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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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29.08.2017 20:07, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 28.08.2017.
Is it possible to say something about this little ground beetle?

user posted image user posted image user posted image

29.08.2017 20:22, AGG

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 28.08.2017.
Is it possible to say something about this little ground beetle?

Bembidion (Metallina) sp.
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31.08.2017 18:19, Slavinator

Saratov region, Bazarno-Karabulaksky district, August

picture: ____1.JPG
____1.JPG — (300.46к)

picture: ____2.1.JPG
____2.1.JPG — (295.16к)

picture: ____2.2.JPG
____2.2.JPG — (297.03 k)

picture: ____3.1.JPG
____3.1.JPG — (285.91к)

picture: ____3.2.JPG
____3.2.JPG — (295k)

01.09.2017 0:15, MiLLeNium Niobius

What kind of weevils are nibbling at my hollyhocks mercilessly?
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
Perapion violaceum?

01.09.2017 6:30, Mantispid

What kind of weevils are nibbling at my hollyhocks mercilessly?
Perapion violaceum?

Perapion nibble Your sorrel smile.gif
and this is Aspidapion validum
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01.09.2017 11:45, MiLLeNium Niobius

Perapion nibble Your sorrel smile.gif

Thank you, I'll have to look at the sorrel smile.gif

What kind of leaf beetle is this? Yesterday on St. John's wort.
picture: __________.jpg

This post was edited by InsideOfDream - 01.09.2017 11: 49

01.09.2017 15:40, Victor Titov

What kind of leaf beetle is this? Yesterday on St. John's wort.

Chrysolina varians.
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02.09.2017 0:37, MiLLeNium Niobius

Tell me a couple more ground beetles. Today I dug potatoes, found them in the garden.
picture: 1.jpg

picture: 2.jpg

02.09.2017 9:24, Opatrum

Good afternoon, colleagues.
Can you help me identify it?
Image # SAM 4962.29.08.2017
, Stavropol city surroundings: Grushovy village, shoulder of a sandy-dirt country road from Height # 1 to Height # 2; 12 h 25 min.

picture: SAM_4962.JPG
SAM_4962.JPG — (312.79к)

02.09.2017 10:30, AGG

02.09.2017 14:15, Zum-Graat

I have a couple of dried, pasted beetles in frames at home and five in a box (one of them is a bug, I'll throw it in a different theme) that my father got from some friends. I'm interested in what these types are.

1 - length about 4.5 cm
picture: SDC15186.JPG
picture: SDC15191.JPG

A different instance, but the view is the same
picture: SDC15208.JPG

2 - something from the group of bronzes, length of 3 centimeters
picture: SDC15204.JPG

3 - some kind of sawyere, also about 3 cm (without a mustache)
picture: SDC15206.JPG

4-in pursuit, a stag beetle, but something about the shape of the horns is not similar to Lucanus cervus, another species?
picture: SDC15211.JPG

This post was edited by Zum-Graat-02.09.2017 14: 28

02.09.2017 19:46, Grummen

Tell me a couple more ground beetles. Today I dug potatoes, found them in the garden.
picture: 1.jpg

picture: 2.jpg

Both Harpalus affinis
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02.09.2017 20:58, RoPro

Please help me deal with staphylins. Moscow region, September 2.
The first Staphylinus erythropterus ? But I couldn't manage the second one.

02.09.2017 21:00, RoPro

Please help me deal with staphylins. Moscow region, September 2.
The first Staphylinus erythropterus ? The second Philonthus cognatus ?

picture: DSCN8550.jpg
DSCN8550.jpg — (381.29к)

picture: DSCN8476.jpg
DSCN8476.jpg — (679.48к)

02.09.2017 21:14, Mantispid

Please help me deal with staphylins. Moscow region, September 2.
The first Staphylinus erythropterus ? The second Philonthus cognatus ?

The second one is Philonthus decorus
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02.09.2017 21:18, RoPro

Please help me identify the ground beetle. Moscow region, September 2.
Someone from Amara, I think. I couldn't go any further.

picture: DSCN8584.jpg
DSCN8584.jpg — (426.38к)

04.09.2017 21:10, Grummen

Please help me identify the ground beetle. Moscow region, September 2.
Someone from Amara, I think. I couldn't go any further.

Amara communis
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05.09.2017 11:01, Tivanik

Help with the narrow wing. Saint Petersburg, 29.06.17

picture: IMGP1373.jpg

05.09.2017 18:56, Tivanik

What kind of ground beetle? Saint Petersburg, 5.09.2017

picture: IMGP2483.jpg

06.09.2017 20:26, Arikain

Bronzovka in Karelia, 3 weeks of nzad:
picture: _________.jpg
picture: __________2.jpg

06.09.2017 20:52, AGG

Bronzovka in Karelia, 3 weeks of nzad:

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06.09.2017 21:14, Grummen

What kind of ground beetle? Saint Petersburg, 5.09.2017

user posted image

Poecilus versicolor

This post was edited by Grummen - 06.09.2017 21: 14
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06.09.2017 21:38, AGG

I wonder why not cupreus?

07.09.2017 9:40, AlexanderIK

Hello. I found a beautiful beetle in the Leningrad region yesterday. Can you tell me who it is?

picture: __________.jpg
__________.jpg — (296.66к)

07.09.2017 9:47, Victor Titov

Hello. I found a beautiful beetle in the Leningrad region yesterday. Can you tell me who it is?

It's not a bug larva.
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07.09.2017 12:36, AlexanderIK

Not too big for a larva? The length of the calf is about 1 cm. What kind of interesting, among bedbugs, too, did not find a similar one.

07.09.2017 13:01, Tivanik

Not too big for a larva? The length of the calf is about 1 cm. What kind of interesting, among bedbugs, too, did not find a similar one.

Similar to Troilus luridus. Here, for example http://macroid.ru/showphoto.php?photo=172150
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07.09.2017 13:08, AlexanderIK

Thanks! Interesting site.

07.09.2017 19:03, Елизавета Рысенкова

Hello, tell me what kind of beetles, please.

Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, Nepe village, Seliger
Lake 25.07.2017

1. picture: 25__238_.JPG
2. picture: 25__257_.JPG

07.09.2017 20:54, Bad Den

Hello, tell me what kind of beetles, please.

Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, Nepe village, Seliger
Lake 25.07.2017

1. Hylobius abietis
2. Spondylis buprestoides
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07.09.2017 22:01, Grummen

I wonder why not cupreus?

In cupreus, the punctuation of the pronotum base near the midline is pronounced. Here it is smooth.

Diagnostic feature by Hurka, 1996

This post was edited by Grummen - 07.09.2017 22: 04
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08.09.2017 18:19, Slavinator

Hello, and mine are not defined at all?
URL #29333

08.09.2017 20:31, AGG

Hello, and mine are not defined at all?
URL #29333

A 7-point cow can also be mastered by a first-grader
with a forest dung plant, of course, more difficult, but also realistic, if you look through the photos on the network for the request "blue beetle"
No. 3 female Galeruca pomonae

This post was edited by AGG-08.09.2017 20: 32

08.09.2017 20:39, KM2200

with a forest dung beetle, of course, it is more difficult, but it is also realistic if you look through the photos on the web for the request "blue beetle"

I bet you haven't tried lol.gifit
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08.09.2017 22:05, tomegatherion

Please identify two beetles. Taken today in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

picture: IMG_7949.jpg picture: IMG_8048.jpg

09.09.2017 9:33, AGG

I bet you haven't tried it. lol.gif

You exposed me smile.gifdidn't try shuffle.gifit

09.09.2017 11:34, Woodmen

Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk district. 06.09.2017.
Hylobius pinastri? A female and a male?

user posted image user posted image user posted image

09.09.2017 13:12, Mantispid

Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk district. 06.09.2017.
Hylobius pinastri? A female and a male?

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11.09.2017 8:45, Sergeyy

Patrobus assimilis/atrorufus - I already forgot which of them is which rolleyes.gif

Thanks for the reply. I'll try to determine who is who myself.

11.09.2017 19:12, Opatrum

Colleagues, help us identify a handsome man.
09.09.17, 19 h 25 min, darkness, ocd. Stavropol: village of Grushovy, country sandy-dirt road. I crawled from one side of the road to another.
Thank you in advance.

picture: SAM_5083.JPG
SAM_5083.JPG — (292.44к)

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