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Need butterfly pupae from Primorye

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsNeed butterfly pupae from Primorye

Pages: 1 2

19.02.2008 23:28, Бабочник

Hello, Konung!
I'm also very interested in these views. And also Parnassius apollo meinhardi and Parnassius mnemosyne tjumensis, which seem to live in your region...
If necessary, I will send you instructions for collecting and breeding on the soap.
I can buy materials or exchange them for livestock and dry land...

20.02.2008 3:06, Ekos

Good health, colleagues!
"So, there are no problems here - and go as much as you want on expeditions and get eggs! "(c) Ekos
Golden words! Och would like to...Not tokmo to me (you know); -)

So, most of the marshmallow eggs that I received last year were actually obtained under expedition conditions!:)

20.02.2008 5:57, Svyatoslav Knyazev

2 Hemaris and Babochnik:
write me on the soap instructions for collecting everything that is possible - I will try to collect the necessary material!
2 Babochnik: Mnemosyne was not found in our Omsk region. The nearest place from us, where it is-near Tobolsk. From marshmallows there are only T. betulae; sailboats-Apollo and swallowtail; hawkmoth:
Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758)
Deilephila porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hemaris fuciformis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hemaris tityus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hyles euphorbiae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hyles gallii (Rottemburg, 1775)
Hyloicus morio (Rothschild et Jordan, 1903)
Laothoe amurensis (Staudinger, 1892)
Laothoe populi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mimas tiliae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Smerinthus caecus (Menetries, 1857)
Smerinthus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Sphinx ligustri (Linnaeus, 1758) (found one caterpillar in 2007)

In addition, you can:
Agrius convolvuli L.
Macroglossum stellatarum L.
Proserpinus proserpina L.

Saturnia-A. tau and E. pavonia, and the second is quite rare... Although, as Hemaris says, it's all relative. smile.gif

Катокалы: C. fraxini, C. nupta, C. adultera, C. pacta, C. fulminea, C. orientalis.

Waiting for instructions on konungomsk@yandex.ru

This post was edited by Konung-20.02.2008 05: 59

20.02.2008 23:42, Бабочник

It's nice when the conversation is constructive. Wait for the email.

01.03.2008 16:31, t00m

I am!!!!!! I caught a female L. amurensis in Penza at the light!!! only she was unfertilized... I am going to the Far East in July, I will collect all the material that I can catch. we'll sign off in the fall!!!!!

02.03.2008 17:24, Grigory Grigoryev

"I'll collect all the material I can find... "

How's that?"

02.03.2008 19:27, Сергей Шер

t00m "I went to the Far East in July, I will collect all the material that I can catch."
Why do you need so much? Strange desire to catch everything... ( Maybe it's not worth all the material to catch, let them live???
Where will you be coming from? Do you catch everything at home in the same way?

04.03.2008 23:58, t00m

Well, I'm not a maniac at all))) I'm from Penza. and catching doesn't always mean killing...

05.03.2008 11:39, gumenuk

I see that there are enough entomologists in the former Soviet Union. But here's how the question arises to get something-a thread from Primorye, so everything is in the bushes. Are there any active entomologists from this region on this forum who would help to get pupae of local hawk moth and saturnia species? A huge request - please respond.

Try contacting Yuri. Its address: butterflies@mail.ru

05.03.2008 12:02, Bad Den

Try contacting Yuri. Its address: butterflies@mail.ru

Yu. Careful?

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