Community and Forum → Website news and updates → A slight improvement in the system of loading pictures
Peter Khramov, 10.01.2011 15:16
Previously, in the field "Name of the species" must be entered (even with autocomplete) the Latin name of the species, and nothing more - only in this case, the photo is automatically picks up to the desired form. Otherwise - the name of the photo was from, but it could mean only hitch admin.Now, if you would like to avoid typing the name and use the auto-complete and easy skopipastit it from somewhere, even with the additional data (author, year, etc.) - Can safely and do: Photo still be picked up to the desired form.
Examples of valid data in the field "Name of the species' for Mnemosyne:
Note that nothing really bad will happen if the picture does not mesh with a view - I can always make a coupling by hand.But the less manual work, the faster and more accurate passes publication of new materials.
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