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Why do Entosphinx pins have golden balls?

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsWhy do Entosphinx pins have golden balls?

Peter Khramov, 24.02.2015 17:02

So, a deep question. Just the thing for February 24.
Why are they golden?
As for me, so they would sculpt pins in the color (black — black, steel — steel), it would be more practical.
Or is it just their technological process that makes it easier for them to pour these balls from a certain golden brew?
Or is this a requirement of the entomological community?
Or because gladiolus?
Tell us, citizens! I was tormented by curiosity.


24.02.2015 17:08, Mantispid

Judging by the price of the pins, these balls are made of gold.

24.02.2015 17:18, vasiliy-feoktistov

The fool knows himconfused.gif....
Apparently, the Czechs have such a business card. Even when Entosphinx was Morpho, the color of the heads was the same smile.gif
Many, I know in general these heads are stripped off with pliers, so that it does not catch the eye if you prick an insect "into the body". The color is really uncomfortable ((

24.02.2015 17:32, lepidopterolog

This is historically the case smile.gif
Here, for example, is the butterfly of 1879
Likes: 5

24.02.2015 21:27, Black Coleopter

The color is really uncomfortable ((

Why? In my opinion, the golden ball looks noble.

24.02.2015 21:51, vasiliy-feoktistov

Why? In my opinion, the golden ball looks noble.

Yes, in my opinion, on the black beetle it is like an eyesore )))
Here it is just right for the dies, but in the body it is not easy when it catches the eye.
After all, we look first of all at the beetle, and not at this ball ))

24.02.2015 22:08, lepidopterolog

This ball is also very annoying when you take pictures of small butterflies, so for pigeon girls I now use exclusively Japanese Shiga with a small head.

24.02.2015 22:35, Kharkovbut

Nag, Shura, nag...
Likes: 4

25.02.2015 12:48, vasiliy-feoktistov

Nag, Shura, nag...

I appreciate the humor smile.gifBut since then apparently no one has found gold there (((
See these heads were so golden from time immemorial as Anatoly rightly noted smile.gif
picture: __________.jpg

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 25.02.2015 13: 05

25.02.2015 15:00, antlook

The fool knows himconfused.gif....
Apparently, the Czechs have such a business card. Even when Entosphinx was Morpho, the color of the heads was the same smile.gif
Many, I know in general these heads are stripped off with pliers, so that it does not catch the eye if you prick an insect "into the body". The color is really uncomfortable ((

The Chinese also have such a business card. wink.gif

25.02.2015 23:19, Proctos

The antique pins had a brass ball on a steel spike. So modern plastic golden balls are just a tribute to tradition.
Likes: 2

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