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Buy / sell literature

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Dracus, 31.05.2006 16:59

Purchase and sale of relatively up-to-date entomology literature.

I will buy the following books:

This post was edited by Dracus - 17.07.2013 01: 49


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5... 15

14.06.2006 9:52, guest: олег

Sell books

1. general index of works in 15 volumes of the yearbook of the Zoomuseum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1911-300 rubles.
2. About mares I. A. Porchinsky, S-Pb, 1894-150 rub
3. Winter worm control,its development and origin. 1924-150 rubles
4. M. N. Rimsky Korsakov. Forest entomology.1930-250 rubles
5.Clover or humpback pachyderma, St. Petersburg, 1914-200 rubles
. 6. K. E. Lindeman. The main enemies of grain shoots and measures of their extermination, Moscow 1909-200 rubles
7. Flora of Siberia and the Far East, 1913-250 rubles
8. house fly. Its significance for humans and its relation to the housefly,1913-200 rubles.
9. Insects that are harmful to agriculture. Mavrsky bug or turtle., St. Petersburg, 1901-200 rubles.
10. Bark beetles(184 species) Ecology of bark beetles in Europe, the Caucasus and Siberia. 300 rubles
11.Russishen entomologischen bulletin for January 1879 (without obl) – 100 rubles
12. Slepni, St. Petersburg, 1911-250 rubles
13. Winter shovel in Votkinsk region. Biology ecology and control. 1928-150 rub
14. Barley aphid. Poltava,1911-200 rubles.
15. Extracts from the minutes of meetings of the Russian Entomological Society for 1910 (without obl) - 100 rubles.
16. Large stomach gadfly of a horse. St. Petersburg,1911-200 rubles.
17. Garden sprayers Report !th Russian contest. Simferopol,1913-150 rubles.
18. report on the fight with the filly in the Tobolsk province.1914-150 rub
. 19. A brief guide to the definition of Locust eggs, St. Petersburg, 1909-250 rub
. 20. Bulletin on the pest to agriculture. Kharkiv,1915-200 rubles.
21. Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrenie [Russian Entomological Review], 1907-200 rubles.
22. Isozomes harmful to cereals in Russia. St. Petersburg,1914-100 rubles.
23. V. V. Yakhontov Connection of cotton pests with weeds in the Bukhara district, 1928-150 rubles
. 24. pea elephants, St. Petersburg, 1915-200 rubles.
25. Bud weevil, 1914-200 rubles
. 26. Journal of economic entomolojy. America,1924-250 rubles.
27. Fungal pests of cultivated plants in the Moscow province. 1911-150 rubles.
28. Garden pests. The most harmful to the garden butterflies. St. Petersburg, 1911-300 rubles.
29. Leaflet for combating diseases and damage to the garden, 1906-100 rubles
. 30. Zeitschrift fur angewandte entomologie.Berlin, 1926 – 450руб.
31. Naumov N. A., Drunken bread. Petrograd, 1916 -150 rubles.
32. Journal of economic entomology, June 1924-300 rubles.
33. Locusta migratoria-as independent forms and derivatives, 1927-200 rubles
. 34. instructions for the preparation of insecticides for locusts, 1912-150 rubles.
35. Blue linen flea, 1917-200 rubles
. 36. shaggy bronze or Alenka. St. Petersburg,1912-200 rubles.
37. two thrips harmful to cereals, 1912-100 rubles.
38. Malarial mosquito its life and properties, 1911-200 rubles
39.Mountain ash and apple tree. Insects that live on them. 1912-250 rubles
40. losses from insects in the USA and Russia. Commissariat of Agriculture, 1919-200 rubles
41. Alfalfa shovel or flax shovel and other pests of flax. St. Petersburg, 1900. - 300 rubles.

Apply to sabre2@inbox.ru
Likes: 1

29.06.2006 22:05, Dragonsbane

For the first one, go to the Moscow State University Zoo Museum, Andrey Valentinovich definitely has this book for sale
Likes: 1

04.07.2006 15:13, RippeR

Buy: Determinants of insect families published by VSU Negrobov S. O., 2005.

14.10.2006 23:15, Dracus

I will buy:

Systematics, phylogeny and evolution of grylloblattid insects

It doesn't matter if the book is printed or electronic.

This post was edited by Dracus - 05/14/2007 13: 38

23.12.2006 11:10, amara


Determinant of insects of the Far East, Volume 3, Beetles, part 3.


This post was edited by amara - 20.01.2009 09: 43

23.12.2006 11:31, Dmitrii Musolin

see the Entomol section. forum about scans - there was a link to Zina's bug site and a lot of scans.

23.12.2006 13:56, Mylabris

There are all bug volumes for DV and a bunch of other scans

23.12.2006 17:13, amara

Thank you so much for your help.
I know about scans, but I still want a book.
Thank you.

07.01.2007 16:15, Guest

People!!! We need literature on Elateridae, especially Dolinskaya-Fauna of Ukraine, and a guide to larvae. Thank you in advance.

07.01.2007 21:48, Victor Titov

People!!! We need literature on Elateridae, especially Dolinskaya-Fauna of Ukraine, and a guide to larvae. Thank you in advance.

On the website "Beetles (Coleoptera) and coleopterologists" you can find the page "Library of Denis Potanin-articles and books by various authors", you can download two publications by Dolin:
V. G. Dolin
New species of click beetles of the genus Melanothus Esch. (Coleoptera, Elateridae) from Central Asia.
Entomol. obozr., 1997, 76, 2: 350-356
Separate page: dolin_95.htm

V. G. Dolin, E. P. Bessolitsyna
New species of click beetles of the genus Hypnoidus Steph. (Coleoptera, Elateridae) from the Eastern Palearctic.
Entomol. obozr., 1991, 70, 4: 846-850
Separate page: dolin_34.htm
And also many other useful things.

07.01.2007 21:58, Victor Titov

People!!! We need literature on Elateridae, especially Dolinskaya-Fauna of Ukraine, and a guide to larvae. Thank you in advance.

By the way, there is there (on the site Beetles (Coleoptera) and coleopterologists) and the book you need: V. G. Dolin. Determinant of click beetle larvae of the USSR fauna (1978)
Likes: 1

28.04.2007 8:50, Guest

I can sell you a book about spiders. And if anyone has books about butterfly breeding, I'll buy them tayfun1@mail.ru

04.11.2007 21:38, Dracus

I will buy:

Ehrmann, R. 2002. Mantodea: Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier, Münster

Storozhenko S. Yu. 2004. Long-whiskered erect-winged insects (Orthoptera: Ensifera) of the Asian part of Russia-Vladivostok

Frederick R. Prete. The Praying Mantids

This post was edited by Dracus-04.11.2007 23: 24

26.12.2007 3:53, Coelioxys

I will buy:

Storozhenko S. Yu. 2004. Long-whiskered erect-winged insects (Orthoptera: Ensifera) of the Asian part of Russia-Vladivostok

If you still need it, I can send it to you.

15.05.2008 19:36, guest: Александр

Surplus books.journals of individual articles(originals only)
sell or change to Cerambycidae Ex-USSR.

22.05.2008 11:20, guest: Cosmos

there may be a guide to horsemen (ichneumonidae) or the 2nd volume of flies - from the green series-Opr. Europe.parts?

22.05.2008 18:56, guest: Александр

I'll watch it this Sunday!
Are you interested in articles on this topic?

25.05.2008 12:17, bugslov

is there a scarabaeidae fauna of the USSR ?

This post was edited by bugslov - 10.07.2008 17: 41

25.05.2008 15:17, Bad Den

bugslov, and what volumes?

10.07.2008 14:34, bugslov

beetleslov, and what volumes?

Preferably all 5
-forgot smile.gif

This post was edited by bugslov - 10.07.2008 14: 36

10.07.2008 17:41, bugslov

is there a scarabaeidae fauna of the USSR ?


02.09.2008 1:29, guest: Миша

buy books on entomology
send your list with prices to the address nikolaevmv@mail.ru

25.09.2008 14:32, guest: Nucifraga

For sale:
1. Pavlovskiy E. N. Metody izucheniya krovososushchikh komarov [Methods of studying blood-sucking mosquitoes]. 2nd ed.176 p. (Instructions for collecting zools. Collections published by Zool. Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Issue 14.) (In contents: Collection of winged mosquitoes. Eggs, larvae, and pupae. Output and content. Calendar of mosquito life. Methods of standard survey of water bodies. Environmental observations and experiments on mosquitoes. Autopsy of mosquitoes. Methods of microscopic work. Cross-sectional studies. Commit. Filling in paraffin. Cross-section sticker. Entomological collection of mosquitoes. Definition. Determinant of genera of the family Culicidae. Capping and shipping). 77 fig.
2. Glavneyshie vrediteli sel'skoho khozyaistva Vostochnosibirskogo kraya i mery bor'by s imi (Kratkiy spravochnik) [The main pests of agriculture in the East Siberian Region and measures to combat them (A short guide)]. Compiled by a team of employees of the East Siberian Plant Protection Station and the East Siberian region. Irkutsk, Moscow, 1934, 128 p. 41 fig.
3. Porchinsky I. A. Leaf-eater-deceiver (Phalera bucephala L.) and its significance in artificial reproduction of the egg-eating moth during the winter time. SPb., 1913. 16 P. 8 fig. (Proceedings of the Bureau of Entomology of the Scientific Committee of the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture. Vol. 10. No. 4.)
4. Porchinsky I. A. Horseflies (Tabanidae) and the simplest methods of their destruction. Izd. 5-E. SPb., 1911.55 p. 21 Fig. (Proceedings of the Bureau of Entomology of the Scientific Committee of the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture, Vol. 2, No. 8.)
5. Rossikov K. N. Winter shovel (Winter worm) (Agrotis segetum Schiff.), its life, properties and methods of control. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1909. 124 p. 4 col. Table 37 fig. (Proceedings of the Bureau of Entomology of the Scientific Committee of the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture, Vol. 6. No. 5.)
6. Vasiliev I. V. The harmful turtle (Eurygaster integriceps [Osch.] Put.) and new methods of controlling it with parasites from the insect world. 3rd ed. of St. Petersburg, 1913. 81 p. 31 fig. (Proceedings of the Bureau of Entomology of the Scientific Committee of the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture, Vol. 4, No. 11.)
7. Schreiner Ya. F. Elephants and apple weevil that harm fruit orchards. 3rd ed. of St. Petersburg, 1914. 65 p. 32 fig. (Proceedings of the Bureau of Entomology of the Scientific Committee of the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture, vol. 2, No. 44.)
8. Ogievsky V. D. On the flight years of Khrushchev (What is the pattern of alternating flight years of Khrushchev and how it is explained). St. Petersburg, 1908 65 p. 4 tab. (Proceedings on forest experimental business in Russia of the Forest Department of the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture. Issue 10.)
9. Guman V. V. Reasons for the death of pine crops in the Archadinskaya dacha of the Don Army Region. SPb., 1913. 81 p. 9 photos. (Proceedings on forest experimental business in Russia of the Forest Department of the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture. Issue 50.) (there is a section: The most common pests of pine plantations)
10. Proceedings of the Siberian Regional Plant Protection Station from pests. No. 2 (5). Tomsk, 1927. 97 p. Fig. (there are articles about locusts, nutcrackers, bread flea)
11. Sbornik VIZRa (All-Union Institute of Plant Protection-OBV), 1932 No. 2. 112 P. Ill. (There are articles about meadow moth, corn moth, bark beetles)
12.Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrenie [Russian Entomological Review]. Yaroslavl, 1901, No. 4-5, pp. 137-224.
13.Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrenie [Russian Entomological Review]. Yaroslavl, 1901, No. 6, pp. 225-300.
14.Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrenie [Russian Entomological Review]. Pg., 1922. Vol. 18. no. 1. pp. 1-64.
15. Avinov A. On some new forms of the genus Parnassius (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). St. Petersburg, 1913. 22 p. 1 col. Tab. (Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society in St. Petersburg, vol. 40, No. 5)
16. Kosminsky P. A. Variability of morphological features of butterflies under the influence of temperature. Pylnov E. V. K faune pryamoptera severnoi chasti Oblasti Voi Donskogo [On the fauna of straight-winged birds in the northern part of the Don Army Region]. Moscow, 1913, pp. 121-143. (Diary of the Zoological Department of Imp. Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography. Nov. ser. Vol. 1. No. 3.)
Any brochure – 300 rubles., if all chohom-200 rubles. and my shipment is free. payment.

04.10.2008 18:29, guest: Nucifraga

I'll put you in safe hands (for pennies, of course):
Oshanin B. Verzeichnis der Palaearktischen Hemipteren mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Verteilung im Russischen Reiche. Bd.1. Lieferung 1. : Pentatomidae-Lygaeidae. St. Pb., 1906. 393 S. Bd. 1.Lieferung 2.: Tingididae - Acanthiidae. St. Pb., 1908.394-586 S. (Appendix to Yearbook of the Zoological Museum Imp. AN. Vol. 11. 1906. Vol. 13. 1908).

05.10.2008 3:27, Guest

I'll put you in safe hands (for pennies, of course):
Oshanin B. Verzeichnis der Palaearktischen Hemipteren mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Verteilung im Russischen Reiche. Bd.1. Lieferung 1. : Pentatomidae-Lygaeidae. St. Pb., 1906. 393 S. Bd. 1.Lieferung 2.: Tingididae - Acanthiidae. St. Pb., 1908.394-586 S. (Appendix to Yearbook of the Zoological Museum Imp. AN. Vol. 11. 1906. Vol. 13. 1908).
Please write your terms and conditions on Tentat (dog)yandex.ru

09.10.2008 11:47, vitalbata

For sale:
M.P. van Veen "Hoverflies of Northwest Europe: identification keys to the Syrphidae", 2004

14.10.2008 16:44, Bad Den

5. Insects of the Caucasus, L., 1968, 371 P. (Proc. of the All-Union Entomological Society, vol. 52).

Can I scan the content? Well, and the price, at the same time.

29.11.2008 18:19, vitalbata

Dear BARKO, would you like to exchange the book BUTTERFLIES OF ROMANIA for the book by R. KAZLAUSKAS "LIETUVOS DRUGIAI" (Moths of Lithuania) 2008, which I have already mentioned here? Unfortunately, our book is in Lithuanian.

29.11.2008 19:02, barko

Dear BARKO, would you like to exchange the book BUTTERFLIES OF ROMANIA for the book by R. KAZLAUSKAS "LIETUVOS DRUGIAI" (Moths of Lithuania) 2008, which I have already mentioned here? Unfortunately, our book is in Lithuanian.

Thank you, probably not.
Likes: 1

03.12.2008 13:14, Anomalocaris

I will exchange 5 and 6 tt. The barbels of Northern Asia by Cherepanov are either assigned to the first volume, or to the barbels of the tribe Monochamini, Carabus, or Cicindelidae. Only in Moscow.

04.12.2008 16:45, ovn

I will sell the book: Ernst Hofmann "Die Gross-Schmettrlinge Europas". 1894. It contains about 2000 color drawings of European butterflies.

This post was edited by ovn-05.12.2008 17: 29

14.12.2008 19:55, bugslov

does anyone have the Fauna of the USSR by plates:?

15.12.2008 0:11, Bad Den

does anyone have the Fauna of the USSR by plates:?

Likes: 1

24.12.2008 12:12, Yakovlev

I'll help you identify woodworms (Cossidae) The Old World. For sale a small monograph revision of woodworms of the genus Holcocerus s. l.

25.12.2008 4:14, Coelioxys

For sale.
A. I. Kurentsov. 1970. Bull-whiskered lepidoptera of the Far East of the USSR. (Determinant). Nauka Publishing House, Leningr. otd., l. 1-163.
Price 800 rubles. The book is not mine, so I sell it for what I bought it for. The exchange is not interested.

25.12.2008 10:34, Бабочник

Very interested in the book

"Yandex. Directory. Mass breeding of insects for biological protection of plants. "
A. L. Monastyrsky
V. V. Gorbatovsky

I'll buy it with pleasure...

25.12.2008 10:37, Бабочник

and any other books or articles on bumblebee breeding....

29.12.2008 16:59, guest: Миша

Ross G., Ross Ch., Ross D. Entomology. - Moscow, 1985. 573 p
. Shvanvich B. N. Course of general entomology. - Publishing house "Soviet science", Moscow-L., 1949. 900 p
. nikolaevmv@mail.ru

05.01.2009 20:12, guest: Michail_M

and any other books or articles on bumblebee breeding....

Есть вот такая вот методичка (на укр.яз)
В.А. Горобчишин, А.В. Подобайло Біологічні особливості та охорона джмелів: Навчальний посібник. - Київ: "Геопринт", 2004. - 32с.

About it: The manual contains ecological and ethological features of bumblebees in Ukraine. Recommendations for their protection and attraction have been developed.

If necessary, I can scan it and put it in Scans of books...

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5... 15

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