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Ирина Е, 03.02.2008 21:13

Dear sirs,

I ask for your help in establishing contacts with scientists from Pakistan.

A week ago I was in this country and I was approached by a scientist who studies insects,
as far as I understood, he is interested in the species Aeoloides .
He showed me an article by E. L. Guryeva, (Guryeva E. L. 1995. Genera of Aeoloides Scc. and Drasterius Ecch. (Tsoleoptera, Elateridae) of the fauna of Russia and neighboring countries // Entom. obozr. T. 74, vol. 3. pp. 611-618).
His search revealed that this problem is being addressed in Germany, France, and Russia.

He doesn't know Russian, can communicate in English, if you have a translation of this article,
there may be any other articles in English, please forward for his scientific work.

Maybe someone will be interested in correspondence and maintaining further contacts.

I would appreciate any response.

Thank you in advance,
Irina Ermakova
tel. (495) 534-1732
mob. 8-916-605-8854


04.02.2008 0:21, Shofffer

It means work Elena Leonidovna Gurieva :
Guryeva E. L. 1995. Genera Aeoloides Schw. and Drasterius Esch. (Coleoptera, Elateridae) of the fauna of Russia and neighboring countries // Entom. obozr. T. 74, vol. 3. Pp. 611-618.

04.02.2008 4:20, Dmitrii Musolin

Translations of virtually all entomological articles from Entom. obozr. they were published in Entomological Review (cat. published from the USA or later in Russia, I think) in the same year or the next. Let him try to find it.

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