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21.02.2008 0:01, lepidopterolog

Megarespectum!!! Great job!!! There is a question: on the basis of what data are P. boisduvalii and thersites included in the list?

21.02.2008 0:06, Vlad Proklov

Megarespectum!!! Great job!!! There is a question: on the basis of what data are P. boisduvalii and thersites included in the list?

Thanks smile.gif
P. boisduvalii was found in the early twentieth century on the territory of Moscow, it is found in the Kaluga and Tula regions, and thersites is found on the border of the Moscow and Tula regions.
Likes: 1

21.02.2008 0:13, lepidopterolog

Thank you for the information and work smile.gifdone Very useful and up-to-date list!!! P.S. I find fault, but pigeons can be divided into subfamilies (for completeness) wink.gif

21.02.2008 0:15, Vlad Proklov

Thank you for the information and work smile.gifdone Very useful and up-to-date list!!! P.S. I find fault, but pigeons can be divided into subfamilies (for completeness) wink.gif

The fact of the matter is that under the new system they are now tribes - and one subfamily is Lycaeninae (the second is lucina)!

21.02.2008 0:23, lepidopterolog

I can't get used to the European system... It seems somewhat artificial to me... I can't think of satyridae as a subfamily of nymphalidae, and rhyodinidae as a subfamily of licenidae... frown.gif Psychological barrier, such as smile.gif
Likes: 1

21.02.2008 0:24, Vlad Proklov

I can't get used to the European system... It seems somewhat artificial to me... I can't think of satyridae as a subfamily of nymphalidae, and rhyodinidae as a subfamily of licenidae... frown.gif Psychological barrier, such as smile.gif

A familiar feeling, actually smile.gif

21.02.2008 0:30, lepidopterolog

That's right, it's all because we are compatriots and were brought up on the same system (butterflies wink.gif) smile.gif But, probably, you will have to get used to the European one over time frown.gif

23.02.2008 8:23, Ilia Ustiantcev

Is Melanargia russiae marked with a number only because it was caught recently, or is there a permanent habitat?

23.02.2008 12:29, RippeR

I agree with the satyrids, but it is not the same to consider them as nymphalids.. Well, they are different in form and structure.. But it is not difficult to interfere with ridionide and pigeons, they are very close, although it is easier to separate them into a separate community.. But I don't like them mixed up with checkers..

23.02.2008 16:43, Vlad Proklov

Is Melanargia russiae marked with a number only because it was caught recently, or is there a permanent habitat?

No, I still only know about two finds in the Moscow Region - but it was still found in recent decades in the Yaroslavl (twice), Ryazan and Lipetsk regions, and populations are known from the Nizhny Novgorod region - so it is in the region at least as a good, albeit rare migrant.
Likes: 2

23.02.2008 16:46, Vlad Proklov

I agree with the satyrids, but it is not the same to consider them as nymphalids.. Well, they are different in form and structure.. But it is not difficult to interfere with ridionide and pigeons, they are very close, although it is easier to separate them into a separate community.. But I don't like them mixed up with checkers..

The "it seems so to me" talk is not serious: their unification was not sucked out of the finger, but on the basis of phylogenetic studies of the entire world's fauna.

23.02.2008 22:21, RippeR

this is natural, my words are just a simple chatterwink.gif, however, some people have some research. others have different ones, and all results are different, and the truth is 1

15.09.2008 14:57, Андреас

- Please tell me the exact spelling of the Latin name of the pigeon from the subfamily "POLYOMMATINAE", which sounds like "Agradietus tsyskavkazikus", which lives in our small area of the Borgustan ridge?.
- For some reason, I didn't find it in the list of species of Lycaenids in Russia. I enclose a specific list of this subfamily:

Subfamilia POLYOMMATINAE Swainson, 1827

Tribus NIPHANDINI Eliot, 1973

Genus NIPHANDA Moore, 1875
410. Niphanda fusca (Bremer et Grey, 1852) – Niphanda

Tribus LAMPIDINI Tutt, 1907

Genus LAMPIDES Hübner, 1819
411. Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767 – - Pea pigeon

Tribus EVERINI Tutt, 1908

Genus EVERES Hübner, 1819
412. Everes argiades (Pallas, 1771) - Argiades pigeon
seitzi Wnukowsky, 1928 = ab. hellotia (Ménétriés, 1857), amurensis (Heyne in Rühl et Heyne, 1895)
413. Everes alcetas (Hoffmannsegg, 1804 – - European dove moth

Genus TONGEIA Tutt, 1908
414. Tongeia fischeri (Eversmann, 1843) - Fischer
's Pigeon (sachalinensis (Matsumura, 1925))

Genus CUPIDO Schrank, 1801
415. Cupido minimus (Fuesslyi, 1775) - Tiny golubyanka
happensis Matsumura, 1927
416. Cupido osiris (Meigen, 1829) - Golubyanka osiris

Genus CELASTRINA Tutt, 1906
417. Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus, 1758) – Spring
dove bieneri Forster, 1941
418. Celastrina ladonides d'orza, 1869 – Seaside
dove [sachalinensis Esaki, 1922]
419. Celastrina fedoseevi Korshunov et Ivonin, 1990 – Fedoseeva
dove 420. Celastrina heringi Kardakov, 1928 = phellodendroni Omelko, 1987-Goering's Golubyanka

Tribus SCOLITANTIDINI Tutt, 1909

Genus MASLOWSKIA Kurentzov, 1974
421. Maslowskia filipjevi (Riley, 1934 – - Filipiev
's golubyanka 422. Maslowskia oreas (Leech, 1893) - Oreada golubyanka
mirificus (Sugitani, 1936)
[ussuriensis (Forster, 1941)]

Genus SCOLITANTIDES Hübner, 1819
423. Scolitantides orion (Pallas, 1771) - Pigeon orion
[johanseni (Wnukowsky, 1934)]
[ornata (Staudinger, 1892)]
[coreana (Matsumura, 1926)]

Genus INDERSKIA Korshunov, 2000
424. Inderskia panope (Eversmann, 1851 – - Panope pigeon

Genus PSEUDOPHILOTES Beuret, 1958
425. Pseudophilotes schiffermuelleri Hemming, 1929 = vicrama auct., baton auct. - Schiffermuller's golubyanka
426. Pseudophilotes jacuticus Korshunov et Viidalepp, 1980-Yakut golubyanka

Genus RUBRAPTERUS Korshunov, 1990
427. Rubrapterus bavius (Eversmann, 1832 – - Bashkir Golubyanka

Genus GLAUCOPSYCHE Scudder, 1872
428. Glaucopsyche lygdamus (Doubleday, 1842) – Silver
pigeon kurnakovi (Kurentzov, 1970)
429. Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda, 1761) = cyllarus Rottemburg, 1775 – Alexis
pigeon 430. Glaucopsyche lycormas (Butler, 1868) – Legume
pigeon lederi (A. Bang-Haas, 1907)
scylla (Oberthür, 1880)
tomariana (Matsumura, 1928)

Genus BAJLUANA Korshunov, 1990
431. Bajluana argali (Elwes, 1899 – - Altai Golubyanka

Genus MACULINEA van Ecke, 1915
432.Maculinea nausithous (Bergstrasser,1779) = arcas Rottemburg, 1775 – Blackish
bluefin 433. Maculinea arionides (Staudinger, 1887) – Eastern bluefin
434. Maculinea alcon (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775) – Alkon
's bluefin jenissejensis (Sheljuzhko, 1928)
[kondakovi (Kurentzov 1970)]
435. Maculinea telejus (Bergstrasser, 1779)= euphemus Hübner, 1800 – Euphemus
obscurata (Staudinger, 1892)
euphemia (Staudinger, 1887)
ogumae (Matsumura, 1910)
doii (Matsumura, 1928)
436. Maculinea kurentzovi Sibatani, Saigusa et Hirowatari, 1994 – Kurentsov
's dove 437. Maculinea daurica Dubatolov, 1999 (bona sp. ? — Yu.K.) - Daurian golubyanka
438. Maculinea arion (Linnaeus, 1758) - Arion
ruehli (Krulikowsky, 1892)
439. Maculinea cyanecula (Eversmann, 1848) - Brilliant golubyanka
ussuriensis (Sheljuzhko, 1928)

Genus SHIJIMIAEOIDES Beuret, 1958
440. Shijimiaeoides divina (Fixsen, 1887 – - Wonderful pigeon

Tribus POLYOMMATINI Swainson, 1827

Genus PLEBEJUS Kluk, 1802 (the spelling and year establisheb by the Commisssion 1954 and included in the “Official List of Generic Names in Zoology”, number 705)
441. Plebejus pylaon (Fischer de Waldheim, 1832) – Голубянка поволжская
katunensis Balint et Likhtanov, 1990
442. Plebejus lucifer (Staudinger, 1867) = lornex (Higgins, 1981 – - Lucifer
pigeon selengensis Forster, 1940
otton Korshunov, 1996
443. Plebejus argus (Linnaeus, 1758) a. obensis Forster, 1936-Argus
pigeon clarasiatica (Verity, 1931)
coreana Tutt, 1908
pseudoaegon (Butler, 1881)
[caerulea P. Gorbunov]
444. Plebejus argyrognomon (Bergstresser, 1779) - Pigeon argyrognomon
caerulescens (Grumgrshimailo, 1893)
chalcha Korshunov, 1982
transbaikalensis (Kurentzov, 1970)
jacutica (Kurentzov, 1970)
ussurica Forster, 1936
445. Plebejus idas (Linnaeus, 1761) - idas
dove 446. Plebejus subsolanus (Eversmann, 1851) - Eastern
dove ongodai (Tutt, 1909)
aegonides (Bremer, 1864) = cleobis (Bremer, 1861), nom. praeocc.; kenteana Staudinger, 1892
imanishii (Takeuchi, 1936)
447. Plebejus tancrei Graeser, 1888-Tancrei
verchojanicus (Kurentzov, 1970)
[ternejana (Kurentzov, 1970)]
kamtchatica (Kurentzov, 1970)

Genus VACCINIINA Tutt, 1909
448. Vacciniina optilete (Knoch, 1781) - Peat
pigeon (uralensis Seitz, 1909)
sibirica (Staudinger, 1892)
amurica (Kurentzov, 1970)
[sachalinensis (Kurentzov, 1970)]
daisetsuzana (Matsumura, 1926) = kurilensis (Matsumura, 1927), kamuikotana (Matsumura, 1928)

Genus ARICIA Reichenbach Leipzig, 1817
449. Aricia eumedon (Esper, 1780) - eumedon pigeon
(filgides P. Gorbunov, 1995)
albica Dubatolov, 1997
450. Aricia allous (Hübner, 1819) = astrarche auct.,nec Bergstrasser, 1779,
artaxerxes auct., nec Fabricius, 1793 – Changeable
pigeon inhonora (Jahontov, 1909)
strandi (Obraztsov, 1935)
hakutosana (Matsumura, 1927) = mandzuriana (Obraztsov, 1935), monarchus Higgins, 1982
sachalinensis (Matsumura, 1919)
451. Aricia agestis (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775 – - Pigeon agestis
452. Aricia nicias (Meigen, 1830) = donzelii Boisduval, 1832-Geranium
golubyanka kolosovi Korshunov, 1995
bittis (Fruhstorfer, 1915)
borsippa (Fruhstorfer, 1915)

Genus UMPRIA Zhdanko, 1994
453. Umpria chinensis (Murray, 1874 – - Chinese
blue pigeon [sibiricana (V. Kozhantshikov, 1923)]

Genus AGRIADES Hübner, 1819
454. Agriades glandon (de Prunner, 1798) = orbitulus auct. - Rock golubyanka
aquilo (Boisduval, 1832)
wosnesenskyi (Ménètriés, 1857)
diodorus (Bremer, 1864)
455. Agriades (pyrenaicus) ergane Higgins, 1981-Cretaceous golubyanka

Genus ALBULINA Tutt, 1909
456. Albulina orbitulus (de Prunner, 1798) = atys (Hübner, 1803), pheretes (Hübner, 1805) – Голубянка круглопятнистая
sajana (Rühl in Rühl et Heyne, 1895)
pheretimus (Staudinger, 1892)

Genus CYANIRIS Dalman, 1816
457. Cyaniris semiargus (Rottemburg, 1775) - Blue clover
uralensis Tutt, 1909
altaiana Tutt, 1909
amurensis Tutt, 1909

Genus PLEBEJIDEA Kocak, 1983 = GLABROCULIS Lvovsky, 1993, ELWIRIA
Zhdanko, 1994
458. Plebejidea cyane (Eversmann, 1837 – -
Blue cyane [deserticola (Elwes, 1899)]
kozhantschikovi (Sheljuzhko, 1928)

Genus RIMISIA Zhdanko, 1994
459. Rimisia miris (Staudinger, 1881 – - Steppe golubyanka

Genus POLYOMMATUS Latreille, 1804
460. Polyommatus thersites (Cantener, 1834) –
Tersite Goluben orientis (Sheljuzhko, 1928)
461. Polyommatus amandus (Schneider, 1792) – Amanda's goluben
amurensis (Staudinger, 1892)
462. Polyommatus damon (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775) – Damon
's goluben mongolensis Kocak, 1980
463. Polyommatus ripartii (Freyer, 1830
Polyommatus damone (Eversmann, 1841) =carmon auct., nec Herrich-Schäffer, 1851-Damon
's dove altaica (Elwes, 1899)
walteri Dantchenko et Lukhtanov, 1993 465.
Polyommatus damocles (Herrich-Schäffer, 1844) - Southern Russian golubyanka
466. Polyommatus bellargus (Rottemburg, 1775) - Beautiful Golubyanka
467. Polyommatus coridon (Poda, 1761) - Corydon golubyanka
jahontovi (Wnukowsky, 1934)
468. Polyommatus coelestinus (Eversmann, 1843) - Heavenly golubyanka
469. Polyommatus daphnis (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775) = meleager Esper, 1779-Daphnis
boricus (Fruhstorfer, 1910)
470. Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg, 1775) – Голубянка икар
fuchsi (Sheljuzhko, 1928)
ammosovi (Kurentzov, 1970)
korshunovi P.Gorbunov, 1995
omelkoi Dubatolov et Korshunov, 1995
471. Polyommatus icadius (Grumgrshimailo, 1890)-Chickpea golubyanka
cicero Ivonin et Kosterin, 2000
472. Polyommatus tsvetaevi (Kurentzov, 1970) – Tsvetaeva golubyanka
473. Polyommatus kamtschadalus (Sheljuzhko, 1933) – Northern golubyanka
taimyrensis Korshunov, 1982
extremiorientalis (Kurentzov, 1970)
474. Polyommatus boisduvalii (Herrich – Schäffer, 1844) = eroides auct., nec Frivaldsky, 1835-Boisduval's golubyanka
475. Polyommatus erotides (Staudinger, 1892) = eros auct. – GOLUBYANKA yuzhnosibirska

15.09.2008 16:08, Vlad Proklov

- Please tell me the exact spelling of the Latin name of the pigeon from the subfamily "POLYOMMATINAE", which sounds like "Agradietus tsyskavkazikus", which lives in our small area of the Borgustan ridge?.

Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) yurinekrutenko Koçak, 1996.
This name is now valid for golubyanka in question.

PS And the list you have given is only Siberia and the Far East.

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 09/15/2008 16: 16
Likes: 1

15.09.2008 21:44, Grigory Grigoryev

Question to konung ' gu:

both the nominative and the subspecies phoebe for the following species are indicated in the list of dissimilar whiskers:

14 Notodonta tritophus (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775)
15 Notodonta tritophus phoebe (Siebert, 1790)

I didn't really understand it.

15.09.2008 23:04, RippeR

Andreas is doing great!!!

15.09.2008 23:31, Vlad Proklov

Andreas is doing great!!!

This Korshunov List smile.gif
Likes: 1

16.09.2008 0:54, RippeR

lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

I mixed up the topics - lists with lists of collections

This post was edited by RippeR - 09/16/2008 13: 13

16.09.2008 11:59, Андреас

16.09.2008 14:30, Vlad Proklov

- Strange.... - On that site it is not specified... "Isn't that really true?" frown.gif
- A list of other families of mace sawyers (on the same site), - also, it turns out - "Only Siberia and the Far East"? confused.gif

There the entire site is dedicated only to Siberia and the Far East smile.gif

19.09.2008 19:57, Alexander Zarodov

Acquired today the Catalog of Lepidoptera of Russia (edited by S. Yu. Sinev) of the KMC publishing house. Such a yellow little book. There's even a micra - an idiot's dream come true! smile.gif

19.09.2008 20:01, Vlad Proklov

Acquired today the Catalog of Lepidoptera of Russia (edited by S. Yu. Sinev) of the KMC publishing house. Such a yellow little book. There's even a micra - an idiot's dream come true! smile.gif

Yes, yes smile.gif
When I was sitting at Sviridov's, the publisher brought them to him-and the first copy extracted became mine tongue.gif wink.gif
Of course, there are some questions there-but it's a colossal job anyway!

19.09.2008 20:17, RippeR

how much does it cost?

19.09.2008 20:21, Vlad Proklov

how much does it cost?

620 rub

20.09.2008 2:22, RippeR

wow! No, I think I'll wait for the electronic version ^_^

20.09.2008 17:02, Ilia Ustiantcev

And what is this, just a list of all types and their distribution without pictures?

20.09.2008 17:28, Alexander Zarodov

And what is this, just a list of all types and their distribution without pictures?

Of course! There are also several thousand types smile.gif
Likes: 1

24.09.2008 13:06, Андреас

"How can I buy it for myself?" confused.gif

02.10.2008 9:29, okoem

I can't get used to the European system... It seems somewhat artificial to me... I can't think of satyridae as a subfamily of nymphalidae, and rhyodinidae as a subfamily of licenidae... frown.gif Psychological barrier, such as smile.gif
this is natural, my words are just a simple chatterwink.gif, however, some people have some research. others have different ones, and all have different results, and the truth is 1
At the expense of whether to consider Marigolds as a separate family -

V. I. Kuznetsov A. A. Stekolnikov
Comparative morphology of male genitalia in the subfamilies Morphinae and Brassolinae and restoration of the Satyridae family status resurr. (Lepidoptera) in a new volume.
Likes: 1

02.10.2008 15:12, Vlad Proklov

At the expense of whether to consider Marigolds as a separate family -

V. I. Kuznetsov A. A. Stekolnikov
Comparative morphology of male genitalia in the subfamilies Morphinae and Brassolinae and restoration of the Satyridae family status resurr. (Lepidoptera) in a new volume.

Yes, this article has been published for a hundred yearssmile.gif, but no one follows it-except in Russia. And that's right: if the Satyrid s. l. is considered a family , do they have the same degree of kinship with the nymphalids as, say, with the pigeons? And so there are two branches in the Nymphalidae and there are...
It's good, of course, that they examined the muscles of the prichdalov - only they drew conclusions by the ears.

03.10.2008 12:26, Guest

It's not even a branch, but a twig, on a branch of nymphalids, one of a dozen.

19.02.2009 18:09, Vlad Proklov

Who has lists of Rhopalocera in the Volgograd region

Here, I compiled it based on the list of Anikin and co. (in "Atalanta") with additions from Komarov (in" Entomological and parasitological research in the Volga region") and Lvovsky-Morgun. Plus a modern system.

1 Pyrgus alveus
2 Pyrgus armoricanus
3 Pyrgus carthami
4 Pyrgus cinarae
5 Pyrgus malvae
6 Pyrgus serratulae
7 Pyrgus sidae
8 Erynnis tages
9 Carcharodus alceae
10 Carcharodus flocciferus
11 Carcharodus lavatherae
12 Carcharodus orientalis
13 Muschampia cribrellum
14 Muschampia proto
15 Muschampia tessellum
16 Spialia orbifer
17 Heteropterus morpheus
18 Carterocephalus palaemon
19 Ochlodes sylvanus
20 Hesperia comma
21 Thymelicus lineolus
22 Thymelicus sylvestris

23 Iphiclides podalirius
24 Papilio machaon
25 Parnassius (Driopa) mnemosyne
26 Zerynthia polyxena

27 Leptidea sinapis
28 Gonepteryx rhamni
29 Colias alfacariensis
30 Colias chrysotheme
31 Colias crocea
32 Colias erate
33 Colias hyale
34 Colias myrmidone
35 Anthocharis cardamines
36 Zegris eupheme
37 Euchloe ausonia
38 Pontia (Pontia) chloridice
39 Pontia (Pontia) edusa
40 Pieris brassicae
41 Pieris napi
42 Pieris rapae
43 Aporia crataegi

44 Hamearis lucina

45 Cupido (Cupido) minimus
46 Cupido (Everes) alcetas
47 Cupido (Everes) argiades
48 Celastrina argiolus
49 Glaucopsyche alexis
50 Scolitantides orion
51 Praephilotes anthracias
52 Pseudophilotes bavius
53 Pseudophilotes vicrama
54 Phengaris alcon
55 Phengaris arion
56 Phengaris teleius
57 Polyommatus (Polyommatus) boisduvalii
58 Polyommatus (Polyommatus) icarus
59 Polyommatus (Polyommatus) thersites
60 Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damon
61 Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damone
62 Polyommatus (Cyaniris) semiargus
63 Polyommatus (Neolysandra) coelestinus
64 Polyommatus (Lysandra) bellargus
65 Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon
66 Polyommatus (Meleageria) daphnis
67 Polyommatus (Plebicula) amandus
68 Plebejus (Plebejus) argus
69 Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas
70 Plebejus (Eumedonia) eumedon
71 Plebejus (Aricia) agestis
72 Plebejus (Aricia) artaxerxes
73 Plebejus (Plebejides) pylaon
74 Lycaena alciphron
75 Lycaena dispar
76 Lycaena hippothoe
77 Lycaena phlaeas
78 Lycaena thersamon
79 Lycaena tityrus
80 Lycaena virgaureae
81 Thecla betulae
82 Quercusia quercus
83 Satyrium (Satyrium) acaciae
84 Satyrium (Satyrium) ilicis
85 Satyrium (Satyrium) pruni
86 Satyrium (Satyrium) spini
87 Satyrium (Satyrium) w-album
88 Satyrium (Neolycaena) rhymnus
89 Callophrys rubi
90 Tomares callimachus

91 Kirinia climene
92 Pararge aegeria
93 Lopinga achine
94 Lasiommata maera
95 Coenonympha arcania
96 Coenonympha glycerion
97 Coenonympha leander
98 Coenonympha pamphilus
99 Triphysa phryne
100 Melanargia galathea
101 Melanargia russiae
102 Aphantopus hyperantus
103 Maniola jurtina
104 Hyponephele lupina
105 Hyponephele lycaon
106 Proterebia afra
107 Arethusana arethusa
108 Brintesia circe
109 Chazara briseis
110 Chazara persephone
111 Satyrus ferula
112 Minois dryas
113 Hipparchia (Hipparchia) fagi
114 Hipparchia (Parahipparchia) volgensis
115 Oeneis tarpeia
116 Brenthis daphne
117 Brenthis hecate
118 Brenthis ino
119 Argynnis (Argynnis) paphia
120 Argynnis (Pandoriana) pandora
121 Argynnis (Mesoacidalia) aglaja
122 Argynnis (Fabriciana) adippe
123 Argynnis (Fabriciana) niobe
124 Issoria lathonia
125 Boloria (Clossiana) dia
126 Boloria (Clossiana) euphrosyne
127 Boloria (Clossiana) selene
128 Boloria (Clossiana) titania
129 Limenitis camilla
130 Limenitis populi
131 Neptis rivularis
132 Neptis sappho
133 Apatura ilia
134 Apatura metis
135 Araschnia levana
136 Vanessa atalanta
137 Vanessa cardui
138 Aglais (Inachis) io
139 Aglais (Aglais) urticae
140 Nymphalis (Nymphalis) antiopa
141 Nymphalis (Nymphalis) polychloros
142 Nymphalis (Nymphalis) xanthomelas
143 Nymphalis (Roddia) l-album
144 Polygonia c-album
145 Euphydryas maturna
146 Euphydryas sareptensis
147 Melitaea (Melitaea) cinxia
148 Melitaea (Melitaea) didyma
149 Melitaea (Melitaea) phoebe
150 Melitaea (Melitaea) trivia
151 Melitaea (Mellicta) athalia
152 Melitaea (Mellicta) aurelia
153 Melitaea (Mellicta) britomartis

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 19.02.2009 19: 03

19.02.2009 18:12, Konung

Question to konung ' gu:

both the nominative and the subspecies phoebe for the following species are indicated in the list of dissimilar whiskers:

14 Notodonta tritophus (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775)
15 Notodonta tritophus phoebe (Siebert, 1790)

I don't really understand.

oh, the current right now noticed the message! This is a joint on my list - phoebe can be removed.
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20.02.2009 19:43, Vlad Proklov

Thank you again so much! Something similar I expected! (if you are interested, you can add osiris, boeticus, nausithous, argyrognomon, maracandicus, arduinna). Anikin's list for the Volgograd Region should be handled very carefully. It has been referred to for more than fifteen years, and it remains to be seen how long it will be referred to. Where it came from, God only knows. The motto of this list is: maybe-should be. Add aleksanora and a couple of types of taiga chernushek to it, and it will be just beautiful. Damon, there's just a typo, and "there's a lot of stuff like that". Dmitry Komarov did not argue with the master, or maybe it is so accepted, and additions were born: "species first found": circe, daphne, xanthomelas, tityrus. The secret of Polichinel. Or as in one book:"What a Newton's binomial!"

I suspected about damon , especially since it didn't mention damone.
Still, lists should be compiled with label data, so that it is clear what kind of material we are talking about and it is easier to correct errors.
Can you specify exact points based on the listed types? Yes, and it will also be interesting for the data already given, since there is not enough data for the Volgograd region frown.giffor Me to put on maps. You can write to your personal account.

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