Community and Forum → Website news and updates → Now you can attach a photo, not only to species but also subspecies, as well as supra taxa
Peter Khramov, 14.08.2015 1:40
In order not to waste time, while I understand the update framework for insects, spread new technical functionality further Lepidoptera:
1. The two galleries instead of one (see. The next topic)
2. Snap pictures to any taxon, not only to the mind. Now, when uploading photos, and when you edit in the LC and the moderators shots tally to a taxon at any level. This flag is "determined inaccurately" refers specifically to affix taxon. For example, Papilio sp., Determined inaccurately means that you think that's kind of the genus Papilio, but are not sure they are right.Attention!Now when prostanovka taxon is better to wait avtopodstanovok with the number of taxa than just unsubscribe taxon and press Enter-(in the latter case it is also work, but there may be glitches, for example, in the case of like kind and subgenus - one only name the program will not be able determine where to push through Fautua,propihnet and its one of the options is not necessarily true).
3. Slightly redesigned interface - the new version is less extra clearances and more no harm.In addition, the control unit in the gallery moved to the right column (similar to a directory), and, given the large number of users who do not see the editing of samples in the catalog or the gallery, added more lines in the subtitle to the tip on this subject.
Questions, comments - Wellcome.
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