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Fixing fluid

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsFixing fluid

Proctos, 26.02.2020 19:06

Colleagues, where can I buy a canister of ethyl alcohol in Moscow? I used to take it from the Bryntsalov factory, but now everyone has run away somewhere...
Or a home delivery site, I've heard of some of them?


27.02.2020 21:39, ИНО

Well, what kind of animal needs a whole canister to fix? For entomological cases, a pharmacy bottle is enough for a month or two.

27.02.2020 22:50, CosMosk

I have a canister for a year left, if you specifically catch traps and dry them later. and this is true, extensively, but regularly.. and someone does not need at all - to strangle butterflies, which are wings byak-byak.. And in general, do not mess with insects that require special methods and storage in wet form.

This post was edited by CosMosk - 02/27/2020 22: 52

28.02.2020 23:45, ИНО

Purely for the storage of those small things, you need to keep them in alcohol, the canister will last for life. After all, they are not only alcoholized, they still need to be identified. I didn't think about Malez's trap, etc. If there are a lot of them, then probably a lot of alcohol goes away. But I don't envy anyone who will then sort out the hundreds of grams of "air plankton" they have melted down...

In general, there is no acute problem with alcohol for an entomologist. I visited ten pharmacies, which are now like mushrooms at every step , and received a liter.

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