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Community and ForumInsects imagesThyatiridae

Pavel Morozov, 23.06.2009 13:44

I don't remember a gallery with these butterflies (if there are any, we'll fix it).
If not, it's totally undeserved.
A family of mottled lepidoptera, represented mainly by small to medium-sized nondescript butterflies. There are also real beauties that have pink, orange, green and other colors in their coloring. In the European part of Russia, and as in Europe as a whole, there are not so many species, but the Amur Region and Primorye are another matter. The largest number of species, often quite rare and unusual, is found in East and Southeast Asia.
Next, I decided to post photos of those few members of the family from my own collection. So far, 9 types
of who has what (and I'm sure there iswink.gif) - pick up, spread.


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23.06.2009 13:46, Pavel Morozov

Thyatira batis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Probably the most popular member of the family, distributed almost throughout the Palearctic, including North Africa. Some subspecies are found in the Himalayas, Taiwan, and Sumatra. Thyatira hedemanni Christoph, 1865 is a twin species in Transcaucasia. Several similar species in Asia.
This copy is from Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Chigasovo 09.06.2009. leg. Morozzz

picture: Thyartira_batis_Linnaeus_1758.JPG
Thyartira_batis_Linnaeus_1758.JPG — (244.33к)

Likes: 9

23.06.2009 13:47, Pavel Morozov

Tethea or ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775)
Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Chigasovo, 10.06.2009. leg Morozzz (top photo)
Subspecies T. or terrosa (Graeser, 1888)in the Russian Far East

The photo below shows a similar Tethea ampliata (Butler, 1878)
, Primorsky Krai, Khasansky district, Andreevka, July, 2006. leg Morozzz

This post was edited by Morozzz - 28.03.2010 14: 35

picture: Tethea_or_Denis_et_Schiffermueller_1775.JPG
Tethea_or_Denis_et_Schiffermueller_1775.JPG — (275.64к)

picture: Tethea_or_terrosa_Graeser_1888.JPG
Tethea_or_terrosa_Graeser_1888.JPG — (235.14к)

Likes: 8

23.06.2009 13:49, Pavel Morozov

Tethea ocularis (Linnaeus, 1767)
Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Chigasovo, 10.06.2009. leg Morozzz

It is distributed almost throughout temperate Eurasia, including Transcaucasia, Tien Shan, Sinno-Tibetan region and Japan.

picture: Tethea_ocularis_Linnaeus_1767.JPG
Tethea_ocularis_Linnaeus_1767.JPG — (238.82к)

picture: ocularis.jpg
ocularis.jpg — (375.91к)

Likes: 9

23.06.2009 13:50, Pavel Morozov

Tetheella fluctuosa (Hübner, [1803])
MO, Odintsovo district, Chigasovo, leg Morozzz
The species is distributed in the western half of temperate Eurasia.

picture: Tetheella_fluctuosa_Hubner_1803.JPG
Tetheella_fluctuosa_Hubner_1803.JPG — (262.47к)

picture: fluctuosa.jpg
fluctuosa.jpg — (406.77к)

Likes: 9

23.06.2009 13:51, Pavel Morozov

Ocropacha duplaris (Linnaeus, 1761)
MO, Odintsovo district, Chigasovo, 15.07.2007. leg Morozzz is a
modest, unremarkable butterfly, distributed from Western Europe to Japan

picture: Ochropacha_duplaris_Linnaeus_1761.JPG
Ochropacha_duplaris_Linnaeus_1761.JPG — (246.97к)

Likes: 8

23.06.2009 13:52, Pavel Morozov

Habrosyne pyritoides (Hufnagel, 1766)
Moscow Region, Odintsovo district, Chigasovo, 09.06.2009. leg Morozzz (top photo)
It is distributed almost throughout the Palearctic in several subspecies.
NA DV-subspecies derasoides (Butler, 1878) - in the photo below, Primorsky Krai, Khasansky district, Andreevka, July, 2006. leg Morozzz

A very similar species, Habrosyne intermedia (Bremer, 1864), also lives in Primorye, and differs in the details of the drawing.

picture: Habrosyne_pyritoides_Hufnagel_1766.JPG
Habrosyne_pyritoides_Hufnagel_1766.JPG — (247.72к)

картинка: Habrosyne_pyritoides_derasoides_Butler_1878.JPG
Habrosyne_pyritoides_derasoides_Butler_1878.JPG — (259.43к)

Likes: 9

23.06.2009 13:54, Pavel Morozov

Another species from the Far East
Habrosyne dieckmanni (Graeser, 1888)
Primorsky Krai, Khasansky district, Andreevka, July, 2006. leg Morozzz
Lives in Primorye and the Amur region, the Kuril Islands, in China, Korea and Japan.

picture: Habrosyne_dieckmanni_Graeser_1888.JPG
Habrosyne_dieckmanni_Graeser_1888.JPG — (258.03к)

Likes: 10

23.06.2009 13:56, Pavel Morozov

Parapsestis argenteopicta (Oberthür, 1879)
Primorsky Krai, Khasansky district, Andreevka, July, 2006. leg Morozzz
Species is widely distributed in South, Southeast and East Asia

picture: Parapsestis_argenteopicta_Oberthur_1879.JPG
Parapsestis_argenteopicta_Oberthur_1879.JPG — (237.28к)

Likes: 9

23.06.2009 13:57, Pavel Morozov

Achlya flavicornis (Linnaeus, 1758)
MO, Ruzsky district, 06.04.2008 leg Zhuk (Tolya, thank you so much!!!)
Early spring species, distributed from Western Europe to Mongolia and Transbaikalia

picture: Achlya_flavicornis_Linnaeus_1758.JPG
Achlya_flavicornis_Linnaeus_1758.JPG — (265.35к)

Likes: 9

23.06.2009 13:58, Pavel Morozov

Well, so far this.
I'll add something else later, which I wish you
as well.
Likes: 2

23.06.2009 14:43, barko

Asphalia ruficollis ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775)

Hungary, March-April

picture: 001.jpg

picture: 002.jpg
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23.06.2009 14:46, barko

Cymatophorina diluta (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

Hungary, September

picture: 003.jpg

picture: 004.jpg
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23.06.2009 15:10, Vlad Proklov

Polyploca ridens (Fabricius, 1787)

picture: polyploca_ridens.jpg

A rare species in Russia, this specimen is from England, where the butterfly is common.
It flies in spring, together with Achlya flavicornis.
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24.06.2009 12:28, barko

Polyploca ridens (Fabricius, 1787)

In the south of Slovenia, there is such a light form

picture: 007.jpg
007.jpg — (144.41к)

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24.06.2009 12:47, barko

Tethea albicostata (Bremer, 1861) Primorye, Russia

picture: 008.jpg
008.jpg — (152.39 k)

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28.06.2009 18:17, Grigory Grigoryev

Restoring photos that were lost earlier:

I want to add the Far Eastern views that I have. .
I divide them into 2 parts: autumn (from mid-September) and spring (until mid-May). They are quite rare in collections, as the majority of catchers-collectors in most often time their voyages to the day butterflies. And since during these periods nighttime species diversity cannot compete with summer diversity, any" gray " trifle is all the more "overboard", unless you pay special attention to it.

- Achlya longipennis Inoue, 1972; Partizansky district, May 1990
-Achlya flavicornis sikhotensis Tshistjakov, 2008; Khasansky District, May 2007
-Achlya hoerburgeri Schawerda, 1924; Khasansky District, May 2007
-Shinploca shini Sung Soo, 1995; Khasansky District, May 2007
-Neoploca arctipennis Butler, 1878; Khasansky District, May 2007
-Neodaruma tamanukii Matsumura, 1933; Khasansky District, May 2007

Anyone interested can read the works of V. Chistyakov on this topic

This post was edited by cajarc-08.01.2010 18: 34

picture: Neodaruma_tamanukii.jpg
Neodaruma_tamanukii.jpg — (147.45к)

picture: Neoploca_arctipennis2.jpg
Neoploca_arctipennis2.jpg — (148.24к)

picture: Neoploca_arctipennis.jpg
Neoploca_arctipennis.jpg — (163.97к)

picture: Shinploca_shini.jpg
Shinploca_shini.jpg — (182.32к)

picture: Achlya_hoerburgeri.jpg
Achlya_hoerburgeri.jpg — (161.05к)

picture: Achlya_flavicornis_sikhotensis.jpg
Achlya_flavicornis_sikhotensis.jpg — (169.77к)

picture: Achlya_longipennis.jpg
Achlya_longipennis.jpg — (164.59к)

picture: Neodaruma_tamanukii2.jpg
Neodaruma_tamanukii2.jpg — (152.1к)

Likes: 7

28.06.2009 18:27, Vlad Proklov

I wanted to give links to Chistyakov's articles -- but the site "Far Eastern Entomologist" does not answer something, I will attach the articles here.

download file N_168.pdf

size: 355.37 k
number of downloads: 8

download file N_180.pdf

size: 706.61 k
number of downloads: 5

Likes: 3

28.06.2009 18:30, Grigory Grigoryev

Now autumn views:
- Epipsestis ornata obscurara Tshistjakow, 1987-Khasansky district, 2005
-Epipsestis nigropunctata perornata Inoue, 1972, 1987-Khasansky district, 2005
-Notoploca nigripunctata zolotarenkoi Dubatolov, 1987, 1987 - Khasansky district, 2005
-Nemacerota tancrei Graeser, 1888 (the second similar species, N. suzukiana, mentioned above V. Chistyakov for Russia, reduced to synonyms (The Thyatiridae of Eurasia, ESRERIANA, Laszlo, Gy. M., G. Ronkay, L. Ronkay and T. Witt)

1987-Khasansky district, 2005

This post was edited by cajarc-08.01.2010 18: 50

картинка: Nothoploca_nigripunctata_zolotarenkoi.jpg
Nothoploca_nigripunctata_zolotarenkoi.jpg — (197.79к)

picture: Epipsestis_nigropunctata__perornata.jpg
Epipsestis_nigropunctata__perornata.jpg — (180.5к)

picture: Epipsestis_ornata_obscurata.jpg
Epipsestis_ornata_obscurata.jpg — (162.68к)

picture: Nemacerota__tancrei.jpg
Nemacerota__tancrei.jpg — (172.08к)

picture: Nemacerota__tancrei2.jpg
Nemacerota__tancrei2.jpg — (178.32к)

Likes: 8

28.06.2009 18:42, Grigory Grigoryev

Well, about the other types that seemed interesting:
- Tethea or or Den. et Schiff., 1775-bred, Leningr. region of Beloostrov - interesting color, in my opinion
-Tethea ampliata ampliata Butler, 1878-Yuprimorye, Barabash-Levada, June 2003
-Tetheella fluctuosa isshikii Matsumura, 1921 - Yuprimorye, Khasansky district, July 2006
- Tethea consimilis consimilis Warren, 1912-Kunashir, Alyokhino, August 1984 (never seen on the mainland)

This post was edited by cajarc-08.01.2010 18: 56

picture: Tethea_consimilis_consimilis.jpg
Tethea_consimilis_consimilis.jpg — (160.42к)

picture: Tetheella_fluctuosa_isshikii.jpg
Tetheella_fluctuosa_isshikii.jpg — (167.2к)

picture: Tethea_ampliata_ampliata.jpg
Tethea_ampliata_ampliata.jpg — (169.52к)

picture: Tethea_or_or.jpg
Tethea_or_or.jpg — (153к)

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28.06.2009 18:46, Grigory Grigoryev

I also forgot:
- Tethea ocularis amurensis Warren, 1912-Yuprimorye, Khasansky District, August 2006

This post was edited by cajarc-08.01.2010 18: 57

picture: Tethae_ocularis_amurensis.jpg
Tethae_ocularis_amurensis.jpg — (171.66к)

Likes: 9

11.12.2009 21:19, Pavel Morozov

A small portion of Asian puhospinok.
Gaurena florescens Walker, 1865 (fun coloring, isn't it?)
China, Sichuan
From the Himalayas to the Sino-Tibetan region, where it flies sympatrically with the G. gemella double

picture: Gaurena_florescens.JPG
Gaurena_florescens.JPG — (303.52к)

Likes: 6

11.12.2009 21:23, Pavel Morozov

Yes, we would like to restore photos that disappeared after those server problems.

Next , Macrothyatira conspicua (Leech, 1900)
China, Sichuan
is widespread but sporadic in almost all of China, including about. Taiwan

picture: Macrothyatira_conspicua.JPG
Macrothyatira_conspicua.JPG — (328.28к)

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11.12.2009 21:26, Pavel Morozov

Macrothyatira subaureata (Sick, 1941)
Bhutan, leg. V. Sinyaev
This specimen belongs to the subspecies danieli Werny, 1966, nominative flies to Yunnan.

picture: Macrothyatira_subaureata.JPG
Macrothyatira_subaureata.JPG — (299.37к)

Likes: 7

11.12.2009 21:32, Pavel Morozov

Beautiful downspout Habrosyne violacea (Fixsen, 1887)
is widely distributed in Asia from the Himalayas to the Russian Far East

picture: Habrosyne_violacea.JPG
Habrosyne_violacea.JPG — (295.44к)

Likes: 8

13.12.2009 14:01, Pavel Morozov

Gaurena albifasciata Gaede, 1930
Bhutan. Endemic to the Himalayas

picture: Gaurena_albifasciata.JPG
Gaurena_albifasciata.JPG — (321.84к)

Likes: 5

13.12.2009 14:04, Pavel Morozov

Horithyatira decorata (Moore, 1881)
Bhutan, a nominative subspecies. leg. V. Sinyaev
is the most common species of the genus, found from the Himalayas to Japan and Japan. Taiwan.

This post was edited by Morozzz - 13.12.2009 14: 05

picture: Horithyatira_decorata.JPG
Horithyatira_decorata.JPG — (286.29к)

Likes: 5

04.01.2010 19:27, Pavel Morozov

Gaurena florens Walker, 1865
Bhutan, leg. V. Sinyaev
Good view. It is known from the Himalayas and mountains of North Vietnam.

picture: Gaurena_florens_Walker__1865.JPG
Gaurena_florens_Walker__1865.JPG — (306.66к)

Likes: 7

08.01.2010 19:15, Grigory Grigoryev

Restored lost photos smile.gif

There are changes in the explanations:

1. the status of E. perornata is different ( E. nigropunctata perornata)
2. changed the genus for tancrei (became Nemacerota instead of Togaria)
3. T. ampliata for DV - nominative (T. ampliata ampliata)

For Russia from me:

- T. octogesima octogesima
- P. cinerea pacifica
Likes: 3

21.01.2010 23:30, Pavel Morozov

pyrithoides Habrosyne indica Moore, 1867
Bhutan, leg. V. Sinyaev
is distributed from the Himalayas to Indochina. To the north, it reaches Japan and Manchuria. I have no data on its presence in the south of the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

picture: Habrosyne_indica_Moore_1867.JPG
Habrosyne_indica_Moore_1867.JPG — (321.05к)

Likes: 6

23.01.2010 13:05, Pavel Morozov

Puhospinae of the numerous genus Epispestis are widely distributed in Asia. For the most part, butterflies are modestly colored and quite variable.
Your attention is drawn to the three most attractive representatives:
Epispestis albidisca Warren, 1888
Epispestis dubia Warren, 1888
Epispestis witti Laszlo, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2007
All specimens from Bhutan, leg. They are found in the Himalayas, Indochina Mountains, and Southern and Southeastern China.

picture: Epispestis_albidisca_Warren_1888.JPG
Epispestis_albidisca_Warren_1888.JPG — (317.93к)

picture: Epispestis_dubia_Warren_1888.JPG
Epispestis_dubia_Warren_1888.JPG — (259.25к)

картинка: Epispestis_witti_Laszlo_Ronkay___Ronkay_2007.JPG
Epispestis_witti_Laszlo_Ronkay___Ronkay_2007.JPG — (296.78к)

Likes: 6

04.03.2010 13:54, vasiliy-feoktistov

I decided to continue the topic with two views from the Moscow region:
1) Achlya flavicornis Linnaeus, 1758
2) Tethea ocularis Linnaeus, 1767
Both butterflies from here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district (dates in file names).
Many thanks to Zhuk (y) for identifying butterflies.

picture: 1_16.04.2000.jpg
1_16.04.2000.jpg — (131.41к)

picture: 2_16.06.1999.jpg
2_16.06.1999.jpg — (133.74к)

Likes: 6

26.03.2010 17:45, vvdubatolov

Don't you think, dear Morozzz, that your Tethea ot terrosa is actually Tethea ampliata? This species is widely distributed in oak forests, the limits of its distribution: oak grove in the Argun region, Zeysky reserve, Amur estuary. Please specify the definition. I also have some work to do on the distribution of scoops in the Amur region and Transbaikalia. And Nematocera tancrei, pictured by cajarc, more closely resembles N. suzukiana Matsumura, 1921. Of course, you need to deal with the latter issue. But I can say for sure that the Amur individuals (N. tancrei was described from Raddevka, now the Jewish Autonomous Region) are smaller and darker. In scoops, the differences between species are quite frail (according to the structure of the genitals). Tethea consimilis is found on the mainland. He personally caught near Komsomolsk-on-Amur. And according to Chistyakov, it is on Sikhote-Alina.
Likes: 1

26.03.2010 18:28, chebur

Achlya flavicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) Chekhov district, Moscow Region, June
picture: 27.06.09_Achlya_flavicornis_L._Lyubuchany.JPG
picture: 27.06.09_Achlya_flavicornis_L._Любучаны__2_.JPG
Likes: 4

26.03.2010 18:39, chebur

Tethea ocularis (Linnaeus, 1767) Moscow, June
image: 04.06. 09_Tethea_ocularis_L. Moscow.JPG
picture: 12.07.09_Tethea_ocularis_L._Любучаны__3_.JPG
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26.03.2010 18:41, chebur

Ochropacha duplaris (Linnaeus, 1761) Chekhov district, Moscow Region, July
picture: 15.07.07_Ochropacha_duplaris_L._Любучаны__1_.JPG
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26.03.2010 18:42, chebur

Tetheella fluctuosa (Hübner, 1803) Chekhov district, Moscow Region, June
picture: 22.06.09_Tetheella_fluctuosa_Hb._Любучаны__1_.JPG
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26.03.2010 18:44, chebur

Thyatira batis (Linnaeus, 1758) Chekhov district, Moscow Region, June
image: 28.06. 09_Thyatira_batis_L._Любучаны__4_.JPG
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26.03.2010 18:46, chebur

Habrosyne pyritoides (Hufnagel, 1766) Chekhov District, Moscow Region, June
картинка: 28.06.09_Habrosyne_pyritoides_Hufnagel_Любучаны__6_.JPG
картинка: 28.06.09_Habrosyne_pyritoides_Hufnagel_Любучаны__8_.JPG
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27.03.2010 19:17, Liparus

  Habrosyne pyritoides (Hufnagel, 1766) Chekhov District, Moscow Region, June
картинка: 28.06.09_Habrosyne_pyritoides_Hufnagel_Любучаны__6_.JPG

I got one in the Crimea in August for a trap (for ground beetles) with beer and vinegar

This post was edited by Liparus - 27.03.2010 19: 18

Pages: 1 2

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