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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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27.07.2016 21:02, Nick444444

Please help me identify the butterfly.
Rather, choose from two options: Hawk moth poplar or aspen.
place and time of meeting oz.Baikal, Bolshye Koty settlement, July 01

Laothoe amurensis
Aspen hawkmoth
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28.07.2016 12:11, Shapik

Crimea, Simferopol district, Tubay Balki district, 28.07.2016

picture: IMG_0139.JPG
IMG_0139.JPG — (292.78к)

28.07.2016 12:27, Ilia Ustiantcev

Crimea, Simferopol district, Tubay Balki district, 28.07.2016

Craniophora pontica
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28.07.2016 14:07, Ilia Ustiantcev

Are these both Gelechias nigra? And then I called the first turpella in the heat of the moment, but what can she do in Pestovo without a poplar tree?

user posted imageuser posted image

user posted imageuser posted image

28.07.2016 15:27, Ilia Ustiantcev

I offer to the attention of respected experts a few scoops taken in Krivoy Rog this season, and for a change, a couple of moths and a moth

Mamestra brassicae x2
Oligia sp.
Crassa unitella/tinctella
Cosmia diffinis
Spodoptera exigua
Dioryctria abietella
Abrostola triplasia
Stegania dilectaria
Cosmia affinis
Autographa gamma
Isturgia arenacearia
Lymantria dispar x2
Axylia putris
Sitochroa verticalis
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28.07.2016 18:10, Vlad Proklov

Are these both Gelechias nigra? And then I called the first turpella in the heat of the moment, but what can she do in Pestovo without a poplar tree?

G. nigra of course!
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28.07.2016 18:30, Ilia Ustiantcev

G. nigra of course!

Great, then I have photos of all ten of our species, unless of course there is something exclusive not from the catalog)

28.07.2016 19:01, AlexIva

Idaea ochrata or Idaea rufaria?
Especially the second one is confusing...
1 - Kaluga region, Dvortsy village, 15.07.16;
2-Vladimir region, Vyaznikovsky district, 24.07.16.

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (180.29к)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (159.52 k)

28.07.2016 20:26, svm2

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28.07.2016 20:50, Sergey Rybalkin

  picture: 1821___Erebia_ligea_______________________.________________________________________________._____________________.jpg
picture: 1822___Erebia_ligea_______________________.________________________________________________._____________________.jpg
picture: 1823___Erebia_euryale_______________________.________________________________________________._____________________.jpg

Upper two Erebia ligea, lower euryale? Southern Urals, okr. Upper Ufaley. 2.07.16

Look at the butterflies in the clearing. In males, ligea has an androconial spot on the forewing, while Euryala does not. I can tell them apart right in the woods when I catch them. With females it is more difficult, but here the eye should be marked, slightly different underwear, euryale has a lighter color.
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28.07.2016 22:01, Kharkovbut

Heliothis viriplaca?

Ukraine, Kharkiv region, 25. vii. 2016

picture: NOC__H._cf._viriplaca___7_25_2016__Kh.jpg
NOC__H._cf._viriplaca___7_25_2016__Kh.jpg — (208.43к)

28.07.2016 22:29, Alexandr Zhakov

  Heliothis viriplaca?
Ukraine, Kharkiv region, 25. vii. 2016

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28.07.2016 23:39, beautyfil

Mamestra brassicae x2
Oligia sp.
Crassa unitella/tinctella
Cosmia diffinis
Spodoptera exigua
Dioryctria abietella
Abrostola triplasia
Stegania dilectaria
Cosmia affinis
Autographa gamma
Isturgia arenacearia
Lymantria dispar x2
Axylia putris
Sitochroa verticalis

28.07.2016 23:39, beautyfil

Thank you so much for your qualified help!
A special intrigue for me was represented by a non-partner. I was looking for it among the ribbon boxes, although I suspected that something was wrong)
Positions 6 and 7 show the same butterfly, namely Spodoptera exigua. It's a pity that the "edit" option didn't work, and I couldn't make any clarifications and additions.
I kept the autograph scale as such, but it turned out too effectively, and there are a lot of them that are very similar, but they are classified as different types, which are more like different color variations. In general, you gave me great pleasure)) All the best, good luck!

29.07.2016 0:16, coriander-lithurgus

Good evening to all! Please tell me the specific names of the presented butterflies. I've been trying to figure it out in a hurry, but I'm not sure that everything turned out right.

picture: SAM_1991.JPG
SAM_1991.JPG — (250.47к)

picture: SAM_1992.JPG
SAM_1992.JPG — (265.94к)

picture: SAM_1990.JPG
SAM_1990.JPG — (252.05к)

29.07.2016 13:03, Ilia Ustiantcev

Isn't this the usual clavipalpis? It is unlikely that there is anyone in Pestovo besides her and petraea, but still, when clavipalpis flies, you usually see more than 1 of them in a few nights...

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29.07.2016 16:16, coriander-lithurgus

Isn't this the usual clavipalpis? It is unlikely that there is anyone in Pestovo besides her and petraea, but still, when clavipalpis flies, you usually see more than 1 of them in a few nights...

user posted imageuser posted image

Hello dear Ilya! If I understand correctly, you gave a partial response to my last request. The scoop from the 2nd photo was identified as Caradrina clavipalpis. Thank you for your attention. However, I still have my doubts. I am sending you a joint photo of 2 copies. Caradrina clavipalpis from its collection, identified by A.V. Sviridov (Moscow State University Zoomuseum) and a designated specimen. The difference is significant in the size, pattern, and color of the wings, especially the lower ones. Is this intraspecific variability? By the way, in our Stavropol territory Caradrina clavipalpis is also common, and often even mass-produced. But somehow I did not observe such intraspecific variations. In my opinion, this specimen even looks like Cirrhia ocelaris, but not her. So who is it? Can we come to the truth together? Don't be offended, I am ready to continue business contact. smile.gif

picture: SAM_1993.JPG
SAM_1993.JPG — (326.53к)

29.07.2016 17:41, Ilia Ustiantcev

29.07.2016 21:53, coriander-lithurgus

There are two Caradrina on top, in Stavropol there may be more than problems with them, but since Sviridov defined it, he is probably right. And from the bottom there is an unmistakable suspecta.

Thank you Ilya! And what conclusion can you make for the other two butterflies: the metal-shaped scoop and the firefly (if this is the only one)?

29.07.2016 22:45, аруд

They came together well - one white one, I know for sure. South of the Br. region, July. Thanks a lot

picture: ________.jpg
________.jpg — (288.06к)

29.07.2016 22:51, Nick444444

They came together well - one white one, I know for sure. South of the Br. region, July. Thanks a lot

Upper chessboard Melitaea didyma
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30.07.2016 0:16, Ilia Ustiantcev

Thank you Ilya! And what conclusion can you make for the other two butterflies: the metal-shaped scoop and the firefly (if this is the only one)?

The mealloid is correct, it's just flawed, and the Aglossa is too broken and even straightened out, I won't dare to define it.
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30.07.2016 7:29, okoem

Please tell me the specific names of the presented butterflies.

Firefly, IMHO-Aglossa asiatica Erschoff, 1872.
pinguinalis has a slightly different pattern, more rounded wings, their overall background is darker. And these two species differ well in size - asiatica is much smaller.
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30.07.2016 9:44, Василий пенза

Help with the pigeons! In the center of eumedon, and at the edges of who? All in one day from one clearing on June 26

picture: ___________2.jpg
___________2.jpg — (62.45 k)

picture: __________.jpg
__________.jpg — (102.6к)

30.07.2016 10:12, Kharkovbut

Help with the pigeons! In the center of eumedon, and at the edges of who?
eumedon smile.gif
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30.07.2016 13:28, Ilia Ustiantcev

Two broken butterflies from Pestovo. The first one is probably Protolampra sobrina, judging by the remnants of spots, a dark stripe and strokes on the leading edge. But the second Depressaria is generally unclear, especially if these reddish triangles at the base of the wing are not scuffs.

picture: DSC07506.JPG

user posted imageuser posted image

31.07.2016 3:55, Necrocephalus

What's that for?
picture: DSCN0405.JPG

31.07.2016 19:11, RoPro

Tell me, please, what kind of scoop. Moscow region, July 31.

picture: DSCN8193.jpg
DSCN8193.jpg — (445.64к)

31.07.2016 19:15, TEMPUS

Tell me, please, what kind of scoop. Moscow region, July 31.

Lymantria monacha
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31.07.2016 22:00, gstalker

Please help me with butterflies from Germany mol.gif
For earlier thank you

picture: w26mm_26.05.16.jpg
w26mm_26.05.16.jpg — (89.93к)

picture: w29mm_09.07.16_nom_b.jpg
w29mm_09.07.16_nom_b.jpg — (98.24к)

01.08.2016 15:40, шустов

Pyrausta aerealis? or something else.
End of June, north Chernihiv region
picture: __________169.jpg

01.08.2016 18:59, gstalker

Please help me with butterflies from Germany mol.gif
For earlier thank you

Atolmis rubricollis (Linnaeus, 1758) and scooper ?

01.08.2016 19:29, MIV

Please help me with butterflies from Germany mol.gif
For earlier thank you

Scooper is similar to Apamea scolopacina (Esper, 1788)
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01.08.2016 22:41, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Topoliny
1 27.06.2016
picture: IMG_0384.jpg
2 1.08.2016
picture: IMG_0384.jpg
picture: IMG_3362.jpg

picture: IMG_3350.jpg
IMG_3350.jpg — (255.22к)

02.08.2016 3:30, Ольга Титова

Please help me identify it. 30.07.2016, Sakhalin.
The bottom two are 01.08.2016.

This post was edited by Olga Titova - 02.08.2016 04: 18

picture: DSC_0253____.jpg
DSC_0253____.jpg — (56.35к)

picture: DSC_0245____.jpg
DSC_0245____.jpg — (60.95к)

picture: DSC_0246____.jpg
DSC_0246____.jpg — (60.3к)

02.08.2016 9:05, svm2

M. O.,

1-I can't think of anything other than virgaureata
2-Euxoa nigricans
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02.08.2016 12:23, Ilia Ustiantcev

1-I can't think of anything but
virgaureata 2-Euxoa nigricans

virgaureata I have now also flies,
but about Euxoa-do not you mind the continuous line at the outer edge? Couldn't find photos of nigricans with it, maybe it's more typical of eruta or adumbrata?
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02.08.2016 12:49, svm2

virgaureata I have now also flies,
but about Euxoa-do not you mind the continuous line at the outer edge? Couldn't find photos of nigricans with it, maybe it's more typical of eruta or adumbrata?

You're probably right, but it's unlikely Eruta. And if the size is around 40mm, then exactly adumbrata
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02.08.2016 16:35, AlexIva

Help, please, to deal with these bulavousy:
MO, Serebryanoprudsky district, 01.08.16
1-Colias hyale, but is there too much black?
picture: 21.JPG
2 - Polyommatus thersites?
picture: 221.JPGpicture: 222.JPG
3-Phengaris, which one?
(one copy - top and bottom)
picture: 231.JPGpicture: 232.JPG

02.08.2016 19:14, AGG

Help, please, to deal with these bulavousy:
MO, Serebryanoprudsky district, 01.08.16

3-Phengaris, which one?
(one copy - top and bottom)

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