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kovyl, 22.10.2010 23:33

I post a list of my articles:

Anikin V. V., Komarov D. A. On the fauna of cover-nosed moths (Lepidoptera; Coleophoridae) Biodiversity and bioresources of the Urals and adjacent territories. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Orenburg, Russia, January 30-31, 2001. 2001. pp. 204-205.

download file About_fauna_Coleophoridae_Volg_Prov.djvu

size: 145.13 k
number of downloads: 639

Komarov D. A. Materialy k sovremennoi fauna mace-mustached lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) [Materials on the modern fauna of mace-mustached lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)] Volgograd region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2001, issue 1, pp. 47-49.

Komarov D. A. Materials on the modern fauna of the higher mottled lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Heterocera) Volgograd region. I. Bombyces & Sphinges. // Samara Luka. 2002, No. 12, pp. 309-312.

download file Additions_Macroheterocera_Volg_Prov.djvu

size: 266.64 k
number of downloads: 690

Zolotukhin V. V., Komarov D. A. Galacticidae - a" new " family of microchiptera (Lepidoptera) for the fauna of Russia / / XII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society, St. Petersburg, August 19-24, 2002. Abstracts of reports. p. 130.

download file Galacticidae___________________.djvu

size: 63.92 k
number of downloads: 610

Komarov D. A. Pestryanka yugo-vostochnaya - Zygaena sedi Linnaeus, 1758 / / Krasnaya kniga Volgogradskoy oblasti [Red Book of the Volgograd region]. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 54.

Komarov D. A. The lady bear-Callimorpha dominula Linnaeus, 1758 / / Red Book of the Volgograd region, vol. 1. Animals. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 55.

Komarov, D. A., The dandelion silkworm-Lemonia taraxaci Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775, Krasnaya kniga Volgogradskoy oblasti, vol. 1. Zhivotnye. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 65.

Komarov, D. A., Eudia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1761), Small peacock's eye, Krasnaya kniga Volgogradskoy oblasti, vol. 1. Zhivotnye. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 66.

Komarov D. A. Proserpinus proserpina Pallas, 1772 / / Red Book of the Volgograd region, vol. 1. Animals. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 67.

Komarov D. A. Golubyanka rhymn-Neolycaena rhymnus (Eversmann, 1832) / / Krasnaya kniga Volgogradskoy oblasti [Red Book of the Volgograd region]. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 68.

Komarov D. A. Lyutsina-Hamearis lucina (Linnaeus, 1758) / / Krasnaya kniga Volgogradskoy oblasti [Red Book of the Volgograd region]. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 69.

Komarov D. A. Zorka zegris-Zegris eupheme (Esper, 1804) / / Krasnaya kniga Volgogradskoy oblasti [Red Book of the Volgograd region]. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 70.

Komarov D. A. Mnemosyne-Parnassius mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) / / Red Book of the Volgograd region, Vol. 1. Animals. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 71.

Komarov, D. A., Polyxena Zerynthia polyxena (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775), Krasnaya kniga Volgogradskoy oblasti, vol. 1. Zhivotnye. Volgograd, OOO "Publishing House Volgograd", 2004. p. 72.

Antonova E. M., Komarov D. A. Moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Volgograd region / / Byull. MOIP. 2004. vol. 109, issue 3. pp. 30-37.

download file Geometridae_Volg_Prov.djvu

size: 336.09 k
number of downloads: 671

Komarov D. A. On the ecology of Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1779) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the Volga-Ural region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2004, issue 3, p. 132.

download file Ecology_H.croatica_Volgo_Ural_Region.djvu

size: 60.02 k
number of downloads: 583

Komarov D. A. Materialy k sovremennoi fauna mace-mustached lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) [Materials on the modern fauna of mace-mustached lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)] Volgograd region. 2 / / Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2004, issue 3, pp. 174-175.

download file Additions_Rhopalocera_Volg_Prov_part_2.djvu

size: 104.7 k
number of downloads: 629

Komarov D. A. Materialy k sovremennoi fauna mace-mustached lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) [Materials on the modern fauna of mace-mustached lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)] Volgograd region. 2 / / Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2005, issue 4, pp. 49-50.
(this re-mistakenly printed the same article as in issue 3 smile.gif)

Anikin V. V., Komarov D. A. On the fauna of the Lepidoptera and Coleophoridae moths of Bogdo Mountain, Astrakhan region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2005, issue 4, pp. 147-149.

download file About_fauna_Coleophoridae_Bogdo.djvu

size: 148.68 k
number of downloads: 530

Komarov D. A. On the ecology of Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the Volgograd region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2005, issue 4, pp. 150-151.

download file Ecology_S.gorgoniades_Volg_Prov.djvu

size: 58.55 k
number of downloads: 593

Komarov D. A. Modern discovery of Neolycaena rhymnus (Ev., 1832) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in the Lower Volga region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2006, issue 5, pp. 115-116.

download file Rhymnus_in_Volg_Prov.djvu

size: 96.47 k
number of downloads: 533

Ignatiev N. N., Komarov D. A. About finding of the false chicken pox phegea (Lepidoptera, Syntomidae) in the Volga region // Nature of the Simbirsk Volga region. 2005, issue 6, pp. 147-149.

download file About_Syntomis_phegea_in_Volga_Region.djvu

size: 240.94 k
number of downloads: 590

Komarov D. A. Materials on the modern moth fauna (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Volgograd region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2008, issue 7. pp. 50-54.

download file Additions_Geometridae_Volg_Prov.djvu

size: 282.95 k
number of downloads: 566

Komarov D. A. Materials on the modern fauna of broad-winged fireflies (Lepidoptera, Pyraustidae) Volgograd region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. 2010, issue 8, pp. 43-49.

download file Additions_fauna_Pyraustidae_Volg_Prov.djvu

size: 307.72 k
number of downloads: 617

We dumped in the Opsibotys fuscalis species (No. 33) material on 4 more species that for some reason flew out of the article... You will have to write another note to correct this error. Otherwise, you can use it.

Komarov D.A., Zolotuhin V.V. A new species of Meharia Chrétien, 1915 (Cossidae) from the Lower Volga Region // Nota lepid. 2005. Vol.28, №1. p.49-54.

download file Meharia_scythica_sp.n..djvu

size: 3.25 mb
number of downloads: 533

This post was edited by kovyl - 08.11.2010 22: 52


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5... 10

23.10.2010 6:20, Dmitry Vlasov

I agree, most of them (starting from 99) are available in different formats. Write in PM...
1. Vlasov D. V. K znaniyu fauny zhestkokrylykh Yaroslavskoy oblasti [Towards the knowledge of the coleoptera fauna of the Yaroslavl region]. Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State University, 1992, pp. 149-151.
2. Vlasov D. V. K faune zhestkokrylykh Yaroslavskoy oblasti [On the coleoptera fauna of the Yaroslavl region]. Message one: species registered for the first time. Yaroslav univ. - Yaroslavl, 1995. - 8 p. Dep. in VINITI 14.04.95 № 1050-B95.
3. Vlasov D. V. Synanthropic coleoptera of Yaroslavl and its environs. // "Actual problems of natural and humanitarian sciences. Biology. Chemistry. " Yaroslavl: Yaroslav State University, 1995, pp. 35-37.
4. Vlasov D. V. Transformations of the coleopterofauna of the Yaroslavl region under anthropogenic impact. Aktual'nye problemy estestvennykh i gumanitarnykh nauk. Biology. Chemistry". Yaroslavl: Yaroslav State University, 1995, pp. 38-40.
5. Vlasov D. V. Zhuzhelitsy, recommended for protection in the Yaroslavl region / / "Vuzovskaya nauka v reshenii ekologicheskikh problemakh Verkhne-Volzhskogo regiona". Yaroslavl: Yaroslav State University, 1996, pp. 39-40.
6. Vlasov D. V. Xylobiont coleoptera recommended for protection in the Yaroslavl region. Biologicheskie issledovaniya v YarSU. Yaroslavl: Yaroslav State University, 1997, pp. 39-41.
7. Vlasov D. V. Osnovnye etapy formirovaniya fauny zhestkokrylykh Yaroslavskoy oblasti [The main stages of formation of the coleoptera fauna of the Yaroslavl region]. Biology. Chemistry". Yaroslavl: Yaroslav State University, 1997, pp. 49-51.
8. Vlasov D. V. Water coleoptera recommended for protection in the Yaroslavl region / / " Problems of ecology, biodiversity and protection of coastal-water and water ecosystems "(Collection of abstracts of the X All-Russian Conference of Young scientists) Borok, 1997. pp. 21-22.
9. Vlasov D. V., Rusinov A. A. Animals of the Red Book of the Pereslavl district Sbornik nauchnykh dokladov I regional'noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii " Ekologo-analiticheskiy kontrol za sredy obitaniya cheloveka. Situation and prospects". Pereslavl-Zalessky, 1997. pp. 51-52.
10. Vlasov D. V. Fauna of xylophilic coleoptera of Yaroslavl / / "From the wisdom and sanctity of the past", abstracts of reports of the VII Tikhomirov readings. Yaroslavl, 1999. pp. 225-228.
11. Vlasov D. V. Fauna of barbels (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) "Biologicheskie resursy, ikh sostoyanie i ispol'zovanie v basseine Verkhnoi Volgi"[Biological resources, their state and use in the Upper Volga basin]. Collection of scientific papers. Yaroslavl, 1999, pp. 220-229.
12. Vlasov D. V. New and little-known xylophilic coleoptera of the Yaroslavl region. The first one. museum-reserve.- Yaroslavl 1999. - 22 p. Dep. in VINITI 30.12. 99, No. 3920 - In 99.13
. Vlasov D. V. Xylophilic coleoptera of a large settlement on the example of Yaroslavl // Abstracts of reports of the VIII Zolotarev readings. Rybinsk, 2000. pp. 162-164.
14. Vlasov D. V. Plastinchatousye zhuki, recommended for protection in the Yaroslavl region / / " Actual problems of natural and humanitarian sciences on the threshold of the XXI century. Biology. Chemistry". Yaroslavl: Yaroslav. un-t, 2000. pp. 111-112.
15. Vlasov D. V. Rare coleoptera of the vicinity of the YarSU biostation and recommendations for their protection / / "Problems of formation of regional systems of specially protected natural territories". Yaroslavl, 2001. pp. 134-139.
16. Vlasov D. V. Coleoptera-xylobionts inhabiting the city of Yaroslavl / / "Modern problems of biology, chemistry, ecology and environmental education". Yaroslavl: Yaroslav. un-t, 2001. pp. 97-104.
17. Vlasov D. V. Coleoptera-xylobionts (Coleoptera) of a large Eastern European city on the example of Yaroslavl. // XII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society. Abstracts of reports. St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 65.
18. Vlasov D. V., Klepikov M. A. Yaroslavskiye entomologi – osnovateli “Russkogo entomologicheskogo obozreniya” [Yaroslavl entomologists-founders of the "Russian Entomological Review"]. Abstracts of reports. Saint-Petersburg, 2002. pp. 65-66.
19. Vlasov D. V. On the false-bedded fauna (Coleoptera, Anthribidae) Yaroslavl region // Diversity of invertebrates in the North: Abstracts of reports of the International Conference (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia, March 17-22, 2003 – - Syktyvkar, 2003. p. 17.19
A. Vlasov D. V. To the fauna of anthribid weevils (Coleoptera, Anthribidae) in the Yaroslavl region / / Invertebrate animals diversity in the North: Abstracts of Second international Conference (Syktyvkar, the Komi Republic, Russia, March 17-22, 2003 – - Syktyvkar, 2003. P. 154.20
. Vlasov D. V. Glacial relics in the coleoptera fauna of the Yaroslavl region / / Diversity of invertebrates in the North: Abstracts of reports of the International Conference (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia, March 17-22, 2003 – - Syktyvkar, 2003. p. 17.
20А. Vlasov D. V. Glacial relicts in the beetles fauna in Yaroslavl region // Invertebrate animals diversity in the North: Abstracts of Second international Conference (Syktyvkar, the Komi Republic, Russia, March 17 – 22, 2003) – Syktyvkar, 2003. P. 154.
21. Власов Д. В. Короеды (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) Yaroslavl region / / "Modern problems of biology, ecology and chemistry". Regional collection of scientific works of young scientists. Yaroslavl: Yaroslav State University, 2003, pp. 65-71 22.
Vlasov D. V. Rare coleoptera of the Mologsky Krai / / Mologsky Krai: problems and ways of their solution; Materials of the round table. Yaroslavl: Izdanie VVO REA, 2003. pp.
138-143. 23. Vlasov D. V. Poteplenie i migratsiya v prirode [Warming and migration in nature]. Ekologiya i zhizn No. 6 (35); 2003. pp.
60-24. Vlasov D. V. Order Coleoptera, or beetles (Coleoptera) / / Red Book of the Yaroslavl region. Yaroslavl, 2004. pp. 225-245.
25. Vlasov D. V. Kozheedy, vredyushchie muzeynym kollektsiyam na territorii Yaroslavskoi oblasti [Kozheeds that harm museum collections in the Yaroslavl region]. Materials of the scientific conference. Rybinsk: "Mikhailov Posad" 2004, pp. 37-40.
26. Vlasov D. V. Andrey Stanislavovich Petrovsky / / " Biodiversity of the Upper Volga region: current state and problems of conservation." Materials of scientific conferences.- practical conferences. Yaroslavl, 2004. pp. 6-8
27. Vlasov D. V. Kozheedov fauna (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) Yaroslavl region / / " Biodiversity of the Upper Volga region: current state and problems of conservation." Materials of scientific conferences.- practical conferences. Yaroslavl, 2004. pp. 106-111.
28. Vlasov D. V. "Six-legged hosts of the planet" - a new exposition project of the Department of Nature of the YGIAHMZ / / Place and role of natural science museums in environmental education. Collection of reports of participants of the V All-Russian Scientific and practical conference of the Association of Natural History Museums of Russia, Moscow: GDM Publishing House, 2004, pp. 26-30.
29. Vlasov D. V. Yaroslavl Natural History Society and its Museum. To the 140th anniversary of the foundation / / Local history notes. Issue VIII: Materials of the 8th and 9th Tikhomirov readings / Department of Culture and Tourism of the Yaroslavl Region Administration, Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Institute. and arts. museum-reserve; comp. by N. A. Gryaznov.Yaroslavl: Remder Publ., 2005, pp. 69-74.
30. Vlasov D. V. New species of plate-whiskered beetles (Coleoptera. Scarabaeidae) in the fauna of the Yaroslavl region. Issue VIII: Materials of the 8th and 9th Tikhomirov readings / Department of Culture and Tourism of the Yaroslavl Region Administration, Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Institute. and arts. museum-reserve; comp. by N. A. Gryaznov.Yaroslavl: Remder Publ., 2005, pp. 558-562.
31. Vlasov D. V. Fauna of xylophilic coleoptera of a large city on the example of Yaroslavl // Actual problems of ecology of the Yaroslavl region: Materials of the Third scientific and practical Conference. Issue 3. Volume 2. Yaroslavl: Izdanie VVO REA, 2005. pp. 12-16
32. Vlasov D. V., Mandelshtam M. Yu. Elm sapwort of the genus Scolytus Geoffroy, 1762 (Coleoptera, Scolytidae)-new and dangerous pests of park plantations in Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg // Phytosanitary improvement of ecosystems (Materials of the Second All-Russian Congress on Plant Protection. St. Petersburg, December 5-10, 2005). St. Petersburg: Izd. VIZR, 2005. Vol. 1. pp. 262-264.
33. Rybnikova I. A., Belova Yu. N., Vidyagina E., Vlasov D. V. Fauna of ground beetles of coastal biotopes of the Rybinsk reservoir / / Biological resources of the White Sea and inland reservoirs of the European North: Collection of materials of the IV (XXVII) international conference. (Vologda, Russia, December 5 - 10, 2005) Part 2. - Vologda, 2005. pp. 104-108.
34. Baluyeva E. N., Vlasov D. V., Semernoy V. P. Coccinellids (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) Sovremennye problemy biologii, ekologii, khimii: Regional'nyi sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Modern problems of Biology, Ecology, Chemistry: Regional collection of scientific works]. biol. sci. A. E. Eremeishvili, assoc. O. A. Marakaeva; Yaroslav State University. Yaroslavl: YarSU Publ., 2005, pp. 9-14.
35. Vlasov D. V. Annotated list of bark beetle species (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) Yaroslavl region // Entomol. Обозр. 2005. Т. LXXXIV (том 84), вып. 4, С. 761–775.
34А Vlasov D. V. An annotated List of Bark Beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) of Yaroslavl Province // Entomological Review Vol. 85, № 9 (Nov.-Dec.) 2005, pp 1127-1136
36. Vlasov D. V. On the bark beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) Darwin Nature Reserve // Proceedings of the Darwin State Natural Biosphere Reserve. Issue XVI. Cherepovets, 2006. pp. 180-182.
37. Vlasov D. V., Rybnikova I. A. On the xylophilic coleoptera fauna of the Darwin Nature Reserve // Proceedings of the Darwin State Natural Biosphere Reserve. Issue XVI. Cherepovets, 2006. pp. 183-188.
38. Vlasov D. V. Reasons, ways and possible consequences of introduction of highly aggressive elm xylophages in the Yaroslavl region / / Modern problems of population ecology. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Ecological Conference (Belgorod, October 2-5, 2006). Belgorod: POLYTERRA Publishing House, 2006. pp. 33-34.
39. Vlasov D. V. New and little-known cucujoid coleoptera (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea) in the fauna of the Yaroslavl region // Ecological problems of unique natural and anthropogenic landscapes. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and practical Conference / ed. by V. N. Kazin; Yaroslavl: Yaroslav State University, 2006. pp. 51-57
40. Vlasov D. V. Coleoptera of the Yaroslavl region: history of study and research prospects // Natural and cultural heritage of the Yaroslavl Region: state and prospects. Proceedings of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference (Yaroslavl, April 17, 2007). Yaroslavl: Alexander Rutman Publishing House, 2007. pp. 89-94.
41. Vlasov D. V. New data on the biology and distribution of bark beetles of the genus Lymantor Loevendal, 1889 (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) / / Problems and prospects of general entomology. Abstracts of reports of the XIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society, Krasnodar, September 9-15, 2007. - Krasnodar, 2007. pp. 57-58.
42. Vlasov D. V., Egorov L. V. Annotated list of Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae Yaroslavl region // Eversmannia. Entomological research in European Russia and neighboring regions. 2007. Vol. 11-12. pp. 53-60.
43. Vlasov D. V., Klepikov M. A., Rusinov A. A. New data on the distribution and biology of protected insects in the Yaroslavl region / / "Ecology and culture: from the past to the future". Proceedings of the Interregional scientific and Practical Conference (Yaroslavl, November 29-30, 2007). Yaroslavl: Alexander Rutman Publishing House, 2008. pp. 64-68.
44. Vlasov D. V. Synanthropic coleopterofauna of the city of Yaroslavl // Actual problems of ecology of the Yaroslavl region: Materials of the Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference. Vol. 4. Vol. 1. Yaroslavl: VVO REA Publishing House, 2008. pp. 253-257.
45. Vlasov D. V. Coleoptera fauna of the local area of a large city on the example of the territory of the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve // Actual problems of ecology of the Yaroslavl region: Materials of the Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference. Vol. 4. Vol. 2. Yaroslavl: VVO REA Publishing House, 2008. pp. 16-20.
46. Vlasov D. V., Rusinov A. A. K faune carnivorous Coleoptera (Coleoptera, Adephaga) parkovoi zony GLMMZ N. A. Nekrasov "Karabikha" // "Ecology and culture: from the past to the future". Proceedings of the II Interregional Scientific and practical conference (November 27-28, 2008). Yaroslavl: IPK "Indigo", 2008. pp. 165-168.
47. Vlasov D. V., Klepikov M. A. K znaniyu entomofauna OOPT "Boloto Zokino" // "Ecology and culture: from the past to the future". Proceedings of the II Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference (November 27-28, 2008). Yaroslavl: IPK "Indigo", 2008. pp. 169-173.
48. Vlasov D. V. Fauna of grinders (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) Yaroslavl region // Problems of studying and protecting the animal world in the north: Materials of reports of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia, November 16-20, 2009). Syktyvkar, 2009. pp. 40-42.
49. Vlasov D. V. To the xylophilic coleoptera fauna of the park zone GLMMZ N. A. Nekrasov "Karabikha" / / "Ecology and culture: from the past to the future". Proceedings of the III Interregional scientific and practical conference (November 26-27, 2009). Yaroslavl: IPK "Indigo", 2009. pp. 119-123.
50. Vlasov D. V., Timokhina O. E. Ixodic ticks as a serious problem for the health of the population of Yaroslavl // Environmental protection and public health. Proceedings of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference (Yaroslavl, March 16, 2010). Yaroslavl: IPK "Indigo", 2010. pp. 67-69.
Likes: 14

23.10.2010 14:57, Dmitrii Musolin

[pdf copies are available on request via email: musolin@gmail.com]


Saulich A. Kh., Musolin D. L., 2007. Seasonal development of aquatic and near-water hemipteran insects (Heteroptera). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House. 205 p. (in Russian with a 6-page abstract in English).
[ISBN 978-5-288-04332-1; www.unipress.ru/2007/sau.html]

Articles in international peer-reviewed journals:

Musolin D.L., Tougou D. & Fujisaki K., 2010. Too hot to handle? Phenological and life-history responses to simulated climate change of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Global Change Biology. Vol. 16 (1): 73–87. [doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01914.x] [pdf: 1,4 Mb]

Tougou D., Musolin D.L., Fujisaki K., 2009. Some like it hot! Rapid climate change promotes changes in distribution ranges of Nezara viridula and Nezara antennata in Japan. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. Vol. 130 (3): 249–258. [doi: 10.1111/j.1570-7458.2008.00818.x] [pdf: 257 Kb] <http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/122189322/abstract>

Musolin D.L., Ito K., 2008. Photoperiodic and temperature control of nymphal development and induction of reproductive diapause in two predatory Orius beetles: interspecific and geographic differences. Physiological Entomology. Vol. 33 (4): 291–301. [doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2008.00628.x] [pdf: 3,2 Mb] <http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121413096/abstract>

Musolin D.L., 2007. Insects in a warmer world: ecological, physiological and life-history responses of true beetles (Heteroptera) to climate change. Global Change Biology. Vol. 13 (8): 1565–1585. [doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01395.x] [pdf with a cover image: 1.2 Mb; without a cover image: 525 Kb]

Musolin D.L., Fujisaki K., Numata H., 2007. Photoperiodic control of diapause termination, colour change and postdiapause reproduction in the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula. Physiological Entomology. Vol. 32 (1): 64–72. [doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2006.00542.x] [pdf: 297 Kb]

Musolin D.L., Tsytsulina K., Ito K., 2004. Photoperiodic and temperature control of reproductive diapause induction in the predatory bug Orius strigicollis (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) and its implications for biological control. Biological Control. Vol. 31 (1): 91–98. [doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2004.04.001]
<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WBP-4CB0GS3-3/1/f3700f1d4005891b357b5cdefda29b48> [pdf: 189 Kb]

Musolin D.L., Numata H., 2004. Late-season induction of diapause in Nezara viridula and its effect on adult coloration and post-diapause reproductive performance. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. Vol. 11 (1): 1–6. [doi: 10.1111/j.0013-8703.2004.00137.x] [pdf: 166 Kb]

Musolin D.L., Numata H., 2003. Timing of diapause induction and its life-history consequences in Nezara viridula: Is it costly to expand the distribution range? Ecological Entomology. Vol. 28 (6): 694–703.
[doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2003.00559.x] [pdf: 457 Kb]

Musolin D.L., Numata H., 2003. Photoperiodic and temperature control of diapause induction and colour change in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula. Physiological Entomology. Vol. 28 (2): 65–74. [doi: 10.1046/ j.1365-3032.2003.00307.x] [pdf: 154 Kb]

Torres J.B., Musolin D.L. & Zanuncio J.C., 2002. Thermal requirements and parasitism capacity of Trissolcus brochymenae (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) under constant and fluctuating temperatures, and assessment of development in field conditions. Biocontrol Science and Technology. Vol. 12 (5): 583–593. [doi: 10.1080/0958315021000016243] [pdf: 4.2 Mb]

Musolin D.L., Saulich A.H., 2001. Environmental control of voltinism of the stinkbug Graphosoma lineatum in the forest-steppe zone (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Entomologia Generalis. Vol. 25 (4): 255–264. [pdf: 3.2 Mb]

Musolin D.L., Numata H. & Saulich A.H., 2001. Timing of diapause induction outside the natural distribution range of a species: an outdoor experiment with the bean bug Riptortus clavatus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. Vol. 100 (2): 211–219. [doi: 10.1046/j.1570-7458.2001.00866.x]
<http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118971817/abstract> [pdf: 180 Kb]

Musolin D.L., Saulich A.H., 2000. Summer dormancy ensures univoltinism in the predatory bug Picromerus bidens. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. Vol. 95 (3): 259–267. [doi: 10.1046/j.1570-7458.2000.00665.x] [pdf: 140 Kb]

Musolin D.L., Saulich A.H., 1999. Diversity of seasonal adaptations in terrestrial true beetles (Heteroptera) from the Temperate Zone. Entomological Science. Vol. 2 (4): 623–639. [invited paper] [pdf: 6.9 Mb]

Musolin D.L., Maysov A.V., Saulich A.H., 1999. Egg diapause in Alydus calcaratus (L.) (Heteroptera: Alydidae): Photoperiodic induction under natural temperature conditions. Applied Entomology and Zoology. Vol. 34 (4): 469–473. [pdf: 3.7 Mb]

Saulich A.H., Musolin D.L., 1996. Univoltinism and its regulation in some temperate true beetles (Heteroptera). European Journal of Entomology. Vol. 93 (3): 507–518. <http://www.eje.cz/scripts/viewabstract.php?abstract=655&browsevol=0> [pdf: 940 Kb]

Articles in Russian peer-reviewed journals:

Saulich A. Kh., Musolin D. L., 2009. Seasonal development and ecology of anthocorids (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae). Entomological Review, vol. 88 (2): 257-291.

Musolin D.L., Fujisaki K., 2006. Changes in ranges: trends in distribution of true beetles (Heteroptera) under conditions of the current climate warming. Russian Entomological Journal. Vol. 15 (2): 175–179. [pdf: 123 Kb]

Musolin D. L., Saulich A. Kh., 1997. Photoperiodic regulation of the growth of hemipteran larvae (Heteroptera). Zoological Journal, vol. 76 (5): 530-542

Musolin D. L., 1996. Photoperiodic induction of estivation in the scutellum Picromerus bidens (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Preliminary message. Zoological Journal, vol. 75 (12): 1901-1904.

Musolin D. L., Saulich A. Kh., 1996. Photoperiodic regulation of seasonal development of hemiptera (Heteroptera). Entomological Review, vol. 75 (3): 489-506

Musolin D. L., Saulich A. Kh., 1995. Factorial regulation of the seasonal cycle of Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). 1. Temperature norms of development and photoperiodic reaction. Entomological Review, vol. 74 (4): 736-743.

Other periodicals:

Musolin D.L., 2010. Range expansion of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in response to the rapid climate change in Japan. Het News (Newsletter of the UK Heteroptera Recording Schemes). 15 (Ser. 2): 4–6. <http://www.hetnews.org.uk/pdfs/Issue%2015_Spring%202010_862kb.pdf>

Musolin D.L., Voigt D., 2010. Obituary — Pablo Javier Perez Goodwyn, 1971–2009, Heteropterist. Het News (Newsletter of the UK Heteroptera Recording Schemes). 15 (Ser. 2): 7–8. <http://www.hetnews.org.uk/pdfs/Issue%2015_Spring%202010_862kb.pdf>

Saulich A.H., Musolin D.L., 2008. Seasonal development of aquatic & semiaquatic true beetles (Heteroptera) [an extended English summary of the book]. Het News (Newsletter of the UK Heteroptera Recording Schemes). 11 (Ser. 2): 4–6.

Saulich A. Kh., Musolin D. L., 2007. Seasons: a variety of seasonal adaptations and ecological mechanisms for controlling the seasonal development of hemiptera (Heteroptera) in temperate climates. In: Stekolnikov A. A. (ed.). Strategies of adaptation of terrestrial arthropods to unfavorable environmental conditions. Collection of articles dedicated to the memory of Professor Viktor Petrovich Tyshchenko (Proceedings of Biol. Research Institute of St. Petersburg State University: Issue 53). Pp. 25-106. (with a detailed abstract in English). [pdf: 1.8 Mb]

Musolin D.L., 2005. The southern green shield bug Nezara viridula (L.) expands its distribution range, not only in the U.K. Het News (Newsletter of the Heteroptera Recording Schemes). 5 (Ser. 2): 2–3.

Musolin D.L., 1999. Environmental control of insect development: From pure research to practical applications. The Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy Journal (Central European University, Budapest). Vol. 2: 7–16. [pdf: 105 Kb]

Musolin D. L., 1998. Overview of the range of forest species resistant to sulfurous anhydride. In: Sennov S. N. (ed.). Lesovodstvo, lesnye kul'tury i pochvovedenie [Forestry, forest crops and soil science]. Ss. 61-66.

Musolin D. L., 1992. Influence of atmospheric pollution on mining birch saws. In: Solov'ev V. A. (ed.). Ekologiya i zashchita lesa [Ecology and protection of the forest]. Ss. 70-75.

Musolin D. L., 1989. Arthropods-phyllophages of Leningrad and the Leningrad region. In: Solov'ev V. A. (ed.). Ekologiya i zashchita lesa [Ecology and protection of the forest]. Ss. 74-76.


Musolin D. L., 1997. Seasonal cycles of hemiptera (Heteroptera): diversity and ecological regulation. Abstract of the thesis. ... cand. biol. nauk. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University. 19 p.

In print:

Takeda K., Musolin D.L. & Fujisaki K., 2010. Dissecting insect responses to climate warming: overwintering and post-diapause performance in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula, under simulated climate-change conditions. Physiological Entomology (11 стр., 7 рис.; <http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123567225/abstract> ).

Accepted for printing:

Musolin D. L., Saulich A. Kh., 2010. Seasonal development of anthocorids (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae) in the temperate zone. Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Engineering Academy. St. Petersburg, Issue 192: xx-xx. (8 pages + 1 figure).

[pdf copies are available on request via email: musolin@gmail.com]
Likes: 10

23.10.2010 15:17, KingSnake

The list of works strictly on entomology can be laid out or in related sciences, too? For example, in herpetology?

23.10.2010 17:00, PVOzerski

Not everything has been digitized, but I'm ready to share what I have.

1. Ozersky P. V. A new subspecies of the caudate grasshopper (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from the inner Tien Shan (Kirghiz SSR) / / Vestn. LSU., series biol., 1989, 3, pp. 117-119.
2. Ozersky P. V. To the knowledge of the locust fauna (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) Armenian SSR // Vestn. LSU, biol. series, 1989, 4. pp. 99-100
3. Ataev, G. L., Dobrovolsky, A. A., and Ozersky, P. V., INFLUENCE OF ILLUMINATION ON THE EMISSION OF PHILOPHTHALMUS RHIONICA (TREMATODA) CERCARIAE, Biologija, 1993, no. 1, pp. 41-42.
4. Ozersky, P. V., Comparison of two geographically isolated populations of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus with respect to the selectivity of females to the time parameters of the male call signal, Zh. evol.biochem.fiziol., 1995, 31, 3. pp. 277-285
5. Ozersky P. V. Populyatsionnye razlichii v kommunikatsii sverchka Gryllus bimaculatus [Population differences in communication of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus]. Proceedings of the Conference of young physiologists and biochemists of Russia. Saint Petersburg, 1995, p. 136.
6. Piryulin D. D., Ozersky P. V. Orthopteroidea of the Barsakelmes Island and the Aral Sea region//Biological and natural science problems of the Aral Sea and the Aral Sea region. Part 2. Proceedings of the ZIN RAS, 1995, vol. 262, pp. 75-105.
7. Popov A.V., Shuvalov V. F., Shchekanov E. E., Sergeeva M. V., Ozersky P. V. On the evolution of the acoustic communication system in insects. the second one. by evol. Physiology (St. Petersburg, April 22-26, 1996). Abstracts of reports. Saint-Petersburg, 1996. pp. 193-194.
8. Ozersky P. V., Popov A.V. Call signals of crickets Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) / / Zool. zhurnal, 1996, 75, 11. pp. 1631-1643
9. Ozersky P. V., Popov A.V., Shuvalov V. F. Comparative analysis of selectivity of female crickets Gryllus bimaculatus of different geographical origin to some parameters of a conspecific call signal.biochem.fiziol., 1997, 33, 1. pp. 57-67.
10. Ozersky P. V. Geographical variability of male call signals and phonotaxis settings in female double-spotted crickets Gryllus bimaculatus Deg. (Orthoptera, Gryllidae). // Problems of entomology in Russia. Collection of scientific papers of the XI Congress of the Russian Entomological Society (September 23-26, 1997, St. Petersburg). Saint-Petersburg. Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998, vol. 2, p. 62.
11. Shchekanov E.E., Ozerski P.V, Kuznetsova L.V. Calling song in interpopulational hybrids of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus - Международный симп. "Molecular and genetic mechanisms of adaptive behavior", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Academician I. P. Pavlov. Санкт-Петербург, 1999, с. 68.
12. Ozerski P.V., Shchekanov E.E. Synchronous oscillations of temporal parameters in the cricket calling song - In: Simpler nervous systems. Abstr. VI East European Conf. of the Internat. Soc. for Invertebrate Neurobiology. September 22-25, 2000, Moscow-Pushchino, Russia. p. 91.13
. Chernigovskaya T. V., Svetozarova N. D., Tokareva T. I., Tretyakov D. A., Ozersky P. V., Strelnikov K. N. Specialization of the brain hemispheres in the perception of intonations of the Russian language. 2000. Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 24-29
14. Ozersky P. V., Shchekanov E. E. On the relationship between the time parameters of the call signal of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus-ZHEBF, 2001, 37 (1). pp. 37-40.
15. Spirov A.V., Spirova O. A., Ozersky P. V., Moshkov A.V. Problemy analiza dannykh v bazakh znanii sovremennoi bioinformatiki [Problems of data analysis in knowledge bases of modern bioinformatics]. meeting on evolution. physiology. Abstracts of reports, St. Petersburg, 2001, pp. 140-141.
16. Shchekanov E. E., Ozersky P. V., Popov A.V. Features of the acoustic communication system in geographical populations of the two-spotted cricket and interpopulation hybrids-XII Mezhdunar. meeting on evolution. physiology.
172.17. Popov A.V., Peresleni A. I., Ozersky P. V., Shchekanov E. E., Savvateeva-Popova E. V. The role of nodules of the central complex of the brain of Drosophila melanogaster in the control of courtship behavior and sound emission-Sensory Systems, 2002, 16 (4). pp. 297-308
18. Savvateeva-Popova E. V., Peresleni A. I., Sharagina L. M., Tokmacheva E. V., Medvedeva A.V., Kamyshev N. G., Popov A.V., Ozersky P. V., Baricheva E. M., Karagodin D. Khaizenberg M. Comprehensive study of Drosophila melanogaster mutants by the agnostic locus: a model for conjugating genome architecture disorders and genetic disorders. cognitive functions-ZHEBF, 2002, 38, 6. pp. 557-577.
19. Ozersky P. V., Shchekanov E. E. Computer model of some aspects of the evolution of acoustic communication in crickets-DAN, 2003, 389(3). pp. 427-429.
20. Popov A.V., Peresleni A. I., Ozersky P. V., Shchekanov E. E., Savvateeva-Popova E. V. Role of the protocerebral bridge of the central complex of the brain of Drosophila melanogaster in controlling the courtship behavior and sound emission of males - J. evol. biochem. Fiziol., 2003, 39(6). pp. 531-540.
21. Popov A.V., Peresleni A. I., Ozersky P. V., Shchekanov E. E., Savvateeva-Popova E. V. On the role of the fan-shaped and ellipsoid bodies of the central brain complex of Drosophila melanogaster in controlling the behavior of courtship and sound emission in males. I. M. Sechenov Journal. 2004. Vol.90. pp. 385-399.
22. Ozersky P. V., Egorova M. A., Vasilyeva N. A. 2005. Internet-site "Voices of animals of the North-West of Russia" / / Man and animals.
23. Ozersky P. V., Shchekanov E. E. A new method for recording the frequency of insect wing flaps under fixed flight conditions / / Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 41 (2005), 6. pp. 63-64.
24. Shchekanov E. E., Ozerskiy P. V. K voprosu o tsentral'nykh generatorov ritmov peseniya i poleta u insektov [On the issue of central generators of singing and flight rhythms in insects]. XIII International Meeting and VI School of Evolutionary Physiology: Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. in memory of Academician L. A. Orbeli and the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Evolution. I. M. Sechenov Physiology and Biochemistry: Tez. dokl. i lektsii 23-28 Jan. 2006 g. SPb.: Institute of Evolution.
Ozerskii P. V. Akusticheskii monitorii — perspektivnyi podkhod k kontrolyu sostoyaniya zemnykh ekosistemov [Acoustic monitoring-a promising approach to monitoring the state of terrestrial ecosystems]. Funktsional'naya morphologiya, ekologiya i zhiznennye tsikly zhivotnykh [Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals]. Issue No. 6. St. Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2006, pp. 12-20.
26. Ozerskii P. V. Pryamokrylye insekty kak indikatory sostoyaniya zemnykh ekosistemov [Straight-winged insects as indicators of the state of terrestrial ecosystems]. 2007. № 3. C. 10-14
27. Ozersky P. V. O kontseptsii ekologicheskoi nishi Hutchinson: protivorezdiye i puti ego eliminatsii [On the concept of Hutchinson's ecological niche: a contradiction and a way to eliminate it]. Issue No. 6. St. Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2006, pp. 137-146.
28. Ozersky P. V., Vasilyeva N. A., Shchekanov E. E. The degree of communication between the rhythm and amplitude of movement of the wings of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus in fixed flight / / XX Congress of the I. P. Pavlov Physiological Society (4-8 June 2007, Moscow, Russia), abstracts of reports. Moscow: Publishing House "Russian doctor", 2007. p. 361
29. Andriyanov I. G., Smirnova Yu. K., Ozerskiy P. V., Shchekanov E. E. Influence of atropine and epinephrine on the frequency of wing flaps in a house cricket under fixed flight conditions / / Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals. Scientific works of the Department of Zoology. 8. St. Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2008. pp. 7-11.
30. Shchekanov E. E., Ozersky P. V. Influence of octopamine on the rhythmic organization of flight and sound emission in crickets / / Scientific heritage of Academician L. A. Orbeli. Structural and functional bases of function evolution, physiology of extreme states. Dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Academician L. A. Orbeli. Collection of materials of the All-Russian Conference. Saint Petersburg, 2008. pp. 193-194.
31. Ozersky P. V. Nakhodka pereletnoy locustchi v Novgorodskoy oblasti [Finding of migratory locusts in the Novgorod region]. Funktsionalnaya morfologiya, ekologiya i zhiznennye tsikly zhivotnykh [Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals]. Scientific works of the Department of Zoology. Issue 8. St. Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2008, pp. 12-14.
32. Ozersky P. V. What is symbiosis? / Biologiya dlya shkolnikov: Nauchno-popular Magazine for High School students. 2008. № 3. C. 23-33.
33. Ozerski P.V., Shchekanov E.E. A relationship between wing beating rate in flight and during sound emission in some species of Ensifera (Insecta, Orthoptera) // Тр. Русского Энтомологич. the island. 2009. Vol. 80 (1). SPb.: ZIN, 2009. P. 61-68.
34. Ozersky P. V. O strukturu teoreticheskoi ekologii i mesto v nee dlya autekologii [On the structure of theoretical ecology and its place for autecology]. Funktsionalnaya morfologiya, ekologiya i zhiznennye tsikly zhivotnykh [Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals]. Issue 9. Saint Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2009, pp. 11-21. http://shuiskyvf.borda.ru/?1-15-0-00000015...-0-0-1265738331
35. Ozersky P. V. Metaphenotype of a population as a structural and functional reflection of its ecological niche / / Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals. Issue 10. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University, 2010, pp. 15-29. http://shuiskyvf.borda.ru/?1-15-0-00000016-000-0-0
36. Ozersky P. V. Opyt klassifikatsii sred zhizni kak osnovy statsiy i adaptivnykh zonov [Experience of classification of life environments as the basis of stations and adaptive zones]. Issue 10. St. Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2010, pp. 30-59. http://shuiskyvf.borda.ru/?1-15-0-00000017-000-0-0
37. Ozersky P. V., Bobrova T. V., Kuznetsova L. S. K voprosu o funktsional'nom znacheniem ugloklona lba u locustovykh razlichnykh zhiznennykh formov: postanovka problemy i verka odnoy iz hypothez [On the functional significance of the forehead tilt angle in locusts of different life forms: problem statement and verification of one of the hypotheses]. Izvestiya RGPU im. - SPb., 2011. - N 141. - pp. 124-131. ftp://lib.herzen.spb.ru/text/ozersky_141_124_131.pdf
38. Ozersky P. V. On the term “station” used in Russian ecological and faunal literature // Ecology. 2011. №6. С. 417-421.
39. Ozerskii P. V. On the Term Station Used in Russian Ecological and Faunistic Literature // Russian Journal of Ecology. 2011. №6. P. 417-421.
40. Ozerskii P. V. K voprosu o svyazi mezhdu ekologicheskoi spetsializatsii i cytogeneticheskimi kharakteristik u locustovykh (Orthoptera, Acrididae) [On the relationship between ecological specialization and cytogenetic characteristics in locusts (Orthoptera, Acrididae)]. Issue 11. St. Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2011, pp. 3-11. http://www.zooherzen.org/publikacii/sborni...redirects=0&d=1
41. Ozersky P. V. On the applicability of the concept of stabilizing selection to representatives of the life strategy of explorers / / Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals. Issue 11. St. Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2011, pp. 12-27. http://www.zooherzen.org/publikacii/sborni...redirects=0&d=1
42. Ozersky P. V., Shchekanov E. E. On generators of wing motion rhythms during flight and sound emission in some insect species. biochem. fiziol. 2011. Vol. 47. no. 3. pp. 252-254.
43. Ozerskii P. V. O nekotorykh intereskikh nakhodkakh pryamokrylykh insekty (Insecta, Orthoptera) v Pskovskaya oblasti [On some interesting finds of straight-winged insects (Insecta, Orthoptera) in the Pskov region]. Issue No. 12. Saint Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2012, pp. 5-11. http://www.zooherzen.org/publikacii/sborni...redirects=0&d=1
44. Ozersky P. V. O perspektivakh ispol'zovaniya izmenchivosti kolorki v klassifikatsii zhizn'nykh formov pryamokrylykh insektov [On the prospects of using color variability in the classification of life forms of straight-winged insects]. Issue No. 12. Saint Petersburg: Tessa Publ., 2012, pp. 11-17. http://www.zooherzen.org/publikacii/sborni...redirects=0&d=1
45. Ozersky P. V. Diversity of symbiotic relationships and a possible approach to their classification. Wednesday. Development. 2013. No. 4. pp. 277-281.
46. Ozersky P. V. O nekotorykh aspekty obzrazhdeniya ekosistem i popul'tsii s demotsentricheskikh i s tsenotsentricheskikh pozitsii [On some aspects of considering ecosystems and populations from democentric and coenocentric positions]. 2013. Vol. 13, no 2, pp. 79-90.
47. Ozersky P. V. On formalizing the concept of the Elton—Odum ecological niche. History of the issue / / Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals. 2013. Vol. 13.no. 1. pp. 55-69.
48. Ozersky P. V. Finding of the common plate-wing (Phaneroptera falcata, Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in the Novgorod region // Functional morphology, ecology and life cycles of animals. 2013. Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 13-16.
49. Ozersky P. V. On formalizing the concept of the Elton—Odum ecological niche. Vector-volume model of a niche // Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2014. Vol. 14, No. 1. P. 4-19.
50. Ozersky P. V. Consortium as a fractal // Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2014. Vol. 14, No. 1. Pp. 20-26.
51. Ozersky P. V. More on the relationship of the facial angle in Orthoptera with their field of vision. I. Locusts (Acridoidea) // Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2014. Vol. 14, No. 1. P.28-32.
52. Ozersky P. V. Efarmonia as a general biological concept Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2014. Vol. 14, No. 1. P. 32-56.
53. Tislenko I. N., Ozerskiy P. V. Two finds of the common swordfish (Conocephalus fuscus, Insecta, Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in the north-west of Russia // Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2014. Vol. 14, No. 1. P.58-62.
54. Ozersky P. V. On the question of color variability in Erectus (Insecta, Orthoptera) of various life forms // Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2014. Vol. 14, No. 2. P. 42-52.55
. P. V. Ozersky. Towards formalizing the concept of the Elton-Odum ecological niche. Niches of complex organized populations // Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2015. Vol. 15, No. 1 P. 4-73.
56. P. V. Ozersky, I. N. Tislenko. Distribution of the common plate-wing (Phaneroptera falcata, Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) in the north-west of Russia // Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of animals. 2015. Vol. 15, No. 1.pp. 101-103.
57. Ozersky P. V. On the possibility of using Internet content in morphometric studies (on the example of the hip index in locusts (Orthoptera, Acridoidea)) // Vestn. St. Petersburg State University. Ser. 3. Biology. 2016. No. 2. pp. 31-37.

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This post was edited by PVOzerski - 10/22/2016 14: 57
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24.10.2010 15:21, Aleksey Adamov

1. Ponomarenko V. A., Adamov A.V. Species composition and biotopic distribution of insects-herpetobionts of agrocenoses of the Azov city environs// Ecology and biology of soils in the South of Russia. Issue II. - Rostov n / A: TSVVR Publishing House, 2003, pp. 31-33.

2. Ponomarenko V. A., Adamov A.V. Species composition and distribution of coleoptera in the fallow area of the biological station of Rostov State University//Actual issues of ecology and nature protection of ecosystems in the southern regions of Russia and adjacent territories: Proceedings of the XVIII Inter-republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Krasnodar: Kuban State University, 2005, pp. 116-118.

3. Ponomarenko V. A., Adamov A.V. On the distribution of ground beetles over the area of a winter wheat field// Ecology and Biology of soils: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. - Rostov n / A: Rostov State University, 2005. p. 409-412.

4. Adamov A.V. Spatial distribution of coleoptera herpetobionts in the Steppe Priazovskaya microzapovednik and adjacent territories / / Proceedings of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of the Russian State University. Rostov n / A: Publishing House "Rostizdat", 2005. p. 4-5.

5. Adamov A.V. Sravnitel'nyj analiz karabidofauna pamyatnika prirodnogo "Steppe Priazovskaya" i Nizhni Dona [Comparative analysis of the carabid fauna of the natural monument "Steppe Priazovskaya" and the Lower Don]. Scientific and practical conferences, dedicated to 10th anniversary of the State Nature Reserve "Rostovsky", April 26-28, 2006, pos. Orlovsky, Rostov region-Rostov n / A: Publishing House Rost. Un-ta, 2006, pp. 250-252.

6. Adamov A.V. Successional processes in the community of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the nature monument "Steppe Priazovskaya"// The role of specially protected natural territories in the conservation of biodiversity: Materials of the Intern. Scientific and practical conferences, dedicated to 10th anniversary of the State Nature Reserve "Rostovsky", April 26-28, 2006, pos. Orlovsky, Rostov region-Rostov n / A: Publishing House Rost. Un-ta, 2006, pp. 252-254.

7. Adamov A.V. Seasonal changes in the dynamic density of dominant coleopteran herpetobiont species in the natural monument "Steppe of the Azov Sea"// Actual issues of ecology and nature protection of ecosystems in the southern regions of Russia and adjacent territories: Proceedings of the XIX Inter-Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Krasnodar: Kuban State University Publ., 2006, pp. 120-121.

8. Adamov A.V. Spectrum of life forms of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the nature monument "Steppe Priazovskaya"// Actual issues of ecology and nature protection of ecosystems in the southern regions of Russia and adjacent territories: Proceedings of the XIX Inter-Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Krasnodar: Kuban State University Publ., 2006, p. 119.

9. Adamov A.V. Comparative analysis of the activity of dominant coleopteran herpetobiont species in fallow areas of the "Priazovskaya Steppe"nature monument// Actual issues of ecology and nature protection of ecosystems in the southern regions of Russia and adjacent territories: Proceedings of the XIX Inter-Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Krasnodar: Kuban State University Publ., 2006, pp. 119-1120.

10. Adamov A.V. On the use of spectra of ground beetle life forms (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE) in zoological diagnostics of soils // Ecology and biology of soils: problems of diagnostics and indication / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Rostov-on-Don: Rostizdat, 2006. pp. 4-7.

11. Adamov A.V. Izmenchivost ' nekotorykh chislov ZABRUS TENEBRIOIDES G-Z. (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE) i ikh svyazi s izmeneniyakh biotopicheskogo preferenduma vidya [Variability of some characters of ZABRUS TENEBRIOIDES G-Z. (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE) and their connection with changes in the biotopic preference of the species]. BIOLOGIYA-NAUKA XXI VEKA: 10-ya Pushchino school-conference of young scientists dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Pushchino Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushchino, April 17-21, 2006). Collection of abstracts, p. 246.

12. Ponomarenko V. A., Adamov A.V. Composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) on the territory of the biological station of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of the Southern Federal University// Problems and prospects of general entomology. Abstracts of reports of the XIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society, Krasnodar, September 9-15, 2007-Krasnodar, 2007. - pp. 289-290.

13.Ponomarenko A.V., Ponomarenko V. A., Adamov A.V., Logvinov A. A. Influence of biological preparation on the activity of herpetobiont coleoptera (Insecta, Coleoptera)// Achievements of entomology in the service of agro-industrial complex, forestry and medicine. Abstracts of reports of the XIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society, Krasnodar, September 9-15, 2007. Krasnodar, 2007. p. 168.

14. Adamov A.V. Preliminary data on the fauna of ground beetles of the genus Harpalus Latr.(Coleoptera, Carabidae) on the territory of the biological station of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of the Southern Federal University / / Fauna and Ecology of Insects. Issue 1: [sbornik nauchnykh trudov] / Yuzh. feder. un-ta, Biol.- pochv. fakt., Biol. ucheb. - nauch. the station; [ed. ed. Adamov A.V.]. Rostov-on-Don: TSVVR Publishing House, 2007, pp. 3-11.

15.Adamov A.V. Sostav zhuzhelits (Coleoptera, Carabidae) severo-zapadnoy chasti Tsimlyanskogo peninsulrova (seredina leta) [Composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the north-western part of the Tsimlyansk Peninsula (mid-summer)]. XXI Inter-Republican Scientific and Practical Conference, Krasnodar: Kuban State University, 2008, pp. 83-84.

This post was edited by Adamov - 24.10.2010 15: 22
Likes: 7

24.10.2010 20:17, scarit

Here's my list:

. Efimov, D. A. and Eremeeva, N. I., Ecological groups of ground beetles in terrestrial cenoses in the vicinity of Podyakovo village, Kemerovo region, in Kraevedcheskie issledovaniya v regionakh Rossii. - Orel, 1996. - p. 32.2
. Efimov D. A. On the fauna and ecology of ground beetles of the Shor National Park // Materials of the XXXIV International Scientific Student Conference "Student and scientific and technical specialist". progress". Biology. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 1996, pp. 48-49.

3. Efimov D. A. On the fauna of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the black taiga of the foothills of Gornaya Shoria // Problems of conservation of biological diversity in Southern Siberia. I Inter-region. scientific and practical conference May 19-22, 1997-Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 1997. - p. 76.4
. Efimov D. A., Sushchev D. V. Species composition of black-bodied beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) of the Kemerovo region // Ecology of Southern Siberia-2000. - Abakan, 1997. - p. 21.

5. Efimov D. A. Ground beetles of dark coniferous forests of the Kuznetsk Alatau and their role in regulating the number of forest phytophages. Mezhdunar. simp. September 7-11 Pushkino, Moscow Region, 1998, p. 31.6
. Efimov D. A. Ground beetles of the steppe part of the Kuznetsk Basin // Ecology of Southern Siberia-2000. Materials of the II South Siberian Region. scientific conference of students and young scientists November 11-13, 1998-Abakan, 1998. - p. 46.

7. Eremeeva N. I., Sushchev D. V., Efimov D. A., Sorokina S. V., Demidenko N. V., Kornienko N. P. Review of the insect fauna of the Kuznetsk Alatau / / Animal world of the Altai-Sayan mountain country. Gorno-Altaisk: Univer - Print, 1999, pp. 67-76
. 8. Demidenko N. V., Eremeeva N. I., Efimov D. A., Sorokina S. V., Sukhonosov I. A., Sushchev D. V. Bespozvonochnye zhivotni [Invertebrate animals]. Kemerovo: Publishing House "Asia", 1999, pp. 126-135.

9. Efimov D. A. Buchanan's runner-Metacolpodes buchanani (Hope, 1831) / / Red Book of the Kemerovo region. Rare and endangered animal species. Kemerovo: Kn. izd-vo, 2000, pp. 155-156.

10. Efimov D. A. Landscape-biotopic differentiation of ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Kuznetsk-Salair mountain region // Ecological and socio-hygienic aspects of the human environment. Materials of the Republican scientific conference. Ryazan: Ed."Attorney", 2001, pp. 243-246.
11. Efimov D. A., Sushchev D. V. Fauna of black-bodied beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) of the Kemerovo region // Ecological and socio-hygienic aspects of the human environment. Materials of the Republican scientific conference. Ryazan: Ed."Attorney", 2001. - pp. 220-222.
12. Efimov D. A. To the fauna of barbel beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)of the Kemerovo region / / "Molodye uchenye – Kuzbassu" Mediko-biologicheskie nauki Sb. trudov obl. nauch. konferentsii. Kemerovo, 2001, pp. 65-70.

13. Dudko R. Yu., Efimov D. A., Lomakin D. E. Structure and peculiarity of ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Kuznetsk Alatau and Gornaya Shoriya // Zoological Journal, 2002, vol. 81, no. 6, pp. 664-677.

14. Eremeeva N. I., Blinova S. V., Gagina T. N., Efimov D. A., Skalon N. V., Sushchev D. V., Teplova N. S., Shilenok O. L. Insects / / Shor National Natural Park: nature, people, prospects. Institute of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS, Kemerovo, 2003, pp. 43-53.
15. Gagina T. N., Eremeeva N. I., Efimov D. A., Polevod V. A., Skalon N. V., Sushchev D. V., Teplova N. S., Blinova S. V., Zolotarev D. A. Novye informatsii o rarekikh vidov bespozvonochnykh zhivotnykh, vklyuchennykh v Krasnuyu kniga Kemerovo oblasti i ee applenie [New information on rare invertebrate species included in the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region and its appendix]. Conservation of biological diversity. Kemerovo, 2003, Pp. 41-47.
16. Efimov D. A. Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Proceedings of the Kemerovo Branch of the Russian Entomological Society. Issue 2. Kemerovo: Unity Company, 2003, pp. 34-40.

17. Efimov D. A., Teplova N. S. Materials on the fauna of ground beetles of the Yashkinsky district of the Kemerovo region / / Proceedings of the Kuzbass Integrated Expedition, vol. 1. Belovsky, Yashkinsky, Tashtagolsky districts of the Kemerovo region/ Institute of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS, Kemerovo, 2004
, p. 261.18. Teplova N. V.S., Efimov D. A., Atuchin A. A. Complexes of invertebrate animals of the steppe (Belovsky district) and forest-steppe (Yashkinsky district) zones of the Kemerovo region / / Proceedings of the Kuzbass integrated Expedition, vol. 1. Belovsky, Yashkinsky, Tashtagolsky districts of the Kemerovo region / Institute of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS. - Kemerovo, 2004- P. 279-289.

19. Efimov D. A. The role of the Kuznetsk Alatau as a meridian biogeographic boundary in the distribution of ground beetles / / Proceedings of the Kemerovo branch of the Russian Entomological Society. Kemerovo: Unity Company, 2005, Issue 3. Entomological research in Western Siberia, pp. 25-27.

20. Efimov D. A. Materials on the fauna of goldfinches (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) of the Kemerovo region // Proceedings of the Kemerovo branch of the Russian Entomological Society. Kemerovo: Unity Company, 2006, Issue 4. Entomological research in Western Siberia, pp. 29-31.
21. Eremeeva N. I., Efimov D. A. Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of natural and urbanized territories of the Kuznetsk Basin. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., 2006, 107 p. (in Russian)

22. Efimov D. A. Coleoptera superfamilies of the Cantharoidea (Coleoptera) fauna of the Kemerovo region / / Proceedings of the Kemerovo branch of the Russian Entomological Society. Kemerovo: Unity Company, 2007, Issue 5. Entomological research in Western Siberia, pp. 29-32.
23. Efimov D. A. Dead-eating beetles (Coleoptera, Silphidae) Trudy Russkogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva, St. Petersburg, 2007. Vol. 78 (2) - pp. 57-59.
24. Legalov A. A., Efimov D. A. Pervaya nakhodka Sternuchopsis karelini (Boh.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) v Sibiri [The first discovery of Sternuchopsis karelini (Boh.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Siberia] Issue 1-p. 54.

25. Efimov D. A. New data on the fauna of black-bodied beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) of the Kemerovo region // Proceedings of the Kemerovo branch of the Russian Entomological Society. Kemerovo: Unity Company Publ., 2008. 6. Entomologicheskie issledovaniya v Zapadnoy Sibiri [Entomological research in Western Siberia], pp. 40-43.
26. Efimov D. A. Materials on Coleoptera fauna Gornaya Shoriya (Kemerovo region) // Ecological and economic efficiency of nature management at the present stage of development of the West Siberian region: Mater. 2. Efimov
D. A. Osobennosti obucheniya budushchikh uchitelei biologii voprosy bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel'nosti [Features of training of future biology teachers to issues of life safety]. Problemy samoprosovannosti vyssnikov v usloviyakh izmenyushcheyushchey Rossii: Sb. nauch.proceedings of the XXIX scientific and Methodological Conference of Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, 28.01-08.02.2008/ - Electronic data and program-Kemerovo, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University". - 2008. - p. 102-104. (1 electron.opt.disk (CD-R)
28. Efimov D. A. Osnovy fiziologii truda i komfortnye usloviya zhiznedeyatel'nosti [Fundamentals of labor physiology and comfortable living conditions]. Study guide. stipend. - State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University". Kemerovo, 2008, 24 p. (in Russian)
29. Efimov D. A. Fauna of carapace beetles (Coleoptera, Histeridae) of the Kemerovo region // Eurasian Entomological Journal, 2008, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 341-343.
30. Efimov D. A. On the fauna of click beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae) of the Kemerovo region // Bulletin of KemSU, 2008, no. 1, pp. 5-7.31
. Efimov D. A., Ovcharova L. G., Tarakanov A.V. Obespechenie bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel'nosti v proizvodstvennoy srede: uchebnoe posobie. - Tomsk: TSPU Publishing House, 2008. - 220 p.

32. Efimov D. A., Tarakanov A.V., Ovcharova L. G. Bezopasnost ' zhiznedeyatel'nosti cheloveka: elektronnyy uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks [Human life safety: an electronic educational and methodical complex]. - Electron. dan. - Kemerovo: KemGU, 2009. - 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM). – Systems.Requirements: PC with a Pentium III 500 MHz processor; operating system.система Windows XP; Internet Explorer; SVGA, 1280x1024 High Color (32 bit). - Caption from the screen. - State registration number in FSUE STC" Informregistr " 0321000380 svid. No. 18743 of 21.05.2010.

33. Efimov D. A. Novye nakhodki zlatok (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) v Kuznetsko-Salairskoy gornoy oblasti [New finds of goldfish (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) in the Kuznetsk – Salair mountain region]. Amurskiy zoologicheskiy zhurnal, 2010, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 50-51.
34. Efimov D. A. K faune zhuk-vodolyubov (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) Kemerovo region / / Kavkazskiy entomological bulletin. - 2010. - Vol. 6, issue 1. - pp. 23-24.
35. Yefimov D. A., Teplova N. S. Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the main biotopes of the middle river courseTom (Krapivinsky district, Kemerovo region) // Entomological research in North Asia. Proceedings of the VIII Interregional Meeting of Entomologists of Siberia and the Far East with the participation of foreign scientists. October 4-7, 2010 Novosibirsk, 2010. - p. 83-84.
Likes: 10

25.10.2010 6:51, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Everything is available in a PDF on my site: http://omflies.narod.ru

1. Knyazev S. A., Kosterin O. E. 2003. New findings of non-mororal diurnal lepidopteran species Apatura iris (L., 1758) and Maniolia jurtina (L., 1758) in Western Siberia and their possible zoogeographic significance. // Eurasian Entomological Journal, 2 (3): pp. 193-194.
2. Kosterin O. E., Knyazev S. A. Perelivnitsa bolshaya-Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758). 2005. Animals, plants, and lichens. Omsk: Publishing House of Omsk Pedagogical University, pp. 40-49.
3. Kosterin O. E., Knyazev S. A., Poteyko A. A., Ponomarev K. B., Kosheleva T. F., Teploukhov V. Yu. 2007. New finds of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in the Omsk and Tomsk regions, including interesting ones in the light of the dynamism of their fauna. // Eurasian Entomological Journal, 6 (4): pp. 473-482.
4. Knyazev S. A. 2009. Diurnal Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Diurna) Omsk region. // Eurasian Entomological Journal, 8 (4): pp. 441-461.
5. Knyazev S. A., Vasilenko S. V., Ponomarev K. B., Teploukhov V. Yu., Rogalev V. V. 2010. To the moth fauna (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Omsk region. Annotated list of species. // Omsk Biological School 2010 (6), pp. 2-26.
6. Knyazev S. A., Byvaltsev A.M., Ponomarev K. B., Teploukhov V. Yu., Kosheleva T. F. 2010. Materials for the study of the bumblebee fauna (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombini) of the Omsk Irtysh region. // Omsk Biological School 2010 (6), pp. 27-29.
7. Knyazev S. A., Ponomarev K. B., Abramov V. A., Sitnikov P. S. 2010. New finds of Eversmannia exornata (Eversmann, 1837) (Lepidoptera: Epiplemidae) in Western Siberia. // Eversmannia. Entomological research in Russia and neighboring regions. Issue 21-22, 2010. p. 98.8
. Knyazev S. A., Dubatolov V. V., Ponomarev K. B., Teploukhov V. Yu., Kholodov O. N., Rogalev V. V., Maranik V. V. 2010. Scoops (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Omsk region. // Amur Zoological Journal. II (2), 2010. pp. 148-183.
Likes: 12

26.10.2010 19:49, kovyl

And how-n. no wonder you can put a corresponding file next to each article in the list of publications?
mol.gif People, ow! Who knows how to attach scans here (just a few pieces)?

This post was edited by kovyl - 27.10.2010 20: 35

29.10.2010 9:35, Pirx

My publications on the site:

Likes: 2

29.10.2010 14:31, kovyl

This is all very good, but how to put it here? What, because of several articles to create a home page for everyone?

29.10.2010 14:57, KingSnake

I'll post mine, too. Although they are not on entomology, but maybe someone will also be interested.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Amphibians and reptiles of Mordovia: species diversity, distribution, abundance. Saransk: Mordovia Publishing House. univ., 2006. 160 p. (in Russian)

Lapshin A. S., Spiridonov S. N., Ruchin A. B., Grishutkin G. F., Vechkanov V. S., Ryzhov M. K. Rare animals of the Republic of Mordovia. Materials of maintaining the Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia for 2005 – - Saransk. Mordovia Publishing House. univ. - 56 p.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K., Lobachev E. A., Artaev O. N. Systematics of aquatic European frogs of the Rana esculenta complex in Mordovia: introduction / / Biology of inland waters: problems of ecology and biodiversity. Borok, 2002, pp. 96-97.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M.K. On the diet of the marsh frog (Rana ridibunda) in the Sura and Moksha Watershed, Mordovia // Advances Amphibian Res. Former Soviet Union. 2002. V. 7. № 2. P. 197-205.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Distribution, morphological characteristics and nutrition of red-bellied zherlyanka in Mordovia / / Third Conference of herpetologists of the Volga region. Tolyatti Publ., 2003, pp. 75-77.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K., Lobachev E. A. Distribution and morphological characteristics of the common grass snake (Natrix natrix) from Mordovia. Tolyatti 2003 p. 70-71

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K., Artaev O. N. Distribution of rare fish and amphibian species in the Moksha river basin // Ecological problems of large river basins. Tolyatti, 2003-p. 243

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Amphibians and reptiles of Mordovia: An ecological and faunistic review. 2003 No. 2 p. 195-201

Кuznetsov V.A., Ruchin A.B., Lobachev E.A., Ryzhov M.K. Effect of ecology factors oscillations on growth rate development of anura larval // 12 SHE. S. Peterburg, 2003 р. 94

Ryzhov M. K., Lobachev E. A. Ruchin A. B. Rare reptiles of the Republic of Mordovia // Protection of flora and fauna of the Volga region and adjacent territories. Penza, 2003 p. 76-78

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Trophic role of the lake frog Rana ridibunda (Anura, Ranidae) in near-water ecosystems // Biodiversity and the role of zoocenosis in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems: proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference. Dnepropetrovsk. 2003-p. 247-248

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K., Artaev O. N., Klimov S. V. Species diversity and biotopic distribution of Saransk amphibians // Actual ecological problems of the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan: Publishing House "Otechestvo", 2003. p. 225

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Grass frog-a rare species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia // Tatishchev Readings: actual problems of science and practice. Mat. of the international scientific Conference Tolyatti 2004. pp. 221-226

Ruchin, A. B., Ryzhov, M. K. Krasnaya kniga Respubliki Mordovia: amphibians and reptiles // Prirodnoe nasledie Rosiii: izuchenie, monitoringa, okhrana [The Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia: amphibians and reptiles]. Mat. of the international scientific Conference Tolyatti 2004. pp. 232-233

Ryzhov, M. K., Ruchin, A. B., and Lukiyanov, S. V., Nutrition spectra of some amphibian species in the Middle Volga region, Sibirskaya zoologicheskaya konferentsiya: Tez. Dokl. - Novosibirsk. 2004. - p. 316-317

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K., Artaev O. N., Lukiyanov S. V. On population systems of green frogs of the Rana esculenta complex in Mordovia / / Siberian Zoological Conference: materials of the Scientific Conference-Grodno, 2005. - pp. 293-296

Ryzhov M. K. Some aspects of biology and ecology of newts in Mordovia // Natural science and humanism: Collection of scientific works vol. 2, No. 2 . Tomsk, 2005. - p. 45

Ruchin A. B., Lapshin A. S., Ryzhov M. K. On the distribution of snakes on the territory of Mordovia / / Modern herpetology. 2005. Volume 3/4. pp. 93-98

Ryzhov M. K., Ruchin A. B., Kasatkin S. P. Monitoring of amphibian and reptile fauna in the Temnikovsky forest area (Mordovian Nature Reserve) // Forest management, ecology and forest protection: fundamental and applied aspects: Mat. conf. Tomsk: STT, 2005. pp. 128-129.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K., Artaev O. N., Lukiyanov S. V. Amphibians and reptiles of the city: species composition, distribution, abundance and biotopes (on the example of Saransk). 2005. No. 1; pp. 47-59.

Ruchin A. B., Borkin L. Ya., Lada G. A., Litvinchuk S. N., Rozanov Yu. M., Ryzhov M. K. Istoriya izucheniya i rasprostranenie zelenykh frogushek (Rana esculenta complex) v Mordovii [History of studying and distribution of green frogs (Rana esculenta complex) in Mordovia]. 2005. Vol. 110, Issue 1, pp. 3-11.

Ruchin A. B., Borkin L. Ya., Lada G. A., Litvinchuk S. N., Rozanov Yu. M., Ryzhov M. K. Morphological variability, genome size, and population systems of green frogs (Rana esculenta complex) in Mordovia. 2005. Vol. 110, Issue No. 2. p. 3-10.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. The edible frog (Rana esculenta) / / Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia. In 2 vols. Vol. 2: Animals / Comp. by V. I. Astradamov. Saransk: Mordovia Publishing House, 2005, p. 175

Ryzhov M. K., Ruchin A. B., Bakiev A. G. Osnovnye itogi i prikhodnye zadachi izucheniya fauny amfibii i reptilii Mordovii [Main results and next tasks of studying the fauna of amphibians and reptiles in Mordovia]. Collection of scientific works. Issue 8. Tolyatti 2005, pp. 178-183

Lukiyanov S. V., Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Spectrum and nutrition of Rana arvalis Nillsson in Mordovia. / Samarskaya Luka: Byul. 2006, no. 17, pp. 101-107.

Ryzhov M. K. Nakhodki bolotnoy cherepakhi v Respublike Mordovia [Bog turtle finds in the Republic of Mordovia]. Collection of scientific works. Tolyatti Publ., 2006, pp. 159-164.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Feeding of the swift lizard in the conditions of the Republic of Mordovia. / Actual problems of herpetology and toxinology. Collection of scientific works. Issue 9. Tolyatti 2006. pp. 155-159

Ryzhov M. K. Pit of common grass snake in the conditions of the Republic of Mordovia / Actual problems of herpetology and toxinology. Collection of scientific works. Issue 9. Tolyatti 2006, pp. 164-166

Ruchin A. B., Artaev O. N., Bakiev A. G., Ryzhov M. K. New information about rare invertebrate and vertebrate animals of Mordovia (based on the results of research in 2006) / / Rare animals of the Republic of Mordovia. Materials of maintaining the Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia for 2006 – - Saransk. Mordovia Publishing House. univ. - 56 p.

Ryzhov M. K. Brief results of a seven-year (2000-2006) study of amphibians and reptiles in Mordovia // Ecological collection. Proceedings of young scientists of the Volga region. Tolyatti: IEVB RAS, 2007. pp. 143-146

Ruchin, A. B., Bakiev, A. G., and Ryzhov, M. K., New data on rare amphibian and reptile species in Mordovia, Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN. 9, №1 (19), 2007. P. 171-176

Ruchin A. B., Chikhlyaev I. V., Lukiyanov S. V., Ryzhov M. K. Nutrition features of local populations of common scallywort (Pelobates fuscus) in the Volga and Don basin / / Povolzhsk. ecol. Zhurnal, 2007, no. 3, pp. 265-270.

Ryzhov M. K. On the nutrition of amphibians and reptiles in the conditions of the Republic of Mordovia // Aktual'nye problemy gerpetologii i toxinologii: Sb. nauch. tr. Vyp. 10 [Actual problems of herpetology and toxinology]. Tolyatti, 2007, pp. 133-136.

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. State of water bodies and populations of aquatic vertebrates in Saransk. // Rational use of freshwater ecosystems – a promising direction for the implementation of the national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex". Mat. mezhdunarod. nauch.- practical conference. Moscow, 2007. pp. 347-349

Ruchin A. B., Artaev O. N., Bakiev A. G., Ryzhov M. K. New information about rare vertebrate species in Mordovia (based on the results of research in 2007) / / Rare animals of the Republic of Mordovia. Materials of maintaining the Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia for 2007 – - Saransk. Mordovia Publishing House. un-ta. - 78 p.

Ruchin A. B., Maisova A. N., Ryzhov M. K. Biology of the swift lizard in Mordovia. No. 3, 2007. pp. 57-65

Ryzhov M. K., Ruchin A. B. To the study of amphibians and reptiles in the Smolny National Park (Republic of Mordovia) / / Principles and methods of preserving biodiversity: materials of the III All-Russian Scientific Conference / Mar. - Yoshkar-Ola; Pushchino, 2008. pp. 585-586

Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. On the distribution and biology of brittle spindles and viviparous lizards in the Middle Volga region. Collection of Reports, vol. 2. Ulyanovsk, 2008, pp. 143-148.

Ryzhov M. K. On the taxonomic composition, distribution, and abundance of amphibians and reptiles in Mordovia // Questions of herpetology. Proceedings of the Third Congress of the A. M. Nikolsky Herpetological Society. St. Petersburg, 2008. pp. 364-369.
Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Distribution of the swift lizard (Lacerta agilis) in the Volga and Don basin // Bulletin of the Mordovian University. Series "Biological Sciences", No. 2, 2008, pp. 140-143.

Ruchin A. B., Artaev O. N., Ryzhov M. K., Shepelev A. A. On new finds and ecology of rare vertebrate species in Mordovia // Rare animals of the Republic of Mordovia. Materials of maintaining the Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia for 2008 – - Saransk. Mordovia Publishing House. un-ta. - 104 p.

Ryzhov M. K., Ruchin A. B. Biology of the sharp-faced frog Rana arvalis in Mordovia. Message 1. Distribution, abundance and biotopes / / Biological Sciences of Kazakhstan. No. 1, 2008. pp. 33-39

Ruchin A. B., Lukiyanov S. V., Ryzhov M. K., Chikhlyaev I. V. Biology of the sharp-faced frog Rana arvalis in Mordovia. Message 2. Reproduction, activity and nutrition / / Biological Sciences of Kazakhstan. No. 2, 2008. pp. 24-33

Ruchin A. B., Lukiyanov S. V., Ryzhov M. K., Chikhlyaev I. V. Biology of the sharp-faced frog Rana arvalis in Mordovia. Communication 3. Helminths and predators / / Biological Sciences of Kazakhstan. 2008. No. 3. pp. 20-29.

Gorelov R. A., Starkov V. G., Ryzhov M. K., Litvinov N. A., Bakiev A. G., Eplanova G. V. Modern fauna of spindly lizards of the Volga basin // Environmental problems of large river basins – 4: Abstracts of the International conference [electronic resource]. Tolyatti: IEVB RAS, 2008, p. 40.

Ryzhov, M. K. and Ruchin, A. B., Additions to the inventory of newts (Lissotriton vulgaris and Triturus cristatus) in the Middle Volga basin, Vestn. Mordovians. un-ta. 2009. No. 1. pp. 250-252.

Ruchin A. B., Vechkanov V. S., Ryzhov M. K. On biotopes of the swift lizard Lacerta agilis (Reptilia, Lacertidae) in the basins of the Moksha and Sura rivers // Samara Luka: problems of regional and global ecology. - 2009. - Vol. 18, No. 1. pp. 116-118

Ruchin A. B., Lada G. A., Borkin L. Ya., Litvinchuk S. N., Rozanov Yu. M., Ryzhov M. K., Zamaletdinov R. I. On the biotopic distribution of three species of green frogs (Rana esculenta complex) in the Volga River basin. // Povolzhsk. ecol. Zhurnal, 2009, no. 2, pp. 137-147.

Malenev A. L., Zaitseva O. V., Bakiev A. G., Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Enzyme activity and peptide composition of venomous secretions of common vipers living in the Republic of Mordovia // Aktual'nye problemy ekologicheskoi fiziologii, biokhimii i genetiki zhivotnykh: Mat. II Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. - Saransk: OOO "Mordovia-EXPO", 2009. pp. 104-106

Ruchin A. B., Borkin L. Ya., Lada G. A., Litvinchuk S. N., Rozanov Yu. M., Ryzhov M. K. O faune zelenykh lyagushek (Rana esculenta complex) Chuvashii [On the fauna of green frogs (Rana esculenta complex) in Chuvashia]

Ryzhov M. K., Yakovlev A. A. Morphological characteristics of the gray toad Bufo bufo (Anura, Amphibia) from the territory of the national park "Chavash varmane" / / Scientific works of the National Park "Chavash varmane". Vol. 3. Cheboksary, pp. 100-101

Artaev O. N., Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Annotated list of lower vertebrate animals of the National Park" Chavash varmane", noted in 2009. // Scientific works of the National Park "Chavash varmane", Vol. 3. Cheboksary, pp. 95-99

Ryzhov M. K., Chikhlyaev I. V., Ruchin A. B. On helminths of the lake frog Rana ridibunda in Mordovia. // Actual problems of herpetology and toxinology. Collection of scientific works. Issue 7. Togliatti, 2004, pp. 119-121.

Lukiyanov S. V., Chikhlyaev I. V., Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. On the study of the helminthic fauna of amphibians in Mordovia. // Fauna, biology, morphology and taxonomy of parasites. Mat. of the international conference. Moscow, 2006, pp. 171-172.

Ruchin A. B., Chikhlyaev I. V., Lukiyanov S. V., Ryzhov M. K. Pelobates fuscus (eastern form) helminths in the floodplains of some rivers of the Middle and Lower Volga region // Povolzhsk. ecol. Zhurnal, 2008, no. 1, pp. 48-54.

Lukiyanov, S. V., Ruchin, A. B., Chikhlyaev, I. V., and Ryzhov, M. K., Helminth fauna of the sharp-faced frog Rana arvalis (Amphibia: Anura)in Mordovia, Mat. Congress of the Parasitological Society, vol. 2, St. Petersburg: "Lema", 2008, pp. 149-151.

Chikhlyaev I. V., Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. Materials on the amphibian helminth fauna of the national Park "Chavash varmane" (Chuvashia) / / Scientific works of the National Park "Chavash varmane". Vol. 3. Cheboksary, pp. 111-115

Interesting works can be downloaded here: http://herpeto-volga.ru/index.php?option=c...id=82&Itemid=93

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29.10.2010 16:45, Yakovlev



1. Yakovlev R. V. 2006. Revision of woodworms of the genus Holcocerus Staudinger, 1884 (s. l.) / / Eversmannia. Otd. issue 1. 104 p.

2. Balashova V. A., Bochkareva E. N., Burmistrov M. A., Volynkin A.V., Votinov A. G., Garms O. Ya., Goretovskaya O. S., Zhuravlev V. B.. Zinchenko V. K., Inozemtsev A. G., Irisova N. L., Konnov P. V., Kosterin O. E., Kudryashova I. V., Legalov A. A., Perunov Yu. E., Petrov V. Yu., Plotnikov V. N., Pozhidaeva L. V., Ryzhkov D. V., Chupin I. I., Shapetko E. V., Shutova Yu. V., Shcherbinin K. S., Yakovlev R. V. 2006. Red Data Book of the Altai Territory. Rare and endangered species of animals. Ed. 2. Volume 2. Barnaul. 211 pages.

3. Zolotov D. V., Votinov A. G., Chernykh D. V., Yakovlev R. V., Nozhinkov A. E., Pisarenko O. Yu. 2007. The Red Book. Rare, endangered plants and animals of the Bystroistoksky district of the Altai Territory in need of protection. Valuable natural objects. Barnaul, 147 p.

4. Bondarenko A.V., Bubnova T. V., Vozniychuk O. P., Dubatolov V. V., Ivonin V. V., Kosterin O. E., Lebedeva M. A., Malkov P. Yu., Malkov Yu. P., Omelchenko L. V., Sergeev M. G., Kharitonov A. Yu., Chesnokova S. V., Yakovlev R. V. 2007. Type ARTHROPODA / / Red Data Book of the Altai Republic. Animals. Gorno-Altaisk, pp. 45-114.

5. Anikin V. V., Baryshnikova S. V., Belyaev E. A., Bogdanov P. V., Budashkin Yu. I., Vasilenko S. V., Gorbunov O. G., Devyatkin A. L., Dubatolov V. V., Efetov K. A., Zolotukhin V. V., Ignatiev N. N., Kovtunovich V. N., Kozlov M. V. Kononenko V. S., Lovtsova Yu. A., Lukhtanov V. A., Lvovsky A. L., Matov Yu. A., Mironov V. G., Morgun D. V., Nedoshivina S. V., Ponomarenko M. G., Sviridov A.V., Sinev S. Yu., Ustyuzhanin P. Ya., Churkin S. V., Yakovlev R. V. 2008. Catalog of Lepidoptera Of Russia. St. Petersburg-M. 424 p.

6. Tshikolovets V.V., Yakovlev R.V., Kosterin O.E. 2009. The Butterflies of Altai, Sayans and Tuva (South Siberia). Kyiv-Pardubice. 374 p.

7. Tshikolovets V.V., Yakovlev R.V., Balint Z. 2009. The Butterflies of Mongolia. Kyiv-Pardubice. 320 p.

Educational and methodical publications

1. Tyumaseva Z. I., Guskova E. V., Yakovlev R. V. 2008. Biology with the basics of ecology for students of pedagogical universities of non-biological specialties (educational and methodical manual). Chelyabinsk. 91 p.

2. Guskova E. V., Yakovlev R. V. 2008. Concepts of modern natural science. Educational and methodical complex. Chelyabinsk. 88 p.

3. Tyumaseva Z. I., Guskova E. V., Dukhin V. V., Yakovlev R. V. 2009. Zoology of invertebrates. Methodological guide for completing coursework and qualification work. Saint Petersburg, 102 p.


1. Ivonin V. V., Kosterin O. E., Kharitonov A. Yu., Yakovlev R. V. 2006. Preliminary essays on insects for the Red Book of the Altai Republic // Rare animals of the Altai Republic. Materials for the preparation of the second edition of the Red Book of the Altai Republic. Gorno-Altaisk, pp. 21-57.

2. Lukhtanov V. A., Vishnevskaya M. S., Volynkin A.V., Yakovlev R. V. 2007. Club-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) Western Altai // Entomological Review, LXXXVI, 2, 2007. pp. 347-369.

3. Plyushch I. G., Yakovlev R. V. 2001. Two species of club-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) new to the fauna of Russia / / Russian Entomol. J. 10 (2). p. 188.

4. Streltsov A. N., Yakovlev R. V. 2007. Zaranga tukuringra, sp. n. - a representative of a new genus of crested whales (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) for the fauna of Russia / / Eversmannia 10. pp. 24-26.

5. Yakovlev R. V. Finding of the golubyanka Neolycaena falkovitchi Zhdanko et Korshunov, 1985 (Rhopalocera, Lycaenidae) in the north-east of the Altai Republic / / Russian entomologist journal., 1997. 6 (1-2): P.126.

6. Yakovlev R. V. 1999. Critical comments on some sections of the Red Data Book of the Altai Territory // Specially protected natural territories of the Altai Territory and adjacent regions, tactics of preserving species diversity and the gene pool. IV regional scientific and practical conference October 27-29, 1999 Barnaul. 1999. p. 154.

7. Yakovlev R. V., 1999b: Pararctia lapponica (Thunberg, 1791) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) a new species for the Altai fauna // Specially protected natural territories of the Altai Territory and adjacent regions, tactics of preserving species diversity and the gene pool. IV regional scientific and practical conference October 27-29, 1999 Barnaul. 1999. p. 155.

8. Yakovlev R. V. New data on the distribution and taxonomy of club-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) Siberia / / Russian Entomologist Journal. 2000 Vol. 9 (4). P. 375-376.

9. Yakovlev R. V. New data on the distribution and taxonomy of mace-whiskered Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in the Eastern Palearctic // Eurasian Entomological Journal 1 (2). 2002 b. pp. 280-283.

10. Yakovlev R. V. 2003. Club-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Diurna) Altai mountain country. Ecology and zoogeography. – 16 с., [Dissertation autoreferate] Altai State University, Barnaul.

11. Yakovlev R. V. 2004a. Mace-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Ukok Plateau (Southeastern Altai) / / Eurasian Entomological Journal. 2004 Vol. 3 (1). pp. 69-78.

12. Yakovlev R. V. 2004b. Drevotchtsy (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) Sibiri [Woodworms (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Siberia]. Evraziatskiy entomologicheskiy zhurnal, vol. 3 (2), pp. 155–163.Fig. tab. I.

13. Yakovlev R. V. 2004v. Faunistic groups of woodworms (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Cossidae) in the Asian part of Russia // Siberian Zoological Conference. Abstracts of reports. Novosibirsk, p. 94.

14. Yakovlev R. V. 2005a. Rare species of mace-whiskered Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in the Tigireksky Nature Reserve (Western Altai) / / Proceedings of the Tigireksky Nature Reserve. Issue 1. pp. 39-40.

15. Yakovlev R. V. 2005b. Woodworms (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Cossidae) Of the Southern Urals (Russia) // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. Univ. Ser. 10 (6). pp. 46-53.

16. Yakovlev R. V. 2005v. New data on the distribution and taxonomy of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) Europe and adjacent territories // Eversmannia, vol. 1 (3/4), pp. 18-27.

17. Yakovlev R. V. 2005. Woodworms (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) Of the Korean Peninsula // Eurasian Entomological Journal, vol. 4 (4), pp. 341-344.

18. Yakovlev R. V. 2006a. On the biogeographic structure of the Mongolian Altai // Entomological research in North Asia. Proceedings of the VII Interregional Meeting of Entomologists of Siberia and the Far East (within the framework of the Siberian Zoological Conference). Novosibirsk, pp. 165-168.

19. Yakovlev R. V. 2006v. A brief revision of the woodworms (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of the genus Cossulus Staudinger, 1887 // Eversmannia 7/8. C. 3-24.

20. Yakovlev R. V. 2006. Bulavous lepidoptera recommended for the Red Data Book of the Altai Republic // Rare animals of the Altai Republic. Materials for the preparation of the second edition of the Red Book of the Altai Republic. Gorno-Altaisk, pp. 16-21.

21. Yakovlev R. V. 2007a. Woodworms (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) Of Russia // Eversmannia 9. C. 11-33.

22. Yakovlev R. V. 2007b. Two new taxa of the genus Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 (subgenus Mellicta Billberg, 1820) (Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae) from Western Mongolia and Eastern Kazakhstan // Eversmannia 9. pp. 34-39.

23. Yakovlev R. V. 2007v. New species of Palearctic woodworms (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) / / Eversmannia 10. Pp. 3-23.

24. Yakovlev R. V. 2007. New replacement names in the woodworm family (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of South Asia // Zool. zhurnal, vol. 86, no. 7, pp. 893.

25. Yakovlev R. V. 2007d. Two new genera of woodworms (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from the Western Palearctic // Eversmannia, vol. 11-12, pp. 3-9.

26. Yakovlev R. V. 2007e. Little-known species of Palearctic and oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). I. Cossus tibetanus Hua, Chou, Fang et Chen, 1990 // Eversmannia, vol. 11-12, pp. 10-11.

27. Yakovlev R. V. 2007zh. New data on the taxonomy of Asian woodworms (Lepidoptera, Cossidae). zool. zhurnal, issue 1, p. 57.

28. Yakovlev R. V. 2007z. Current data on the range of Erebia tsengelensis Suwa, Hirano et Hirano, 2002 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) / / Altaisk. zool. zhurnal, issue 1, pp. 52-53.

29. Yakovlev R. V. 2007i. New information about woodworms (Lepidoptera: Kossidae) of the Far East of Russia and Siberia // Animal world of the Far East: a collection of scientific papers / under the general editorship of A. N. Streltsov. Blagoveshchensk: BSPU Publishing House. - Issue 6. - p. 74.

30. Yakovlev R. V. 2007k. Revision of the genus Eogystia Schoorl, 1990 (Lepidoptera: Animal world of the Far East: a collection of scientific papers / under the general editorship of A. N. Streltsov. Blagoveshchensk: BSPU Publishing House. Issue 6, pp. 75-77.

31. Yakovlev R. V. 2007l. New information about woodworms (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) Zhivotnyj mir Dalnego Vostoka: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [The animal World of the Far East: a collection of scientific papers]. Blagoveshchensk: BSPU Publishing House. Issue 6, pp. 78-79.

32. Yakovlev R. V. 2007m. Correction to the article. Yakovlev R. V. New species of palearctic woodworms (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) / / Eversmannia, 2007, vol. 10, pp. 3-23 / / Eversmannia, Vol. 13-14, pp. 85.

33. Yakovlev R. V. 2007n. New taxa of lepidoptera for the fauna of Mongolia // Eversmannia, vol. 13-14, p. 86.

34. Yakovlev R. V. 2008a. Faunal groups of woodworms (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) Of the Russian Federation // Zool. zhurnal, vol. 87 (5), pp. 632-633.

35. Yakovlev R. V. 2008b. New species of Palearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). I. Two new species of the genus Cossulus Staudinger, 1887 from Turkey and Kyrgyzstan // Eversmannia, vol. 15-16. p.

36. Yakovlev R. V. 2008v. New species of Palearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). II. A new species of the genus Phragmataecia Newman, 1850 from Turkmenistan / / Eversmannia, vol. 15-16. p.

37. Yakovlev R. V. 2008. New species of Palearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). IV. New taxa of the genus Dyspessa Hubner, [1820] from the Mediterranean-Iranian region / / Eversmannia, vol. 15-16. p.

38. Yakovlev R. V. 2008d. New species of Palearctic and oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). V. Phragmacossia ihlei Yakovlev, sp. n – - a new tree beetle (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from the NW of Thailand / / Altaiskiy zool. zhurnal, Vol. 2, pp. 26-27.

39. Yakovlev R. V. 2008e. New species of Palearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). VI. Two new species from the genus Dyspessa Hubner, [1820] 1816 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Kyrgyzstan and Armenia / / Altai Zoo Journal, vol. 2, pp. 28-30.

40. Yakovlev R. V. 2008zh. New species of mace-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Diurna) for the Altai Territory // Altaiskiy zool. zhurnal, vol. 2, pp. 33-34.

41. Yakovlev R. V. 2009a. Systematic revision of the odorous woodworm-Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) / / Amur Zoo Journal, vol. 1 (1), pp. 58-71.

42. Yakovlev R. V. 2009b. Little-known species of Palearctic and oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). IV. Phragmacossia ariana (Grumgrshimailo, 1899), comb. n. / / Amur Zoo Journal, vol. 1 (1), p.55.

43. Yakovlev R. V. 2009b. Dieida judith Yakovlev, sp. n – - a new species of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from Israel and Jordan / / Amur Zoo Journal, vol. 1 (1), p.55.

44. Yakovlev R. V. 2009. Catoptinae Yakovlev subfam. n – - a new subfamily of woodworms (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) / / Zool. zhurnal, vol. 88 (10), pp. 1207-1212.

45. Yakovlev R. V. 2009d. Little-known species of Palearctic and oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). III. Catopta danieli (Clench, 1958) / / Eversmannia, vol. 17-18, pp. 15-17.

46. Yakovlev R. V. 2009e. New to the fauna of China woodworms (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) / / Eversmannia, Vol. 17-18, pp. 54-56.

47. Yakovlev R. V. 2009zh. New taxa of African and Asian Cossidae (Lepidoptera) / / Evraziatskiy entomol. zh. t. 8 (3). pp. 353-361.

48. Yakovlev R. V. 2009z. On the systematic position of the genus Dieida Strand, 1911 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) / / Byul. Mosk. Nature Testers ' Island. Otd. Biol. T. 114 (6). pp. 49-51.

49. Yakovlev R. V. 2010a. Taxonomic position of the genus Culama Walker, 1856 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) / / Evraziatskiy entomol. zh. t. 9 (1). pp. 101-102.

50. Yakovlev R. V., Doroshkin V. V. 2006. To the fauna of club-whiskered Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the upper reaches of the Black Irtysh (Western Mongolia), Eversmannia, vol. 6, pp. 13-26.

51. Yakovlev R. V., Nakonechny A. N. Bulavovye Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) Kuraysky ridge (Altai). // Russian Entomologist Journal. 2001 Vol. 10 (2). P. 179–187.

52. Yakovlev R. V., Saldaitis A. 2007. Little-known species of Palearctic and oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). II. Chiangmaiana qinlingensis (Hua, Chou, Fang et Chen, 1990), comb. n. / / Eversmannia, vol. 11-12, pp. 12-13.

53. Yakovlev R. V., Saldaitis A. 2008. New species of Palearctic and oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). III. A new species of the genus Meharia Chrétien, 1915 from Morocco // Eversmannia, vol. 15-16. p.

54. Yakovlev R. V., Ustyuzhanin P. Ya., Doroshkin V. V. 2005. New species of Lepidoptera (Macrolepidoptera) for the Mongolian fauna / / Eurasian Entomological Journal, vol. 4, issue 1, pp. 55-56.

55. Yakovlev R. V., Ustyuzhanin P. Ya., Chernila M., Nakonechny A. N., Chikolovets V. V. 2008. On the first discovery of Oeneis elwesi Staudinger, 1881 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) in the Russian Altai in 110 years, Altaiskii zool. zhurnal, vol. 2, pp. 30-33.
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56. Belik, A. G., Yakovlev, R. V. Confirmed occurrence of Oeneis jutta in the Altai mountains (Russia) with description of a new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) // Phegea 26 (4). 1998. P. 131–139.

57. Churkin S., Yakovlev R. 2005a. A new subspecies of Plebejus (idas) mukhbayar Churkin & Zhdanko, 2003 from the Mongolian Altai (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 6. P. 169–174.

58. Churkin S., Yakovlev R. 2005b. A new subspecies of Oeneis elwesi Staudinger, 1901 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) from South Mongolia // Helios. V. 6. P. 175–180.

59. Churkin, S., Zhdanko, A., Yakovlev, R. 2004. Notes on Neolycaena musa Zhdanko et Yakovlev, 2001 (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 5. P. 149–152.

60. Didmanidze, E.A., Yakovlev, R.V. 2005. New distribution records of Isoceras huberi Eitschberger & Ströhle, 1987 and Semagystia cuhensis de Freina, 1994 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. B. 36 (3/4). P. 575–576.

61. Didmanidze E.A., Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Georgia // Entomofauna. Bd. 28 (I). S. 1–16.

62. Dubatolov, V., Yakovlev, R., Doroshkin, V. 2005. New records of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) from Russia and Mongolia // Helios. V. 6. P. 139–140.

63. Freina, J.J. de, Yakovlev, R.V. 2005. Anmerkungen zu Cossulus Staudinger, 1887, mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art aus Ostanatolien (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Entomologische Zeitschrift. B. 115 (2). P. 81–84.

64. Kolesnichenko, K., Yakovlev, R. 2004. Taxonomic notes on Melitaea phoebe ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) from the south-western Mongolia with the description of a new subspecies // Helios. V. 5. P. 101–109.

65. Korb, S. K., Perounov, Y. E., Yakovlev, R. V. Les Rhopaloceres de l´ Altaï planitiare (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). // Alexanor, 2000. 21 (2). P. 71–77.

66. Korb, S. K., Yakovlev, R. V. Description d’un taxon nouveau de Russie: Boloria angarensis shelkovnikovi ssp. n (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). // Alexanor, 1997a. 20 (1). P. 45–46.

67. Korb S.K., Yakovlev R.V. Two new subspecies of diurnal butterflies from Siberia (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) // Zoosyst. Rossica. 1997b. V. 5. P. 313–314.

68. Korb S.K., Yakovlev R.V. Colias mongola ukokana nov. ssp. (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) // Alexanor, 1999. 21 (1). P. 3–6.

69. Lvovsky A., Yakovlev R. 2003. Designation of the lectotype of Fischer’s Blue, Tongeia fischeri (Eversmann, 1843) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 4. P. 179–180.

70. Saldaitis A., Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of the Canary Island // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 396–398.

71. Saldaitis A., Yakovlev R.V., Ivinskis P. 2007. Carpenter Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Lebanon // Acta Zool. Lithuanica. Vol. 17. № 3. P. 191–197.

72. Yakovlev R. V. New information about butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Souts-Eastern Altai. - Entomological News from Russia. 1998a (I) p. 22–25.

73. Yakovlev R.V. New information about Parnassius clarius and Parnassius stubbendorfii from Altai.- Entomological News from Russia. 1998b (I) p. 26–27.

74. Yakovlev R.V. Sudden meetings of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in the South-Western Siberia // Entomological News from Russia. 1998с (2) p. 33–34.

75. Yakovlev R.V. 2001. New data on the fauna of the Pieridae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the Asian part of Russia // Russian Entomol. J. 10 (4). С. 431.

76. Yakovlev R. V. Melitaea didyma pseudolatonigena ssp. n. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), a new subspecies from Tuva // Helios. 2002. V. 3. P. 102-106.

77. Yakovlev R. 2003a. Pseudophilotes (Inderskia) svetlana sp. n. a new blue from Mongolian Altai // Helios. Vol. 4. P. 153–159.

78. Yakovlev R. 2003b. A revision of Fischer’s Blue Tongeia fischeri (Eversmann, 1843) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 4. P. 181–198.

79. Yakovlev R. V. 2004a. New data on taxonomy of the Mongolian Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) // Helios. Vol. 5. P. 221–231.

80. Yakovlev R.V. 2004b. A new subspecies of Pieris (napi) euorientis (Verity, 1908) from the Saur Mountains (East Kazakhstan) // Helios. V. 5. P. 232–236.

81. Yakovlev R.V. 2004c. What is Cossus sareptensis Rothschild, 1912 (Cossidae)? // Nota lepid. B. 27 (2). – P. 195–197.

82. Yakovlev R.V. 2004d. Cossidae of Thailand. Part I. // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). – P. 335–352.

83. Yakovlev R. V. 2004e. New data about Carpenter-Moths (Cossidae) of China // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). – P. 353–356.

84. Yakovlev R.V. 2004f. Two new genera of Carpenter-Moths (Cossidae) from the Palaearctic // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). P. 357–368.

85. Yakovlev R.V. 2004g. New taxa of Cossidae from SE Asia // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). P. 369–382.

86. Yakovlev R.V. 2004h. Cossidae of Thailand. Part II // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). P. 383–389.

87. Yakovlev R.V. 2004i. Carpenter-moths (Lepidopetera, Cossidae) of Mongolia // Euroasian Entomological Journal. V. 3 (3). – P. 217–224 + III: 1–21.

88. Yakovlev R. V. 2005a. Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Andaman Islands (India) // Tinea 18 (4): 257–260.

89. Yakovlev R.V. 2005b. Type specimens of “Cossidae” described by W. Koshantschikov // Nota lepid. Bd. 28 (3). P. 159–161.

90. Yakovlev R.V. 2005c. Present-day situation in the study of Asian Cossidae (taxonomic and zoogeographic aspects) // The second meeting of Association Lepidoptera Iranica (A.L.I.). Tehran. P. 18–22.

91. Yakovlev R. V. 2006a. New Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from Asia, Africa and Macronesia // Tinea. Vol. 19 (3). P. 188–213.

92. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Taxonomic notes on Acossus Dyar and Parahypopta Daniel (Cossidae) // Nota lepid. Vol. 30 (2). P. 415–421.

93. Yakovlev R.V. 2008a. On distribution and systematics of Carpenter-moths of the genus Relluna Schoorl, 1990 (Cossidae) // Tinea. Vol. 20 (2). P. 102–104.

94. Yakovlev R.V. 2008b. Zeuzerocossus Yakovlev, gen. n., a new genus of Cossidae from south-eastern Asia // Tinea. Vol. 20 (2). P. 105–107.

95. Yakovlev R.V. 2008c. Afroarabiella gen. nov. – a new genus of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from the African and Arabian Peninsula // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 389–395.

96. Yakovlev R.V. 2008d. A new species of the genus Sundacossus Yakovlev, 2006 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 399–400.

97. Yakovlev R.V. 2008e. Notes about the Genus Eremocossus Hampson, 1892 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 404–411.

98. Yakovlev R.V. 2009a. A new subspecies of Parnassius ariadne (Lederer, 1853) from the South-Eastern part of Russian Altai (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 40 (1/2). S. 201.

99. Yakovlev R.V., Doroshkin V.V. 2004. New data of Macrolepidoptera for the fauna of Mongolia. II // Atalanta. Bd. 35 (3/4). P. 390–398.

100. Yakovlev, R.V., Churkin, S. V. 2003. A new subspecies of Agriades glandon (de Prunner, 1798) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from SW Mongolia // Helios. Vol. 4. P. 148–152.

101. Yakovlev R.V., Lewandowski S. 2007. Paropta paradoxus kathikas subspec. nov., a new subspecies of the Genus Paropta from Cyprus // Atalanta. Bd. 38. S. 217–219.

102. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A. Rambuasalama augustasi gen. nov. et spec. nov. of Cossidae from Madagascar (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 401–403.

103. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A., Ivinskis P. 2007. Holcocerus witti – new species from NW Iran (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 38 (3/4). S. 381–383.

104. Yakovlev R.V., Witt Th. 2007. Dyspessa aphrodite sp. n. from Greece (Cossidae) // Nota lepid. Vol. 30 (2). P. 411–414.

105. Yakovlev R., Saldaitis A. 2010. Aethalopteryx diksami, a new species (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Yemen, Sokotra Island // Esperiana Memoir. Bd. 5. S. 333–335.

106. Yakovlev R.V., Witt Th. 2009. The Carpenter Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Vietnam // Entomofauna. Suppl. 16. P. 11–32.

107. Zhdanko A.B., Jakovlev R.V. New species of blue butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the Mongolian Altai // Helios 2001. V. 2. P. 166–173.
Likes: 6

30.10.2010 3:16, Pirx

This is all very good, but how to put it here? What, because of several articles to create a home page for everyone?

You won't please! confused.gif If you, Dmitry, look carefully, then not all "home pages"have files. Upload your article to any hosting service and give a link after the title of the work.

01.11.2010 15:47, kovyl

You won't please! confused.gif If you, Dmitry, look carefully, then not all "home pages"have files. Upload your article to any hosting service and give a link after the title of the work.

Yes, everything is already sorted out.

30.11.2010 14:26, Penzyak

List of publications by O. A. Polumordvinov (by year):

1. Polumordvinov O. A., Stoiko T. G., 1999. Materials on the fauna of the family Sphingidae of the Penza region / / Mat. of the International Scientific Conference "Study and protection of biological diversity of natural landscapes of the Russian Plain". Penza, pp. 257-258.

2. Stoiko T. G., Polumordvinov O. A. 2000. Rare insect species (Insecta) in Penza and its environs. All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Actual issues of monitoring ecosystems of anthropogenic-disturbed territories". Ulyanovsk: UGU, pp. 57-58.

3. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov E. M., 2001. Rare species of hawk moth (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of the Penza region // FIELD. Popular Scientific Environmental Bulletin. PSPU named after V. G. Belinsky. Issue 4. Penza: PSPU, pp. 15-19.

4. Polumordvinov O. A., Baryshev A. E., 2002. Fauna. (Lepidoptera) // International innovation project "Noopolis Lugovoy". Volume 1: Problems of ecological rehabilitation of the natural environment of the Russian village. Collective monograph. A. I. Ivanov, ed., Moscow: Nauchnaya kniga, pp. 84-90.

5. Polumordvinov O. A., Baryshev A. E., Shibaev S. V. 2002. Unexpected finds of lepidoptera (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in the Penza region. / Materials of the International Conference "Zoological research in the regions of Russia and adjacent territories", N. Novgorod. NGPU, pp. 43-44.

6. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov E. M., 2002. Insects (Insecta) Red Data Book of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Penza region / / XII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society.St. Petersburg, ZIN RAS, p. 288.

7. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov E. M., 2002a. Rare and protected lepidoptera (Insecta, Lepidoptera) Penza region. Post 1 (Macrolepidoptera) / / Fauna and ecology of animals. Penza: PSPU, Issue 3, pp. 29-48.

8. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov A.M., 2003. Rare and highly protected coleoptera (Insecta, Coleoptera) in the Penza region. Message I. (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae) / / "Protection of the plant and animal world of the Volga region and adjacent territories" Mater. All-Russian Scientific Conference. Penza: PSPU, pp. 73-76.

9. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov A.M., 2003a. Sweet-smelling Calosoma sycophanta (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the Penza region // Bulletin of Young scientists of PSPU named after V. G. Belinsky. Issue 2. Penza: PSPU, pp. 34-37.

10. Bolshakov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2004. Additions and clarifications to the macro-lepidopteran fauna (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Penza region / / Russian Entomol. J. Vol. 13, No. 1-2. pp. 91-95.

11. Bolshakov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2004a. To the fauna of micro-lepidoptera of the Penza region / / Byul. MOIP. Department of Biol., Vol. 109, Issue 5. - M. S. 26-33.

12. Polumordvinov O. A. 2004. Fauna and ecology of Scolioidea (Scoliidae) wasps in the Penza region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. Issue 3. Saratov: SSU, pp. 111-116.

13. Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2004. New and interesting finds of mace-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in the Penza region // Ekologicheskie i faunisticheskie issledovaniya v Povolzhye: Mater. konf. "Ekologo-faunisticheskie issledovaniya v Povolzhye" - Ulyanovsk: UlSPU, pp. 111-114.

14. Stoiko T. G., Polumordvinov O. A. 2004. Overview of the glistening wasp fauna (Himenoptera: Chrysididae) in the Penza region // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. Issue 3. Saratov: SSU, pp. 53-57.

15. Stoiko T. G., Polumordvinov O. A., 2004. Distribution of the Scutigera coleoptrata (Linnaeus, 1758) flycatcher in Penza // Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region. Issue 3. Saratov: SSU, pp. 176-177.

16. Polumordvinov O. A. 2005. On the issue of preserving insect biodiversity (Insecta) in the Penza region // Protection of biological diversity and development of the Russian hunting industry: Mat. All-Union. Scientific and practical Conference, Penza: PGSHA, pp. 65-67.

17. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov A.M., 2005. Deer beetle Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) in the Penza region // Izvestiya PSPU. Scientific and educational issues. Young Scientists ' Sector. No. 1 (3). Penza: PSPU, pp. 30-32.

18. Polumordvinov O. A., Stradomsky B. V., Arzanov Yu. G. 2005. Identification and distribution of Polyommatus elena Stradomsky et Arzanov, 1999 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) / / Caucasian Entomological Bulletin Vol. 1, Issue 1. Rostov – on-Don-Moscow: KMK, pp. 87-88.

19. Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V., Baryshev A. E., Velikoivanenko V. M., Glebov I. V., Leontiev A.V., Monakhov A.M., Monakhov E. M., Podgornov D. N., Polikanin D. V., Roganin A. N., Starikov Yu. N., Stoiko T. G. 2005. Bespozvonochnye zhivotni: Insekty (Insecta) [Invertebrate animals: Insects (Insecta)]. Volume 2. (Animals). - Penza: "Penzenskaya pravda". p. 12, 17, 22, 23, 26 – 29, 31 – 73.

20. Bolshakov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A. 2006. Finding of Leptidea morsei (Fenton, 1882) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in the Penza region // Eversmannia. Entomological studies in European Russia and neighboring regions. Issue 5. Tula, pp. 36-37.

21. Bolshakov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2006. Supplement to the micro-lepidopteran fauna (Insecta, Lepidoptera) Penza region / / Byul. MOIP. Department of Biol., Vol. 111, Issue 2. - M. S. 81-86.

22. Bolshakov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V., Starikov Yu. N., Chuglyaev I. I. 2006. To the fauna of micro-lepidoptera (Lepidoptera) Penza Region (supplement 2) / / Eversmannia. Entomological research in Russia and neighboring regions. Issue 7-8, Tula, pp. 33-41.

23. Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2006. Biology and ecology of the Apollo sailboat Parnassius apollo Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the Penza region // Izvestiya pgpu: Scientific and educational issues. Sector of Young Scientists No. 2 (4 – - Penza: PSPU, pp. 20-25.

24. Stoiko T. G., Polumordvinov O. A. 2006. Analysis of materials on the insect fauna of the Penza region for 2005 / / Izvestiya PSPU im. VG Belinsky. Natural Sciences No. 1 (5). The issue is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Natural Geography-Penza. PSPU Publishing House, pp. 96-110.

25. Stradomsky B. V., Tuzov V. K., Polumordvinov O. A. 2006. Comparative characteristics of some taxa of the Polyommatus eros (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) P. pacificus Stradomsky et Tuzov, sp. n. / / Caucasian Entomological Bulletin Volume 2, Issue 1. Rostov-on – Don – Moscow: KMK. pp. 127-130.

26. Egorov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A. 2007. To the fauna of black-bodied beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) of the Penza region // Eversmannia. Entomological research in Russia and neighboring regions. Issue 10, Tula, pp. 27-31.

27. Kudryashov D. V., Polumordvinov O. A. 2007. Greenhouse grasshopper Diestrammena (Tachycines) asyynamorus Ad– - a new synanthropic species of the Middle Volga region // Entomologicheskie i parasitologicheskie issledovaniya v Povolzhye [Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region].

28. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov A.M. 2007. A new find of the large oak barbel-Cerambyx cerdo L. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the Middle Volga region // Problems and prospects of general entomology. Abstracts of reports of the XIII Congress of REO, Krasnodar (9-11. 09. 2007) - Krasnodar. pp. 286-287.

29. Polumordvinov O. A., Monakhov E. M. 2007. Polyxena sailfish Zerynthia polyxena ([Den. et Schiff.]) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) – a species in need of protection on the territory of the Russian Federation / / Problems and prospects of general entomology. Abstracts of reports of the XIII Congress of REO, Krasnodar (9-11. 09. 2007) - Krasnodar. pp. 285-286.

30. Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2007. Materials on the distribution, ecology and biology of the mnemosyne sailboat Driopa mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the Penza region // Izvestiya PSPU: Sektor molodykh uchenykh No. 3 (7) - Penza: PSPU, pp. 308-313.

31. Ruchin A. B., Polumordvinov O. A., Loginova N. G., Kurmaeva D. K. 2007. Preliminary list of mace-whiskered Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Hesperioidae u Papilionidae) species of the Republic of Mordovia // Bulletin of the Mordovian University. Biological sciences. No. 4 (2007). Saransk, MSU, pp. 55-59.

32. Stradomsky B. V., Polumordvinov O. A. 2007. Comparative analysis of the genitalia of Polyommatus boisduvalii (Herrich-Schäffer, 1844), P. erotides erotides (Staudinger, 1892), and P. erotides krulikowskyi (Gorbunov, 2001) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Volume 3. Issue 1. Rostov-on-Don, Moscow: KMK, pp. 71-74.

33. Bolshakov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2008. Pyadenitsy (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of the Penza region // Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. Volume 4. Issue 1. Rostov-on-Don, pp. 101-120.

34. Kurmaeva D. K., Ruchin A. B., Polumordvinov O. A., Lapshin A. S. 2008. Materials on the fauna of mottled lepidoptera (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae, Lasiocampidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Drepanidae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae) Trudy Stavropolskogo otdeliya REO [Proceedings of the Stavropol branch of REO]. Issue 4. (Mater. international scientific and practical conference. Stavropol State Agrarian University) - Stavropol: AGRUS, pp. 101-104.

35. Polumordvinov O. A. 2008. Bespozvonochnye zhivotni Krasnoi knigi Penzenskoi oblasti (printsipy sostavleniya, vedeniya i monitoringa) [Invertebrates of the Red Book of the Penza Region (principles of compilation, management and monitoring)]. Prosveshchenie: problemy i perspektivy [Education: problems and prospects]. Nauch. metodicheskii i informats. zhurnal dlya rabotnikov obrazovaniya No. 3 (47) 2008.

36. Polumordvinov O. A., Ivanov S. V. 2008. Materials on the fauna and ecology of Bulbous Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Hesperioidea, and Papilionidae) of the Belaya River basin (Kuznetsk district, Penza Region) / / "Biodiversity: Problems and prospects of conservation": Mater. International Scientific Conference (dedicated to the 135th anniversary of I. I. Sprygin May 13-16, 2008) Part II. - Penza. PSPU. pp. 286-287.

37. Polumordvinov O. A., Polikanin D. V., Chuglyaev I. I., Podgornov D. N., Starikov Yu. N. 2008. New species of Lepidopteran insects (Insecta, Lepidoptera) proposed for inclusion in the Red Book of the Penza region / State of rare animal species of the Penza region // Materials of the Management Committee of the Penza region (Animals, 2005). Penza: "T-service", pp. 11-18.

38. Polumordvinov O. A., Roganin A. N. 2008. Materials on ecology and biology of the polyxena sailboat Zerynthia polyxena ([Den. et Schiff.]) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in the Penza region // Izvestiya PSPU: Sektor molodykh uchenykh [Young Scientists ' Sector]. No. 6 (10) - Penza: PSPU, pp. 202-208.

39. Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2008. New information about the findings of invertebrates of the Red Book of the Penza region / State of rare animal species of the Penza region // Materials of the Management Committee of the Penza region (Animals, 2005). Penza: "T-service", pp. 24-30.

40. Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V., Monakhov A.M. 2008. New species of Coleoptera (Insecta, Coleoptera) proposed for inclusion in the Red Book of the Penza region / State of rare animal species of the Penza region // Materials of the review of the CC of the Penza region (Animals, 2005). Penza: "T-service", pp. 6-9.

41. Ruchin A. B., Kurmaeva D. K., Polumordvinov O. A. 2008. Materials for the study of mace-whiskered Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Smolny National Park / Materials of reports of the I All-Russian Youth Scientific Conference "Youth and Science in the North" / / Volume III. XV All-Russian Youth Scientific Conference " Actual Problems of Biology and Ecology "(Syktyvkar, Republic of Tatarstan). Komi, April 14-18, 2008). Syktyvkar: Inst. Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. pp. 254-256.

42. Ruchin A. B., Kurmaeva D. K., Polumordvinov O. A., Bugaev K. E. 2008. Higher mace-moustaches (Rhopalocera) and mixed sawyers (Macroheterocera excl. Noctuidae, Geometridae) butterflies of the Mordovian Nature Reserve (based on the materials of collections) / / Scientific works of the Smolny National Park. Issue 1. Saransk-Smolny, pp. 187-190.

43. Shibaev S. V., Polumordvinov O. A. 2008. Proposals to change the status of a number of insect species listed in the Red Book of the Penza Region / Status of rare animal species of the Penza region // Materials of the Management Committee of the Penza region (Animals, 2005). Penza: "T-service", pp. 30-31.

44. Bolshakov L. V., Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V. 2009. Fireflies (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) Penza region // Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. Volume 5. Issue 1. Rostov-on-Don, pp. 91-110.

45. Polumordvinov O. A., Kichigin R. M. 2009. Eastern mother-of-pearl Clossiana selenis (Eversmann, 1837) - a new species for the fauna of diurnal butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) Priroda Simbirskogo Povolzhya [Nature of the Simbirsk Volga region]. Collection of scientific works XI mezhregion. scientific and practical conference "Natural science research in the Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk region", Issue 10, Ulyanovsk: Publishing House "Corporation of Technologies", pp. 200-204.

46. Sviridov A.V., Uskov M. V., Lobkova L. E., Reshetnikov S. P., Proklov V. V., Tatarenko D. E., Shutova E. V., Mosyagina A. R., Mukhanov A.V., Polumordvinov O. A., Shibaev S. V., Kuznetsov I. V., Blinushov A. E., Burtnev V. A., Ishin R.N., Bolshakov L. V., Ryabov S. A., Okulov V. S. 2009. Species of scoops (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae s. l.), new to various regions of Russia. 3. / / Eversmannia. Entomological research in Russia and neighboring regions. Issue 17-18, Tula, pp. 81-99.

47. Bolshakov L. V., Ruchin A. B., Kurmaeva D. K., Semishin G. B., Polumordvinov O. A. 2010. Towards a better understanding of the Lepidoptera fauna Republic of Mordovia / / Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. Volume 6. Issue 1. Rostov-on-Don, pp. 71-84.

48. Polumordvinov O. A., Glebov I. V. 2010. Purpuricenus globulicollis Dejean in Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) A new species for the fauna of barbel beetles of the Penza region // Entomologicheskie i parasitologicheskie issledovaniya v Povolzhye [Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region].

49. Polumordvinov O. A. 2010. Sivers ' crested bird – Odontosia sieversii (Ménétriés, 1856) (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae) in the Middle Volga region // Entomologicheskie i parasitologicheskie issledovaniya v Povolzhye [Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region].

This post was edited by Penzyak - 30.11.2010 15: 02
Likes: 12

03.12.2010 12:19, Penzyak

P.S. Pestrianki Penza region published now in the CAB, and the articles themselves can be downloaded on the website Animals of Mordovia (Alexander Ruchin, Saransk).

08.02.2011 18:22, Kharkovbut

Є. О. Каролінський, В. М. Грама. Нові знахідки бабок (Odonata) в Харківській області [New Finds of Dragonflies (Odonata) in Kharkov Region]. Bulletin of Zoology, 44(6): 524, 2010


09.02.2011 19:18, kvoncstu

Brief information and list of publications on Coleoptera - http://kvo-ncstu.livejournal.com/
Likes: 2

17.05.2011 17:09, Buzman

I have only one tiny publication on entomology
: KIZUB I. V., NAZARENKO V. Yu. The First Find of Doydirhynchus austriacus (Coleoptera, Nemonychidae) in Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii. 2005, 39(6): 76.
Vestnik Zoologii - 2005 - 29 - 6 - 76 shuffle.gif
But how happy I was recently when I noticed that it was referred to by A. A. Legalov in his work ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF FOSSIL AND RECENT SPECIES OF THE FAMILY NEMONYCHIDAE (COLEOPTERA) FROM THE WORLD FAUNA, Amurian zoological journal. I (3), 2009. 200-213 cool.gif

My other publications are not on entomology; you can view the main ones here:
PubMed - Kizub

This post was edited by Buzman - 17.05.2011 17: 22
Likes: 2

23.05.2011 4:24, Yakovlev

a few old articles on pigeons.


download file Helios_4.rar

size: 12.6 mb
number of downloads: 639

Likes: 1

23.05.2011 6:06, Yakovlev

several articles about South Asian cossides


download file TINEA18_4__p._257_260.pdf

size: 490.08 k
number of downloads: 2209

download file TINEA19_3__p._188_213.pdf

size: 1.62 mb
number of downloads: 4670

download file TINEA20__2__p._102_104.pdf

size: 564.91 k
number of downloads: 795

download file TINEA20__2__p._105_107.pdf

size: 526.12 k
number of downloads: 1366

Likes: 4

28.05.2011 10:21, Svyatoslav Knyazev

The Altai Zoological Journal was published. It contains our article on Macroheterocera of the Omsk region:
Likes: 3

28.05.2011 14:57, Svyatoslav Knyazev

28.05.2011 15:29, barko

From the beginning of the year, what I managed to track so far:

Korb S. K. 2011. Evolution of the wing pattern, island effect, and taxonomy of sailboats of the subspecies Parnassius staudingeri A. Bang-Haas, 1882 (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) / / Altai Zoo Journal, issue 4, pp. 15-31.

Korb S. K. 2011. Vacciniina (Farsia) kungeyana sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the Kungey Ala-Too ridge (Northern Tien Shan). Department of Biol. Vol. 115, issue 5. pp. 33-35.

Korb S. K. 2011. Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of Palearctic pigeons (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), Zool. zhurnal, vol. 90, no. 5, pp. 628-631.

Korb S. K. 2011. Issyk-Kul Pleistocene refugium and its significance in the genesis of the Mace-whiskered lepidopteran fauna of Central Asia / / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Fundamental Problems of Entomology in the XXI Century". St. Petersburg, May 16-20, 2011 Edited by V. E. Kipyatkov and D. L. Musolin. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, p. 74.

Korb S. K. 2011. About type specimens of Colias myrmidone antschari Korb, 2005 and Colias christophi kali Korb, 1999 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) // Phegea. Vol. 39, N 1. P. 32–33.
Can I use PDFs on the evolution of the wing pattern and the first description of the golubyanka?

28.05.2011 15:52, rhopalocera.com

2 Konung

It was published in 2010, but it was signed on 21.02.2011. Accordingly, it could not have been published earlier than 21.02.2011.

2 barko

Neither the MOIP Bulletin nor the Altai Zoojournal pdf was sent to me, respectively, if I scan it myself. And this is not until the second half of June - I will only be home then.
Likes: 1

17.06.2011 11:45, barko

Pekarsky O (2011) A new Stenoloba Staudinger species from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Bryophilinae).
ZooKeys 108: 67–72. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.108.1208

access is free - http://www.pensoft.net/journals/zookeys/issue/108/
Likes: 5

23.06.2011 21:36, Yakovlev

new article


download file Gobibatyr.pdf

size: 2.94 mb
number of downloads: 1026

Likes: 1

02.07.2011 9:43, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Two articles were published in the new Eversmannia with my participation:

Knyazev S. A., Teploukhov V. Yu., Rogalev V. V. New and interesting finds of higher lepidoptera (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in the Omsk region. // Eversmannia. Entomological research in Russia and neighboring regions. Issue 25-26, 2011. pp. 75-80.

Knyazev S. A. The first discovery of Amphipyra sergei Staudinger, 1888 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) near the border of Western and Middle Siberia. // Eversmannia. Entomological research in Russia and neighboring regions. Issue 25-26, 2011, p. 87.

I posted a PDF of my first work on my website: http://omflies.narod.ru/updates.htm I'll send you the second PDF on request.
Likes: 3

05.07.2011 19:50, Yakovlev

new article


download file Agrodiaetus_________.pdf

size: 1.19 mb
number of downloads: 1420

04.08.2011 19:53, barko

Vladimir G. MIRONOV, Sir Anthony GALSWORTHY, XUE Dayong and Oleg PEKARSKY 2011 New species of Eupithecia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from China, part VI Lepidoptera Science 62: 12–32, May 2011

Of the fourteen taxa described, I am directly related to two.
Likes: 2

04.08.2011 20:14, lepidopterolog

A little off topic, but interesting - does Sir Anthony Galsworthy have anything to do with the famous writer (John Galsworthy)? Good neighbor by post smile.gif

04.08.2011 20:57, barko

Yes, a relative, but I can't be more precise.

05.08.2011 5:01, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Vladimir G. MIRONOV, Sir Anthony GALSWORTHY, XUE Dayong and Oleg PEKARSKY 2011 New species of Eupithecia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from China, part VI Lepidoptera Science 62: 12–32, May 2011

Of the fourteen taxa described, I am directly related to two.

do you have a PDF?

05.08.2011 12:02, barko

do you have a PDF?
It is available, but the magazine's editorial staff is interested in selling it, so you can't put it online.
Likes: 1

05.08.2011 12:08, rhopalocera.com

Korb S. K., Bolshakov L. V. 2011. Catalog of club-whiskered Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera: Papilionoformes) of the former USSR. Second edition, revised and supplemented / / Eversmannia. 2. 124 p.

05.08.2011 19:53, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Korb S. K., Bolshakov L. V. 2011. Catalog of club-whiskered Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera: Papilionoformes) of the former USSR. Second edition, revised and supplemented / / Eversmannia. Otd. issue 2. 124 p.

do you have a PDF?? smile.gif )))

06.08.2011 19:37, Yakovlev

A little off topic, but interesting - does Sir Anthony Galsworthy have anything to do with the famous writer (John Galsworthy)? A good neighbor in publishing smile.gif

Of course, this is either a nephew or a grandson. I don't remember exactly. Vladimir Mironov told me about it. The Foresight Saga may appear somewhere soon-2.
Likes: 1

06.08.2011 19:45, lepidopterolog

About eupithecium smile.gif

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