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Mirinidae (Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea)

Community and ForumInsects imagesMirinidae (Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea)

Pavel Morozov, 19.08.2008 9:07

Representatives of the family Mirinidae KOZLOV, 1985 are distributed in East Asia. The family consists of only three species known to science. At one time they were considered a subfamily of Endromidae, but in 1985 they were separated into a separate family. The ranges of all three species are isolated from each other: one species lives in Primorye and North Korea, another in the mountains of Central China, and the third in the mountains of northern Indochina and Southwest China. This indicates (I'm not afraid of the word shuffle.gif) relict nature of distribution.

The first and most famous member of the family.
Mirina christophi Staudinger, 1892
Spring view. It is distributed in Primorye, Northeastern China and North Korea.
A copy from the Khasansky district. leg Cajarc.
Low bow and huge thanks to Cajarc for the material provided.

picture: Mirina_christophi.JPG
Mirina_christophi.JPG — (324.65к)


19.08.2008 9:10, Pavel Morozov

Mirina fenzeli MELL, 1938
China, Sichuan. leg V. Sinyaev
is widespread in the high-altitude forests of Central China

picture: Mirina_fenzeli.JPG
Mirina_fenzeli.JPG — (360.1к)

Likes: 11

19.08.2008 9:14, Pavel Morozov

Mirina confucius ZOLOTUHIN & WITT, 2000
China, Ganshi, leg V. Sinyaev
is the largest and most peculiar species of the family, and it was described quite recently. It is known from the mountain forests of Northern Vietnam( where it was described), Northern Thailand, and Southwestern China.

picture: Mirina_confucius.JPG
Mirina_confucius.JPG — (405.36к)

Likes: 15

19.08.2008 9:15, Pavel Morozov

All three acas together for comparison.
From top to bottom: christophi, fenzeli, confucius.

picture: Mirina.JPG
Mirina.JPG — (264.12к)

Likes: 20

05.12.2010 11:59, vvdubatolov

Mirina christophi is found in Russia not only in Primorye. It is also found near Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Amur Zoological Journal 1(3): 221-252). Although even Staudinger in 1892 indicated this species from Bikin (now-the far south of the Khabarovsk Territory). Let's skip Dayanov's article about the (accidental) capture of a species in the Southern Urals...
Likes: 2

18.12.2010 13:27, dim-va

I offer a photo of the caterpillar Mirina christophi-unfortunately, I do not know its author, the photo did not come to me directly, but it was already somewhere on the forum, so the author can respond and attest to his authorship here. Extremely specific caterpillars, with movable and hollow spines from the inside, feed on honeysuckle and weigel.

picture: post_19579_1280263595.jpg
post_19579_1280263595.jpg — (372.92к)

Likes: 6

21.12.2010 17:39, Pavel Morozov

it seems that Mikee posted a photo of such a caterpillar. Is it just that?

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