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2 photo galleries online: basic and additional. Discussion

Community and ForumWebsite news and updates2 photo galleries online: basic and additional. Discussion

Peter Khramov, 12.08.2015 13:58

For insects have made binding mechanism photos or additional to the main gallery. Foty from the main gallery are displayed on the page of the form and on the page picture of this kind of right, but of more - just not shown, and are only displayed on the additional push of a button.In addition, razedele Gallery, you can choose whether to show all foty or only from one of the galleries. The division of the following: basic angles, stage of development, etc. go to the main gallery. Foty for points and others that do not need to be removed, but which are secondary - in extra.In the first step of moving foty galareyam will only moderators and default foty will fall into the main gallery.
I suggest in this thread to discuss the objective criteria (if any at all), by which photos will be moved there or here. Any idea - put online. Questions - ask.


12.08.2015 19:07, Vasiliy Feoktistov

There should be two criteria by which photos will be shared:
1. Photo Gallery in nature. All angles in addition to showing the parts of the body like the head (especially for indefinite butterfly) ..
Gallery 2. Photo from the entomological collection. 2 angle: top and underside optional
And that's all.All other parameters such as for a point, not to the point, just to some one quality is not looked, etc. No need and totally unnecessary.
And more: a photo with a crooked or even blank fields "The date and time of shooting / fishing." and Location shooting / fishing. machine must be deposited into the background without regard to quality and to who it depicted.For me personally lately the first value is not the quality of the picture, and then, underneath it is written in these fields, the most :)

12.08.2015 19:34, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I should add, because it is really important.
With the author's photo Nothing should be done without the consent of the author himself (except transfer in case the kind defined / redefined).

12.08.2015 19:55, Peter Khramov

Why did nothing. Transfer from gallery to gallery, and touch-up of poisonous substances in cases (of which more than half) have quite a done without regard to the author. Well, or postoglyadkoy (ie, the author raises the question, saying that such an accomplished afterward).
With regards to a top and underside. But the form is still there. And males and females.And there is one photo of one angle that thread needs one, and the other another.

12.08.2015 20:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov

What if the person is deliberately loaded a picture and suddenly someone has decided to correct this image to your (foreign) taste?
Regarding the angle of collection:
I mean for each specimen. (males, females, form, subspecies) needs its top and underside are self-:) Well, perhaps even necessary for each collector's copy.wingspan somewhere said (this is important in many cases).

12.08.2015 20:28, Shamil Murtazin

Yeah ... I should not have thought better to post your mega-list =)
I have been there gusyanki, eggs and pupae with exuvia =) It is necessary to post it? ..
I just thought that the list itself - is self-evident. But the question is in the selection criteria, such as a photo for the underside straightened instance, when they are, say, five.Whether the quality of the material and raspravki assess whether the quality of the photo ...
Well, quite difficult when there is, for example, a lot of photos ispod in nature. In principle, such a question the moderator decides that illustrates a page of the form (pardon the tautology).
The criterion of completeness of the information in the caption to the photo - interesting.Probably, it is not worth discounted.

And, inspired by communion with Peter, is to provide more such positions as "massive accumulation of species." For example, a massive watering whiteflies, flights monarchs, columns marching pine moth, etc.

12.08.2015 21:53, Peter Khramov

It seems that the basic question comes down to who will be engaged in the beginning, and by the example of one's work can already be discussed further: -)

13.08.2015 2:13, Yuri Semejkin

Partially I agree with Basil, in particular on the photo section of the entomological collection (purely collectible).
As for the images in nature, but now apparently it is not uncommon when pictures are taken in nature and collectible items are straightened one individual.In this case, they need to stand together, it will make some comparisons in the determination. Especially it concerns slozhnoopredelyaemyh and genital differences, which are sometimes partly still definable

13.08.2015 11:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov

12.08.2015 21:53, Petr Khramov
It seems that the basic question comes down to who will be engaged in the beginning, and by the example of one's work can already be discussed further: -)

I personally do not want to use a transfer of a secondary or main gallery: I think that here I have no right to judge.And for editing other people's photos is not worth taken except cropping and rotation. How can an outsider to know what looked like a concrete specimens. in fact, in order to decide whether or not to edit?
Actually the whole thing clearly conflicted as the 99.9% may be misunderstanding and nafig it is not necessary (

13.08.2015 14:45, Peter Khramov

We have almost half of ph edited if that Basil ... So narmul, try without conflict. With regards to the editing - often very visible, where a shift in color and non-radical left editing very topic. But the rotation is usually - too much.Yuri, for a photo of one individual issue altogether irrelevant - page photo necessarily go the other photos from the same individual, even if they are registered in the second gallery.

13.08.2015 15:24, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Peter, we forget one important fact.
Two identical computers does not exist in nature, as well as two identical men :)
In this case I am referring to the video subsystem computer: graphics adapter (graphics card) and monitor. This case is different from all the computers on the hardware level and a different set eyes.And so on different computers and photos can easily be looked at differently.

13.08.2015 16:38, Peter Khramov

And it does not affect the fact foty edit or not.

13.08.2015 16:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov

As it does not influence?
If you edited on a computer other than my something on my look will be different than on the computer on which edited.
Settings on the hardware level is at the monitor and video card driver. And in most windsurfing are also present.There's a bunch of sliders, and on different computers, they can be removed in different ways, depending on the visual perception of a particular user. If it were, each user can self-calibrate the graphics subsystem and the question then, would no longer relevant, that is.In fact, when confronted in practice with someone else, the most contemporary of accessories computer and you see what he did shove and not configured. And accordingly runs at times worse and brakes companies 10 years ago, where all the components of the chosen with love and adjusted to each other for compliance ...Here then are surprised :)
But the main course is the copyright on the photo.
How will they soblyudatsya if this image will change the person or with a side does not have to do with this picture? This in my opinion is still that to change the text at its discretion in any book if the text to you for some reason do not like :)

13.08.2015 17:30, Peter Khramov

There are many photons, which have some glitches on all systems.
Copyright with TZ Legislation is not going away.
Yes, there are authors who are important to their vision, but they foty and usually such that no one would think of their rule. We are talking about very different cases.
And let's not talk about it, how about some news.News - this division into two galleries. A phot editing was from the beginning, just now, for lack of time, slightly abated.
And if suddenly there is any doubt about the right - I remind you that there is no photo site, and therefore, for example, even the author himself may not remove Fautua (but has every right to do so through the mediation of the administrator).On the case: Take a certain number of species with a large number of photons himself poraspredelyayu the galleries, and then discuss the results. Perhaps it would be easier still.

13.08.2015 19:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov

With regard to rights.
Quote you know where:
" All materials posted under articles and images posted in the gallery and / or used as illustrations for the descriptions and items owned by the poster and published online with Lepidoptera.ru their consent.In order to use them anywhere else, you must obtain the consent of the author (contact details of all our writers are available in the relevant section). "
From this it follows that the image as it was before zagruki property of the author, and so it remains after.And so it is necessary to seek the consent (permission) to edit the author as well as for transfer to secondary gallery.

13.08.2015 19:51, Alexandr Zhakov

Can not cart, control the horse. No one takes copyright. All photos indicating the author. But put on the site in general and in what section to the administrator and to some extent the moderators.

13.08.2015 21:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov

can not cart, control the horse
It depends on which side pdoyti))) Everything is relative ....

13.08.2015 21:34, Peter Khramov

Downloading foty to the site, the user agrees to all of the above. And if you do not agree, you should explicitly state it (and then edit will not). It's about editing.
About distribution in the gallery - is generally authorship has nothing to do.In this regard, the dictatorship of the moderators, and the author and other users of a deliberative vote.
And that, in fact, not questions for discussion. To discuss - criteria gallery. Well, for them, apparently still in the living examples boom.

13.08.2015 21:49, Vasiliy Feoktistov

The criteria I have suggested in my post on the 12.08.2015 19:07
A total of two. And then in my opinion it is not necessary to inflate.

14.08.2015 1:32, Peter Khramov

Interfaces at two galleries unloaded. Now moved from gallery to gallery can only modernizing how things break in, there will be such a function and load on truck users (for self).
In the near future otrihtuyu several species under the case and discuss it.For now, just for how it looks, you can look at all an example of swallowtail - I was there for one photo in the beginning suffered an additional gallery.

19.08.2015 1:21, Peter Khramov

Divided fotyPapilio machaoninto primary and secondary galleries. Take a look, tell me who thinks that.
Main criteria: stage subspecies raskursy, normal quality, geography.

19.08.2015 2:17, Shamil Murtazin

I think it is necessary to decrease the number of photos in the main gallery. For example, two or three top-dried underside, two or three of the nature of the top-underside, and as the pupa, the caterpillar egg. At the end of some photo features. Either the specific features of the steps of the tail chrysalis butterfly pattern on the chest, etc.

19.08.2015 3:15, Peter Khramov

And what would be a plus further reduction? On average, it is more or less removed.

19.08.2015 9:07, Shamil Murtazin

Starting from the intermediate target directory as a determinant. To do this on the page of the form as possible fewer photos illustrate all the stages of development of the species. Approximately so, notionally, I imagined.
Is realized will now be displayed in the main gallery of no more than 30 pictures?

19.08.2015 14:02, Peter Khramov

Actually, the main foty (2 pcs.) All go in the text description. A further - in the form of small thumbnails, so I think, up to 30 pcs. Plus / minus and determining rules. Ie all before his eyes, and stage / angles at the same time more or less different. Consequently, and to determine all bad.30 - the number is not hard now to get this compromise as a first approximation.
In general, in order swallowtail (whose cloud pictures) and made out to discuss a specific example, who is to be believed. Here's Shamil, really too much fot now, and they interfere with the form on the page?

19.08.2015 21:50, Shamil Murtazin

May I once again from the standpoint of optimal and convenient location will answer? =)
In general, it is now more convenient. That does not take away. Thanks.
Again it is assumed that the purpose of browsing - to look at what kind of beast - Swallowtail. Or, perhaps, to define - I caught the swallowtail.
Question about five photos in the "matrix" of thumbnails.Why five? The logic should be even, it is good to get up the top-angles underside, top, side, etc. In general, an ideal - a multiple of 4.
Also I propose to fill each row of photographs of the same type. Line - in view of the nature, the line - straightened.
(5 minutes passed feigning on paper)
In general, I think.It turns out this matrix is ​​approximately:

Lines offer or order "historicity" positioning (egg-gusyanka cocoon-pupa-to-nature straightening), or as being wanted in the definition. The second option would then need to change the order of some taxa.
The last three lines - variation.

19.08.2015 22:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Shamil and intraspecific variability in how to deal with?
For example, ourCosmia trapezinaandOrthosia incertasame does not happen. Even I do not know sometimes what color considered typical. And a lot of these kinds :)

19.08.2015 22:41, Peter Khramov

Shamil, the number of photons in a row varirutesya depending on the width of the browser window. In FullHD five. And on the other resolutions - not five. Design the rubber.
On your plate: two lines on the imago preimaginvalnye else on stage - not too much right? The formal separation of the bottom, top, etc. It will work when the pictures are always in abundance.But for most species the situation is reversed - many cells will be empty.
At this stage, I do not find opportunities for formal and as objective as sample pictures even for itself the first gallery, not to mention the priority areas and locations in the "table."Because I put the question a little differently:
How would you sostavm first and second gallery (if changed)? Reduce the number of photons, some removed, or, on the contrary, they added. And why. You can even nafotoshopit who is able, for the gallery kollazhik swallowtail explanation.

20.08.2015 8:57, Shamil Murtazin

Peter, I do not understand what there kollazhik draw. I mean, you can just substantively discuss the numbers of photos. Or do something else waiting for?
Drew plate as an example. Just a person perceives the information not as a string, ielook at the photos does not slide in line with the text, and if you do not start to allocate one line, it is likely that the user will not even notice them. Just wanted to demonstrate the principle. I am confident because the information is perceived better.
Regarding withdrawal of the photo. The mass of options.At least in every line display a certain type of pictures.
... well, I guess I figure out how to cope with this scourge, coupled with rubber design. You tell us what you expect from the main gallery, because you as if something do not finish =)

Basil, options like volatile species are - weight.It is possible, for example, more lines do with straightened.
P.S. More useful in my head is spinning - when you hover over the icon in the main gallery of photos on the page of the form to display the type of photos, such as "female underside".

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