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Entomological expeditions

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Helene, 27.02.2006 14:48

We usually remove it with a soap dish. Everything else is a) hard to drag, b) dumb to take where 1200 rubles is considered a good salary.

As I have seen from my own experience, the danger of an attack by local gopniks is usually greatly exaggeratedwink.gif, of course, if they are not provoked: do not set up a camp near the village and do not leave things unattended, do not carry openly expensive equipment around these very villages...
In general, I try to go on an expedition with local employees: they know exactly what is possible and what is not. smile.gif
A digital camera "without claims" can be bought online for just 50 bucks (used). It weighs a little, and it is not a pity to destroy or lose smile.gif


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27.02.2006 16:20, Helene

Oh, Helena, Helena, if life were so simple, rolleyes.gifI can only envy your enthusiasm.

This is not Entuzazizm, this POFIGIZM tongue.gifNeed to think less about what could theoretically happen... what would happen to my grandmother if she became a grandfather?..
So you can be afraid to walk around the city: there are maniacs and robbers all around!
But in fact, it's enough just to think with your head, be attentive and not get into trouble - and less load yourself with scary stories.

28.02.2006 12:35, гость: Дзанат

It is clear, although I do not care sometimes associated with enthusiasm, i.e. this is one of its manifestations smile.gif

28.02.2006 13:15, Helene

It is clear, although I sometimes associate POFIGIZM with enthusiasm, i.e. this is one of its manifestations smile.gif

For me, enthusiasm is the behavior of a seven-year-old boy who is not afraid of hornets, because he has never been stung. And pofigizm-this is already about an entomologist who is not afraid of hornets, because the skills of handling take-offs are brought to automatism wink.gif

28.02.2006 13:19, GuestДзанат

Well, I'm talking about the same thing! wink.gif

28.02.2006 13:25, Helene

Well, I'm talking about the same thing! wink.gif

So, your reaction to my message was initially past the box office.

28.02.2006 13:42, Dmitry Vlasov

to Helene
"For me, enthusiasm is the behavior of a seven-year-old boy who is not afraid of hornets, because he has never been stung. And pofigizm-this is already about an entomologist who is not afraid of hornets, because the skills of handling take off from him are brought to automatism "
This statement of yours should be used as an epigraph in the guide for young entomologists!
For the rest
, in order not to worry about the fear of aborigines, it is necessary to observe gender equality on any trip (i.e. there should be as many ladies as men).
This statement has been verified by many trips to Central Asia.
Likes: 1

28.02.2006 14:31, Helene

And in order not to worry about the fear of aborigines, it is necessary to observe gender equality in any trip (i.e. there should be as many ladies as men).

Tsvetukhan - this is for the epigraph to the guide for young entomologists smile.gif
As for the equal number of ladies and gentlemen... And how to find so many ladies, sir? wink.gif
My friends had such a case (the trip was not entomological, but sports and hunting) - there was an "unoccupied" boy in the company, and the hostess of the house where they were based began to molest him... And then the village boys decided to take revenge for her rejected love, and it turned out to be makhalovo... But it was because we were drunk, and we prefer not to look for such adventures on expeditions...
By the way, from my Central Asian experience: Muslims usually just need to say that the lady is married. If a person does not come with a hit-and-run, it affects him: they respect the patriarchal foundations.
In fact, the conversation started not ABOUT THAT, but about the fact that Ju-lia is afraid to take a camera in the field more expensive than a soap dish...

28.02.2006 14:34, sealor

Helene, well, you have some examples smile.gif
I,for example, from the age of seven, of course, did not climb into the nests of wasps, but from nine-quite, and that I was afraid then, that I am afraid now. I'm not afraid to dismantle the nest only in winter wink.gif
You should sort out a pair of V. germanica or V. vulgaris nests somewhere in early August, at a time free from calculating the density of scoops per unit smile.gifof space

28.02.2006 15:05, гость: Д

So, your reaction to my message was initially past the box office.

I'm not thinking straight eek.gif,I'm sorry, but you've made it all clear, thank you.
Likes: 1

28.02.2006 15:28, Helene

Helene, well, you have some examples smile.gif

The example is because I myself am afraid of Shershakov eek.gif(and not a youngster, and not a pro on epaulettes). And you have to collect them: the chief needs to.

28.02.2006 15:40, Dmitry Vlasov

And you have to collect them: the chief needs to.
That's where dichlorvos comes in handy! Crawl up like a plastunsky and into the nest, into the nest!!! However, it is advisable to put on a helmet before this armor.
As for the phrase that the lady is married and that's all... You must have had a very well-bred companion. In Turkmenistan, in the early 90's, they offered two white Volga cars for a blonde woman who was REALLY married, and she was with her husband...
And you say patriarchal principles...

28.02.2006 17:03, Helene

As for the phrase that the lady is married and that's all... You must have had a very well-bred companion. In Turkmenistan, in the early 90's, they offered two white Volga cars for a blonde woman who was REALLY married, and she was with her husband...
And you say patriarchal principles...

We had a single case in Kyrgyzstan when a border guard became interested in an employee - and when he found out that she was a madam, he immediately lost interestwink.gif, and those "undocivilized" places where impudent "new..." (Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, etc.) are found, we just try to pass by. And in any case (if you can't get through - you need a point), put the camp out of sight (as it was said) smile.gif
A tip for blondes in the field: golden curls-under a cap, wonderful forms - under a baggy special jacket. Just like I said: don't show valuables wink.gif

This post was edited by Helene - 02/28/2006 17: 43

02.04.2006 10:35, Pavel Morozov

I am writing to you with a request.
We want to go this year to the Khasansky district of Primorye (somewhere south of Slavyanka). Questions arise: have any of the forum participants been there in recent years? How is it with the ability to get under the roof and connect a light bulb? What is the situation there with the "local gopnik"? To be honest, the last question worries most of all, because I want to do what I love calmly and not be afraid for my wife and myself.

03.04.2006 13:11, Jonney

Listen, and if you need a passport to go to Ukraine? And what else is needed to cross the borders of the fraternal state without hindrance and preferably in both directions?

03.04.2006 13:53, RippeR

Actually, it seems only foreign.. And it is advisable not to have collectible copies on pins (in a box), otherwise you will either have to pay a bribe in the amount of 10 usoedenennyh euros, or say goodbye to the species frown.gif

03.04.2006 16:12, Nilson

I was once arrested at a railway station in Krasnodar during terrorist attacks a couple of years ago. Shoveled the entire backpack. When we got to the boxes of beetles, my eyes lit up-grass!!! And I had a couple of ground beetles and barbels cute. In short, I open a box - and there is a beetle, another box-and there is also a beetle! The poor police didn't even know what to say, so they were upset, poor people, and let me go. The knife, however, was almost seized, but I had a photocopied passport of a completely different, but similar knife. Ethyl Acetate passed for rock climbing equipment care liquid smile.gif

03.04.2006 21:00, Bad Den

And if it's on mattresses?

03.04.2006 22:35, RippeR

And on mattresses, everything will work out. Usually they don't check the bags thoroughly, but there are cases when the bastards-resellers don't want to give the bags away for a long time for inspection, or the driver pays little, a hard inspection begins, as a result of which the insects in the boxes are just X, you can give a bribe, but sometimes they just throw the box, and everything in it is X.. And the mattresses are fine.. It is also advisable to have a piece of paper with you that says that the material has no value and is free to export, or that it is a gift from the Academy of Sciences, etc.

04.04.2006 8:34, Nilson

I took quite a lot of stuff out of the States on mattresses (although not very valuable). Then, of course, there was not all this ostentatious hype with terrorism, in general, no problems with customs-no one noticed.

05.04.2006 7:37, Dmitry Vlasov

Russian citizens do not need a passport to Ukraine. True, by the summer some "kaku" can be arranged. It is better to take out the material on mattresses. I usually take a small box of candy, cotton wool, beetles. zvapechatyvayu, as if only from the store. A gift, sir, if the customs officers don't grab it with their hands, they won't even guess.

12.04.2006 2:30, Proctos

"Starting from April 7 of this year, the entry of Moldovan citizens to the territory of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, Russian citizens to the territory of the Republic of Moldova will be regulated. This was announced by Sergey Malov, a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Nizhny Novgorod, to the Voyage tourism information service. Now Russians will be able to get to Moldova only if they have a valid passport. At the same time, visas for traveling to this republic will still not be required."

Well, here is another country of the former SSS that has become difficult to access...

12.04.2006 17:18, RippeR

Cut out. First, this hype with wine, like Moldovans transport poison, and ours, in turn, also got out with such garbage, like the dirty law of "Orange". It would be better to unite, but the borders would be removed (At least for entomologists ) shuffle.gif

Take it easy with your expressions! Edited by a moderator.

12.04.2006 17:44, Pavel Morozov

People, I appeal to you, I hope for help!
Has anyone recently taken out material by plane from Primorye?

21.04.2006 7:40, Dmitry Vlasov

I just found out that Ukraine has passed a law on a COMPLETE BAN on the export of any living (and former living) material. Like a national treasure. A parasitologist friend is making a bunch of papers (even from their KGB) for the removal of worms from the Sevastopol Institute of South Seas!
Does anyone know about this law and how to circumvent it???

21.04.2006 9:45, Bad Den

I just found out that Ukraine has passed a law on a COMPLETE BAN on the export of any living (and former living) material. Like a national treasure. A parasitologist friend is making a bunch of papers (even from their KGB) for the removal of worms from the Sevastopol Institute of South Seas!
Does anyone know about this law and how to circumvent it???

As the poet said "... the prize in the quarter was covered" frown.gifAnd I was going to go to Kerch this summer...

Although, probably this is if you export it officially, stating that you are exporting the material. And if it's just on mattresses in a bag, then it can pass if you take it by train. Usually border guards / customs officers look at alcohol and try to withdraw it. So at the bottom of the bag we put a box with mattresses, then clothes, and on top of 5 bottles of alcoholic beverages - there is a high chance that they will not climb further smile.gif

This post was edited by Bad Den - 04/21/2006 09: 51

21.04.2006 15:16, Helene

As the poet said "... the prize in the quarter was covered" frown.gifAnd I was going to go to Kerch this summer...

Duc everyone has long known that Ukraine is the most difficult country for processing documents. Sending parcels by mail is still a useless task, professional customs declarants do not undertake it. frown.gif Our customs will release the parcel, but the Ukrainian one will not let it in, and it would be fine to just wrap it up, otherwise it will disappear completely...
Now, then, they have issued their de jure condovost... frown.gif

21.04.2006 15:53, Nilson

Well, it is almost impossible to arrange the export of insects to an individual officially. I've never tried,and I never will.

22.04.2006 7:48, Dmitry Vlasov

If someone will go to Ukraine and will carry material, please share information about how communication with customs took place. I was in Ukraine in September last year, so there was no search at all, you could take out anything, including crocodiles and elephants...

22.04.2006 18:49, Pavel Morozov

It is clear about Ukraine, although there are friends who export material from there calmly. But no one answered me about Primorye.

22.04.2006 21:14, Bad Den

And how does Primorye differ from the rest of Russia? All flights are domestic.

But about parcels from Ukraine is strange. There are several insect sellers who send packages even to Europe. In any case, they did until recently...

22.04.2006 21:35, Bad Den

Well, it is almost impossible to arrange the export of insects to an individual officially. I've never tried,and I never will.

In fact, it is possible, but it is very difficult and expensive.
Likes: 1

23.04.2006 13:26, RippeR

There's a catch.. Those insects that were caught before the law was published can be safely removed (the old law still applies to those insects). With the rest it will be worse..
By the way, there is a law that you can't keep collections with insects, or rather, you can only keep those collected before 89 (only for individuals, not for museums, etc.), so we are illegal immigrants and violators of the law shuffle.gif moderator.gif

23.04.2006 21:50, Tigran Oganesov

I wonder if my friends are leaving for Rohland tomorrow and will arrive in a couple of months. Let's see what happens...

24.04.2006 12:38, Helene

But about parcels from Ukraine is strange. There are several insect sellers who send packages even to Europe. In any case, they did until recently...

Most likely, they take them in hand luggage to a neighboring country and send them from there.
As for Primorye, I have heard that there is some "special opinion" of local authorities who have learned about the commercial value of local insects. There are also such bad rumors about the EAO and Yakutia.
I don't know how this (entomologist fishing within Russia) physically happens. Indeed, there are no grounds for screening on domestic flights. But what is a Russian official-also do not need to explain. frown.gif
Or it may also be that they don't send trains, but don't let them catch them. In Primorye, there is a set of "standard" points where everyone goes. Maybe that's where the inspectors hang out? And then you need a permit not for export, but for carrying out work? This is generally unrealistic for an individual... frown.gif

This post was edited by Helene - 04/24/2006 14: 44

24.04.2006 17:45, Pavel Morozov

In general, if such pharaohs and conservationists descend, you should probably offer a corrupt solution to the problem right on the spot.

Although there are enough conservationists and experts of the Red Book everywhere. In Primorye, local P. maackii and A. schrenckii are still Red Book species. But now several Catocala species have been introduced, which can only be distinguished from non-red-book ones by a specialist.
If they want to find fault, they will always find something to complain about.
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25.04.2006 6:22, Vadim Yakubovich

It seems to me that there should be no special problems with catching insects in Primorye. Even if you go fishing in Vladik. There may be problems with taking it out by plane, now they are doing a decent job with terrorophobia, and there were no problems by train or car so far. And in general, the presence of a huge crowd of vacationers who catch-kill-eat local fauna will certainly allow you to mow down" like a fool " in case of something.

25.04.2006 6:26, Vadim Yakubovich

Once, two years ago, when I was flying to Sakhalin, at the Khabarovsk airport, the aunts saw antennas in the nets, they thought it was a spy, and it was quite difficult to convince them, so the presence of beetles in the bag may cause suspicion of spreading the terrible infection smile.gif

25.04.2006 8:12, Nilson

Signal enemy ships with a net? In my opinion, this has already happened with Comrade. Nabokov at the beginning of the last century in the Crimea smile.gif
Can I open a thread that describes interesting cases from lovitvennoy practice?

25.04.2006 12:33, RippeR

Nothing, we will put people with guns at the border and shoot the distributors of bug flu lol.gif

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