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Let's share our experience about wasps

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsLet's share our experience about wasps

Охотник за осами, 15.07.2006 21:48

Let's share our experience about the wasp V. germanica, vulgaris, rufa dolichovespula vulgaris, media, silvestris, saxonica, etc
. Your observations, studies, studied life cycle, nests and dr


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15.07.2006 23:30, sealor

And what is the difference between the sexual apparatus of a male melifera and wasps and bumblebees?
As for the color of German nests, they are also gray. It seems to depend on where they get the nest material from. From what tree do your German students take their material?
And also, please tell me, what parameters of the average German nest do you have - the number of tiers, the number of uterine ones, the diameter of the nest, when the start of the bookmark and the end of the nest life cycle?

16.07.2006 10:19, Охотник за осами

so,so the number of honeycombs is from 5 to 9, we do not have German wasps make nests like this: color and material like hornets are fragile but strong and the usual gray but soft, this is mandatory, melifera has a white soft sexual apparatus, sexual horns are slightly reduced

17.07.2006 9:37, vespabellicosus

I have some questions : how many types of polysts are distributed in your country? What areas does the eastern hornet Vespa orientalis live in? And is there a Dolichovespula asiatica that can be found in Central Asia, including Kazakhstan?

26.07.2006 21:12, Охотник за осами

Vespa orientalis doesn't exist here, so we sent a picture of the Asian wasp,and I'll tell you about the polysters,I don't study them very much,we have yellow and black ones.

27.07.2006 9:47, vespabellicosus

It is strange,I took an encyclopedia on Kazakhstan from our library - nature, peoples,economy-it was published by the Soviet encore - it explicitly states that the eastern hornet comes to the extreme southern regions and even indicates its Kazakh name-e s e k a r a. Regarding the Asian wasp - despite persistent Internet searches, I can't find any images of it or even information about it ,so I asked you. The only informative page about it is on the Japanese systematic website of Ibaraki University.

27.07.2006 15:41, Охотник за осами

The only thing I can say is that eastern hornets can be located in the city of Shymkent,but not in Almaty

27.07.2006 15:42, Охотник за осами

All the facts that I am not saying yet are based on the observation in the city of Almaty

27.07.2006 15:47, Охотник за осами

I recently observed Saxon wasps, an amazing feature, they have a relatively long tongue, perhaps that's why they are so willing to visit flowers, just like bees, aggressiveness is low.

27.07.2006 15:52, Охотник за осами

And yet, I was once in Issyk-Kul, they have amazing wasps, they are like this:
The face is black and white,the first two segments of the abdomen are red, and the remaining segments are also black and white with stripes,the wasps are quite large, they are distinguished by stealing honey and sweets, they do not fly to garbage dumps, they are aggressive, but they are rare in distribution, perhaps this is the Central Asian wasp.

27.07.2006 16:12, vespabellicosus

Our Saxonians also often visit raspberries ,as well as some wild flowers: and now workers of medium-sized D. media wasps can often be observed on the inflorescences of umbrella flowers-Angelica sylvestris. And about your black-and-white oss - what kind of os do they belong to? Knowing the genus, it will be easier to determine up to the species.

28.07.2006 16:17, Охотник за осами

black-and-white wasps are the closest vulgaris species, I think.

28.07.2006 19:36, vespabellicosus

Once red spots - the first thought was that it was Rufa , but I had never heard of such inclinations, and it is unlikely that it is her. Regarding the black-and-white coloration , the closest Vespula species with this coloration is found in the Russian Far East and East Asia. This is Vespula shidai. And in Central Asia, as far as I know, there are only 3 species of vespula-vulgaris, germanica and rufa. Or maybe I can show you the photos?

29.07.2006 13:27, Охотник за осами

sent a photo of vespula shidai

08.08.2006 16:08, Охотник за осами

Uraaaaaaaaaa,I won a hornet's nest yesterday, now, it's part of my apiary!

08.08.2006 16:29, Охотник за осами

amazing news, vulgaris and germanica are the same species,they are just different OS races!

09.08.2006 9:06, vespabellicosus

Something I didn't understand about different races....

10.08.2006 12:31, Охотник за осами

well, the bees have rassas: Carpathian,Central Russian, Italian, Krajina, Caucasian and dr

10.08.2006 17:01, сеалор

And on the basis of what? And who did ITsmile.gif, can you read the article?

11.08.2006 9:42, vespabellicosus

Well, these are not races,but subspecies. As far as I know, vulgaris has such a color form - vespula vulgaris pseudogermana. I came across it, the patterns on the abdomen are quite similar to those of germanica. As a rule, all wasps in one nest have this pattern. And if you look at the general plan-a black spot on the platypus, the brown-yellow color of the nest and the small size of the workers are signs of vulgaris. Clean or with several dots trim, gray color of the nest, contrasting bright yellow-black colors and large workers - this is Germanic.

20.08.2006 13:59, Охотник за осами

Yes, and I also have a mini-laboratory for observing wasps - this is a terrarium, where I planted flowers, put a birdhouse, removed one wall in the birdhouse and put a window with the removed wall to the edge of the terrarium, now I know literally everything about the nest, pair it until they sewed the shell, I washed the nest from 6- ti sotami and one tolkochto started matochnikom, the volume of the aquarium is 140 cubic meters, tomorrow I will go hunting, there are three objects left, and I bought more birdhouses
I know everything about gneedo, and zhiznideyatelnost, behavior reaction, ask, be sure to answer!

20.08.2006 14:05, Охотник за осами

I have in the terrarium Germanica, there are two nests Germanica and one vulgaris, by the way Germanica uterus is more tenacious than vulgaris. and so the poison for the destruction of the guard should be used to a minimum, I went hunting yesterday and conquered the nests of vulgaris, but the queen died and tomorrow I will pull out this nest and unite it and get a MEGONEZDO with 12-13 honeycombs!

20.08.2006 21:05, vespabellicosus

Similarly, he kept vulgaris - only in a wooden house, and the house in a 20-liter aquarium. The aquarium was placed on a balcony on the 6th floor of a nine-story building. Despite this height and the fact that my house is in the center of the city - vulgaris successfully lived from the beginning of August to the first frost. True, there was some friction with the neighbors , but most of them still endured it at my request. This year, vulgaris and germanica are absent from our forests , although they are usually very common , especially vulgaris. This probably has something to do with past abnormal frosts. And how do you deal with these two types in Kazakhstan?

24.08.2006 16:03, Охотник за осами

we also have very few nests, but Germanica akazyvaetsya so tenacious that the ratio of Germanica to vulgaris as 3: 1

24.08.2006 16:04, Охотник за осами

of the oss, I adore vulgaris, they are more peaceful than Germanic, but less resistant to negative factors

24.08.2006 16:13, Охотник за осами

I live in the foothills of Tianshan in front of Mount Medeu in the district of Chimbulak , there is a small gorge - ravine, I love this place, I call it "hornet's paradise" there is a nest for every 50 m, every year I take away five nests from there, but I do not arrange total hunting.otherwise, there will be no one to hunt, and poison is constantly needed to eliminate the guard.I get all the nests out of the ground,two nests take one can of Raid. I also bought new items - a gas burner and a polymer tight suit made of the material from which belts are made, and I will go hunting, not for nothing, because I am a hunter

24.08.2006 21:17, vespabellicosus

Yes, the nature there you have apparently all that is necessary. And I get vulgaris nests quite primitive-a bunch of branches, a shovel and a bag. Within an hour or even less, I destroy all the flight workers of the OS , then a spatula and a nest in the package. But this is if a nest of medium strength with a couple of hundred active workers. With large and powerful colonies, this trick does not work.

25.08.2006 14:24, Охотник за осами

And I am now a professional hunter, bee suit, body armor, burner, poison, shovel, box, gloves, tape, saogi, and for waiting until they die cigarettes Kent 4

25.08.2006 14:26, Охотник за осами

I used to hunt like you, nothing but boxes, shovels, and poison, but now I can take on any size nest!

25.08.2006 20:02, Bad Den

And I'm now a professional hunter, bee suit, bulletproof vest, burner, poison,shovel, box, gloves, duct tape, saogi, and for waiting until they die Kent 4 cigarettes

What's the point of a bulletproof vest?
Wasps don't seem to shoot, but only sting smile.gif

26.08.2006 9:12, vespabellicosus

The easiest way is with air nests - once I just covered such a nest near Saxony with a package and went home with it. Medium-sized wasps are a little more complicated - they always have a couple of workers on the shell, who are very suspicious of anything outside the nest and in case of even a hint of danger, workers immediately pour out of the nest. Interestingly, they do not break out in a swarm, like other wasps, but quickly disperse over the surface of the nest and freeze. But as soon as they move , these seemingly "peaceful" wasps immediately break into an attack.

27.08.2006 16:32, Охотник за осами

by the way, Germanica is the most evil wasps, I was hunting yesterday, and with new equipment I got three nests in a row, that is, 9000 wasps clung to me, but with new equipment the wasps could not bite me, and I took them all, interestingly, the queens of different colonies do not have enmity to each other

27.08.2006 19:08, sealor

Yes, everything is fine, but the only question is how to pick out all the oss from yourself after this smile.gif

I usually dug nests in the ground with the help of three tools - a jammer and a digger and a long sticksmile.gif, sometimes I had to use the "ring of fire". A silencer is a tool for eliminating the external population of the nest and fending off attacks, a digger is usually some kind of stick, wasps do not settle deep in the ground. If the nest is strong, then before opening the upper dome, I covered it with dry straw, set it on fire,and at this time opened the top. But fire does not help much, the wasps of the Vespula group are not afraid of it at all...
Then he used a long stick with a hook at the end to pull out the combs.

27.08.2006 22:22, vespabellicosus

Regarding aggressiveness-I noticed this in red wasps-Vespula rufa. A few years ago, I tried to dig up one of their nests - and was mercilessly beaten. And Germanics-yes, are aggressive during nest disturbance. The most peaceful ones are forest wasps and Saxon wasps. Although the latter, if they are properly razzdrakonit, can also nappodat.

03.09.2006 13:39, Охотник за осами

Damn, you're lucky,you have red wasps, but we don't have them!
at the expense of how to shoot them, just run away they will leave themselves, or sprinkle the suit with a raid, at the extreme, go to earth

06.09.2006 13:30, vespabellicosus

Redheads are quite common here, especially females in the spring , but their colonies are difficult to detect due to their small size and , consequently , poor foraging. In all the years of observations - from 2000 to the present day-I have found only 3 of their nests. This year I didn't find any, although there were a lot of females in the spring.

06.09.2006 16:46, Охотник за осами

am I right in guessing that their nests are brown?

06.09.2006 16:48, Охотник за осами

yes, and in general, tell me everything about red wasps, everything that you know about them,please

07.09.2006 18:32, vespabellicosus

The nests are not brown , but dark gray. The shell is rough and denser than that of Vulgaris and Germanicus. Two nests were found by me in a thicket of bushes on the edge of a forest road. Moreover, they were located only 3-4 meters from each other. Both had 2 tiers. I found the third one in a meadow near the edge of the forest. It contained 3 tiers - 1 working and 2 uterine. There were not many wasps - about fifty. The nest was dug in early August - there were already females and males. General distribution : Russia, Europe, Central Asia, China (where it forms a subspecies - V. r. schrenkii ), Taiwan, Japan, North America (USA). But in the US , as I understand it, it is rare.

07.09.2006 18:47, Охотник за осами

yesterday I reoriented my nest so that the combs are arranged vertically, like bees, from top to bottom, and normally, the nest is still functioning, another thing, the mosquito repellent works well,it does not protect against bites, but somewhat subdues them, direct popodanie kills insects, my suit really works, and you I saw live how the uterus lays eggs, personally I-yes!by the way, germanics are very cunning wasps, they are more cunning and aggressive than vulgaris, here is an example,I sit and knock on the wall of the terrarium, as an exit to the street from the opposite side, how could they guess?Yesterday I got in there razdrakonil, and I have a rag net and there is a vulnerable spot and the wasp got in and stung

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