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Papilio machaon

Community and ForumInsects imagesPapilio machaon

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07.11.2021 13:03, гук

And how do they manage without it in the first 1-2 generations?

Caterpillar development in autumn (can you imagine!?) it occurs in slightly (!) different conditions than in summer, and, yes, they need(!) a diapause, and not just a refrigerator, but a small minus.

07.11.2021 19:04, ИНО

07.11.2021 19:21, гук

What kind of autumn? An4yuta collected its caterpillars in August, can you imagine!? lol.gif And yes, I have many times successfully bred butterflies from caterpillars collected in the deep autumn in the middle of winter, apparently they did not know what they needed (!!!!) diapause weep.gif

In general, if the species is a multivitamin without a clear seasonal dimorphism, then cold stimulation is usually not necessary to trigger metamorphosis. If the view is monovoltaic, then there may be options.

And cutlets and flies. Why then do pupae not want to develop?
Well, you wrote nonsense again! Caterpillars and pupae of many polyvoltine species go to winter quarters as early as August and early September, and only a small part of them develop into adults.
Swallowtail, podalirium, jaundice, whitefish, pamphylus, chervonets, Artaxerxes.
Laugh as much as you can, but don't write nonsense.

08.11.2021 10:46, ИНО

And why should the swallowtail pupae "go wintering" in August, when in the warm temperate climate of b. m., they still fly out in October? But if the climate is cold, then, of course, there is no other way for them.

I do not know what the climate was in the place where the caterpillars were collected, but in the apartment it is warm (I hope smile.gif). Or do you claim that the caterpillars in nature, even before harvesting, tracked the slightest changes in the photoperiod and / or temperature and decided whether they should turn into wintering or non-wintering pupae in the apartment? Such a fantasy-like hypothesis needs scientific justification!

20.11.2021 15:30, Euchloron


I have three swallowtail pupae.They have been hanging since August,so there is humidity due to a wet cotton pad.Two pupae are definitely showing signs of life.But none of them show up. The apartment is not hot, but also not cold, I want to put them in the refrigerator.Or enough room temperature.
How to organize winter quarters!?

They are better to look at the lumen - if the eyes are not darkened, then you can put them in the refrigerator, they will come out together, 10-15 days after getting out of the refrigerator, if they lie in it for 3-4 months at +4 degrees. If you do not put them in the refrigerator, they can come out at any time for several months, and they are likely to come out earlier if you keep the pupae at a long light day.

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