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Monitoring of the composition and number of mosquitoes in Russia

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsMonitoring of the composition and number of mosquitoes in Russia

BioGIS, 06.04.2012 12:23

Does Russia systematically monitor the composition and abundance of mosquitoes (Culicidae) by region?

Is it possible to access the data?

Was such a task solved in the USSR? Are the accounting logs and databases still stored somewhere?

Have domestic methods of forecasting the number of mosquitoes been developed in connection with the meteorological conditions of the year?

- I would be very grateful for information on the topic.


06.04.2012 12:45, Penzyak

I would collect Penza mosquitoes in the field season, I think there will be quite a few species... But who will determine them? Fees for alcohol?? Then you can also write a joint article.
In Saratov, they seem to have been studied/are being studied...

06.04.2012 13:03, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

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06.04.2012 13:44, Penzyak

We actually studied anophilis in connection with malaria in the 30s of the last century, there are articles. For bloodsuckers, I have good collections of horseflies from the terr. region.................?

06.04.2012 18:11, BioGIS


Thanks! This is a good overview study conducted by a single laboratory within the borders of the northwest region. And whether there is a service in Russia, or whether there was a service in the USSR, whose tasks would include, among other things, monitoring Culicidae, making forecasts. - For example, Sanepidemnadzor?... - Do they have a series of observations of mosquitoes and do they give forecasts?

06.04.2012 18:35, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Have you tried contacting the parasitologists in Zina? As far as I know, they work with mosquitoes there.

06.04.2012 20:10, BioGIS


I am interested in working out methods for modeling and forecasting the composition, abundance, and phenology of mosquitoes in relation to meteorology and climate. In this respect, the data for one year is interesting, but does not allow us to solve the problem. If Penza and other regions had even fragmentary databases with a series of observations , it would be ideal. Thank you so much for the suggestion! I'll think about it and write to you.

07.04.2012 1:51, Proctos

was there a service in the USSR whose tasks included, among other things, monitoring Culicidae and making forecasts?

Previously, the Institute of Tropical Medicine (TROPIN Med Academy) was engaged in similar things on the scale of the USSR. The military was also actively engaged in this.
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