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Сергей-Д, 10.08.2007 9:56

and how do you distinguish fucose from 3 similar species externally?
By the way, could anyone write a list of Ukrainian Crested and Volnyanki women? Well, or Russia's European part. And then I always look at foreign European sites, but I don't know if we have a view.

This post was edited by Sergey_D-10.08.2007 10: 02


Pages: 1 2 3 4

10.08.2007 10:12, Dr. Niko

If you don't mind, can someone give a list of Nymphalidae genera for MO.

10.08.2007 10:46, Ilia Ustiantcev

All day butterflies can be viewed on the kotbegemot website.
Attention! Checking the memory. I didn't write it off from anywhere.
Apatura ilia, iris
Limentis camilla, populi
Neptis sappho
?Neptis rivularis
Argynnis paphia, laodice, adippe, niobe, aglaja
Argynnis pandora - занос.
Boloria aquilonaris, dia, euphrosyne, selene, thore, titania, eunomia,? pales are not discovered, but are possible in the bogs of freija, frigga
Brentis ino, daphne
Issoria lathonia
Euphydryas aurinia, maturna
Melitaea athalia, avrelia, ?britomartis, cinxia, diamina, didyma, phoebe, ?trivia.
Aglais urticae
Araschnia levana
Inachis io
Nymphalis antiopa, polychloros, ?vaualbum, xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa atalanta, cardui
Well, marigolds are a separate family! tongue.gif I can write to you.

10.08.2007 17:01, Vlad Proklov

If you don't mind, can someone give a list of Nymphalidae genera for MO?

Taxonomy that I now see as relevant:

Argynnis (Argynnis)
Argynnis (Argyronome)
Argynnis (Fabriciana)
Argynnis (Mesoacidalia)
Boloria (Proclossiana)
Boloria (Clossiana)
Boloria (Boloria)
Melitaea (Melitaea)
Melitaea (Mellicta)
Nymphalis (Nymphalis)
Nymphalis (Roddia)

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 10.08.2007 17: 02

10.08.2007 17:10, svm2

On Nymphalidae, as for taxonomy and a lot of interesting things
Likes: 1

10.08.2007 17:14, Ilia Ustiantcev

Kotbegemot, please tell us more about the distribution of species of the last 4 genera. Also: where does apatura metis occur in Russia?

10.08.2007 17:18, Vlad Proklov

Kotbegemot, please tell us more about the distribution of species of the last 4 genera. Also: where does apatura metis occur in Russia?

Erebia -- 2 species
- ligea-everywhere in the forest area.
- aethiops - by Oka.

Melanargia -- 1 species
-russiae - two finds in the Shatursky and Serebryano-Prudsky districts.

Hipparchia -- 1 species
- semele-old finds in the western half of the region. Probably extinct.

Oeneis -- 2 species
- tarpeia-old finds in the Ramenskoye and Shatursky districts. Probably extinct.
- jutta - two populations in the Sergtevo-Posadsky district.
Likes: 2

10.08.2007 17:21, Ilia Ustiantcev

I knew you'd forgotten Briseida!" tongue.gif
And where did you meet Ligeia closest to Antsiferovo?

This post was edited by Ilya U-10.08.2007 17: 23

10.08.2007 17:22, Vlad Proklov

Kotbegemot, please tell us more about the distribution of species of the last 4 genera. Also: where does apatura metis occur in Russia?

A. metis is found in the lower reaches of the Don, the Lower and Middle Volga region, the Irtysh Valley, Transbaikalia, the Amur Region, and Primorye.
Likes: 1

10.08.2007 17:23, Vlad Proklov

I knew you'd forgotten Briseida!" tongue.gif
And where did you meet Ligeia closest to Antsiferovo?

When was the last time she was seen in the Moscow region? tongue.gif

10.08.2007 17:24, Vlad Proklov

And where did you meet Ligeia closest to Antsiferovo?

In Sergiev Posad district smile.gif

10.08.2007 17:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

A xs, but in the OLD version of the CC MO it is not, but in the NEW one it is!
In a pancake. And what, Antsiferovo type is not a forest zone?

This post was edited by Ilya U-10.08.2007 17: 25

10.08.2007 17:28, Vlad Proklov

A xs, but in the OLD version of the CC MO it is not, but in the NEW one it is!

I'll have to find out more...

In a pancake. And what, Antsiferovo type is not a forest zone?

Yes, it is there for sure, you just need to find a place - Meshchera, after all, is the southern border of its range. you only need to search near swamps, not in sandy forests smile.gif

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 10.08.2007 17: 39

10.08.2007 17:31, Ilia Ustiantcev

The new version is still listed...

10.08.2007 20:52, Pavel Morozov

and how do you distinguish fucose from 3 similar species externally?
By the way, could anyone write a list of Ukrainian Crested and Volnyanki women? Well, or Russia's European part. And then I always look at foreign European sites, but I don't know if we have a view.

Oculea has a larger reniform spot (more noticeable in the series), and a less pronounced trickle-like transverse pattern. In lucens, the submarginal band on the front fender is darker.
Likes: 1

10.08.2007 20:59, Pavel Morozov

There is an oral report about H. semele in the Shatursky district. I'll try to clarify.
Likes: 2

11.08.2007 5:51, Ilia Ustiantcev

Shatursky district is a paradise, it would be nice to go there!

11.08.2007 5:59, Vlad Proklov

Shatursky district is a paradise, it would be nice to go there!

Aha, aha - and not just for entomologists!
I have never seen so many mosquitoes anywhere else. smile.gif

11.08.2007 18:13, mikee

Aha, aha - and not just for entomologists!
I've never seen so many mosquitoes anywhere else. smile.gif

This year with mosquitoes is bad, right at least in the Red Book smile.gifenter

12.08.2007 18:42, Ilia Ustiantcev

Have you ever been to the Oka Nature Reserve? (Brykina Bor district) Where are there more mosquitoes?

12.08.2007 18:46, Vlad Proklov

Have you ever been to the Oka Nature Reserve? (Brykina Bor district) Where are there more mosquitoes?

In those places, I was on the Oka near Kochemary, it's good in this regard: the cliff and all the mosquitoes are carried away to ch. m.
So Dubovoe Lake of the Shatursky district is out of competition!

13.08.2007 7:38, Сергей-Д

so, no one will tell you what you have (can be) crested and volnyanki?
Did you schedule the daytime ones, but can you do the night ones?

This post was edited by Sergey_D-08/14/2007 07: 23

14.08.2007 7:22, Сергей-Д

more about lists where you can view the list of insects in the European Red List and the list of insects protected by the Berne Convention?

14.08.2007 7:34, Vlad Proklov

more about lists where you can view the list of insects in the European Red List and the list of insects protected by the Berne Convention?

Red Data Book of European Butterflies:
Likes: 1

14.08.2007 16:09, Ilia Ustiantcev

Please tell me which of these butterflies are NOT FOUND in the MO?
Idaea degeneraria
Idaea rusticatа
Scopula marginepunctata
Camptogramma bilineata
Hydrelia sylvata
Idaea ochrata
Selenia dentaria
Idaea laevigata
Idaea pallidata
Paracolax tristalis
Rhynchodontodes antiqualis
Catocala promissa
Polypogon plumigeralis
Eutelia adulatrix
Agrotis cinerea
Heliothis peltigera
Cryphia rectilinea
Cryphia algae
Helicoverpa armigera
Agrotis exclamationis
Noctua pronuba
Mythimna vitellina
Nomophila noctuella
Endotricha flammealis
Galleria mellonella
Oncocera semirubella
Lamoria anella
Pyralis farinalis
Dysauxes famula
Macroglossum stellatarum
Agrius convolvuli

14.08.2007 17:48, Vlad Proklov

Please tell me which of these butterflies are NOT FOUND in the MO?

Idaea degeneraria
Idaea rusticata
Scopula marginepunctata
Idaea ochrata -- probably not found, not sure.
Idaea laevigata

Rhynchodontodes antiqualis
Polypogon plumigeralis
Eutelia adulatrix

Agrotis cinerea
Cryphia rectilinea
Cryphia algae
Mythimna vitellina

Lamoria anella

Dysauxes famula

Both occur as migrants.
Likes: 2

14.08.2007 17:54, Ilia Ustiantcev

What's not this one? Agrotis cinerea

14.08.2007 18:08, Vlad Proklov

What's not this one? Agrotis cinerea

Good question. Maybe she doesn't like Muscovites. wink.gif

Sirotkin has an indication of an old find from the Kaluga Region.
Plus, it is given (also not the first fresh capture) for Galichya Gora in the Lipetsk region.

14.08.2007 18:27, Ilia Ustiantcev

She eats only organic thyme!

15.08.2007 7:00, Сергей-Д

kotbegemot, well, lay out at least Notodontidae of the middle band-south of Russia

15.08.2007 7:01, Сергей-Д

I don't believe that you don't know, there don't seem to be many types, there shouldn't be much time to occupy

15.08.2007 7:56, Vlad Proklov

kotbegemot, well, lay out at least Notodontidae of the middle zone-south of Russia

I don't have an exact list for Ukraine, but these types should be found:


1 Thaumetopoea processionea
2 Thaumetopoea pinivora

3 Pygaera timon
4 Clostera curtula
5 Clostera pigra
6 Clostera anachoreta
7 Clostera anastomosis

8 Notodonta dromedarius
9 Notodonta torva
10 Notodonta tritophus
11 Notodonta ziczac
12 Drymonia dodonaea
13 Drymonia ruficornis
14 Drymonia obliterata
15 Drymonia querna
16 Drymonia velitaris
17 Pheosia tremula
18 Pheosia gnoma
19 Pterostoma palpina
20 Ptilophora plumigera
21 Leucodonta bicoloria
22 Ptilodon capucina
23 Ptilodon cucullina
24 Odontosia carmelita
25 Odontosia sieversii
26 Gluphisia crenata
27 Cerura vinula
28 Cerura erminea
29 Furcula furcula
30 Furcula bicuspis
31 Furcula bifida
32 Dicranura ulmi

33 Phalera bucephala
34 Peridea anceps

35 Stauropus fagi
36 Harpyia milhauseri
37 Spatalia argentina


1 Lymantria monacha
2 Lymantria dispar
3 Ocneria rubea
4 Parocneria detrita
5 Euproctis (Euproctis) chrysorrhoea
6 Euproctis (Sphrageidus) similis
7 Penthophera morio
8 Arctornis l-nigrum
9 Leucoma salicis
10 Dicallomera fascelina
11 Calliteara pudibunda
12 Calliteara abietis
13 Laelia coenosa
14 Gynaephora selenitica
15 Orgyia recens
16 Orgyia antiqua
17 Orgyia antiquoides
18 Orgyia dubia
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15.08.2007 8:27, Vlad Proklov

kotbegemot, well, lay out at least Notodontidae of the middle zone-south of Russia

You need to align the boxes - guess what? wink.gif

15.08.2007 8:39, Anthicus

I just advise you to watch everything www.faunaeur.org There are lists for all countries. Of course, sometimes not quite complete, but very close to reality. There was a pan-European project, the list was prepared in each country, sent to the coordinators, etc. It's just a pity how the project ended, they no longer accept additions.
Likes: 1

15.08.2007 9:29, omar

Both occur as migrants.

Personally, I regularly come across both of these species in perfect condition, as if just out of the pupa. Is it possible that a butterfly that has flown many hundreds of kilometers can look like this?

15.08.2007 13:51, Ilia Ustiantcev

It's still a hawk moth...
Does anyone have a list of human-exterminated insects? (if there are any that are known to science)

15.08.2007 16:50, Vlad Proklov

Both occur as migrants.

Personally, I regularly come across both of these species in perfect condition, as if just out of the pupa. Is it possible that a butterfly that has flown many hundreds of kilometers can look like this?

Well, they also give a local generation for the summer.
And in general, hawk moth - "low-trussing" butterflies.
Likes: 2

17.08.2007 7:40, Сергей-Д

2 kotbegemot:
no, for statistics and at the same time to see what in the future you can catch and what is not

17.08.2007 8:28, okoem

Here is a list of ALL the butterflies of Ukraine.
At the expense of completeness and accuracy, I really doubt it, but nevertheless, I think you can navigate.

18.08.2007 0:14, Kovalevsky

Maybe someone will need it-annotated list day butterflies of Ukraine.

By the way, a month ago I saw in the store the book
Nekrutenko Yu., Chikolovets V. "Denny meteliki Ukrainy"
and a similar book (I don't remember the authors) on the scoops of Ukraine, but now I can't find almost any information about them in the Net.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

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