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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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27.05.2009 20:21, Алексей Сажнев

not Scaphidiidae?

27.05.2009 21:44, Алексей Сажнев

something familiar... help, mowing Engels, Saratov region.

picture: x_4c6c9b22.jpg
x_4c6c9b22.jpg — (11.67к)

27.05.2009 22:23, Алексей Сажнев

it is no longer necessary )) This is the female Osphya bipunctata-Fornax sancs
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27.05.2009 22:49, Алексей Сажнев

does aphodius have a large spur shorter than 1 ch., the same length, or longer?

27.05.2009 22:59, Алексей Сажнев

it is unlikely that this is pusillus or tristis

27.05.2009 23:23, Fornax13

To akulich-sibiria:
1. Afodka is quite strange: it doesn't look much like pusillus and tristis, rather something from the subgenus Phalacronotus, just in case I would check for Plagiogonus.
2. It's kind of stunted for vitulus. And by what keys?
3. Scaphisoma (most likely), or Caryoscapha. If it's exactly a scaphysoma, then you need to pull the genitals.
4. IMHO Harpalus from the H. pumilus
Elephant group-from the Otiorhynchae... Yours - nooo.... teapot.gif

This post was edited by Fornax13-27.05.2009 23: 35

27.05.2009 23:31, Fornax13

Help with the definition...
Kharkiv, today
Hypera ?pollux
PS. I don't remember what kind of grass...

On umbrellas of some kind? Very similar to H. adspersa
Zy. Oh, right, I didn't look up synonymy shuffle.gif

This post was edited by Fornax13-27.05.2009 23: 34

28.05.2009 7:18, VSB

Yesterday I shot this weevil, quite large, Maybe it's a checkered weevil (Liophloeus tessulatus)? At first, I thought that the gray one was a multi-eater, but the size of the specimen I shot was around 14-15 mm. Removed:Chelyabinsk. 27.05.09

picture: __________.JPG
__________.JPG — (142.41к)

28.05.2009 14:56, omar

otiorhynchus ligustici
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28.05.2009 15:22, Андреас

- Please recognize the weevil and this one...

picture: __________.JPG
__________.JPG — (135.01к)

picture: P1080082.JPG
P1080082.JPG — (145.44к)

28.05.2009 17:11, Алексей Сажнев

softshell can cantharis oculata
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28.05.2009 19:22, akulich-sibiria

To akulich-sibiria:
1. Afodka is quite strange: it doesn't look much like pusillus and tristis, rather something from the subgenus Phalacronotus, just in case I would check for Plagiogonus.
2. It's kind of stunted for vitulus. And by what keys?
3. Scaphisoma (most likely), or Caryoscapha. If it's exactly a scaphysoma, then you need to pull the genitals.
4. IMHO Harpalus from the H. pumilus
Elephant group-from the Otiorhynchae... Yours - nooo.... teapot.gif

Very very similar to Aphodius (Phalacronotus) biguttatus.!!! smile.gif
and Onthophagus well, it seems there are no more options...although indeed, in terms of size, it let you down. WELL, from the O. vitulus group according to Kabakov, that's for sure. the spur on his front shins is curved inwards....yes and by external sign

28.05.2009 20:57, DIMac

Please tell me the name of this weevil. I found them in large numbers on a young talnik near Kazan (Tatarstan); on a vast shoal formed as a result of the water leaving 50 meters away. The willows had been sticking out of the water before. Confused by the length: for females up to 16mm. Males from 12 mm. I used to think that this is a very rare species (I find it only the second time in my 15-year practice).
picture: Curculionidae.jpg

28.05.2009 21:09, Алексей Сажнев

it reminds me of a female Lepyrus palustris

28.05.2009 21:14, DIMac

I think so too. however, all books indicate the limits of 7-12 mm. the individuals found are clearly larger. there is an assumption that this is L. arcticus, but then the description confuses

29.05.2009 8:44, omar

You never know...Did you measure its length with a head tube?

29.05.2009 8:45, omar

and arcticus is quite other
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29.05.2009 9:02, Aaata

Lepyrus palustris showers down when you make your way through the riverine thickets of talc. Together with the head tube, it is about 15 mm. In the literature, apparently, the correct measurement-without the "trunk".
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29.05.2009 14:04, DIMac

in the same place. found in reeds. do birds still bite red beetles?

This post was edited by DIMac - 29.05.2009 14: 05

picture: Chrysomela.jpg
Chrysomela.jpg — (132.2к)

30.05.2009 13:57, Alexander bk

Please help me determine!
picture: DSCF1685.jpg
picture: DSCF1689_copy.jpg
picture: DSCF1688.jpg
picture: DSCF1687.jpg

30.05.2009 15:28, kut

Moscow region, Mytischinsky district, 30.5.9. Crawled along the trunk of a dead birch tree.
picture: P5305547.JPG

30.05.2009 16:06, lepidopterolog

Rhagium mordax
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30.05.2009 17:08, kut

And here's another one. Moscow oblast. Serpukhov district. 28.4.9. On the side of the road among dry vegetation.

picture: P20080428_1605b__Pserp_ptgbz__vGuk.JPG

30.05.2009 19:22, Алексей Сажнев

Opatrum sabulosum
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30.05.2009 19:26, Алексей Сажнев

Chrysomela.jpg — (132.2к)

I will assume that populi

30.05.2009 19:51, Victor Titov

Maybe the fact is that this nutcracker appears quite early (in the 20th of April) and disappears already in the 20th of May?

But I caught them (Anostirus castaneus) on the edges of a mixed forest in the Uglich district of the Yaroslavl region on umbrella inflorescences at the very end of June...

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 30.05.2009 19: 52

31.05.2009 20:32, Ilia Ustiantcev

Please help me with the beetles. The first one is Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, the next three are Odintsovo district.
1.picture: DSC02848.JPG
2.user posted image3.user posted image4.user posted image

31.05.2009 20:52, Vabrus

2. Callidium violaceum (Linnaeus, 1758)
4. Molorchus minor (Linnaeus, 1758)

This post was edited by Vabrus - 05/31/2009 20: 52
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31.05.2009 22:37, Victor Titov

Please help me with the beetles. The first one is Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, the next three are Odintsovo district.

Nutcracker from Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district - Melanotus rufipes (Herbst, 1784)=castanipes (Paykull, 1800).
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01.06.2009 15:28, PG18

Big greetings to all!
I just got back from a trip to Ustyurt. I collected a lot of interesting and new things (I didn't have them last year). I'll start with krupnyak. Apparently something from Sphodrini... If the head is directed forward , it will pull 40 mm. Beetle found dead on Kendyrli-sor salt marsh (SW Kazakhstan)
picture: Sphodrini.jpg

Next, milabris...

01.06.2009 16:08, PG18

1.picture: DSC_1917.jpg
Sands north of Diyar (Northern Ustyurt). One copy. on many dozens of "twelve-point" (photo below). I thought aberration... But no, ... the mustache is longer, etc...

picture: DSC_1919.jpg

01.06.2009 16:14, Mylabris

Pseudotaphoxenus sp.

01.06.2009 16:37, PG18

Southern Ustyurt, w-k, collected exclusively on sandy acacia:
picture: Mylabris_DSC_0729_____________.jpg

The sands between Uzen and Sai Cliff. Collected from the Dzungarian iris
picture: DSC_1621.jpg

This post was edited by PG18-02.06.2009 02: 06
Likes: 6

01.06.2009 18:35, Mylabris

To PG18
From Top to Bottom:
M. ?intermedia - in general, it should not be there, but I have 3 specimens from those places, but females, so the taxonomic affiliation has not yet been clarified.
M. crocata Pall.
M. elegantissima
Lydulus semipurpureus Rtt? what size, small, mm 6-8?
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01.06.2009 19:17, Liparus


And my friend a couple of weeks ago in the Carpathians in the mountains caught some beetle cm 2 in length, black is similar to a T-shirt but it has wings and long yellowish orange elytra (only very narrow do not cover the abdomen)...caught it on the fly.Maybe you know what kind of animal this is, and then I'm very interested in him too...photo unfortunately no

01.06.2009 20:46, Bad Den

Liparus, I know smile.gif
This is from the fans someone
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01.06.2009 23:19, BO.

Not a big bug 6-8mm. I found it on Cygnus.
Astrakhan region May.
Help me determine it.

picture: SGweb101182.jpg
SGweb101182.jpg — (121.09к)

02.06.2009 0:41, barry

? Podabrus alpinus

11.05.2009, Kharkiv region
picture: CRW_6962.jpg

02.06.2009 2:04, PG18

To PG18
From Top to Bottom:
M. ?intermedia - in general, it should not be there, but I have 3 specimens from those places, but females, so the taxonomic affiliation has not yet been clarified.
M. crocata Pall.
M. elegantissima
Lydulus semipurpureus Rtt? what size, small, mm 6-8?

Thank you, Sergey!
Why shouldn't intermedia be there? After all, this is a few kilometers from the border of Atyrau region, its extreme eastern projection, the distribution of which is mentioned in your book.
Lydulus semipurpureus-yes, this is the size. Interesting find for Kazakhstan? There are a dozen copies. Need an accurate label? The beetles were kept not on legumes (although there were plenty of flowering astragalus around), but on Iris songarica...

02.06.2009 2:31, PG18

Here's another one (Z.Kazakhstan, 30 km south of Baiganin), to sozh. slightly taken away, due to strong wind.

picture: DSC_2307.jpg
DSC_2307.jpg — (44.14к)

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