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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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21.06.2008 21:02, PG18

Wow! Great, Alexey! Where does this awareness of Turanian fauna come from?! I'll digest it...
1-Cool what!! smile.gif This is the genus Agatus, if I understand it correctly.
2-Also nice beetlessmile.gif, but I don't know, maybe even Cymindis, but the sculpture is very strange.
3-1st - ? Cymbionotum, the second - Acupalpus, possibly elegans (Dejean, 1829).
4 - like Syntomus is so cool.
5-1st - Dicheirotrichus like (there should be a lot of them there), 2nd-Pogonus ? luridipennis (Germar, 1822).
6-like Acupalpus flaviceps Motschulsky, 1850
7 - 1-2nd-Microlestes, 2nd-Bembidion, similar to (Diplocampa) fumigatum (Duftschmid, 1812)
8-1st - ? Acupalpus flaviceps, I didn't understand something, 2nd-Bembidion-I won't lie, it's too bad for him... smile.gif
9-first 2-like Anisodactylus poeciloides pseudaeneus Dejean, 1829 (2nd exactly, 1st is questionable, but similar smile.gif) 3rd - either Pangus or Microderes, although there is still something close there.

1. There seem to be two agatuses: bicolor (Solsky, 1874) & cingulatus (Gebler, 1843)...
2. Why "even"? Cymindis is one of the richest genera there.
4. Syntomus-like, steppe subboreal genus, like not there...
5. Pogonus... there shouldn't be a luridipennis, sort of... Not P. virens?
9. Third, not Harpalus pulvinatus?
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21.06.2008 21:14, PG18

There are 2-3 more pretties. I have recorded one crooked-legged goldyamate in Calosoma (Campalita) maderae tectum so far. The other (pictured), with straight hind legs, a less noticeable furrow on the pronotum, and less pronounced green pits... in Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum deserticola... Far from sure, though.

picture: Calosoma_04_30_Kendyrli_0015.jpg
Calosoma_04_30_Kendyrli_0015.jpg — (62.77к)

21.06.2008 22:24, Fornax13

Once I was fond of all sorts of carabids, here is something left in my memory smile.gifBesides, many (in any case, similar) animals are found much further north.
Salt marshes - they are salt marshes smile.gif

1.I don't know anything about Agatus, I've never encountered them (unfortunately).
2. The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of them there, so I can't say for sure... and their sculpture is a bit strange. I haven't heard anything about such Cymindis... Although you never know..
4. S. fuscomaculatus is listed for Turkmenistan. Maybe there is one?
5. I would love to deal with Pogonini myself, I have 5-6 different types of them, including the same ones. I don't know where to get literature. I can't even imagine Virens.
9. Not pulvinatus exactly - it looks different.

This post was edited by Fornax13-22.06.2008 01: 23
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21.06.2008 22:27, Fornax13

There are 2-3 more pretties. I have recorded one crooked-legged goldyamate in Calosoma (Campalita) maderae tectum so far. The other (pictured), with straight hind legs, a less noticeable furrow on the pronotum, and less pronounced green pits... in Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum deserticola... Far from sure, though.

I watched my own ones from the same places - I also decided for now that imbricatum deserticola..
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22.06.2008 5:15, akulich-sibiria

On the topic of Pterostichus niger...are there any instances of this species that are brown in color??...here are 2 beetles caught in Siberia...

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 22.06.2008 05: 24

picture: P6220061_.jpg
P6220061_.jpg — (29.07к)

picture: P6220062_.jpg
P6220062_.jpg — (37.87к)

22.06.2008 5:40, akulich-sibiria

To KingSnake: No, this is someone from the Oedemeridae I smile.gifsuspect that the female is Oedemera femorata Scopoli, 1763

very similar to the species Oedemera flavescens, maybe it is one species now??

22.06.2008 5:54, akulich-sibiria

mems, 4 - cancellatus

if that ground beetle species is cancellatus, can this species be granulatus

picture: P6220063_.jpg
P6220063_.jpg — (120.13к)

22.06.2008 6:06, akulich-sibiria

Another such Cryptocephalus, apparently, some kind, from the same place (Middle Urals).

similar to C. sexpunctatus more...
here are Siberian specimens of 1) C. sexpunctatus, 2) C. octopunctatus

picture: P6220065_.jpg
P6220065_.jpg — (125.28к)

picture: P6220064_.jpg
P6220064_.jpg — (138.5к)

22.06.2008 6:14, Dinusik

On the topic of Pterostichus niger...are there any instances of this species that are brown in color??...here are 2 beetles caught in Siberia...

The upper specimen is most likely Pterostichus (Platysma) eschscholtzi Germar, 1824.
Compare it with P. niger, they have different pronotum markings.
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22.06.2008 6:26, Dinusik

Thanks for the help. On Monday-Tuesday I will look at the IERiZ collection. Fortunately, with ground beetles there is an order.

Here's another ground beetle. Mountain taiga of the Middle Urals, near a stream in a clearing. In the afternoon. Mm 8.

Similar to Agonum (Agonum) dolens (C. R. Sahlberg, 1827)
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22.06.2008 6:28, Dinusik

if that ground beetle species is cancellatus, can this species be granulatus

Most likely it is Carabus (Carabus) granulatus duarius Fischer von Waldheim, 1844
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22.06.2008 7:25, akulich-sibiria

The upper specimen is most likely Pterostichus (Platysma) eschscholtzi Germar, 1824.
Compare it with P. niger, they have different pronotum markings.

thank you very much, at work tomorrow I will thoroughly check smile.gif

22.06.2008 12:28, Fornax13

similar to C. sexpunctatus more...
here are Siberian specimens of 1) C. sexpunctatus, 2) C. octopunctatus

The second one is more like C. cordiger L. In sexpunctatus and octopunctatus, the legs are still black, but they differ quite well from each other in dotted lines.
You can view it here:

Yes, indeed, Oedemera femorata (Scopoli 1763) = Oe. flavescens (Linnaeus 1767).

This post was edited by Fornax13-22.06.2008 12: 56
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22.06.2008 15:09, Dinusik

Please tell me, is this Lamprodila virgata (Motsch.)?

picture: P6220083.JPG
P6220083.JPG — (321.41к)

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22.06.2008 15:22, Papilion

Please tell me, is this Lamprodila virgata (Motsch.)?

Yes. That's right, it's virgata.
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22.06.2008 16:20, akulich-sibiria

[quote=Fornax13,22.06.2008 16:28]

22.06.2008 16:47, akulich-sibiria

found a photo on the Internet, the species is designated as C. granulatus, maybe this is C. cancellatus

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 22.06.2008 16: 47

picture: ___________________Carabus_granulatus.jpg
___________________Carabus_granulatus.jpg — (132.09к)

22.06.2008 17:07, RippeR

granulatus - if Krasnoyarsk, then ssp. duarius
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22.06.2008 17:11, brgadr

3. Also chernotelka any? Size 10-15 mm

Dendarus sp. In Greece, there are several dozen of them, but it is difficult to determine.

This post was edited by brgadr - 22.06.2008 17: 12
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23.06.2008 3:50, Juglans

A pair of weevils: Vladivostok, not lespedecia

picture: DSC_0020.jpg
DSC_0020.jpg — (132.32к)

23.06.2008 12:27, Bad Den

A couple of Israeli goldsmiths, I doubt something...
1. Capnodis sp...?
user posted image

2. Julodis, taki rothi ?
user posted image

23.06.2008 13:15, Fornax13

A couple of Israeli goldsmiths, I doubt something...
1. Capnodis sp...?

I can use Capnodis to post keys, if necessary.

23.06.2008 13:18, Bad Den

I can use Capnodis to post keys, if necessary.

Need to, thank you in advance jump.gif

23.06.2008 13:29, Buzman

To akulich-sibiria: Yes, absolutely true, these are synonyms:
Oedemera femorata (Scopoli, 1763)
= Necydalis flavescens L., 1767
= Oedemera flavescens (L., 1767)
= Oedemera similis W. Schmidt, 1846
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23.06.2008 13:55, Nimrod

Good day, ladies and gentlemen!
Mr. Bad Den, I've just been whispered in my left ear about your Buprestidae:

1. Capnodis sp...?
Capnodis cariosa (Pall.)
2. Julodis, taki rothi ?
Everything is right. Он.
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23.06.2008 14:06, RippeR

hapnodis isn't miliaris by any chance?

23.06.2008 16:19, Bad Den

Nimrod, pass my gran merci to your comrade on the left smile.gif

23.06.2008 20:23, PG18

Tell me, PJ., is this Plateumaris of some kind? En Masse along the bank of the pond. The Middle Urals.

picture: DSC_0028.jpg
DSC_0028.jpg — (35.67к)

23.06.2008 20:38, brgadr

A pair of weevils: Vladivostok, not lespedecia

- Anosimus fasciatus (Faust)
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23.06.2008 21:23, suomi man

Help me identify the bug. Body length about 3 cm. Width 1.5 cm. The color is brown. Lamellar sawyere.

picture: PICT0124.jpg
PICT0124.jpg — (171.19к)

picture: PICT0128.jpg
PICT0128.jpg — (147.19к)

picture: PICT0143.jpg
PICT0143.jpg — (191.52к)

23.06.2008 21:27, Buzman

To suomi_man: Female Oryctes nasicornis (L., 1758)

23.06.2008 21:29, Buzman

To PG18: Donacia aquatica (L., 1758)
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24.06.2008 9:48, Dinusik

Please tell me who's who here? smile.gif

picture: P6230014.JPG
P6230014.JPG — (207.36к)

picture: P6220034.JPG
P6220034.JPG — (222.34к)

picture: P6180024.JPG
P6180024.JPG — (249.12к)

picture: P6220046.JPG
P6220046.JPG — (284.15к)

24.06.2008 9:49, akulich-sibiria

Help me identify the bug. Body length about 3 cm. Width 1.5 cm. The color is brown. Lamellar sawyere.

female rhino beetle..O.nasicornis

24.06.2008 11:07, KDG

Please tell me who's who here? smile.gif

1.Leptura duodecimguttata
2,4. Leptura aethiops
3. Lixus какой-то
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24.06.2008 13:23, akulich-sibiria

help me determine it...gonioctenes from siberia

picture: P6240071_.jpg
P6240071_.jpg — (128.32к)

picture: P6240073_.jpg
P6240073_.jpg — (110.53к)

picture: P6240072_.jpg
P6240072_.jpg — (112.8к)

24.06.2008 13:52, omar

I can say that from the photos, identifying goniocten from Siberia is not a promising occupation. You need to tear your genitals.

24.06.2008 14:06, пигидий

[quote=akulich-sibiria,22.06.2008 04:15]
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24.06.2008 15:14, Fornax13

To Dinusik:
Lixus - or fasciculatus Bohemann, or maculatus Roelofs. I think it's probably the first one.
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24.06.2008 16:09, Vitnaz

Good afternoon. Help identify the elephants. Moscow region
1. 4 mm of soil. fishing.
2. 4 mm of soil. lov.
3 and 4. 5 mm on the ground

1, 3, 4-Hypera arator L.,
2-Hypera postica Gyll (=Phytonomus variabilis) or, more likely, Hypera transsylvanica Petri. If the hindwings are reduced, it is more likely transsylvanica. Theoretically, ornatus is also possible, it is better to determine by genitals.

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