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Drying of various insects and arachnids

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsDrying of various insects and arachnids

AlisaInAsia, 10.11.2013 13:00

This is the 10th time I've been searching, but I still haven't found any simple tips. If you are traveling, then you will not find a special drying cabinet or any other improvised means. Plus, it is convenient when all the tips are collected together.

I want tips on drying in 2-3 paragraphs for:

- dragonflies (darken quickly)
- fat-bellied insects, hornets for example (get moldy, stink)
- spiders (get dark, get moldy and stink)

I was advised to soak millipedes for 3-4 weeks in concentrated alcohol, and then dry them.

I have 3 more problems on top of everything else. I live in Asia, the humidity is high. You can't just put it in the sun to dry - the ants will take it away. Or birds.
I can only find what is sold in pharmacies, and not the fact that it is sold in Asian pharmacies. I'll probably find some alcohol.

Now I found this spider, size 3cm without legs
user posted image

Last time it was moldy and soft. I want to keep this one.


10.11.2013 13:20, vafdog

This is the 10th time I've been searching, but I still haven't found any simple tips. If you are traveling, then you will not find a special drying cabinet or any other improvised means. Plus, it is convenient when all the tips are collected together.

I want tips on drying in 2-3 paragraphs for:

- dragonflies (darken quickly)
- fat-bellied insects, hornets for example (get moldy, stink)
- spiders (get dark, get moldy and stink)

I was advised to soak millipedes for 3-4 weeks in concentrated alcohol, and then dry them.

I have 3 more problems on top of everything else. I live in Asia, the humidity is high. You can't just put it in the sun to dry - the ants will take it away. Or birds.
I can only find what is sold in pharmacies, and not the fact that it is sold in Asian pharmacies. I'll probably find some alcohol.

Now I found this spider, size 3cm without legs

Last time it was moldy and soft. I want to keep this one.

all tips are collected in the same topic http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=368524
it says about drying with lamps, and spiders are actually alcoholic. and strong alcohol is 96% which should be in drugstore

10.11.2013 17:06, Bad Den

Spiders - only in alcohol, otherwise it is impossible to work with them later.
Likes: 1

10.11.2013 21:13, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Centipedes also in alcohol or other fixative. Dry - interior items, no more.

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