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Community and ForumInsects imagesParandra

KDG, 13.07.2007 13:15

Parandra caspia-Azerbaijan, p. Azfilial, 18 06 2007, from pupa.
for a photo of the stump where the beetle lives, see fishing reports

picture: parandra.jpg
parandra.jpg — (124.76к)


13.07.2007 14:05, omar

Give me two! Alive! By the way, does it bite painfully?

13.07.2007 16:38, KDG

Give me two! Alive! By the way, does it bite painfully?

I didn't check it out...
Likes: 1

21.07.2007 12:35, Bad Den

However, in the drawings, it looks more toothy smile.gif
Is it a female?

21.07.2007 13:37, omar

So I've been preoccupied with this stupid question since I was a kid. And how Callipogon relictus bites.

21.07.2007 14:13, RippeR

I was more interested in the question of who catches calligopon smile.gifChito - that's not a rumor or a ghost..

21.07.2007 16:08, Bad Den

So I've been preoccupied with this stupid question since I was a kid. And how Callipogon relictus bites.

Quite noticeably, I think, like other prionins. In any case, our usual P. coriarius easily bit through the pad of a finger until it bled eek.gif

21.07.2007 18:04, RippeR

And I was bitten by scabricornis.. I held it in my hand, and he snapped it from the side.. It's cruel smile.giftoo to the point of drawing blood smile.gif
But with morimusami just can not be compared (I'm talking about skabrikornov and coriarius), as he is like a bulldog-will cling so that it will not seem enough, and even half an hour will not let smile.gifgo

21.07.2007 18:42, KDG

However, in the drawings, it looks more toothy smile.gif
Is it a female?

this is a small male. I have larger copies. both sexes and they, yes-look toothier.

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