Community and Forum → Insects biology and faunistics → Lists of Lepidoptera of the Ryazan region
aleko, 04.09.2009 12:36
To begin with - a list of higher raznoustykh without scoops and moths.
Comments will be posted in a separate post.
A. E. Blinushov, S. I. Ananyeva, M.
E. Blinushova Mixed-whiskered lepidoptera of the Ryazan region
Frequency of occurrence: single (units) – 1-2 specimens. during the entire collection period, very rare-3-5 copies, rare-6-10 copies, uncommon-11-20 copies, frequent-21-50 copies, common-51-100 copies, mass-over 100 copies.
Species listed for the first time in the Ryazan region are marked with an asterisk.
List of species
of the Family Hepialidae – thinworms
1. Alphus sylvinus (L., 1761) * Infrequently +5
2. Hepialus humuli (L., 1758) Infrequently
3. Phymatopus hecta (L., 1758) Units
4. Korscheltellus lupulinus (L., 1758) Units
Family Psychidae – bagworms
5. Proutia betulina (Zell., 1839) Units
6. Psyche casta (Pall., 1767) Units
7. Canephora unicolor (Hfn., 1766) Units
Family Limacodidae-slugs
8. Apoda limacodes (Hfn., 1766) Is Uncommon.
Family Zygaenidae –
mottles 9. Adscita globulariae (Hbn., 1793) Unit
10. Adscita statices (L., 1758) Is Rare.
11. Zygaena osterodensis (Reiss, 1921)* Rare. +Част
12. Zygaena loti (Den. et Schiff., 1775)* Infrequent, local.
13. Zygaena viciae (Den. et Schiff., 1775) Chast.
14. Zygaena ephialtes (L., 1767) is common, local.
15. Zygaena filipendulae (L., 1758) Is Common.
16. Zygaena lonicerae (Schev., 1777) Chast.
17. Zygaena minos (Den. et Schiff., 1775) is frequent in
the forest-steppe zone, rare in the forest zone; local.
Family Sesiidae-glassworms
18. Pennisetia hylaeiformis (Lasp., 1801) * Units
19. Sesia apiformis (Cl., 1759) Very rare. +1
20. Synanthedon culiciformis (L., 1758)* Ед.
21. Synanthedon tipuliformis (Cl., 1759)* Rare.
Family Cossidae-woodworms
22. Zeuzera pyrina (L., 1761) * Unit
23. Cossus cossus (L., 1758) Is Rare. + 3
24. Lamellocossus terebrus (Den. et Schiff., 1775) Is Rare.
25. Catopta thrips (Hbn., 1818) * Units
26. Phragmataecia castaneae (Hbn.) Rare. +2
Family Saturniidae-
peacock eyes 27. Eudia pavonia (L., 1758) Is Rare.
28. Aglia tau (L., 1758)* Very rare.
Family Sphingidae –
hawk moth 29. Agrius convolvuli (L., 1758) * Units +3
30. Acherontia atropos (L., 1758) is a single southern migrant.
31. Sphinx ligustri (L., 1758)* Very rare.
32. Hyloicus pinastri (L., 1758) is common in the forest zone.
33. Mimas tiliae (L., 1758) Is common.
34. Smerinthus ocellatus (L., 1758) Is Common.
35. Laothoe populi (L., 1758) Chast.
36. Hemaris tityus (L., 1758) Is Rare.
37. Hemaris fuciformis (L., 1758) is very rare.
38. Macroglossum stellatarum (L., 1758) is very rare.
39. Hyles euphorbiae (L., 1758) Is Rare. +5
40. Hyles galii (Rott., 1775) Infrequent. +Част
41. Deilephila elpenor (L., 1758) Is Common.
42. Deilephila porcellus (L., 1758) Chast.
Family Notodontidae – crested
birds 43. Cerura vinula (L., 1758) Is Rare. +more than 10
44. Cerura erminea (Esp., 1783) Rare. +1
45. Furcula furcula (Cl., 1759) Infrequently.
46. Furcula bicuspis (Bkh., 1790) Units
47. Furcula bifida (Brahm, 1787) Is Rare. + Part
48. Stauropus fagi (L., 1758) Units
49. Drymonia dodonaea (Den. et Schiff., 1775) Infrequently.
50. Drymonia ruficornis (Hfn., 1766)* Ед.
51. Notodonta torva (Hbn., 1803) (= tritophus Esp.) Very rare.
52. Notodonta dromedarius (L., 1758) Chast.
53. Notodonta tritophus (Den. et Schiff., 1775) (= phoebe Sieb.) Rare.
54. Notodonta ziczac (L., 1758) Is Common.
55. Peridea anceps (Goeze, 1781) Units
56. Pheosia tremula (Cl., 1761) Parts
57. Pheosia gnoma (F., 1776) Chast.
58. Leucodonta bicoloria (Den. et Schiff., 1775) is very rare.
59. Pterostoma palpina (Cl., 1759) Infrequently
60. Ptilodon capucina (L., 1758) Infrequently.
61. Odontosia sieversi (Men., 1856) is very rare.
62. Phalera bucephala (L., 1758) Is Common.
63. Gluphisia crenata (Esp., 1785) Is Rare. +Part
64. Pygaera timon (Hbn., 1803) * Units +1
65. Clostera curtula (L., 1758) Infrequent. +Part
66. Clostera pigra (Hfn., 1766) Infrequently. +Част
67. Clostera anachoreta (Den. et Schiff., 1775) Is Rare. +5
68. Clostera anastomosis (L., 1758) * Units +3
Family Drepanidae – sickle
flies 69. Falcaria
lacertinaria (L., 1758) Part 70. Drepana falcataria (L., 1758) Common.
71. Drepana curvatula (Bkh., 1790) is very rare (3 specimens).
72. Sabra harpagula (Esp., 1786) Very rare (3 copies)
73. Watsonalla binaria (Hfn., 1767) * Ed.
Family Thyatiridae – scoops
74. Thyatira batis (L., 1758) Is Rare. +
Infrequently. Habrosyne pyritoides (Hfn., 1766) Infrequently. + Part
76. Tethea ocularis (L., 1767) Is Rare. + 10
77. Tethea or (Den. et Schiff., 1775) Is Rare. +5
78. Tetheella fluctuosa (Hbn., 1803) Is Rare.
79. Ochropacha duplaris (L., 1761) Infrequently. + Part
80. Achlya flavicornis (L., 1758) Infrequently.
81. Diloba caeruleocephala (L., 1758) Is Rare. +5
Family Endromididae-birch silkworms
82. Endromis versicolora (L., 1758) Infrequently.
Family Lasiocampidae-
cocoonworms 83. Gastropacha quercifolia (L., 1758) Infrequently +1
84. Gastropacha populifolia (Esp., 1784) Infrequently
85. Phyllodesma tremulifolia (Hbn., 1809) Rare. +2
86. Malacosoma neustria (L., 1758) Is Common.
87. Malacosoma castrensis (L., 1758) Units (2 specimens) +Part
88. Trichiura crataegi (L., 1758)* Very rare (5 copies) +more than 10
89. Poecilocampa populi (L., 1758) Units (2 copies) +3
90. Lasiocampa quercus (L., 1758) Infrequently
91. Macrothylacia rubi (L., 1758) Infrequently
92. Dendrolimus pini (L., 1758) Infrequently
93. Odonestis pruni (L., 1758) Infrequently
94. Cosmotriche potatoria (L., 1758) Is common.
95. Selenephera lunigera (Esp.) Not often.
Family Lemoniidae-meadow silkworms
96. Lemonia dumi (L., 1761 – - Units (1 specimen)
97. Lemonia taraxaci (Esp.) – Frequent, local.
Family Lymantriidae-volnyanki
98. Orgyia gonostigma (F.) * Rare.
99. Orgyia antiqua (L., 1758) Infrequently
100. Calliteara abietis (Den. et Schiff., 1775) Units (1 specimen)
101. Calliteara pudibunda (L., 1758) Chast.
102. Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L., 1758)* Very rare (3 copies)
103. Euroctis similis (Fssl., 1775) Chast.
104. Leucoma salicis (L., 1758) Is Common.
105. Arctornis l-nigrum (Mull., 1764) * Unit (1 specimen)
106. Lymantria monacha (L., 1758) Chast.
107. Lymantria dispar (L., 1758) Chast.
Family Arctiidae –
bears 108. Comacla senex (Hbn., 1804) is common.
109. Miltochrista miniata (Forster, 1771) Infrequently +10
110. Setina irrorella (Cl. ) Chast.
111. Cybosia mesomella (L., 1758) Is Common.
112. Lithosia quadra (L., 1758) Is Rare.
113. Eilema griseola (Hbn., 1803) Mass.
114. Eilema deplana (Esp., 1786) Units (2 copies) +1
115. Eilema complana (L., 1758) Mass.
116. Eilema lutarella (L., 1758) Very rare (3 specimens) +1
117. Eilema sororcula (Hfn., 1766) Infrequent
118. Pelosia muscerda (Hfn., 1766) Frequent
119. Atolmis rubricollis (L., 1758) Is Rare. +5
120. Spiris striata (L., 1758) Is Rare.
121. Coscinia cribraria (L., 1758) * Units (1 specimen) +1
122. Callimorpha dominula (L., 1758)* Units (1 specimen)
123. Parasemia plantaginis (L., 1758)* Very rare (3 copies)
124. Hyphoraia aulica (L., 1758) is very rare.
125. Arctia caja (L., 1758) Chast.
126. Arctia villica (L., 1758) Is Rare.
127. Arctia flavia (Fssl.,1779) Very rare (3 copies)
128. Eucharia festiva (Hfn., 1766) (= hebe auct., nec L.) * Units. (2 copies)
129. Diacrisia sannio (L., 1758) Is Common.
130. Rhyparia purpurata (L., 1758)* Infrequently. +10
131. Diaphora mendica (Cl., 1759) Units (2 specimens)
132. Spilosoma lubricipedum (L., 1758) (=menthastri Esp.) Massov.
133. Spilosoma urticae (Esp., 1789) Is Uncommon.
134. Spilarctia luteum (Hfn., 1766) Is Common.
135. Phragmatobia fuliginosa (L., 1758) Is Common.
136. Epatolmis caesarea (Goeze, 1781) Units (1 specimen)
137. Tyria jacobaeae (L., ) Is Rare.
Family Ctenuchidae – false mottles
138. Amata phegea (L., 1758) Part.
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