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What subfamily does Rabtala splendida belong to?

Community and ForumTaxonomy. ClassificationWhat subfamily does Rabtala splendida belong to?

Peter Khramov, 01.07.2009 1:41

Actually, the subject... As much as I've seen in Google — everywhere only up to the family...


01.07.2009 7:23, Pavel Morozov

subfamily Dudusinae

more precisely, Euchampsonia splendida
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01.07.2009 7:50, Dr. Niko

Well, that's right - now it's not Rabtala, but Euhampsonia. But with the subfamily, some kind of porridge is obtained. According to the Sineva catalog, it is a subfamily of Notodontinae - Euhampsonia splendida (Oberthür, 1880). The entire English-language Internet gives-Dudusinae-Euhampsonia splendida (Oberthür, 1881). I think that our team will gallop through Europe as always, then get into circulation faster and here is the result.

This post was edited by Dr. Niko - 01.07.2009 07: 51
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01.07.2009 12:07, Peter Khramov

G-yes, thank you, Euhampsonia also looked, but there was even less information on it...

01.07.2009 12:40, Pavel Morozov

To avoid confusion for educational program purposes:
In modern works (Schintlmeister) marching silkworms (Thaumetopoeinae) They are NOT included in the Notodontidae family

In Eurasia, the crested family is represented in the following subfamilies:
Dudusinae (we have 3 species of the genera Euchampsonia and Zaranga)
Scranciinae (we don't have any)
Ceirinae (2 species in the Southern Kuril Islands and Sakhalin)
Cerurinae (genera Cerura, Neocerra, Kamalia (similar to cerura) Furcula and Neoharpyia. Last one - 2 views only SW Europe and Front Asia)
Dicranurinae (in the Russian Federation genera-Harpyia, Uropyia, Dicranura, Stauropus, Fentonia, Neopheosia, Cnetodonta)
Notodontinae (we have Nerice, Drymonia, Notodonta, Peridea, Pheosia, Shacka, Leucodonta, Lophocosma, Ellida, Hupodonta)
Ptilodoninae (In Russia - Ptilodon, Pterostoma, Ptilophora, Lophontosia, Pterotes, Allodonta, Semidonta, Epodonta, Odontosia)
Phalerinae (we have Phalera and Phalerodonta)
Pygaerinae (we have Clostera, Pygaera, Gonoclostera, Gluphysia, Spatalia, Rosama)
Platychasmatinae ( not found in Humans, no more than 10 species in Asia)

I wrote offhand, I will write a more combed version in the corresponding topic.
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