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Collecting insects from corpses and excrement

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCollecting insects from corpses and excrement

Шастик, 25.07.2007 7:46

Have you ever pulled beetles out of the "eyeglass" of a village toilet or out of a half-decomposed cow? As for children, it usually does not smell. (Sergeich)

Konesh with gaborites of a smelly cow, I was surrounded by dogs, cats and once even a hare under which there was no one.And if it was like this, Ripper and I were dragging each other's black poodle because we didn't like the place.Kulechki on hands dressed.So we don't just pick at these corpses, we just bury them. lol.gif shuffle.gif

But naschet points in the village I definitely haven't done this yet, how can you pick around there if there is at least a meter or even more to koko-kala,I'm not a boomer that you can take and stretch your hands, but believe me, if there is something interesting to crawl, then I will climb there, I'm ready for a lot For the sake of a cool look, I once went down the hatch and then couldn't get out of it. lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif


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25.07.2007 9:29, Vadim Yakubovich

From medical experience - I collected dead eaters from the morgue's corpse, this is in addition to a dead cow and all sorts of smelly small animals, and so - I drowned tweezers in the toilet, I had to get them from half a meter deep, it's a pity after all. With long tweezers, nedaviche as a month ago from this institution got geotrups, the benefit of the depth (or height of the pile) allowed.
For Dinusik:
The team of teachers (mother-in-law and mother-in-law) decided that they would go to school at seven umnik.gif, I did not raise the child's dokhtur-they would not listen to me anyway

25.07.2007 9:45, Шастик

So you poked around in people, it's terrible,but I definitely won't be able to do it,where I find a corpse,although I'm walking at the morgue with a friend,we have our own gazebo ,we drink beer there and relax after porcourt training.So maybe I can negotiate with these people that they would give the go-ahead to poke around in some homeless person, maybe I'll find something!!! lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

25.07.2007 9:48, Zhuk

From my medical experience , I collected dead eaters from a corpse in the morgue

eek.gif Respect!!!

25.07.2007 9:55, Vadim Yakubovich

Yes, everything is very simple, there is such an area, forensic entomology, which is even well developed in Europe, for example, among the Germans. So if you want, you can find an opportunity. In Russia, as far as I know, there are very few works in this area, either there is no one to study, or they are considered unpromising. In general, go for it. The main direction in this area is to determine the prescription of death by changing the inhabitants (and eaters) of the corpse.

25.07.2007 10:00, RippeR

25.07.2007 10:02, RippeR

cool specialty! smile.gif

25.07.2007 10:08, Vadim Yakubovich

It's a pity that you don't work as an investigator - they would have collected all the local funa of dead eaters, gravediggers, toddlers and staphylinids lol.gif

Sledokam it is not necessary, they are to the corpses, according to their duties, from the legal side of the approach, it is abroad (in the cinema) forensic expert conducts an investigation, and we have a forensic expert conducts examinations or research, legal issues are not in his competence. If I were a judicial officer, then we could talk about the collection. Although I already collect dead animals for the future, only not from people (yetwink.gif)

27.07.2007 11:42, алекс 2611

to Sergeich:
I sincerely admire you! Once posobiralas with the corpse of a dog karapuzikov.... The smell I still remember. I want more babies, but I can't go near the body.... And how do you do it?

27.07.2007 12:04, omar

And I once dropped my glasses in the cesspool. I didn't take it out. But for the bug would climb.

27.07.2007 12:20, Zhuk

I collected moles, mice, frogs, cats, dogs, seagulls, pigeons and someone else and normally lol.gifGradually got used to it

27.07.2007 12:31, omar

In general, I'm not the most squeamish person either. But once I found a huge dog in the forest, teeming with dead eaters, gravediggers and toddlers. It was in the most interesting stage of decomposition, when a greenish squelching mess forms in the middle. It was very hot, over 30. I went up to her and for the first time in my life I knew I COULDN'T! Although before that, it was easy to deal with cow and horse corpses.

27.07.2007 12:38, Bad Den

And I once dropped my glasses in the cesspool. I didn't take it out. But I would have followed the beetle.

Glasses okay, but if the false jaw fell there, and even with gold crowns (my friend's grandfather had an incident)... smile.gifAnd climbed, and got it, washed it with water and moonshine (from inside himself, too) and scalded smile.gifit with boiling water And what to do - you can't do a jaw in the village, but you want to eat smile.gif
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27.07.2007 12:45, Bad Den

In general, I'm not the most squeamish person either. But once I found a huge dog in the forest, teeming with dead eaters, gravediggers and toddlers. It was in the most interesting stage of decomposition, when a greenish squelching mess forms in the middle. It was very hot, over 30. I went up to her and for the first time in my life I knew I COULDN'T! Although before that, it was easy to deal with cow and horse corpses.

And the smell... pathologists in these cases, I saw, smear menthol ointment under the nostrils of some...
And I usually breathe through my mouth in such cases

27.07.2007 12:49, Zhuk

The smell of death...
I don't caresmile.gif. The main thing is to wash your hands better later, otherwise people will shy away from this stench.

R. S. It is necessary to rename the topic: Flood from children to corpses lol.gif

This post was edited by Zhuk - 27.07.2007 12: 51
Likes: 1

27.07.2007 14:36, Шастик

Yes,rename the topic for sure,we talk more about corpses than about children.I'd rather have a few pairs of body-picking gloves with me.

I also like to turn over corpses.I wonder how to transfer a cow or a horse? lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

27.07.2007 14:38, Zhuk

I wonder how to transfer a cow or a horse? lol.gif  lol.gif  lol.gif

+1 lol.gif
Someone stole my cat's body once frown.gif. It was such a shame.

This post was edited by Zhuk - 27.07.2007 14: 40

27.07.2007 14:43, Anthicus

  +1 lol.gif
Someone stole my cat's body once frown.gif. It was such a shame.

With a lever (sticks). The carcass is rotten - some will turn over, some won't. an overturned one will be enough.

I was once very stupid-I collected beetles from the corpse of an elk with an exhauster (I really wanted to get more, but they run fast!). Later I realized that it was not worth it, when the mouth inside was covered with pimples, tpia stomatitis. But nothing happened. And staphylins have been in the collection ever since... From the series "don't try it again!"
Likes: 10

27.07.2007 15:23, Dinusik

The blue one! I read this and think that I am not capable of such feats even for the sake of my favorite entomology!
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27.07.2007 15:51, алекс 2611

The smell of death...
I don't caresmile.gif.

We have raised good young people! Strong! Don't feed me bread, just let me dig around in the corpse.....

Py Sy Et I'm not in reproach, just really felt so old....

27.07.2007 15:53, алекс 2611

Generation gap, damn it...

27.07.2007 15:55, Anthicus

Yes, everything is very simple, there is such an area, forensic entomology, which is even well developed in Europe, for example, among the Germans. So if you want, you can find an opportunity. In Russia, as far as I know, there are very few works in this area, either there is no one to study, or they are considered unpromising. In general, go for it. The main direction in this area is to determine the prescription of death by changing the inhabitants (and eaters) of the corpse.

Our investigators regularly bring insects from corpses and ask them to identify them. They have tables where the statute of limitations for death is determined by species or genus.
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27.07.2007 15:56, Anthicus

The blue one! I read this and think that I am not capable of such feats even for the sake of my favorite entomology!

AND DON'T! I was just being silly. For real. Then I even got scared.
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27.07.2007 16:27, Bad Den

The smell of death...
I don't caresmile.gif. The main thing is to wash your hands better later, otherwise people will shy away from this stench.

Tweezers rule in this case smile.gif
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27.07.2007 18:41, Anthicus

Tweezers steer in this case smile.gif

Tweezers won't work - they run away too fast! That was the reason why I grabbed the exhaustor back then.
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27.07.2007 19:38, RippeR

By the way, once (which Shastik mentioned) I put a couple of cans as traps, dragged a fairly fresh dog's corpse.. Then there were so many babies, staffs and many other things in the cans that Potmo just took them out of the jar with tweezers.. It's so much easier, less messing around and getting dirty
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28.07.2007 9:51, Шастик

I remember that.And there was a heavy sabachka.there is a suggestion how to get beetles out of the jar,so as not to get your hands dirty.Because as far as I remember, in addition to beetles, there was a lot of other junk in the bank(earth's wool, etc.)So you can pour water into the jar almost to the edge and stir with a stick, all the beetles will float up and then use tweezers and collect.No need to put tweezers in any shit.And also to get a joke to take a sieve to hold on the water.The current sieve should be miniature.So go for it.Good luck...

28.07.2007 9:56, Zhuk

Come on. Hand climbed and normal wink.gif.

Tweezers are good because you can crush a small beetle. And if it is also rare, then oh, how your hands will get hurt smile.gif
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28.07.2007 11:17, Шастик

Not by hand it's not real.Although real,but with a glove.You'll catch some kind of infection.And nafig need it at all.

This post was edited by Shastik - 07/28/2007 11: 18

28.07.2007 12:57, RippeR

Enthusiasts at the sight of a good view and on tweezers and hands becomes do not care wink.gif

28.07.2007 15:28, Aleksandr Ermakov

DO NOT, indeed, rename the topic to "study of necrophilic entomofauna", just cut out the messages "about children" from there.

And about the corpses (well, I want to talk smile.gifabout them) of large agricultural cattle - I would definitely not risk digging into them. Just like that, no one will throw out meat, and anthrax, brucellosis,mad cow disease and other "joys" have not yet been canceled. It is very convenient to collect corpses with an eshauser, but not in the same way as Anthicus did, but equipped with a hand pump. You should not collect it with your hands either: cadaveric poison diffuses quite easily through the skin, and I don't mention cuts and cracks on my fingers. A long (20 cm), but SOFT tweezers proved to be excellent. A fairly easy and smelly way to collect necrobionts is to drag or roll the animal's corpse on asphalt with a stick (if there is no solid ground , then on plastic wrap). Insects often try to leave the corpse and go to the litter, and you can easily collect them. True, some staphylinids strive to immediately take off. Therefore, it is good to have a net ready.
Important point of work: do not forget to thoroughly disinfect the material (you can just wash it in hot water with a drop of detergent) and tools. Today you are picking at the remains of a cow with these tweezers, and tomorrow you will pick your ear thoughtfully. I usually collect dead meat in alcohol.
Yes, and you should not breathe with an open mouth either, it is better to breathe "in the bosom" or in a respirator.

This post was edited by scarabee - 07/28/2007 15: 37
Likes: 1

28.07.2007 15:31, Aleksandr Ermakov

Come on. Hand climbed and normal wink.gif.

Tweezers are good because you can crush a small beetle. And if it is also rare, then oh, how your hands will shake smile.gif

To be honest, you can't take every beetle with your hand. If only the finger is slobbered smile.gif

28.07.2007 16:22, omar

If the cattle died by itself-even as thrown out! You can't eat that anymore. That's what they usually do in the villages. What they can do is feed the dogs, the rest is thrown out.

29.07.2007 0:05, Bad Den

Another method that I tried this year, from rare and frisky beetles, is to spray chloroform on a beetle running on a corpse. Then the beetle does not run anywhere, and is calmly taken with tweezers smile.gif

This post was edited by Bad Den - 07/29/2007 00: 14
Likes: 2

29.07.2007 0:36, RippeR

this is generally a good way for any beetles. I used ethylacetate

29.07.2007 12:15, Шастик

"Where can I get this chloroform?"It's just that I've never had to work with him before!!

29.07.2007 12:56, RippeR

You don't need it. There is ethyl acetate, why else bother?

29.07.2007 13:37, Bad Den

Ethyl acetate doesn't seem to work that fast, does it?

29.07.2007 14:27, Шастик

You don't need it. There is ethyl acetate, why else bother?

So do you water corpses with these products, and then just collect beetles?But in this case, even if you spray, it takes so much.

29.07.2007 14:32, Шастик

Ethyl acetate doesn't seem to work that fast, does it?

I'm cold and don't know how good chloroform is.I've never set eyes on him.Damn, I have a different idea, but not much stupid.If there is a pond near your corpse,then the next time you go to check the corpse,take a basin and throw the corpse into the water.It will not stink and plus the beetles will not wash off but will just be on the surface of the water. And there is also a chance that the beetles that are inside the corpse will come out of it.And no need to poke around!!!How do you like the idea? shuffle.gif confused.gif

This post was edited by Shastik - 07/29/2007 14: 34

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