Community and Forum → Website news and updates → Editing and deleting their user photos
Peter Khramov, 15.01.2011 15:49
So, the first example of a suitable system is ready. Go to the downloaded images, each author can edit all the information about those photos that are loaded but not yet published, and delete them if necessary.In the Title box, type each photo has a system avtopodstanovok species names (like the one that is available on the download page of new photos).
System data editing on a photo can help not only when you have something mixed up when loading or learn something new after it, but when there is a desire to upload a lot of photos at once, even more so - similar in content (can be first all the load, and then enter the data for each of them).
ZYDownload photo archives is not ready yet, but soon will be.
Zzy With the internet and not just with an Internet continuing troubles, hopefully, next time get to network at least tonight or tomorrow afternoon, if I can respond to comments and so forth. Now only publish phot editing system.
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