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New Coleoptera books

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stierlyz, 02.02.2007 17:40

I suggest you announce and discuss new books on Coleoptera. Perhaps someone has or has access to some publications on beetles and can share interesting information. There is a similar page on the Zin website, but there are not so many publications there.


02.02.2007 17:44, stierlyz

Hůrka Karel Carabidae of the Czech and Slovak Republics/Carabidae Česke a Slovenské republiky. – Zlín: Kabourek, 1996. – 568s.

You can order the book on the following websites: kabourek.cz, insecta.de Price-56 euros

Bilingual ground beetle Guide – the English text is accompanied by a Czech translation. Since the texts run parallel – the left page of the spread is in English, the right page is in Czech - this makes it somewhat difficult to work, and it is not convenient to make copies. The book can be logically divided into 2 parts – general and special. The general part covers 14X2 pages and contains the following chapters: Introduction, Explanations and abbreviations, Morphology of imago, Morphology of preimaginal stages, Bionomy, Meaning of ground beetles, Collection and preparation, Breeding, Classification. In these chapters, the author presents all the necessary material for the entomologist quite compactly. In addition to 715 detailed drawings, 16 tabs contain more than 200 (most of them in color) total drawings. The book considers Cicindelini and Rhysodini as tribes. In some cases, the tables are clearly incomplete – for example, there are no drawings of Aedeagus for representatives of the subgenus Badister sensu stricto. In general, the determinant is quite suitable for processing material from Eastern Europe, but it is less applicable to the southern regions and the Crimea. Eastern Carpathian endemics are not included in the tables. The book provides a good bibliography (136 sources), but it would be desirable to see references to a larger number of keys and revisions for individual groups, for example, a link to Komarov's work on the aforementioned genus Badister would not hurt.
In general, the book once again for almost a century since the publication of the first volume of "Fauna Germanica" raises the question: Why are there no such qualifiers in Russian for our regions

02.02.2007 17:45, stierlyz

Hůrka Karel Brouci Česke a Slovenské republiky/Käfer der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik/Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics. – Zlín: Kabourek, 2005. – 390s.

You can order the book on the following websites: kabourek.cz, insecta.de Price – 35 euros

"Perhaps someone will ask: why another new book about beetles? My answer is: there can't be enough books about beetles!" - with these words, Bernard Klausnitzer's abstract on Kurka's latest book begins. This publication is necessary not only for young entomologists or students, but also for specialists in individual groups who want to expand their knowledge of beetles in general. The book was published in two language versions: one with the Czech text accompanied by a German translation, and the other with an English translation. This makes the text part accessible to almost everyone. Unfortunately, this significantly reduces the text volume. The book can be divided into 2 parts – text and illustrative. The text section is preceded by the publisher's appeal to the author, which provides a list of specialists whose advice and recommendations were used in the preparation of the publication. The following is a review of Klausnitzer, the beginning of which the author of these lines quoted above. The introduction contains a description of the order as a whole, explains the taxonomy of the order adopted in this work, and also examines the state of study of various beetle groups in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. A short dictionary of basic biological terms is followed by the main text part, which consists of very brief characteristics of all the taxa listed: suborders, families, subfamilies, and listed representatives. The main value of the book is, of course, 70 pages of color scans depicting more than 1000 species – this is a great help for an entomologist-field scientist. Most of the illustrations are very high quality, although the page with the snappers is slightly blurred. The distribution of representatives across families is not quite uniform: while ground beetles accounted for 148 images (including 21 Carabus), staphylinids sensu lato got only 61, ladybirds-16, and fleas fit only 11, besides, Lochmaea caprea was mistakenly re-slapped under No. 911 instead of the declared Longitarsus pratensis. The list of references includes 63 sources – quite enough for a start, but for a sufficiently complete list and 300 references would not be enough. Well, we can again envy the" comrades in arms " in Central Europe sensu lato, for whom such books are easily accessible, and the price can not be called high.

02.02.2007 17:50, Dmitrii Musolin

it would be nice to give info about new books in general....

03.02.2007 9:49, RippeR

I suggest you try to make a kind of atlas (cheap option), printing on a color printer. The 1st step is to get the photos that many people have and adjust them to approximately the natural size (bugs, of course). Then you can place it on a4 or a3 sheets. Then we will attach the areas and everything else - on ordinary sheets. So everyone will have their own atlas almost for free.

08.02.2007 18:05, stierlyz

Різун Володимир Богданович Туруни Українських Карпат. – Львів: Видавництво Державного природознавчого музею, 2003. – 210с. (Ground Beetles of the Ukrainian Carpathians).

Editor – in – chief – Dolin V. G., reviewer-Ermolenko V. M. Volume-8.54 standard sheets. Edition of 300 copies. The book is distributed by the author and the library of the State Natural History Museum(museum (dog)lviv (point)net)

Among the numerous publications on ground beetles of Ukraine, a major informative work has finally appeared. Published, unfortunately, in Ukrainian, but it is difficult to assume such a publication in Lviv in Russian. After the " Introduction "(where there is a description of the material and methods of studying the structures of ground beetle communities), the chapter "History of studying the carabid fauna of the region" follows. Here the author lists the researchers and their work, as well as briefly describes their routes – this information is very valuable for researchers of the Carpathian coleopterofauna. Unfortunately, a number of references to literary sources are not supported by the data in the list of references. Thus, on page 5 there are references to 2 works by Weise (Weise, 1875, 1876), but only one work is listed, and the transliteration from German to Ukrainian "Weise" (in Russian it sounds "Weise") is hardly justified. On the same page, we find a link to Reitter's work (Reitter, 1878), which again is not listed. The author does not refer at all to the publications of Romanian researchers Hormuzaki and Marcu (Constantin Hormuzaki (Deutsch-Hormusaki), Orest Marcu), whose works contain numerous references to ground beetles from the Chernivtsi region. Other sections of the book contain links to sources that are not included in the list. The author managed not to include in the list his own description of the endemic Trechus pseudomontanellus Rizun, 1994!
The chapter "Natural conditions" then describes the climate, soil and tectonic structure of the Ukrainian Carpathians, as well as a map-scheme of zoning of the region. However, the dimensions of this map (112/78 mm), which is very useful for the reader, significantly complicate the perception of the material.
The main part of the monograph in terms of volume and significance is occupied by the "Ecological and Faunal review". The author provides data on the distribution of species (general, in Ukraine, by region), their proximity to belts and microbiotopes, as well as information on biology. The distribution of ground beetles in the Carpathians is given in full and detailed detail, the presence of a number of previously mentioned species is questioned, and some are excluded from the regional fauna. As for the distribution of species on the territory of Ukraine and other data, they are somehow given selectively and unevenly. The author refers to a limited number of works on the territory of Ukraine, and the well-known and frequently cited publications of S. Medvedev, L. Arnoldi and others are completely ignored. For some species, the lack of data on their attachment to microbiotopes is strange, and this is also observed in fairly common ground beetles. Information on biology is also provided unevenly: emphasis is placed on the timing of the presence of mature eggs in females, data on seasonal activity are selectively provided, and data on nutrition, daily activity, etc. are not provided. In some cases, data from other researchers are given, but it is not clear that there are no references to the fundamental collections of Adolf Horion and Klaus Koch. Location maps are provided for a number of types.
On page 49, the author cites Duvalius werchratskii Rizun & Janicki as a synonym for his own D. transcarpathicus, but it is unclear whether the synonym is established for the first time (there is no designation syn. n.), or it is established earlier (there is no reference to the source).
The chapter "General characteristics of the carabid fauna" briefly summarizes the results of the previous chapter. The huge amount of material processed by the author suggests that the ground beetle fauna of the region has been studied quite fully and the figure given objectively reflects the real number of species. Endemism centers and species diversity in various mountain ranges are considered. In some places, the content is duplicated.
The rather voluminous chapter "Carabidocomplexes of high-altitude vegetation belts" contains 5 subsections according to the zoning of the Carpathians. Some data clearly distort the actual quantitative ratio of different species, which is associated with incorrect interpretation of catches by soil traps. So, on page 143, Table 7 shows the quantitative ratio of ground beetles - inhabitants of the beech forest (Ugolsky and Shirokoluzhansky massifs of the Carpathian Nature Reserve). From this table, it follows that for 4 copies. the genus Trechus (3 species) accounts for more than 750 (seven hundred and fifty!!!) specimens. genus Carabus (9 species). The author of these studies had to collect beetles in the weeds of the aforementioned massifs, and the ratio of representatives of these genera in the collections was exactly the opposite.
The chapter "History of the formation of the carabid fauna of the Ukrainian Carpathians" attempts to reconstruct the formation of ground beetle fauna based on the current distribution of species and paleontological data.
"Afterwords" is a brief summary of the monograph's content, unfortunately, no translation into Russian or English is given, which significantly limits the availability of data and devalues the book. The extensive list of references contains more than 280 sources and several manuscripts.

09.02.2007 13:41, guest: Гость

  Unfortunately, no translation into Russian or English has been given, which significantly restricts the availability of data and devalues the book.

Stirlitz, knowing Russian, Ukrainian can be understood, so do not dramatize the situation smile.gifSapienti sat

09.02.2007 15:52, rpanin

Stirlitz, knowing Russian, Ukrainian can be understood, so do not dramatize the situation smile.gifSapienti sat

Likes: 2

09.02.2007 16:20, Dmitry Vlasov

Нашi з лiсу вже вийшли!

09.02.2007 16:47, omar

And I'm a Muscovite and I can't stand your move.... smile.gifI apologize Elizar, I can't answer you - there's a failure on the Yandex mail server...

10.02.2007 0:19, rpanin

Нашi з лiсу вже вийшли!

As I understood it, Mr. Yelizar wanted to say that after almost 20 years of neglect (repair and reconstruction of the building), the museum has made itself felt. Although its opening is supposed to be so much more in 2 years.

This post was edited by rpanin - 10.02.2007 00: 30

10.02.2007 10:54, stierlyz

[quote=rpanin,09.02.2007 15:52]

12.02.2007 15:28, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

A very "English-language" page of the site smile.gif
I wonder-for whom is it written at all?

19.02.2007 9:38, KDG

There is such a book Jiri Zahradnik
Evropsti Tesarici pred objektivem. Granit, 2001, 143 pp. (I "tweaked" the Czech font a little because I don't know how to insert it here)
In fact, the photo atlas of barbels of Central Europe, only all the photos were taken in nature. The image quality is excellent.

This post was edited by KDG-19.02.2007 09: 41
Likes: 2

22.02.2007 17:31, stierlyz

It seems that everything is inserted in the extended format. This, however, is not very significant. But, for a Pole, L and L are completely different letters, as for us P and L.

01.03.2007 18:20, stierlyz

Cherney Lyubov Sergeevna Black-bodied beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) / / Fauna of Ukraine. Vol. 19. Coleoptera. V. 10. - K.: Naukova dumka, 2005. - 434 p.

Circulation of 300 copies, volume of 37.8 standard sheets. Editor: G. S. Medvedev, reviewers: A. A. Stekolnikov, V. G. Dolin. The book is distributed by the library of the Institute of Zoology of NASU.

After almost a twenty-year break, the beetle "Fauna of Ukraine"was published. Author-Senior Researcher of the Institute of Zoology Cherney (also known as Nadvornaya) Lyubov Sergeevna. The issue covers 102 species of black-bodied beetles and has a standard structure-it is divided into general and special parts. After the preface, a systematic list of species is provided – a very valuable section, which, alas, is absent in many other beetle "Faunas".
The chapter "Morphology" describes and illustrates the structure of beetles, larvae, and pupae. The chapter "Lifestyle" is divided into sections "Biotopic distribution and trophic relationships" and "Reproduction and development". Then comes the chapter "Geographical distribution of black-bodied beetles on the territory of Ukraine". Data on the distribution of some species are clearly incomplete. It seems strange for Nalassus dermestoides to spread "Zhytomyr, Kiev, Cherkasy and Odessa regions". Although Helops coeruleus steveni inhabits the "forests of the south of the republic", the corresponding section contains material only from the mountainous Crimea. The next section- "The system of black-bodied beetles" is of interest only to serious specialists. The small chapter "Practical Significance" examines the importance of a number of species as pests of field crops and stocks, as well as the useful role of dead wood destroyers in forestry. The meaning of the last paragraph, where the fact of finding the seaside Phaleria pontica on the bank of the Dnieper-Bug estuary is given, is not entirely clear.
The chapter "Research methods" discusses methods and techniques for collecting, recording and subsequent processing of material. Collection methods are very poorly described – a number of techniques have been developed for catching mushroom inhabitants that are not mentioned by the author.
The special section contains defining tables and descriptions of 102 regional fauna species. By the way, not all the material from Ukraine (especially from the Crimea) can be identified by G. Medvedev's tables in volume II. The main difference from the standard construction is the separate presentation of material for imago and preimaginal stages. Extensive illustrative material is provided for almost every species: total imago pattern and details of the structure of preimaginal stages (missing only for a few rare, little-known species). Most of the high-quality total drawings are made by Alexey Prokhorov and represent excellent illustrations. Some drawings, however, are borrowed from other literary sources and sharply lose in quality. Against the background of the presence of such total drawings, the complete absence of detailed drawings illustrating the defining theses is incomprehensible. Here is a great deal of original material on preimaginal stages.
It is strange that there are no references to numerous literary sources containing instructions on black heifers on the territory of Ukraine. There are no links to the data of Lomnitsky, Krul and many others. Together with the heterogeneous material presented (Kiev, southern regions, Crimea predominate), this creates a strange distribution pattern for many species: it turns out that in the west of Ukraine there are almost no black heifers! The blackfin fauna of south-eastern Ukraine is extremely "poor". Forest xylobionts are "concentrated" in Kiev, but in the Kharkiv or Chernihiv regions there are very few of them. Such common, according to the author of these lines, species as Diaperus boleti, Scaphidema metallicum, Platydema violaceum are very sporadically and rarely encountered (the latter species is given only from the Crimea). In general, the book can be useful for a very wide range of entomologists, it remains to be regretted that the scanty circulation does not meet the need of readers even in Ukraine.

This post was edited by stierlyz - 01.03.2007 19: 15
Likes: 2

01.03.2007 19:07, stierlyz

Cherney Lyubov Sergeevna, Fedorenko Vitaly Petrovich Determinant of black-bodied beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) Fauna of Ukraine (imago, larvae, pupae): Kolobig, 2006, 250 p.

Circulation of 300 copies, volume of 21.75 accounting and publishing sheets. Editor: G. S. Medvedev, reviewers: Yu. G. Verves, A.V. Puchkov, S. A. Tribel. The book is distributed by the authors.

In fact, the work is a summary of the above fauna. After a brief general part, there are defining tables. This is followed by the section "Systems for protecting crops and stocks from harmful black-bodied beetle species", written by the second co-author. This section provides methods for examining agricultural fields, chemical treatment systems, and a list of medications. The publication of the book was made possible thanks to sponsorship, which is indicated on the last page spread.

This post was edited by stierlyz - 01.03.2007 19: 08

26.03.2007 16:42, Aleksey Adamov

Stirlitz, knowing Russian, Ukrainian can be understood, so do not dramatize the situation smile.gifSapienti sat

When reading Ukrainian articles (respectively in Ukrainian), I understand only Latin and a few Ukrainian words. It would be better to write in Latin.

I can't understand why our Ukrainian colleagues are doing this (they don't even allow space for translation into Russian or English). Maybe these works are intended only for the Ukrainian reader, and the rest of us don't need to know?
Likes: 1

27.03.2007 14:42, guest: Brandashmyg

I can't help but comment. I had to see articles in the language of one Transcaucasian country, turn it this way and that, understand only Latin and think: why is such a publication needed at all? After all, we do not write for a list of references, but in order to convey something to someone, maybe...

As far as I know, for quite a long time in Finland, it has been customary to publish special scientific (i.e., non-popular, applied issues, etc.) articles in English, at least not in Finnish.

27.03.2007 15:39, NiBiFe

Peterson Field guide-bugs of the USA and those who don't care about these borders. A plump, compact, fresh volume. almost all families, with their specific characteristics, number of species, are represented by biol.description. 600 species mentioned (didn't specify), many colors and hb. fig. 16$ = nomin.cost, who needs it first-on nibife@mail.ru )))

27.03.2007 17:01, amara

Peterson Field Guide, Beetles (R. E. White) och. handy book. 600 b / w total images (excellent quality) of the most typical for 111 families of GENERA. + 65 in color. The text describes these genera (most of them are the same as in Russia) with the most common (for the United States) species. Keys for families in pictures are very helpful.
Used it. I recommend.

This post was edited by amara - 03/27/2007 18: 32

29.03.2007 0:53, клайд

But about the zhuzhalaks of the Carpathians, I would love to read in Ukrainian, and I would not refuse such a book on the shelf at all smile.gif
Brothers Slavs... frown.gif

07.04.2007 14:01, Victor Titov

On the Zinovsky website, the page of A. O. Benkovsky appeared on 02.04.2007, where the question of the possibility of acquiring his leaf-eating determinant is again raised. I have it, I bought it by mail from A. O., but I can't scan it: the book is a mounted photocopy, and the binding is glued together so that you can only read it by holding it in your hands, and you can't put it on the scanner at all (so that the text on the binding can be read) without disassembling the books. But I don't want to disassemble it... Who needs it, look at Benkovsky's page, maybe if you're lucky, he'll send you a book. I did it at the time (back in 2005). Link here http://www.zin.ru/animalia/coleoptera/rus/bienkows.htm

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 07.04.2007 15: 34
Likes: 2

10.04.2007 15:27, stierlyz

Well, if you can read with both hands, why not write about the content of the work? Still, it would be more substantive to discuss books if there is a review.

14.04.2007 17:54, Victor Titov

Well, if you can read with both hands, why not write about the content of the work? Still, it would be more substantive to discuss books if there is a review.

Well, actually, this mythical determinant for many is not a novelty: A. O. Benkovsky. Determinant of leaf beetles (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae) in the European part of Russia and the European countries of the near abroad. 1999. 204 p., 565 fig.
Defining tables - in the usual way. It is convenient that the drawings are given in pairs (for the thesis and antithesis). There are no color illustrations, and there are practically no total drawings. This is the most complete determinant of leaf beetles living on the territory of the ETR, Ukraine (including Crimea), Moldova, Belarus, and the Baltic States. A total of 637 species are included, with distribution and data on forage plants given for each of them. You can only purchase it from the author.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 14.04.2007 17: 58
Likes: 1

21.04.2007 4:56, Dinusik

Yesterday on the Zinovsky website there was information about two monographs of Obydov:

Dimitry Obydov Révision du genre Callisthenes. Collection systématique, Vol. 6

Dmitri Obydov Faune des Carabus de Sibérie & d'Extrême-Orient russe - II. Collection systématique, Vol. 11.

For some reason, I can't find information about their price on the Internet. Maybe someone is familiar with the author and can find out how much books cost and how they can be ordered?

21.04.2007 11:37, Cerambyx

Information about magellanes can be found directly on the site:
And Obydov may have had only a dozen original copies...

This post was edited by Cerambyx - 04/21/2007 11: 39

21.04.2007 12:02, Cerambyx

By the way, this link is also available on the Zinovsky website http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/obyd_mon.htm

21.04.2007 12:12, Dinusik

Thanks! Yesterday, this page didn't want to open for me.

22.04.2007 15:49, omar

If someone is very interested in Obydov's books, I can talk to him. But now it will turn out not earlier than June 1, Dmitry left for India. The cost of books is around 60 Euros. I'm in Moscow, so think about how to continue transferring money-books.

23.04.2007 1:06, Dinusik

Thank you, but this situation is not real for me yet frown.gif. It's a pity , the books seem to be wonderful.

23.04.2007 1:44, Vadim Yakubovich

Maybe we'll skip to one copy, scan it, or maybe there's a cheaper electronic version?

23.04.2007 8:46, omar

To be honest, this is the price of the author without any extra charges. If you order through a publisher (such as Pensoft), it gets even more expensive. I don't think I'm going to cash in on anyone either - that's not my strategy. If he was greedy, he would treat animals for money. And with you, Dina, we will talk separately smile.gif

23.04.2007 8:52, Dinusik

Your last phrase is reminiscent of the phrase from the movie "17 moments of spring" - And you Stirlitz, I'll ask you to stay! smile.gif Well, I'm waiting!
Seriously, I didn't even think about making a profit on your part. I know that good books are expensive these days. It's just that our salaries leave much to be desired...

23.04.2007 23:57, Vadim Yakubovich

I agree with Dina, no one suspects you of profit (and even more so the author), just Russian poverty...

20.07.2007 11:18, amara

A new series of books will be published in Europe. Designed for many years, considering that there are about 23,000 species in Europe. And huge in volume - many thousands of pages (I envy). For some reason, data from the former USSR is included only for the Baltic countries.

In Preparation:

Wagner, T. (Ed.); Ruecker, W.

Coleoptera of Europe 1: Latriidae, Merophysidae and Dasyceridae

This new series will provide brief, concise identification guides to all European Coleoptera, and is intended both for professional and amateur entomologists. Volumes will appear at the rate of approximately 1 per year and each will treat a systematic unit comprising about 150-500 species. The geographical area covered will include Europe west of the former USSR, but including Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Species descriptions: Name; Original reference to all available nominal names (valid name and synonyms); Differential diagnosis based on external features, including detail figures where necessary; Genitalia of male and female of all species illustrated with line drawings or black and white photographs; arrows may show diagnostic features; a differential diagnosis may be provided when useful: Distribution in short summary form of the total distribution, also outside the area treated. The distribution in Europe will be presented in a table indication the presence in each of the European national states and the major Mediterranean Islands Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Crete; Bionomics in a short paragraph giving information on food, phenology, feeding pattern, larval description etc. where known, 20 col plates, line drawings. c. 600pp.

DUE 2007 HB ?70.00

This post was edited by amara - 07/20/2007 11: 47
Likes: 1

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