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The impact of harvester ants on the evolution of forage plants

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsThe impact of harvester ants on the evolution of forage plants

BO., 02.04.2009 21:33

I wanted to hear the nerds , threw them in
what do entomologists say ?
source: http://ant.bov.com.ru/index.php?module=art...rticles&b=1&a=4


03.04.2009 18:12, PVOzerski

Regarding evolution-IMHO, definitely yes, such connections exist. It is enough to recall how ants spread the seeds of Ivan da marya - and this relationship most likely began with something similar.
Likes: 1

04.04.2009 23:06, BO.

It turned out two topics for cohabitation....

Perhaps elementary algorithms honed by time in the compartment give a picture of "ant civilization", "distributed intelligence", etc.
And the above is just an illustration of the natural (not reasonable) "gardening" of ants. Side effect when storing food.
Perhaps "slavery"," animal husbandry " - have a simpler explanation, it is the performance of several elementary tasks that we perceive as social intelligence...

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