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In vino verites

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsIn vino verites

Coleopter, 12.04.2008 20:06

And the question is: has anyone, dear colleagues, used wine as bait in soil traps, and if so, which one is better (red or white, dry or sweet, or maybe port) Who has any thoughts on this topic? Thank you.


12.04.2008 20:25, rpanin

And the question is: has anyone, dear colleagues, used wine as bait in soil traps, and if so, which one is better (red or white, dry or sweet, or maybe port) Who has any thoughts on this topic? Thank you.

Red is better.Although this is relative.Negative-butterflies clog trapsmad.gif, contributing to the rapid rotting of beetles.
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12.04.2008 20:47, Konstantin Shorenko

Once I was in Zina on New Year's Eve and saw a poster with the following content: "In vino verites? Insecta verites!!!" In how!

This post was edited by Dormidont - 12.04.2008 20: 49
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12.04.2008 23:05, Coleopter

The main object is planned to be Carabus, so I hope that the butterflies will not spoil them very much.

12.04.2008 23:13, RippeR

I tried wine, red wine, beer. Conclusion: what is beer, what is wine, and brew is best! Why:
step1: lures in the same way - I set traps with mash and red wine in the same forest. The catch is the same.
step2: It seems that traps with mash do not attract animals, for all the times not a single trap with mash was pulled out, but with wine a bunch of times..
step3: It is better to check the traps and get the material out of the mash, because over time yeast settles in the mash, it becomes transparent - so everything is easy to get out. And if you can't get it out of the wine, you need to pour it out to check what's there smile.gif

Method of vigotuvaniya: a bag of yeast for a 2-3 liter bottle of warm water, preferably not completely filled, sugar, you can add a drop of salt to preserve the matter. Night - 2 anywhere in the apartment and the brew is ready. Open carefully, as it rises quickly and can pour all around, as I abruptly opened the bottle and the entire carpet was in the brew.. it stinks! smile.gif
Likes: 6

13.04.2008 9:01, amara

Once I was in Zina on New Year's Eve and saw a poster with the following content: "In vino verites? Insecta verites!!!" In how!

And wasn't that inscription accidentally like this:
In vino veritAs? Insecta veritAs. ?

13.04.2008 13:07, Coleopter

Since I plan to put it in one of the parks in Moscow, there is a high risk of theft by dogs and declassified elements.
I usually use all kinds of sugar-containing baits to collect bronzes. For example: Beet bait
Composition: 20 g of yeast (about 1.5 sachets), water, beetroot, sugar.
Beets grate on a coarse grater, cover with water and boil for 1-1. 5 hours. Pour the liquid into a vessel, and fill the beets again with water and boil for 1-1. 5 hours, then drain. Pour again, boil and drain. In one container, drain the liquid from all three boilings. The liquid should not exceed two-thirds of the volume of the vessel. Add yeast to the liquid and let it stand for 10-15 days. (I haven't used it myself yet)

13.04.2008 16:02, RippeR

plain wine doesn't do much good either.. It is also necessary to throw sugar in it, so that it ferments, and then apply..
The brew has a flap so that no dog will run smile.gifup

14.04.2008 9:50, Alexandr Rusinov

So that the traps are not plundered by declassified elements, it is better to use wine or apple cider vinegar instead of alcohol-containing food products, ground beetles go well on it, and there will be much less people who want to drink it.
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15.04.2008 13:02, Coleopter

It's all clear! Just as an experience, I decided to try using wine (without impurities).
As a rule, I usually use a mixture of acetic essence+saturated r-r of table salt: a bottle of selling acetic acid is poured into a 1.5-liter bottle (70%, about 180 g, 16 rubles).(in Moscow)) then it is topped up with a saturated salt solution. In tech. month keeps stable, without rotting.
However, in the case of using baits (carrion, manure) you can't do without formalin.
frown.gif In such cases, I recommend using 1-3% r-R.

01.08.2008 20:57, bugslov

I set baits with beer, wine, vinegar, and even canned fish (sprats and fish kitiket).
Best of all, Sauces went to sprats and vinegar. I put pubs under the Meadow - a lot of Carabus hortensis ran up.
It's useless to bet on Osmoderma - only metallics fly!

03.08.2008 20:30, Трофим

Another recipe for mash. Take the remaining fruit from the compote, fill a three-liter jar with water + 3 tablespoons of sugar. Before use, add salt to three liters of 2-3 spoons. Karabusy go perfectly, for a week and a half 40 excelensev, 11 cankiyatusov, 6 ulrikhi, 11 koriatseyusov, abaxes well, and a bunch of pterostikhov, which I do not know will reach when the hands, but it's a pity to throw out. The trip costs 6 liters of braga. Volumes are just non-standard if I used wine with beer - I would go broke.
P.S. I tried to add yeast in addition to sugar. The effect is worse. So for example, without yeast, the bottle had to be lowered (the resulting gases, even after adding salt) once every three days, it was just bursting. When I started adding yeast, there was no such abundant gas release, and there was less smell. I don't know how this braga will work. But I liked its parameters less and the smell is not so strong.
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03.08.2008 22:43, RippeR

Then the effect is not very good. On the usual brew-yeast sugar and water, 1.5 liters, 15 glasses came every week more excellences, + cancellates, convexuses, coriaceuses then still did not go, once again I got a couple of arvensis. A friend went to clathratus, though only 2, but the place was not that.. + small zhuzhlo and more stuff.
So the usual brew is much better smile.gif

03.08.2008 22:44, RippeR

it all depends on when to put it and where. There are 22 species in Moldova. You just need to choose the right places.. It turns out that even obtusy and marginals are found, oh how!

04.08.2008 4:49, Raptor

Thank you for all the recipes!!!!

04.08.2008 16:40, guest: rpanin

it all depends on when to put it and where. There are 22 species in Moldova. You just need to choose the right places.. It turns out that even obtusy and marginalis are found, oh how!

obtusy-this is what?

04.08.2008 19:02, RippeR

ugh damn, obsoletus ie

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