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Malaysia's moths

Community and ForumInsects imagesMalaysia's moths

Алексей Яковлев, 12.12.2009 16:24

I decided to post photos of moths from peninsular Malaysia (Fraser's Hill
and Cameron Highlands) and Borneo (Crocker Range) in a separate topic, taken in April 2009.

I'll try to break it down by family, but I can't guarantee accuracy. Help with the definition!!!

Let's start with the Saturniidae:

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Actias maenas. Fraser's Hill

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Loepa sikkima. Fraser's Hill

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Attacus athlas. Crocker Range National Park

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Antheraea rosieri. Fraser's Hill

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Samia tetrica. Fraser's Hill

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Antheraea helferi. Crocker Range National Park

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Antheraea helferi. Crocker Range National Park

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Antheraea helferi. From the same place. Very variable coloration.

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Antheraea larissa. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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At the same time, Brahmaea hearseyi (Brahmaeidae)

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/21/2009 23: 06


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12.12.2009 16:41, Алексей Яковлев

I continue the night of Malaysia. Noctuidae:

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Hexamitoptera lawinda (Noctuidae / Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill

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Ophiusa trapezium. Fraser's Hill.

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Platyja umminia (Noctuidae, Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Platyja umminia. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Tamba cosmoloma (uniform form). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Ericeia eriphora, male (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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The same butterfly from Fraser's Hill.

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Platyjionia aff. mediorufa (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park. This butterfly is discussed here

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Tamba euryodia. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Xanthanomis xanthina. (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Xanthanomis vomeroi. Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Ercheia pulchrivenula. (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). aser's Hill.

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Hulodes donata (Noctuidae: Catocalinae), Fraser's Hill.

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Sympis rufibasis (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/14/2009 13: 53
Likes: 24

12.12.2009 17:04, barko

I continue the night of Malaysia. Noctuidae:
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? CATOCALINAE. Fraser's Hill.
Sympis rufibasis Guenée 1852
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12.12.2009 17:33, Алексей Яковлев


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Cosmophila scitipennis = Anomis scitipennis (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill

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Lopharthrum comprimens (Noctuidae / Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill

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Eudocima discrepans (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Eudocima phalonia (Noctuidae, Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Eudocima salaminia (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Thermesia = “Saroba” antecedens (Noctuidae: Catocalinae)

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Ischyja hemiphaea (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Bastilla joviana (Noctuidae: Catocalinae)

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Bastilla acuta (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Pindara illibata (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill

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Thyas coronata (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill

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Thyas juno, female (Noctuidae, Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Hypocala violacea (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Hamodes pendleburyi (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Ommatophora luminosa (Noctuidae, Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/13/2009 20: 11
Likes: 22

12.12.2009 17:34, Алексей Яковлев


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Psimada quadripennis (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Homodes vivida (Noctidae: Catocalinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Serrodes campana (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Avatha bubo (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Avatha tepescens (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Avatha tepescens (Noctuidae, Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill

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Hulodes caranea (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Achaea serva (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Platyja umbrina (Noctuidae: Catocalinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/14/2009 19: 54
Likes: 28

12.12.2009 18:02, Алексей Яковлев


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On" Frasers", especially in fog or drizzle, hawks fly to the balcony light in droves.

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Clanis undulosa gigantea. Fraser's Hill.

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Elibia dolichus. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Hippotion cf. rosetta. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Ambulyx moorei. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Ambulyx subocellata. Fraser's Hill.

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Ambulyx obliterata. Fraser's Hill.

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Amplypterus panopus. Fraser's Hill.

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Ambulyx pryeri. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Ambulyx canescens. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Daphnusa ocellaris. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Acosmeryx shervillii. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/21/2009 22: 45
Likes: 23

12.12.2009 18:03, Алексей Яковлев

Continuation of SPHINGIDAE:

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Megacorma obliqua. Fraser's Hill.

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Daphnis hypothous. Fraser's Hill.

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Theretra latreillei. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Cechenena sp. Fraser's Hill.

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Marumba cristata titan. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Marumba juvencus. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Macroglossum cf. corythus (Sphindidae)

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/21/2009 20: 31
Likes: 27

12.12.2009 18:21, Dantist

Yes, the animals are interesting.

12.12.2009 19:06, Алексей Яковлев


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Astygisa circularia (Geometridae: Ennominae: Caberini). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Ourapteryx claretta (Geometridae: Ennominae: Ourapterygini). Fraser's Hill

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Probithia exclusa (Geometridae: Ennominae: Eutoeini). Fraser's Hill.

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Heterostegane warreni (Geometridae: Ennominae: Cassymini). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Zeheba aureatoides (Geometridae: Ennominae: Eutoeini). Fraser's Hill

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Zamarada sp. (Geometridae: Ennominae). Fraser's Hill.

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Zamarada sp. (Geometridae: Ennominae). Fraser's Hill.

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Plutodes sp. ??? (Geometridae: Ennominae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Plutodes costatus (Geometridae: Ennominae). Fraser's Hill.

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Plutodes cf. flavescens (Geometridae: Ennominae). Fraser's Hill.

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Tasta sp. (Geometridae: Ennominae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Tasta sp. (Geometridae: Ennominae). Fraser's Hill.

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Thinopteryx crocoptera (Geometridae: Ennominae: Thinopterygini). Fraser's Hill.

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Ecliptopera rectilinea (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/21/2009 20: 28
Likes: 24

12.12.2009 19:20, Алексей Яковлев

Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini

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Hyposidra picaria (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Xandrames cnecozona (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Medasina (Chorodna) creataria (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Chorodna complicataria (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Hyposidra apioleuca (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Amblychia infoveata (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Dalima subflava, male (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Dalima delineata (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Dalima cf. mjoebergi (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini) - species not specified for peninsular Malaysia, but very similar. Fraser's Hill

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Dalima patularia (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Ophthalmitis satoi (Geometridae: Annominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Ophthalmitis rufilauta (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Ophthalmitis rufilauta (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Ophthalmitis basiscripta (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/21/2009 22: 48
Likes: 21

12.12.2009 19:20, Алексей Яковлев

CONTINUATION OF Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini:

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Biston insularis (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Krananda latimarginaria (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Krananda semihyalina ? (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Bracca maculosa (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Bracca subfumosa (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Monocerotesa cf. proximesta (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Cleora sp. (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Cleora sp. ? (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini)

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Lassaba acribomena (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini)

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Pogonopygia nigralbata (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Dilophodes sp. (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Dilophodes sp. (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/13/2009 15: 40
Likes: 28

13.12.2009 1:44, Алексей Яковлев


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Lymantria brunneiplaga (Lymantriinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Lymantria cf. ganara, male (Lymantriinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Nygmia cf. fumosa, female (Lymantriinae: Nygmiini)

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Nygmia semifumosa, female (Lymantriinae: Nygmiini)

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Toxoproctis cosmia ? (Lymantriinae: Nygmiini)

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Artaxa nubilosa or Micromorphe linta (Lymantriinae: Nygmiini)

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? Arna bipunctapex (Lymantriinae: Nygmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Nygmia solitaria (Lymantriinae: Nygmiini). Fraser's Hill.

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Nygmia plana sp. group (Lymantriinae: Nygmiini). Fraser's Hill

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Carriola ecnomoda, самец (Lymantriinae), Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Arctornis egerina (Lymantriinae: Arctornithini), Borneo, Crocker Range National Park

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Arctornis sp. (Lymantriinae: Arctornithini), Fraser's Hill.

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Arctornis sp. (Lymantriinae: Arctornithini), Fraser's Hill.

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Leucoma sp. (Lymantriidae: Leucomini), Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 09.01.2010 22: 03
Likes: 27

13.12.2009 9:19, Sergey Didenko

What a beauty!!!

13.12.2009 19:58, sergey nyu

Thank you for your pleasure.
If you can, tell us about the rules for removing insects from these places and the cost of the trip for a private person. What language did you communicate in?

13.12.2009 20:21, Алексей Яковлев

Thank you for your pleasure.
If you can, tell us about the rules for removing insects from these places and the cost of the trip for a private person. What language did you communicate in?

The rules of export are the same as for most amateurs - check in the luggage and hope that no one will open it and not cling. The price depends on tickets, which varies from 1 to 3 thousand pupaars. Everything else is cheap (hotel, car rental, accommodation in bungalows in national parks, hiring staff, etc.) .
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13.12.2009 20:22, Алексей Яковлев


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Ramadasa pavo (Noctuidae, Bagisarinae). Fraser's Hill

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Targallodes vittalba (Noctuidae: Euteliinae), Fraser's Hill

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Targalla subocellata (Noctuidae: Euteliinae), Fraser's Hill

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Targalla cf. palliatrix (Noctuidae: Euteliinae), Fraser's Hill

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Paectes cristatrix или psaliphora (Noctuidae: Euteliinae), Fraser's Hill

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Penicillaria meeki (Noctuidae: Euteliinae). I still don't understand why these butterflies twist their ass...

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Mudaria minoroides (Noctuidae: Hadeninae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Mudaria luteileprosa (Noctuidae: Hadeninae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Enispa elataria (Noctuidae: Eustrotiinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Callyna semivitta (Noctuidae). Fraser's Hill.

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Nacna malachitis (Noctuidae: Acronictinae). Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/21/2009 20: 20
Likes: 21

13.12.2009 20:37, Алексей Яковлев

I CONTINUE with PYADENITS of different groups:

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Hypochrosis sternaria (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Hypochrosis cf. subrufa (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Hypochrosis binexata (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Hypochrosis hyadaria (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Cameron Highlands.

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Celenna centraria (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Omiza lycoraria, female. (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Omiza lycoraria, male (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Garaeus conspicienda (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Fraser’s Hill.

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Fascellina aurifera (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.

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Achrosis incitata group (Geometridae: Ennominae: Hypochrosini). Fraser's Hill.

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Xylinophylla hypocausta, male (Geometridae: Ennominae: Gonodontini)

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Eumelea rosalia (Geometridae: Oenochrominae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Hypephyra brunneiplaga (Geometridae: Ennominae: Macariini). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/27/2009 01: 21
Likes: 17

13.12.2009 20:54, Алексей Яковлев


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Lophophelma cf. vigens (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Lophophelma luteipes (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Epipristis nelearia (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Pingasa ruginaria (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Pingasa rubicunda (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Pingasa chlora (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Agathia cf. succedanea (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Agathia largita (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Agathia arcuata? (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Spaniocentra cf. spicata (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Cameron Highlands.

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Spaniocentra hollowayi (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Eucyclodes gavissima (Geometrinae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Comostola cf. laesaria (Geometrinae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park. The smallest of the komostolas in Borneo.

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Comostola cf. orestias (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 08.05.2011 15: 38
Likes: 17

13.12.2009 21:20, Алексей Яковлев


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Comostola cedilla (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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She's from Borneo.

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Doobia puncticostata (Geometridae: Geometrinae: Geometrini). Fraser's Hill.

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Dooabia puncticostata (Geometridae: Geometrinae: Geometrini). Fraser's Hill.

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Ornithospila sp. ? (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Ornithospila cf. sundaensis (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Pelagodes sp. (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Maxates (=Gelasma) sp. (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Hemithea tritonaria? (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

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Herochroma orientalis (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Protuliocnemis biplagiata (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Berta chrysolineata (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Berta cf. tridentijuxta (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Aporandria specularia (Geometrinae: Geometrinae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/13/2009 21: 21
Likes: 19

13.12.2009 21:23, Алексей Яковлев


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Dindica olivacea (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Cameron Highlands.

Undefined yet. Help us!

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??? Fraser's Hill.

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Comostolodes dialitha (Geometridae: Geometrinae). Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 08.05.2011 15: 45
Likes: 19

13.12.2009 21:29, Pavel Morozov

That's great!
Alexey, do you have any khokhlusiki ?

13.12.2009 22:34, Алексей Яковлев

That's great!
Alexey, do you have any khokhlusiki ?

There is a small amount. I didn't photograph them very well. It is still not possible to determine the majority from the photo! frown.gif I'll post it!

14.12.2009 0:06, Pavel Morozov

There is a small amount. I didn't photograph them very well. It is still not possible to determine the majority from the photo! frown.gif I'll post it!

We will watch it with great pleasure!

14.12.2009 2:12, Алексей Яковлев


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Chadisra bipars (Notodontidae). Fraser's Hill.

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Phalera sundana (Notodontidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Phalera javana (Notodontidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Tarsolepis sommeri (Notodontidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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He's from Fraser's Hill.

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Ginshachia bronacha, male (Notodontidae). Fraser's Hill.

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Benbowia kiriakoffi (Notodontidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Parasinga cinerascens (Notodontidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Stauropus major (Notodontidae). Cameron Highlands.

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Formofentonia orbifer (Notodontidae). Cameron Highlands.

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Syntypistis comatus (= Quadricalcarifera viridimaculata), самец (Notodontidae). Cameron Highlands.

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Syntypistis (=Quadricalcarifera) palladina (Notodontidae). Fraser's Hill.

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Netria multispinae
(Notodontidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

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Harpyia microsticta (Notodontidae). Fraser's Hill.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/14/2009 22: 00
Likes: 27

14.12.2009 8:29, Stas Shinkarenko

Gorgeous butterflies!
Likes: 1

14.12.2009 16:41, Yakovlev

Have you ever been to Kossidki???

14.12.2009 18:08, Pirx

Alexey, thank you for the pleasure! Wonderful butterflies and wonderful photos!

14.12.2009 18:10, Алексей Яковлев

Have you ever been to Kossidki???

There were huge smile.gifones But there were few photos

14.12.2009 19:53, Svyatoslav Knyazev

what a beauty!!! mol.gif

14.12.2009 19:55, Pavel Morozov

Alexey, thank you so much!
Prv, we'll have to clarify/correct some of them:
in order
1-Chadisra bipars
7,8-not crested at all (A. argentifera male is in the corresponding gallery)
11-Stauropus major
13-yes, only Syntypistis comatus
will be more accurate 14-Netria multispinae
15 - Phalera javana
Likes: 2

14.12.2009 20:07, Алексей Яковлев

Alexey, thank you so much!
Prv, we'll have to clarify/correct some of them:

Thanks!!! That's all, I'll run to you with the tufts from now jump.gifon !
As I analyze photos from Malaysia of all Notodontidae and suspicious ones on them, I will add here.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/14/2009 20: 15
Likes: 1

14.12.2009 20:12, Pavel Morozov

Thanks!!! That's all, I'll run to you with the tufts from now jump.gifon !
As I analyze photos from Malaysia of all Notodontidae and suspicious ones on them, I will add here.

waiting's wink.gif

14.12.2009 20:16, Алексей Яковлев

waiting's wink.gif

Interestingly, Netria multispinae is not mentioned in the "Moths of Borneo"...

And you do not know why Benbowia has this half-ring on the back?

14.12.2009 20:25, Pavel Morozov

Interestingly, Netria multispinae is not mentioned in the "Moths of Borneo"...

And you do not know why Benbowia has this half-ring on the back?

"Moths of Borneo", if I'm not mistaken, was released by Holloway in 1983, when the genus Netria was still considered monotypic, and all similar large green Netria from Pakistan to Taiwan were viridescens, and a revision of the genus Netria was released by Schintlmeister in 2006. At that time, as many as 13 species were identified, including multispinae.

"Half-ring" on the pronotum of Stauropus (Benbowia) kiriakoffi I propose to consider it an element of decor )))

14.12.2009 20:40, barko

CONTINUATION OF Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini:

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Biston insularis (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini). Borneo, Cracker Range National Park.
Have you ever taken a small dustpan like this Nola? And small moth moth from Larentiina, Eupitheciini?

14.12.2009 21:20, Алексей Яковлев

Have you ever taken a small dustpan like this Nola? And small moth moth from Larentiina, Eupitheciini?

I took pictures. I'll post more! wink.gif

14.12.2009 21:27, Алексей Яковлев

"Moths of Borneo", if I'm not mistaken, was released by Holloway in 1983, when the genus Netria was still considered monotypic, and all similar large green Netria from Pakistan to Taiwan were viridescens, and a revision of the genus Netria was released by Schintlmeister in 2006. At that time, as many as 13 species were identified, including multispinae.

Thanks! I added another tuft there (the second one from the bottom). Not sure about the definition... And Harpyia microsticta (and as soon as it understands what background to sit on!).

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/14/2009 21: 45

14.12.2009 21:49, Pavel Morozov

That's right, Syntypistis palladina is.
Harpyia microsticta - in general, a cool crested bird! I would buy/change one, etc. Just from the Malay-Sunda I don't have yet.
Likes: 1

14.12.2009 22:02, Алексей Яковлев

Harpyia microsticta - in general, a cool crested bird! I would buy/change one, etc. Just from the Malay-Sunda I don't have yet.

Since I'm a botany major, I don't catch butterflies for myself, but just take pictures (there's nothing to do with the tops at night anyway! smile.gif). But next time I'll go-I'll definitely make some crested flowers for you! beer.gif
Likes: 1

14.12.2009 23:30, Алексей Яковлев


user posted image
Takanea diehli, male (Lasiocampidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

user posted image
Arguda insulindiana (Lasiocampidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

user posted image
Radhica elisabethae (Lasiocampidae) Lasiocampidae. Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

user posted image
Trabala ganesha, male (Lasiocampidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

user posted image user posted image
Trabala viridana, males (Lasiocampidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

user posted image
Kunugia gynandra, male (Lasiocampidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

user posted image
Lebeda cognata (Lasiocampidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

user posted image
Kunugia florimaculata (Lasiocampidae). Cameron Highlands.

user posted image
Euthrix laeta (Lasiocampidae). Cameron Highlands.

user posted image
Paralebeda lucifuga, male (Lasiocampidae). Borneo, Crocker Range National Park.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/14/2009 23: 40
Likes: 21

Pages: 1 2

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