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Positive temperature anomaly

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsPositive temperature anomaly

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06.01.2020 22:37, ИНО

Alcohol! lol.gif

06.01.2020 23:40, Hierophis

Alex, just imagine how much bile you need to have in your soul in order to take out one black woman? weep.gif
And in the photo there is a stickman-sungaya. By the way, how are the ooteks?

And ISO 6400, yes easily, and I have "honest", just resize the camera photo without any ravs, and resize to 1200 and not to 1000 umnik.gif
And even for comparison, there are photos of the beast at 6400 and at 500 umnik.gif

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07.01.2020 4:41, ИНО

I didn't understand about bile at all, I don't think I've written anything like that lately. Then Pan is imagining things. Or does he consider any honest criticism of his new terribly lame creation "blackie"? Does he only want to see laudatory odes to his design genius? And how long and tiresomely he mocked my poor magnifying glass, which, when put on the lens of a soap dish, gave a better picture, do not recall? In general, a lot of lenses in a makeshift lens is not good umnik.gif

Well, here is the "cool" ISO 6400:

picture: DSC03225b.jpg

Yes, the in-camera zamylayzer here, of course, did a great job, but there is almost no noise. But the" beast " of panov, which is the upper one, makes noise as Nex on 12800 does not make noise (if it is full-size). Moreover, what is characteristic, it only makes noise in terms of brightness, and the chroma noise is set to zero. This is about the question of "honesty"...

07.01.2020 4:54, ИНО

Well, really honest tangerines on ISO 6400 look like this:

picture: DSC03225e.jpg

It's just a conversion with the AHD + resize demosaicist without increasing the sharpness.

Speaking of the weather, it's covered up to the most don't mess eek.gifaround Actually, for the first time this winter. And exactly with the onset of twilight, i.e. after the first star. A clear sign of when Christmas is Right umnik.gif

The message was edited INO-07.01.2020 05: 00

07.01.2020 7:10, alex017

And we were swept up a month ago, not exactly, the holiday is not right. I don't understand why the Slavs believe in Arab-Jewish gods. Probably someone is especially comfortable with this.
Ooteki lie in the cold, waiting for the first aphid.

07.01.2020 12:23, ИНО

Leaving out the possible tropical origin of the crop, and as a result, the possible complete PPC in the refrigerator, I note that aphids are unsuitable food for mantis larvae. Tested on robots repeatedly.

07.01.2020 19:46, alex017

What does Bandera have to do with it? How does he feel about praying mantises? Was he fond of them? I don't see any connection. Or maybe there is a species named after him? Is he a scientist?
A species of praying mantis called hierodula transcaucasica. I knew the species was local, not tropical, but I wasn't sure what it was. Is it really important for me to know? I'll change its feed base? Will we have any other insects? Or will I receive a blessing from heaven in the form of a feed crop?
Everyone believes in what they think is right and acts to the best of their ability.
You should not advertise mass stupidity sponsored for personal enrichment at every step.

-18! Was and floated, again warmer, -10 already

This post was edited by alex017 - 08.01.2020 07: 24

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08.01.2020 12:20, Hierophis

Alex, there's no intruder on you! ) As it is, I believe in your repentance, especially since in your case it is very similar to the saying of some priest-that many atheists will enter Paradise before many violent believers.

And snegovina you certainly have a horror! But I'm a GM in this one.. winter formally) season has never seen snow! Three times I saw the charge snow grain in the form of individual grains, but it is not considered snow and happens even in summer. It seems that this has not happened yet, in those wonderful times of the beginning of 2000, the winters were also very warm, but there was no snow, sometimes 50 cm was poured, but it melted in a week.

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10.01.2020 12:50, alex017

I don't see the need for religion for myself and my family.
Then everyone will choose for themselves.
We have warmed up to -3.
Explanation of abnormal heat some weather forecaster expressed https://yandex.ru/turbo?text=https%3A%2F%2F...news&brand=news

10.01.2020 12:56, ИНО

What does Bandera have to do with it? How does he feel about praying mantises? Was he fond of them? I don't see any connection. Or maybe there is a species named after him? Is he a scientist?

Despite the fact that for some type of Slavs, he is a type of god. And what does this have to do with mantises?

About praying mantises: buy drosophila culture in Russia - what could be easier? You can even buy a flightless one. Or crickets, or small non-burrowing cockroaches, until spring they will multiply more than once. Well, and of course, in the spring you can catch not only aphids, but not only can you do it all umnik.gifthis is necessary to wave a net weep.gif
Those who want to are looking for opportunities, and those who don't want to are looking for excuses. I'm telling you: aphids are very likely to die on them. If it is not possible to provide food, then why buy it? Let it be better done by someone who has such an opportunity. Yes, mantises are much more difficult than stick insects.

But I repent, for I am weak in faith regarding Pan Stepovoi's repentance for his idolatry of the West weep.gif

10.01.2020 13:03, ИНО

Oh yeah, I totally forgot SNEEEEG!!!!!!

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The kids on the roller coaster are just a lot, so much I have not seen yet. And most importantly, everything fell out in one Christmas night!

The message was edited INO-10.01.2020 13: 10
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10.01.2020 14:23, alex017

You can wave a net, and I can breed aphids at home anyway, which means keeping a creature from the movie Alien because of the danger of transferring it to plants.
However, feeding 100-300 mantises with a net is unrealistic, just like 10-20 pcs.
If I could catch a fish or two in the wild, I could feed them by swinging a net.
By the way, I'm already trying to keep a winged fruit fly, but now it's winter, I barely got a couple of pieces at home. There are a lot of flies in grocery stores, but I won't put bait there.
I tried to buy a culture of flightless drosophila in pet stores, contact zoos, tried to get sellers to send avito-everywhere a refusal.
Feed crickets could be bought at contact zoos, but again only banana crickets, which are finicky. There are feed cockroaches, but not everywhere.
Due to the ban on contact zoos, even getting crickets will be a problem.
Going to another city for a fly is not, thank you, too expensive in terms of money and time. Yes, and when, if the 5th year there are no vacations, but what is there, even ng holidays I did not have.

Everyone forces Bandera: the Ukrainian authorities understand why, and you? It's because of this ad that it's popular. Do not remember it, because the most terrible punishment for such people is oblivion.

10.01.2020 20:55, ИНО

And so it will be with everyone who ignores the alcohol battery umnik.gif

This "aphid" is of little use for feeding mantis larvae, because it is burrowing. Not if it is pricked on a needle and manually brought (and so once a day for each mantis!) then, maybe, something worthwhile will come out. But there are many more convenient alternatives. The most affordable in any city-probably... Prusak! Another option: buy a small feed moth and breed it out of ringworms. But this should be done shortly before the release of pilgrims, and figs predict it.

10.01.2020 21:07, Hierophis

Well, I'm writing something that is, in the next topic one of the nationalities was mentioned more than once as the source of all without the Russian land weep.gifAlex, I think, also remembers.
And I fed the praying mantises perfectly well with the bloodworm itself, and yes, that's right - on a piece of fishing line 0.2. Last season, out of 5 hierodules, I fed three, it's clear that it will be difficult to feed everyone who hatches, but nevertheless 5-7 is quite realistic, but you need to have marbles already available for the second stage in the form of kids.

I wonder how this "burrowing aphid" got into the amber, probably instead of the earth the bark of araucaria was digging, or whatever it was that grew tar-bearing, and its trunk is somehow not very burrowing weep.gif

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11.01.2020 0:24, ИНО

It seemed to me that it was again marbled in epoxy smile.gifThat's what the mold [s]zhivotochoryaschaya [s/] does. As for the burrowing of this "aphid", of course, I can't say for sure, I didn't hold a candle. But the thickness of the legs seems to hint. And the trunk could be designed to pierce the roots, like the larvae of modern cicadas. And yes, araucarias are generally from another opera, there was a pine tree, closely related to the one that I now have in my apartment. However, it is not clear what the praying mantises have to do with it. Pan suggests that Alex take a trip to the Eocene in a time machine and stock up on such animals?

Moth in my experience is a very bad food for entomophages. Bird-eating spiders, for example, often die from it. either they stupidly refuse to eat. Its chemical composition is painfully specific, more like vertebrates. than any insects. But imago chiromonidus is an excellent food. Moreover, they degenerate with a full supply of nutrients in the body, unlike, for example, meat flies, which, when they come out of the pupae like balloons and need additional feeding to become nutritious. Blood-sucking mosquitoes are also good.

11.01.2020 0:48, Hierophis

Nicho itself, such a goat with a marble to confuse, probably cahors were very much jump.gif

11.01.2020 1:01, Hierophis

Well, yes, the expert's desire to see mold on a marble slab filled with epoxy touches, it won't be there, and it can't be, even if a hefty princissia is alive and just ate the fill - the maximum that can happen is the mold will break from internal pressure, but this won't happen either because the epoxy is toxic at the time of solidification and there's no chance of biogenic decomposition inside a hefty princissie.
Tell those who served in the army at the Soviet Department where scorpions were found, what they did there from epoxy "scorpions" in the form of a knob on the speed lever in the car, poured live and then for decades everything was as it was at first, and millions of years will be if the epoxy does not crumble.

11.01.2020 1:13, ИНО

Spiders on cotton wool are, of course, tin. Well, albopilosa is such an unkillable spider for dummies. But I, for example, had to fatten up the skinny babies of aviuklyarii, who arrived in jars where there was almost more dead bloodworms than the substrate. And yes, the fact that the moth is a very shitty food for predatory arthropods is not my IMHO, but a well-known fact umnik.gif

Given the fact that Pan considers the Christmas pine tree to be a Celtic altar with imitation human entrails, it is certainly excusable that he does not know how much it sometimes grinds. This year we've already had a bit of a dry ride, so there's almost no tar. But in the old days, when fresh ones were brought, I used to collect a milliliter of resin from a small pine tree. Especially with krymki a lot of it. I have always believed that Baltic amber is the resin of the pine tree Pinus succinifera. Now a little bit of respect on the bourgeois sites is really not so clear, but no one offers Araucaria as candidates. So this is probably a personal panov discovery.

11.01.2020 1:17, ИНО

11.01.2020 10:27, Hierophis

I need an urgent trip to the Eocene jump.gif
Alex, religion for a change do not want to start?))

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11.01.2020 13:49, alex017

I would also start a religion, but there is no food.
Here I think to go to the store and look for rotten fruit, buy and try midges get

11.01.2020 16:23, ИНО

First, make sure that there are flies there, and not just rot. In general, the trap for fruit flies is very simple: we take a jar with a twist-up lid (you can use a small one from caviar), we hole the lid with a thin awl (so that the burrs stick out inside), we put a nutrient medium inside, there are innumerable options for it and put it where fruit flies can fly. Unfortunately, at this time of year, it's only somewhere in a heated room maybe. A grocery store may be suitable, but it's not a fact.

11.01.2020 16:45, alex017

I went through all the shops, clean, no flies, there are no flies at home either, of course. The trap is clear, bred already

11.01.2020 20:21, Hierophis

And we still have drozdofily live jump.gifAnd after all, there are umnik.gifalso sciarids I have all the dewdrops in them, there will definitely be enough for a few praying mantises)

Spring!!!111 jump.gif
Today I was very surprised to find that even at four o'clock in the afternoon it is bright and even the sun is shining! In general, the day is getting longer and the sun is getting higher, already 21.5 degrees at noon jump.gif
Soon the crocuses will bloom and the runners will come out umnik.gif

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11.01.2020 22:17, ИНО

Wow, what Shidevry, we do not live weep.giflike this Especially the sparrowhawk impressed - you can feel the hand of an avant-garde master...

And we still have everything white. Today again shoveled snow fell, but turned into rain. Is it really not my fate to take a picture of normal snowflakes this year?

The message was edited INO-11.01.2020 22: 18

12.01.2020 1:40, ИНО

No, ISO 6400 is not for real men. You give me 16,000!

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12.01.2020 14:12, ИНО

And for micro-macro images, the object found in the tray of my grandfather at the flea market rules jump.gifthe truth, it is even more "specific", what kind of object is this and I do not know, and I doubt that that grandfather knew where he got it from there weep.gifAnd although it looks like an object from a Shift, it is not like that there, specially bought different Shifts, similar, but not the same umnik.gif

I think I understand what it is and where jump.gifit comes from, but can I take a picture of the front with the aperture closed?

12.01.2020 16:41, Hierophis

YES, what is the diaphragm here, we have SUCH a THING here, anoplius, halictids, spiders run, SPRING HAS COME jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
Now this is serious, before this very early anoplius I saw on February 17!
And so, the spring season has begun for us jump.gif

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12.01.2020 17:39, ИНО

Hmm, and winter has come to us-wind, frost and solid ice rinks instead of asphalt, not to mention the hopeless semi-darkness.

Well, anyway, Pan doesn't want to know how his secret lens is penalized, and where else you can get them, well, never mind.

The message was edited INO-12.01.2020 17: 40

13.01.2020 5:33, alex017

What a cool photo with a fat ruffled titmouse!
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13.01.2020 8:28, Hierophis

Yes, the bluebirds are just getting fatter this time) I've never seen so many bluebirds before, thousands of them! Obviously, a number of favorable factors coincided for them, especially" wintering", if you can call it that, they have excellent)))) And not only them. The same early spring spiders now began to appear well sooo much. Apparently, if the ZHPZ does not attack us in the remaining months, then this season there will be much more insects than usual jump.gif

13.01.2020 22:03, ИНО

The SFS says it will attack.

14.01.2020 6:16, alex017

We have about zero.

14.01.2020 18:58, ИНО

Yesterday there was a brief glimmer of light, but against the background of strong wind and dampness, almost no one got out of the insects. In general, despite the fact that the positive anomaly since the beginning of winter has accumulated a very significant total, no special anomalies in the animal and plant worlds are observed. No one is in a hurry to climb out prematurely and blossom. Conclusion: short-term strong warming in this regard "shoots" much stronger than small extra degrees spread over long time intervals. This leads to doubts about the informativeness of all sorts of average hospital temperatures and their sums for the phenological forecast.

And today it is again semi-darkness and round-the-clock drizzle. Most of the snow had been washed away. Mushrooms and mosses prut. This is a good time to test lenses with large holes...

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The message was edited INO-14.01.2020 22: 14
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15.01.2020 16:58, Hierophis

It's started jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

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15.01.2020 19:12, alex017

Well, of course, but I'm afraid of snow a little, because the fruit trees will bloom and the foliage will climb, and then the cold will come.

15.01.2020 20:16, Hierophis

Well, on the one hand, I don't think that everything will be straight so much, although, after all, there were winters in the mid-2000s when leaves bloomed on shrubs in February and apricots bloomed at the end of March.
The cold may come in early April, enough to kill the apricot ovary, but if the weather trends and forecasts continue, they will also affect the "cold depot" in your area, weakening it and reducing the likelihood of severe cold weather flooding.
So, Spring peremozhe jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

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16.01.2020 7:33, alex017

You have the sea nearby, the climate is milder and more stable. Only the wind warms us. The weather is very changeable. Heat can come early, in the second half of April, which is very bad, because then it will definitely snow. And the sooner the heat comes, the more snow will fall.
We have such a popular concept - otzimye. This is a cold snap in the spring (summer). Usually there are three of them. That is, earlier in the spring it was steadily cold three times before snow fell, and now there are countless winters. The weather is constantly changing and the warming is immediately followed by a cold snap every other day.
Therefore, I do not like warming, especially strong ones, because then it will get very cold.
We had a year when snow killed not only the ovaries, but also the leaves.

16.01.2020 11:03, ИНО

So, Spring peremozhe jump.gif  jump.gif  jump.gif

"Peremoga" is a bad word, ominous, as it tends to inevitably turn into zrada and ganba. Even the Russian language is borrowed in this context. You can not call the spring names like that, it can take offense and leave umnik.gif

Image: GFSOPEU00_336_5. png

In this regard, we were doing well - there was no false start, even if -20% - no one will suffer much. And crocuses. of course, they will bloom, but then, in due time.

16.01.2020 19:40, Hierophis

Ahahahah, how scary it is lol.gif
Especially considering the fact that all the gloating of this envious person either does not come true at all, or even exactly the opposite weep.gif

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