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Identification of insects by traces of their vital activity

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of insects by traces of their vital activity

Lenkins, 14.01.2007 1:11

Помогите , пожалуйста, определить жильцов этих квартирок.
Северная Карелия, июль, шиповник рощевый (Rosa dumalis)

картинка: P1030118_1_1.jpg
P1030118_1_1.jpg — (130.41к)   


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14.01.2007 3:16, Bad Den

Какое-нибудь перепончатокрылое из р. Rhodites (Cynipidae).

Сообщение было отредактировано Bad Den - 14.01.2007 03:16
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17.01.2007 21:39, Lenkins

Вы имеете в виду розанную орехотворку Rhodites rosarum L ?

18.01.2007 0:20, Bad Den

  Вы имеете в виду розанную орехотворку Rhodites rosarum L ?

Нет, не ее, у нее галлы несколько другой формы. Я, к сожалению, не силен, в орехотворках, просто предполагаю, что это может быть близкий вид.

08.09.2007 12:08, lerth

Уважаемые коллеги, кто может оставлять такие повреждения? Материал - брус клеенный из толстого шпона. Диаметр отверстий - 2-3мм., отверстия закрыты пробочкой из переработанной древесины.

Сообщение было отредактировано lerth - 13.09.2007 14:02

картинка: IMG_0632_resize.jpg
IMG_0632_resize.jpg — (107.2к)   

10.09.2007 14:08, Dmitrii Musolin

What you were told in the Entomo-L list is very similar to the truth... Insects do not make dents on the surface around the entrance. The screw was screwed in, then removed. And either some insect occupied the opening and blocked up the entrance, or a person did...

13.09.2007 14:04, lerth

thank you, I didn't notice these dents myself, they are, indeed, on all the "damages"

17.01.2008 3:13, guest: Lenkins

Июль 2007, НП "Лосиный остров". заповедная часть
Среди огромных зарослей всем известного борщевика только одно растение оказалось съедобным для этих маленьких смелых созданий...
Интересно, кто эти отважные существа?

user posted image

17.01.2008 3:42, Lenkins

Гусеницы размером около 1см.
Фото побольше...
user posted image

Сообщение было отредактировано Lenkins - 17.01.2008 03:50

19.01.2008 19:16, Ilia Ustiantcev

I do not know who it is, but swallowtail vs hogweed is a killer force.

19.01.2008 23:11, Lenkins

There are not so many swallowtails in the Moscow region...smile.gif

20.01.2008 10:52, Ilia Ustiantcev

Do they breed butterflies for beauty in the Far East or abroad? Bred. So we need to breed the swallowtail and let it out on the hogweed.

20.01.2008 16:31, mikee

Do they breed butterflies for beauty in the Far East or abroad? Bred. So we need to breed the swallowtail and let it out on the hogweed.

Gobble up all the dill and carrots in the dachas tongue.gif

20.01.2008 18:02, Ilia Ustiantcev

Yeah. But I have a strange premonition that there are 10 times more hogweed than all cultivated umbrellas!

20.01.2008 18:14, AntSkr

It depends on where. I, for example, have never seen hogweed. And the caterpillars of swallowtails met on dill, carrots, parsley, etc.

20.01.2008 19:37, Ilia Ustiantcev

LUCKY YOU!!! True, at my dacha with hogweed is also tight, but in Gzhel there are whole thickets. And most importantly, it is even near the house, in the floodplain of Setuni!

21.01.2008 19:05, Zhuk

And I have nothing but borscht that doesn't grow frown.gifanymore

23.01.2008 10:59, Alexandr Rusinov

In our region, I have never seen any swallowtail caterpillars on hogweed, although there are a lot of hogweed and swallowtails. Yes, and in vegetable gardens swallowtails are rare, apparentlysmile.gif, caterpillars are most often found on wild umbrella plants.

28.01.2008 20:18, VBoris

I don't know about you in Moscow, but here (I won't talk about the whole of Belarus) you won't find a Swallowtail in the Minsk region during the day with firesmile.gif. I can count the number of times I've met a swallowtail on my fingersfrown.gif.

28.01.2008 20:23, VBoris

Actually, I was still a child when I first saw this large butterfly, which I had only seen in books before. At first I thought it was a sparrow, but then when I saw the sparrow hovering over the flower, I recognized it as a swallowtail. Actually, I don't think they're swallowtail caterpillarssmile.gif. We digress from the subjectsmile.gif.

29.01.2008 0:51, Zhuk

in my opinion, these are moth caterpillars of some kind...or something like that.

11.02.2008 21:00, Lenkins

I thought about moths, too, but kind of...

12.02.2008 12:29, Cosmos

I thought about moths, too, but kind of...
display it for next year. the photo is not sufficient, if someone did not display them themselves. And the topic is interesting and fashionable - "biomethod vs hogweed"))))
Likes: 2

08.10.2008 9:39, gumenuk

I took out some leaves with traces of miners. I understand that it is difficult (or even impossible) to determine the owners. I hope for help.
Taken in the Moscow region, South-East

This post was edited by gumenuk - 11.10.2008 11: 14

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08.10.2008 9:44, Dmitrii Musolin

Some species can be fairly accurately identified by the determinants of damage to forest trees (Gusev, Rimsky-Korsakov). In general, there are a lot of special literature.

1st - looks like a large birch mining sawfly. 3rd and last - on flies.
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08.10.2008 9:57, gumenuk

Some species can be fairly accurately identified by the determinants of damage to forest trees (Gusev, Rimsky-Korsakov). In general, there are a lot of special literature.

1st - looks like a large birch mining sawfly. 3rd and last - on flies.

Gusev is not present, there is a Short determinant of forest pests (Padiy) and an Atlas of insects-pests of forest species (Novak) - I will go there to look

08.10.2008 10:01, Dmitrii Musolin

these are very weak books... there are few views...
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08.10.2008 12:20, amara

The topic is interesting, but you need to specify the type (genus) of plants (if possible).
Gusev is for trees and shrubs (both wild and cultivated), but for herbs there are books on it. language (I don't have any).

08.10.2008 12:27, gumenuk

The topic is interesting, but you need to specify the type (genus) of plants (if possible).
Gusev is for trees and shrubs (both wild and cultivated), but for herbs there are books on it. language (I don't have any).

The first three images are of birch trees, and the rest are of grass. Which one, unfortunately, I don't know frown.gif

08.10.2008 20:21, okoem

I don't understand anything about mines, but if they don't determine it here, then there is a special topic on the Polish forum where mines are determined by photos.
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11.10.2008 11:12, gumenuk

Is there anything that can be determined from this image? South-east of the Moscow region, June

picture: 001773.jpg
001773.jpg — (44.21к)

23.11.2008 9:47, Ilia Ustiantcev

Who, in your opinion, made these small various injuries on the linden leaves?
picture: IMG_0805.jpg
picture: IMG_0807.jpg

18.04.2009 13:06, kut

Hello, can you tell me who could have done this?
Moscow. GBS. 17.4.9. On a flat tinder tree (Ganoderma applanatum) that grew at the base of a dry oak.


03.06.2014 23:30, Трофим

Can you tell me galls or something from mushrooms?
Russian Federation LO 04.06.14 Gooseberry fruits and leaves, as well as currant leaves

picture: IMG_6504.JPG
IMG_6504.JPG — (86.96к)

picture: IMG_6505.JPG
IMG_6505.JPG — (90.51к)

picture: IMG_6506.JPG
IMG_6506.JPG — (81.61к)

picture: IMG_6507.JPG
IMG_6507.JPG — (49.67к)

03.06.2014 23:50, vafdog

Can you tell me galls or something from mushrooms?
Russian Federation LO 04.06.14 Gooseberry fruits and leaves, as well as currant leaves

it is on them glass rust, caused by fungi
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03.09.2014 8:35, bakamushi

Help me determine what kind of leaf beetle or butterfly left such an interesting trail:
picture: ue.jpg

And whose Gauls can they be (are they Gauls?):
picture: IMG_1268.jpg

03.09.2014 13:19, John-ST

And whose Gauls can they be (are they Gauls?):

(= loewi)Harmandia tremulae or H. globuli
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04.09.2014 8:50, bakamushi

   (= loewi)Harmandia tremulae or H. globuli

And you can't identify the drawing on the sheet?

04.09.2014 10:52, Andrey Ponomarev

[quote=bakamushi,03.09.2014 09:35]

This is a sawfly, this one on a birch
picture: IMG_9397.jpgtree
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18.12.2014 21:51, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. June 22.
Whose house?

user posted image

Pages: 1 2

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