing.

20.10.2014 18:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov

About clarify the meaning of citing:
" NO - according to the literature (Kurentsovskie reading) relegata in Primorye usual, is more common. For example, in one of the reports, on 7 collection points 9 copies. relegata against 2 elegans . " So, what style (in capital letters) recruited, what I have highlighted in bold, usually it sounds like a statement. No offense :)

20.10.2014 18:31, Irina Nikulina

These things - where to transfer, in the exact or not - decides moderator. I wrote about his doubts minimal and justified them. Recommend moderating further action is absolutely necessary, I think. The point of citing unclear.

20.10.2014 18:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Such things are worth writing immediately, and not after the transfer:
"20.10.2014 16:16, Irina Nikulina: Sorry, do not have a computer has) The answer is - there is little doubt this, or minimal) Of course, other types of scanned or on one site, before you write, and do it always. Relegata seen before, a lot of it in the network, wrote, and Yuri is very typical specimens.All the characteristics of the form there. Why still minimal doubt - images Operophtera elegans Beljaev, 1996 the network has not found yet more ready to look), but - according to the literature (Kurentsovskie reading) relegata common in Primorye, is more common. For example, in one of the reports, on 7 collection points 9 copies. relegata against 2 elegans.Basil, a reference to jpmoth optional, I always start him on the DV-species. Uchtu, will she give references when determining a hurry, time is short. "

20.10.2014 18:21, Irina Nikulina

What absolutely agree with is the fact that to carry into accurate if "behind" is looming at least one kind of unreviewed, do not. Even if minimal doubt) wanted here just to write about it, but refrained) instead threw in Agent Jure wish to ask about the type of E.A.Belyaeva elegans, it would be very interesting to see.A fagata nothing to do with, I realized that Alexander was simply talking about the difficulty in determining the nature of even European species, to say nothing of the DV)

20.10.2014 18:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov

But this is clearly not fagata :) And why, do you think I did not check before the transfer? In the tropics, the way everything is not as smooth as you think you are mistaken. For example, if you take my Eupterote sp. http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/33244 Large butterfly and pretty spectacular, but I was not looking for it, and have not found so-far :)

20.10.2014 17:51, Alexandr Zhakov

I would not stand so boldly (which I from harm contradict :))) view from the kind where two European species, featuring many really can not. Do not like the other three ET on Japanese site where the images are not so much.I agree with Irina that fits very well in the form relegata, but behind elegans, obviously someone's double, just before the end of the twentieth century was incognito :) Belyaev, if I'm not mistaken, Yuri sometimes determines that its "krestrnika" learns or say no. Then, with a clear conscience, and could move.It is not the tropics, which is on the site and to identify similar images, here it is certainly Palearctic careful desirable. :))

20.10.2014 16:41, Irina Nikulina

Peter wanted to finish, in less than half an hour more, "Edit" button there. But the editing did not work (I tried 5 times) is appended here - in other species (at the same collection points) - 7 and 4 copies.

20.10.2014 16:29, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified Operophtera relegata / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

20.10.2014 16:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I believe the reasons for the transfer convincing enough. Goes to Operophtera relegata :)

20.10.2014 16:16, Irina Nikulina

Sorry, no companies have been) The answer is - there is little doubt this, or minimal) Of course, other types of scanned or on one site, before writing, and doing it always. Relegata seen before, a lot of it in the network, wrote, and Yuri is very typical specimens. All the characteristics of the form there.Why still minimal doubt - images Operophtera elegans Beljaev, 1996 the network has not found yet more ready to look), but - according to the literature (Kurentsovskie reading) relegata common in Primorye, is more common. For example, in one of the reports, on 7 collection points 9 copies. relegata against 2 elegans. Basil, a reference to jpmoth optional, I always start him on the DV-species.Uchtu, will she give references when determining a hurry, time is short.

20.10.2014 15:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov

One-same question (about the count of. Species) and I wanted to ask: http://www.jpmoth.org/Geometridae/Larentiinae/Operophtera_relegata.html

20.10.2014 15:01, Alexandr Zhakov

Irina, there are four species of the genus, no doubt?

20.10.2014 14:52, Irina Nikulina

Operophtera relegata, not just on the network saw it in the fall, as well as our brumata c fagata

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