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Genus Copris

Community and ForumInsects imagesGenus Copris

Nikolaj Pichugin, 03.02.2008 13:34

Dear friends!
I want to open a new topic:
The genus Copris Geoffroy, 1762
Has more than 140 species, in the former USSR 5
I have 4 (3 of our own, 1 from Africa), I would like to see the rest.
1. Copris lunaris L.
is widely distributed in Europe, found in the Mediterranean, and reaches India through Central Asia.
2. Copris hispanus L.
Mediterranean-European type, through Central Asia reaches Iran.
3. Copris ochus Motsch.
It is distributed in the Far East of Russia, North and Central.China, Korea, Japan.

picture: lunaris.jpg
lunaris.jpg — (137.66к)

picture: copris_hispanus.jpg
copris_hispanus.jpg — (151.33к)

picture: ochus.jpg
ochus.jpg — (149.69к)


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18.04.2008 17:35, Buzman

If it's interesting, here are a few North American species.

Copris fricator F., 1801
North Carolina, USA
15 mm

Copris minutus (Drury, 1773)
North Carolina, USA
10 mm

Copris arizonensis Schaeffer, 1906
Arizona, USA
19 mm

This post was edited by Buzman - 18.04.2008 18: 09

picture: Copris_minutus.jpg
Copris_minutus.jpg — (336.23к)

picture: Copris_arizonensis.jpg
Copris_arizonensis.jpg — (31.12к)

picture: Copris_fricator_fricator.jpg
Copris_fricator_fricator.jpg — (129.81к)

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18.04.2008 18:28, Buzman

To be continued.

picture: Copris_fricator.jpg
Copris_fricator.jpg — (270.79к)

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18.04.2008 19:08, Buzman

Copris warneri McCleve & Kohlmann, 2005.
Northern Mexico
19 mm

On the left - male Copris warneri, on the right-male Copris

This post was edited by Buzman - 18.04.2008 19: 12

picture: Copris_warneri.JPG
Copris_warneri.JPG — (143.29к)

картинка: Copris_warneri_Copris_arizonensis.JPG
Copris_warneri_Copris_arizonensis.JPG — (138.07к)

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19.04.2008 0:26, Nimrod

And how could this happen, I wonder, Mr. Buzman, that I did not see these beetles? Did you manage to dial this number in the UK today? By the way, the drawings are familiar to me. I'll look up where I saw them.

19.04.2008 18:24, Buzman

Why are you so excited, Mr. Nimrod? I somewhat missed your tone and the meaning of your questions. I have no doubt that these drawings may be familiar to everyone. And at the expense of the UK, I didn't understand you.

19.04.2008 22:37, Nimrod

20.04.2008 2:41, Bad Den

Oh, by the way, and the drawings from what book?

20.04.2008 15:59, Buzman

To Nimrod: no, I just reacted wrongly to something, I apologize to you shuffle.gif

To Bad Den: рисунки из статьи S. McCleve & B. Kohlmann “New species and new records of Copris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Mexico and the United States”, Zootaxa 1096: 17–28 (2005) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/

20.04.2008 16:26, amara

07.05.2008 18:20, Nikolaj Pichugin

I want to add another"beast"
Copris pecuarius Lewis
Khasansky district, zap. Kedrovaya
pad, 20.07.90, leg. Plutenko A.

Distributed by:
South-west Primorye, Japan, Korea. It is quite rare in Russia.

Image: Copris_pecuarius_1.jpg
Copris_pecuarius_1.jpg — (138.8 k)

picture: Copris_pecuarius.jpg
Copris_pecuarius.jpg — (139.99к)

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05.01.2011 17:58, scarabaeinae

I want to ask what beetles of the genus copris live in Abkhazia

05.01.2011 18:18, Nikolaj Pichugin

I want to ask what beetles of the genus copris live in Abkhazia

Copris lunaris L.
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05.01.2011 23:36, Bad Den

Copris lunaris L.

C. hispanus theoretically can also be there (my IMHO based on Kabakov)

06.01.2011 12:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

Not exactly about Copris.
But I remembered Fabre mentioning an African copra called ?Copris isidis? why is this so (Figure 1)? In fact it is in my opinion a representative of the genus Heliocopris?
I also found a similar handsome man from Africa (but in my opinion, there are no labels, the beetle came with an opportunity in a cigarette pack "for spare parts" and without legs). I recreated it as it turned out.
Heliocopris sp., I think it's H.gigas (Figures 2 and 3)?. I would be grateful for correcting the definition:
P.S. It's definitely Heliocopris gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (as I thought). Thank you scarabaeinae helped me figure it out beer.gif beer.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 06.01.2011 17: 14

picture: pic_1.jpg
pic_1.jpg — (82.55к)

picture: pic_2.jpg
pic_2.jpg — (138.65к)

picture: pic_3.jpg
pic_3.jpg — (146.92к)

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06.01.2011 14:44, scarabaeinae

Yes, that's right, this is heliocopris gigas because only it lives in that area, and it is difficult to confuse it with other representatives of heliocopras by the structure of the head and mid-chest. It can be confused with heliocopris dominus , but it lives in southeast Asia

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 09.09.2012 15: 59
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06.01.2011 21:35, scarabaeinae

And as for copras in Turkey in the Kemer area. I am grateful in advance, and maybe someone knows a hotel there near which there are some pastures

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 06.01.2011 21: 45

06.01.2011 23:41, Bad Den

By the way, scarabaeinae, you might be interested in this book: http://taitapublishers.cz/giant-dung-beetl...abaeidae/?id=24
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07.01.2011 1:19, Proctos

And as for copras in Turkey in the Kemer area. I am grateful in advance, and maybe someone knows a hotel there near which there are some pastures

Kemer is surrounded by mountains, just outside the city streets. There are only 2 gorges with dry riverbeds (except in spring) (red arrows). No one grazes cattle. But if you go to the mountains (only by car rental or guided tours) then you can really see some cattle there.

picture: Kemer.jpg
Kemer.jpg — (234.65к)

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12.01.2011 19:09, Igorvet

Heliocopris dominus. Thailand

picture: P1090031.JPG
P1090031.JPG — (229.8к)

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14.01.2011 12:26, Sanangel

Israeli companies

picture: 1.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii_Buas_bubalus.jpg
1.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii_Buas_bubalus.jpg — (112.74к)

picture: 2.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii.jpg
2.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii.jpg — (132.8к)

picture: 3.Kopris_hispanus_cavolini.jpg
3.Kopris_hispanus_cavolini.jpg — (153.11к)

picture: 4.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii.jpg
4.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii.jpg — (161.62к)

picture: 5.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii.jpg
5.Kopris_hispanus_cavolinii.jpg — (207.33к)

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15.01.2011 15:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

I want to post here a pair of "Lunar copra" Copris lunaris Linnaeus, 1758 from the south of the Moscow region. From this region, I don't think he was here yet.
I remember as a child, when I was in a pioneer camp, I was surprised in Tarusa: What kind of horned dung beetles are there? The presented pair from PTZ. Apparently it occurs from the Oka River, to the south.
Collected not by me in May 1996, here: M. O. Serpukhovsky district of okr. der. Luzhki leg. Savelyev (data from the label).

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (130.38к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (146.08 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (136.95к)

picture: 4.JPG
4.JPG — (156.21 k)

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15.01.2011 15:59, Musson max

And here's one of my lunaris pairs. Very often I meet in the spring and early summer at night at gas stations. They fly to the light of gas station lamps very well.
This couple from the Kiev region, Belotserkovsky district, just at a gas station on the highway Kiev-Odessa, 02.05.2008

male 23 mm

picture: Copris_lunaris_male.jpg

and the female is 21 mm

picture: Copris_lunaris_female.jpg
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16.01.2011 19:09, Sanangel

More about copra (this is more likely to be attributed to the branch
"Entomological tales"). In my Atlas, the horn of a female Copra of Spanish
with a forked top (photo). I catch copra, I catch them, their horns are all
sharp!, big, not very small-this is normal for males. But when
the number of copra became very large, I see – something is wrong-where are the females?
."at least one! I got into the literature and read: -
" C. hispanus ... the female's horn is short and pointed!!!. C. lunaris....
in the female – it is short, with a notched apex. The horror!! How could I
attach the head of a lunar copra to a Spanish copra in a book? Okay, first
I reviewed all the captured ones again (they were already under the film,
packed,but the pronotum was visible). Everything turned out to be normal –
males and females are almost 50-50.
I made a new picture (I will still republish it!),
and decided to send it with apologies to everyone who has already bought the Atlas. And then
I was wondering what kind of lunar copra I got my head off ...
it turned out that I had two males and one female Spanish copra
(I don't collect more than two or four of the same species) – and this female with this
very forked horn.
Photo 1. Normal females
Photo 2. Here is this unfortunate female. You can also imagine that while picking a hole, she came across a rock and split her horn on it, but PRONOTUM! - hundreds of differences! Maybe it's something else altogether.
Photo 3 I have all males with a sharp horn.
I wanted to know what is the difference between Copris hispanus L.
and Copris hispanus cavolinii (Petagna, 1792) Can someone post a photo
of the pronotum of Copris hispanus in two or three angles?

картинка: Copris_hispanus_cavolinii__Petagna__1792__22_30mm______.jpg
Copris_hispanus_cavolinii__Petagna__1792__22_30mm______.jpg — (147.5 k)

picture: Foto_1.jpg
Foto_1.jpg — (74.11к)

Picture: Foto_2.jpg
Foto_2.jpg — (71.77 k)

picture: Foto_3.jpg
Foto_3.jpg — (105.61к)

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29.01.2011 10:30, fayst79

"I didn't know you were interested in the Copris family."
I caught one interesting Copris in Transbaikalia.
and what a shame he got lost at my house with these boxes.
As I remember 8-10mm light brown.

29.01.2011 10:44, fayst79

I have also found the Genus Copris as usual above listed and

This post was edited by fayst79 - 12/23/2012 11:19 am

picture: IMG_0477.JPG
IMG_0477.JPG — (129.42к)

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30.01.2011 10:42, Bad Den

I also found the Genus Copris as usual above listed and

H. dominus - Asian. Maybe you have a different species, if African?

30.01.2011 12:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

If you have an African one, then this is heliocopris gigas.

Is that a female of mine? What is it?

30.01.2011 12:56, Frantic

heliocopris gigas looks different. In beetles from the genus Heliocopris, everything is not easy to define, since small and large males are very different from each other. Sometimes they look like beetles of different species. And more. For a reliable definition, labels like "Africa"are not enough. we need full-fledged data.

30.01.2011 21:27, Sanangel

I brought this female with a forked horn to the university for identification. They said it was a normal C. hispanus . Not clear. It is clear that it is better not to mess with Jewish beetles, they will definitely confuse your head.
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20.10.2011 11:32, Honza

Heliocopris Collection

picture: Scarabaeidae_73.JPG
Scarabaeidae_73.JPG — (242.52к)

picture: Scarabaeidae_72.JPG
Scarabaeidae_72.JPG — (232.16к)

picture: Scarabaeidae_71.JPG
Scarabaeidae_71.JPG — (252.61к)

picture: Scarabaeidae_70.JPG
Scarabaeidae_70.JPG — (253.56к)

picture: Scarabaeidae_69.JPG
Scarabaeidae_69.JPG — (262.09к)

picture: Scarabaeidae_67.JPG
Scarabaeidae_67.JPG — (264.44к)

picture: Scarabaeidae_68.JPG
Scarabaeidae_68.JPG — (256.86к)

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20.10.2011 12:45, Sanangel

About my post from 16.01.2011.
After much discussion on other sites, it turned out that the female with a forked horn and rounded front corners of the pronotum is Copris lunaris, which is incredibly rare in Israel.

09.09.2012 18:45, scarabaeinae

heliocopris hermes. 31 mm
Ethiopia, Oromia,11.5 km S of Kibre Mengist, N05°47.446', E038°57.364', 1730 m, 15.-16.v.2012

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 09.09.2012 19: 26

picture: P9090358.JPG
P9090358.JPG — (188.5к)

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09.09.2012 19:23, scarabaeinae

heliocopris staudingeri. 37mm
Morogoro area,
Kilosa district
Dumila village
between 10 Nov.and 27 dec.2011.

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 09.09.2012 19: 27

picture: P6060304.JPG
P6060304.JPG — (170.12к)

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09.09.2012 19:29, scarabaeinae

heliocopris japetus-ы 45mm
Morogoro area,
Kilosa district
Dumila village

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 10.09.2012 17: 07

picture: P9090359.JPG
P9090359.JPG — (204.03к)

picture: P9100370.JPG
P9100370.JPG — (200.09к)

picture: P9100371.JPG
P9100371.JPG — (199.75к)

picture: P9100372.JPG
P9100372.JPG — (229.29к)

picture: P9100373.JPG
P9100373.JPG — (227.67к)

picture: P9100374.JPG
P9100374.JPG — (220.67к)

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10.09.2012 16:28, GlebSinon

I would like such a "Red October"! smile.gif
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10.09.2012 22:53, Bad Den

I would like such a "Red October"! smile.gif

For once, comrade Graciel Mpoyda sent something worthwhile smile.gif
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16.09.2012 15:14, scarabaeinae

heliocopris bucephalus. 50 mm.
Java, Bandung.

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 16.09.2012 17: 57

picture: P9160376.JPG
P9160376.JPG — (146.71к)

picture: P9160377.JPG
P9160377.JPG — (139.89к)

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16.09.2012 15:18, scarabaeinae

heliocopris japetus 50 mm.
Morogoro area,
Kilosa district
Dumila village

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 16.09.2012 17: 57

picture: P9160378.JPG
P9160378.JPG — (142.15к)

picture: P9160379.JPG
P9160379.JPG — (145.65 k)

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06.01.2013 13:32, scarabaeinae

Tanzania, Morogoro, 08.2009.
Male GRAND 46mm.

This post was edited by scarabaeinae - 06.01.2013 13: 35

picture: DSC_1023.JPG
DSC_1023.JPG — (124.76к)

picture: DSC_1028.JPG
DSC_1028.JPG — (127.61к)

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