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KDG, 09.03.2007 12:36

Clytus stepanovi Danil. et Mirosh. 1985-Abkhazia, Gagrin district, Orekhovka
settlement Clytus raddensis Pic 1904-Primorye, Lazovsky Zapad
Paraplagionotus floralis (pallas, 1773) - Trans-Ili Alatau, Krasny Vostok
settlement Cyrtoclytus capra Germ. 1824-Primorye, Lazovsky zap-k

picture: stepanovi.jpg
stepanovi.jpg — (114.95к)

picture: raddensis.jpg
raddensis.jpg — (110.81к)

picture: floralis.jpg
floralis.jpg — (117.91к)

picture: capra.jpg
capra.jpg — (123.39к)


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09.03.2007 14:32, Dinusik

Great photos!

09.03.2007 15:49, omar


10.03.2007 4:17, rpanin

Xylotrechus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Carpathian Mountains, on an aspen log.

This post was edited by rpanin - 10.03.2007 04: 20

картинка: Xylotrechus_rusticus__Linnaeus__1758__.jpg
Xylotrechus_rusticus__Linnaeus__1758__.jpg — (139.56к)

Likes: 12

11.03.2007 23:02, rpanin

Plagionotus arcuatus (Linnaeus , 1758)
Body length 18 mm.
A widespread species.

Lviv region, Yavorivsky district, reserve "Roztochye", on beech logs
Plagionotus detritus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Body length-20 mm Generally occurs less frequently than Plagionotus arcuatus
Lviv region, Striysky district, Pyatnychany village area 10-20.VI.07. Into the wine and beer trap.Although I caught it on oak logs.

This post was edited by rpanin - 20.10.2007 00: 20

picture: Plagionotus_arcuatus__Linnaeus___1758_.jpg
Plagionotus_arcuatus__Linnaeus___1758_.jpg — (122.1 k)

picture: Plagionotus_detritus__Linnaeus__1758_____20_________________._____._.__________.jpg
Plagionotus_detritus__Linnaeus__1758_____20_________________._____._.__________.jpg — (102.88к)

Likes: 11

23.07.2007 11:49, rpanin

Clytus arietis (Linnaeus , 1758)
Body length 11 mm.
Lviv region, Yavoriv district, Stradch village area, on oak logs 15.05.07

Anaglyptus mysticus (Linnaeus,1758)
Lviv, on a dry tree 30.05.07

This post was edited by rpanin - 17.08.2007 10: 19

picture: Clytus_arietis______Linnaeus___1758_________15.05.07__..jpg
Clytus_arietis______Linnaeus___1758_________15.05.07__..jpg — (106.54 k)

picture: Anaglyptus_mysticus__Linnaeus_1758_______________30.05.07__..jpg
Anaglyptus_mysticus__Linnaeus_1758_______________30.05.07__..jpg — (111.78к)

Likes: 11

16.08.2007 18:58, Victor Titov

The second day, as I finally bought a digital device. I apologize for the quality-these are just samples.
Chlorophorus herbsti (Brahm, 1790)
first (from left to right) - 23.06.2006, Rostov, Yaroslavl region, on the trunk of an ash tree in an alley (linden, ash, poplar);
second and third - 01.07.2006 and 02.07.2006 (respectively), Melenki village, Rostov district, Yaroslavl region, goiter meadow, on flowers.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 11.11.2007 17: 53

picture: ____________.jpg
____________.jpg — (126.66к)

Likes: 9

17.08.2007 9:21, rpanin

The second day, as I finally bought a digital device. I apologize for the quality-these are just samples.
Chlorophorus herbsti (Brahm, 1790)

jump.gif Our regiment has arrived !
Not bad for the first time.

This post was edited by rpanin - 17.08.2007 09: 36
Likes: 4

21.08.2007 13:03, RippeR

Dmitrich: I have the 3rd one smile.gif
Plagionotus arcuatus
Pl. detritus

picture: Plar.JPG
Plar.JPG — (126.78к)

picture: Pldet.JPG
Pldet.JPG — (56.11к)

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21.08.2007 15:39, rpanin

Dmitrich: I have the 3rd one smile.gif
Plagionotus arcuatus
Pl. detritus

Mr. RippeR, you asked me to tell you everything. What about you?... tongue.gif
No size ,no date ,no place of capture.

21.08.2007 16:28, RippeR

My apologies shuffle.gif
I ran around the apartment with a new camera, took pictures of everything, quickly threw, processed, etc. that I forgot everything smile.gifa little later I will write info smile.gif

10.10.2007 13:06, rpanin

Cyrtoclytus capra (Germar, 1824)
Body length 14 mm. Rare (Carpathian Mountains)
Lviv region, Skolivsky district, near the village of Grebeniv. h=600m. 9-20. VII. 07
On umbrella trees in sunny weather.

picture: Cyrtoclytus_capra__Germar__1824__14___.jpg
Cyrtoclytus_capra__Germar__1824__14___.jpg — (140.68к)

Likes: 10

17.10.2007 18:35, rpanin

Xylotrechus antilope (Schonherr, 1817)
The body length is 13 mm .
Lviv region. Yavorovsky district of Stradch village. Geographical area-Roztochye.
End of May this year.Into the wine and beer trap.

картинка: Xylotrechus_antilope__Schonherr__1817____13_mm.jpg
Xylotrechus_antilope__Schonherr__1817____13_mm.jpg — (101.97к)

picture: Xylotrechus_antilope__Schonherr__1817__.jpg
Xylotrechus_antilope__Schonherr__1817__.jpg — (149.96к)

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17.10.2007 20:24, RippeR

I remembered, I caught antelopes on oak and hornbeam logs last year (I caught, like 2, I saw about 6-8 more), but I have never seen arvicola yet, but it is more tempting to catch it. Also found this year, breaking a dry stick elytra of an antelope and the remains under the bark of hornbeam.
Likes: 3

26.06.2008 17:44, KDG

Plagionotus lugubris (Men. 1832) - Azerbaijan, Yardimli district, Kurekchi settlement, 27.05.2008.

This post was edited by KDG - 26.06.2008 21: 51

picture: lugubris_pl.jpg
lugubris_pl.jpg — (129.45к)

Likes: 15

28.07.2008 15:41, Serg Svetlov

Teratoclytus plavilstshikovi Zaitz-Primorye. Lazovsky zap. 10 km. SW villageSokolchi, okr. kordona Korpad 24-27. 06. 06 leg. M and L Smirnovs; Rhabdoclytus acutivittis Kr - - - Primorye. Lazovsky zap.roc of the village. Preobrazhenie 14.07.06. leg. M and L Smirnovs; Chlorophorus motschulskyi Ganglb. -- Primorye. Lazovsky zap.roc of the village. Preobrazhenie 14.07.06. leg.M and L Smirnovs; Rhaphuma diminuta Bat -- Primorye. Lazovsky zap.roc of the village.Lazo 8-12. 06. 07 leg. Shokhrin; Xylotrechus arvicola Oliv-Ivanovo region. Pestyakovsky district, near the village of Demidovo 28.06.95 leg. Svetlov; Xylotrechus hircus -- Primorye. Lazovsky zap.roc of the village. Preobrazhenie 14.07.06. leg. M and L Smirnovs; Xylotrechus cuneipennis Kr-Primorye. Artyom district 8 km. To the south 04.07.96 leg. Plutenko; Xylotrechus capricornis Gebl - - - Saratov region. Novoburasky district, Burasy station area 21.06.08 leg. Svetlov; Xylotrechus ibex Gebl - - - Primorye. Lazovsky zap.roc of the village.Lazo 07.07.06. leg.M and L Smirnovs; Xylotrechus adspersus Gebl - - - Primorye. Lazovsky zap.roc of the village.Lazo 20.06.04. leg.M and L Smirnovs; Clytus nigritulus Kr - - - Primorye. Lazovsky zap. okr. Proselochnaya Bay 22-24. 05. 06. leg.Chests

picture: Chlorophorus_motschulskyi_Ganglb.JPG
Chlorophorus_motschulskyi_Ganglb.JPG — (86.73к)

picture: Clytus_nigritulus_Kr..JPG
Clytus_nigritulus_Kr..JPG — (77.92к)

picture: Rhabdoclytus_acutivittis_Kr.JPG
Rhabdoclytus_acutivittis_Kr.JPG — (82.99к)

picture: diminuta_Bat.JPG
diminuta_Bat.JPG — (89.68к)

картинка: Xylotrechus_adspersus_Gebl.JPG
Xylotrechus_adspersus_Gebl.JPG — (125.53к)

picture: Teratoclytus_plavilstshikovi__Zaitz.JPG
Teratoclytus_plavilstshikovi__Zaitz.JPG — (76.39к)

picture: Xylotrechus_arvicola_Oliv.JPG
Xylotrechus_arvicola_Oliv.JPG — (86к)

картинка: Xylotrechus_capricornis_Gebl.JPG
Xylotrechus_capricornis_Gebl.JPG — (96.09к)

картинка: Xylotrechus_cuneipennis_Kr.JPG
Xylotrechus_cuneipennis_Kr.JPG — (85.85к)

picture: Xylotrechus_hircus_Gebl.JPG
Xylotrechus_hircus_Gebl.JPG — (79.18к)

picture: Xylotrechus_ibex_Gebl.JPG
Xylotrechus_ibex_Gebl.JPG — (81.76к)

Likes: 14

15.01.2009 19:06, rpanin

Chlorophorus figuratus (Scopoli, 1763),
Chernivtsi region, Novoseletsky district, Cherlenovka village, Kurinny village leg.

Chlorophorus sartor (O.F.Muller, 1766)
7 mm.Zakarpattia region, Vinogradiv district, Chorna Hora, Vinnichki 14. VII. 08
In Western Ukraine is very rare.

Neoplagionotus bobelayei (Brullе, 1832),
Odessa region, Danube plavni, leg. A. G. Kotenko, 18. VII. 1997

Chlorophorus varius varius (O.F. Muller, 1766)
Zakarpattia region, Vinogradiv district, Chorna Hora, Vinnichki 14. VII. 08
is common.

This post was edited by rpanin - 15.01.2009 19: 14

картинка: Chlorophorus_figuratus__Scopoli__1763__f.12mm..jpg
Chlorophorus_figuratus__Scopoli__1763__f.12mm..jpg — (131.28к)

picture: Chlorophorus_sartor__O.F.Muller__1766__7__..jpg
Chlorophorus_sartor__O.F.Muller__1766__7__..jpg — (109.67к)

картинка: Chlorophorus_varius_varius__O.F._Muller__1766_.jpg
Chlorophorus_varius_varius__O.F._Muller__1766_.jpg — (149.07к)

картинка: Neoplagionotus_bobelayei__Brull___1832__19mm..jpg
Neoplagionotus_bobelayei__Brull___1832__19mm..jpg — (139.33к)

Likes: 11

27.08.2009 9:34, Serg Svetlov

Isotomus speciosus Schneider in Füssly.Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik district, Kabardinka village 21-31. 07. 09. leg. S. A. Svetlov
photo by Maxim Smirnov

picture: Isotomus_speciosus_male.jpg
Isotomus_speciosus_male.jpg — (68.46к)

Likes: 10

31.08.2009 14:03, Serg Svetlov

Xylotrechus pantherinus Sav.Orenburg region.Sol-Iletsky district, okr.Novoiletsk,
26-27. 05. 08 leg. A.Shapovalov

picture: DSC_3297.JPG
DSC_3297.JPG — (86.59к)

Likes: 11

06.09.2009 13:28, vasiliy-feoktistov

2 Clites from the Moscow region: Moscow region Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district.
1) Plagionotus arcuatus Linnaeus, 1758 the beetle is occasionally found on an oak tree.
2) Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus, 1758 a common beetle on birch and especially aspen.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (83.87к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (85.65 k)

Likes: 5

17.09.2009 11:10, KDG

Xylotrechus sieversi Ganglbauer, 1890-c. Turkey, prov.Tunceli, okr. p.Pulumur, 28 05 2009 (derived from Astragalus sp. 15 06 2009), leg. Kasatkin D.

picture: sieversi.jpg
sieversi.jpg — (79.1к)

Likes: 13

15.07.2010 0:04, KDG

Clytus ciliciensis Chevrolat, 1863 - Turkey, Mersin prov., near Çamlıyayla, Sebil vill., 30 05 2010, leg. Kasatkin D.

picture: ciliciensis.jpg
ciliciensis.jpg — (68.72к)

Likes: 9

15.07.2010 12:20, P.Egorov

That's my penny,
don't scold me for the photo:)
June 2010, Kapchagai, 500 m, on a silver loch,
I was identified as Xylotrechus azellus

picture: DSCF4241.JPG
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04.11.2011 12:15, Dergg

Chlorophorus sartor Mull.
Krasnodar Region, B. Utrish settlement, 10.08.2011
picture: Chlorophorus_sartor.JPG

Chlorophorus (Rhaphuma) gracilipes Fald.
Altai Republic, Teletskoye Lake, Chiri river mouth, 2.08.2011
picture: Chlorophorus_gracilipes.jpg

This post was edited by Dergg - 04.11.2011 12: 45
Likes: 7

05.08.2012 7:35, Bianor

Chlorophorus sexmaculatus
June 30, 1999
North. Primorye region

user posted image

Chlorophorus motschulski
July 12, 1997

user posted image

Plagionotus christophi
May 13, 1997

user posted image

Xylotrechus hircus
June 3, 1998

user posted image

Xylotrechus cuneipennis
August 10, 1998
North. Primorye region

user posted image

Cyrtoclytus capra
July 12, 1998

user posted image
Likes: 8

06.08.2012 9:54, Serg Svetlov

Here's a bug from the Philippines.Well very unusual Clytini

This post was edited by ssacad - 07.08.2012 12: 35

picture: Sclethrus_newmani_Chevr..jpg
Sclethrus_newmani_Chevr..jpg — (60.38к)

Likes: 11

06.08.2012 13:16, sebastes

[quote=Bianor,05.08.2012 15:35]

06.08.2012 16:24, AGG

Epiclytus ussuricus (Pic, 1933) Primorsky Krai, Partizansky district, 7,06,2008 In
addition to our Far East, it is distributed in China and Korea.
Not the most ordinary representative of the tribe: on the Zinovsky site only recently appeared a normal photo, for a long time there was only a b/w drawing from Cherepanov's book; on the Korean site a 4.5-legged version with 1 mustache, I got a 2-legged version of this beetle, but with both mustaches lol.gif
picture: Jpg_20120806170759.jpg

This post was edited by AGG-07.08.2012 15: 45
Likes: 12

07.08.2012 9:47, sebastes

  Epiclytus ussuricus (Pic, 1933) Partizansky District, Primorye Region, 7,06,2008]

Yes, an indisputable rarity.
But I would like to see the correct spelling of the name of my native land.

07.08.2012 12:40, Serg Svetlov

Yes, an indisputable rarity.
But I would like to see the correct spelling of the name of my native land.

Yes, Epiclytus ussuricus is rare, but it gets into the hands of entomologists.But Paraxylocrius is very rare.The second discovery in almost 100 years.

07.08.2012 14:42, sebastes

Yes, Epiclytus ussuricus is rare, but it gets into the hands of entomologists. But Paraxylocrius is very rare. This is the second discovery in almost 100 years.

I agree. To collect 4 standard copies out of the 6 known ones, I had to ride 6 times from Vl-ka to Ivanovka and back (~320 km). That is, in total, to wind about 2000 km. And 2 times I went in vain, because there was no weather. But it was definitely worth it.
Likes: 1

07.08.2012 15:46, AGG

Yes, an indisputable rarity.
But I would like to see the correct spelling of the name of my native land.

mol.gif fixed

28.11.2012 2:10, Liparus

I was in the Donetsk region this year, at the end of June.. I look at the fallen Birch Pendula run (and fall) barbel Xylotrechus antilope (caught on the Oak)... I decided to collect a few and didn't bother. But now I looked closer and realized that not antilope, but Xylotrechus capricornis:

Does anyone know how rare the species is?

30.11.2012 12:17, RippeR

Does anyone know how rare the species is?

It's rare, but in the last couple of years we've started to find more of it.
Likes: 1

30.11.2012 13:40, Liparus

It's rare, but in the last couple of years we've started to find more of it.

Rare means.

According to my observations (here) :
Xylotrechus rusticus-often (Silver poplar)
Hylotrechus antilope - common in places (Oak)
Xylotrechus arvicola - isolated (Elm, Shrub Willow)
Xylotrechus capricornis-rare (3 pieces from one birch trunk, 1 piece from another-in two weeks)

Chlorophorus herbsti-isolated on umbelliferous
plants Chlorophorus sartor - common
Chlorophorus figuratus - common
Likes: 1

17.02.2013 16:30, Victor Titov

Chlorophorus trifasciatus (Fabricius, 1781)
Turkey, Mugla province, Bodrum neighborhood, Icmeler Bay area, 15. VI. 2012.
picture: DSC08632.JPG
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17.02.2013 19:23, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, I will add my find of 2012.
Plagionotus detritus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Oddly enough, until last year I had never found this species in my region: another close species, P. arcuatus, was collected in the same area "regularly and with taste", and this companion was found for the first time.
Found on 20.06.2012. Here: M. O., Lyuberetsky district, okr. der. Torbeevo, a power line clearing in the forest, on oak logs.

picture: detritus.jpg
detritus.jpg — (89.55к)

Likes: 10

20.05.2013 7:44, Bianor

Plagionotus christophi

user posted image
Likes: 6

22.05.2013 0:08, Bad Den

Here's a bug from the Philippines.Well very unusual Clytini

Mimicry for treehorses

22.05.2013 0:12, smax

Or under the cleride. Or they all conspiredsmile.gif

Pages: 1 2

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