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Epicallia villica

Community and ForumInsects imagesEpicallia villica

BO., 31.03.2006 22:56

user posted image

user posted image


31.03.2006 22:56, BO.

user posted imageEpicallia villica. Rural bear. The wingspan is usually 3-8 cm. Dippers get their name because of their brown furry caterpillars. Mottled butterfly wings warn of their inedibility. Their blood is poisonous. They are active at dusk and at night.
The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

19.04.2006 19:46, Катя Л.

Don't you have a photo of the caterpillar?

24.04.2006 14:06, Helene

Epicallia villica. Rural bear. The wingspan is usually 3-8 cm.

Figase what a spread in size! If you have three - centimeter forks, these are already aberrations... Normal size is about 6cm plus or minus a centimeter.

27.04.2006 20:59, ADS

It flies in May and June along the edges and clearings of the forest, in gardens and parks. It flies well in the light. Eggs are laid in 1-2 pieces, less often in groups on the underside of the leaves of the fodder plant. Forage plants - plantain, dandelion, yarrow, ashberry, strawberry and other herbaceous plants. The caterpillar overwinters. Caterpillars appear as early as the end of March. Easily displayed. At home, the easiest way to feed caterpillars is with cabbage.
Epicallia villica angelica (Boisduval, 1829)
Epicallia villica confluens (Romanoff, 1884)
Epicallia villica fulminans (Staudinger, 1871)
Epicallia villica marchandi (De Freina, 1983)
Bombyx vidua Poda, 1761, Mus. Graec.: 88.
Arctia domeduca Meigen, 1832, Eur. Schmett. 3: 267, t. 123, fig. 12.
Arctia villica nigrella Fettig, 1889, in: Dobiasch, Entomol. Almanah: 42.
Arctia villica britannica Oberthur, 1911, Et. d'Ent. 5 (1): 135.
Arctia villica nicaeensis Oberthur, 1911, Et. d'Ent. 5 (1): 138.
Arctia villica corsica Oberthur, 1911, Et. d'Ent. 5 (1): 139.
Arctia villica meridionalis Heinrich, 1923, Deutsch. Ent. Zeit., Iris 37: 116. TL: Digne.
wambachi von der Goltz, 1932.
floresi Agenjo, 1942.
Photo # 1-2 newborn Willies. length 1.5 mm.
photo #3 hatched pupa.

picture: 8г_м.јрд
8g_m.jpg — (140.44 k)

picture: 7г_м.јрд
7g_m.jpg — (160.65к)

picture: 5к__м.јрд
5k_ _ m.jpg — (114.33к)

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