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Tip with may beetles

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsTip with may beetles

Denis Falko, 06.05.2013 10:18

Hello, forumchane!
I found some May beetles this morning. I came home, spread my wings to two, and just pricked two and spread their legs. Can you tell me how to process them? Since in a day I will put them in a box and I'm afraid that someone will eat them. And nothing will happen to them? I didn't take out any of the entrails or stuff them with cotton.
Tell me for a newbie.
Thank you in advance!!!

This post was edited by Denis Falko - 06.05.2013 11: 32


06.05.2013 11:33, Denis Falko


06.05.2013 12:34, vasiliy-feoktistov


Well, here are the people.......
Read the forum carefully. After all, the topic you opened "BAYAN millennial" and you can find ready-made answers for soaking, spreading, and drying............... There was no need to make a topic.

06.05.2013 13:36, vafdog

Hello, forumchane!
I found some May beetles this morning. I came home, spread my wings to two, and just pricked two and spread their legs. Can you tell me how to process them? Since in a day I will put them in a box and I'm afraid that someone will eat them. And nothing will happen to them? I didn't take out any of the entrails or stuff them with cotton.
Tell me for a newbie.
Thank you in advance!!!

Нічого не станеться з вашими хрущами. Дайте їм добряче висохнути, день - мало.
Likes: 1

08.05.2013 7:05, Denis Falko

And what if after a while they curl up their bellies?

08.05.2013 7:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

And what if after a while they curl up their bellies?

Won't collapse: checked.

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