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Garden vacuum cleaners in the service of entomology

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsGarden vacuum cleaners in the service of entomology

Black Coleopter, 17.11.2009 0:16

The other day, I thought that a commercial garden vacuum cleaner designed for cleaning leaves might be a good way to collect insects. The principle of operation is a tenfold larger exhaust fan. K. K. Fasulati also wrote about this. Compared to mowing with a conventional net, the catchability should increase hundreds of times. What do you think, dear colleagues??? Let's talk about this topic.


17.11.2009 0:18, Evgenich

What power source does it work from?

17.11.2009 0:19, Black Coleopter

Today I went to the garden tools store and saw this wonderful machine. The price, of course, bites (about 10,000 rubles). Weight about 4.5 kg

17.11.2009 0:21, Black Coleopter

There are both electric, mains-operated, and gasoline-powered ones. The latter are more suitable for field work.

17.11.2009 0:24, Evgenich

In expedition work, where every gram is registered, such a unit is not convenient!!! Rather, it is suitable for working on a garden plot, if, of course, it is interesting for someone to study the entomofauna of the site smile.gif

17.11.2009 1:10, Bad Den

What's there to think about? In 2000, in Kyrgyzstan, we tried out such things (we called them "benzomukhososka"). They showed themselves very well when working on thorny bushes and low-growing vegetation, which you can't normally pick up with a net. Disadvantages, as usual, the continuation of advantages-too heavy, and consume gasoline.
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21.11.2009 18:16, Black Coleopter

And catchability is not worse than when mowing???

22.11.2009 1:07, Bad Den

Better! smile.gif
Because there are thorns and low-growing grass.
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22.11.2009 18:16, Black Coleopter

However, there is another drawback here: it is very difficult to collect in years

22.11.2009 18:20, Papaver

However, there is another drawback: it is very difficult to collect in years...

... and simultaneously set a line of Barber traps... lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif
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22.11.2009 18:59, RippeR

However, there is another drawback: it is very difficult to collect in years

you can place something like a scoop or funnel at the end of the air intake, then you can go to the airport ))

22.11.2009 20:46, AlexEvs

Denis, does nothing fly away from insects in this vacuum cleaner? are your legs, sawyere, etc. okay?

23.11.2009 0:07, Bad Den

No, it doesn't fly away. There, a bag of fine-meshed cloth is taped inside the pipe, and everything remains in it.

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