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Photo #35219: Graphium antiphates


Graphium antiphates

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Alex Dumchus

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-11-08 00:00:00, Владивосток "Дом бабочек"

Comments on this image

14.11.2014 14:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov

For the link I gave, at the bottom there are links to both types: they are more :)

14.11.2014 14:08, Dmitriy Pozhogin

2,4,6 main signs of distinction. Peter Alexander's time to increase)))

14.11.2014 14:02, Alex Dumchus

And now I look, and Graphium epaminondas (http://swallowtails.net/). Well, it is quite unlike these two, much more on androcles. Moreover, he Andaman ostrovov- well, where it is in the collection, I have a collection in Andaman nothing, and you?

14.11.2014 13:50, Alex Dumchus

By Gr. decolor can answer: I imeetsyatakoy well as in Vas.Otlichiya:
1. The fourth black strip on the upper edge of a wing at dekolor shortened
2. Lower the black strip at the rear framing dekolor wider and reaches the edge of the wing.
3. Near to the calf black strip on the upper wing crosses all
4.In dekolor olee clearly marked stripes on the bottom (where the eyes have papillomas)
5. At the bottom near the tails of the second series of black strips at dekolor more pronounced
6. The second strip of the upper torso at dekolor stretched much further and is not cut off, and tapers to nothing ......
Unfortunately Graphium epaminondas not in the collection, so on it can not say anything.

14.11.2014 13:36, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Alexander! Explain the differences between categories
Graphium antiphates
Graphium decolor
Graphium epaminondas
Geography is unknown to us !!!

14.11.2014 13:32, Alex Dumchus

In my collection of one to one.

14.11.2014 9:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I brought the link :)

14.11.2014 9:41, Dmitriy Pozhogin

On what grounds was determined ???

14.11.2014 0:20, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Not identified Graphium antiphates / Confidently identified / Alex Dumchus.

13.11.2014 18:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov


13.11.2014 18:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov This species is identified correctly.

13.11.2014 14:24, Alex Dumchus

Graphium antiphates

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